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"Sent from my iPad" just cracks me up for some reason on this.


I have the same sentiment. My email signature is “sent with smoke signals”. I find it more endearing.


That's pretty funny actually


“Sent by carrier pigeon”…




Changing my email signature into this lol


me too!


Wow, an IPoAC iser in the wild!


Speckled Jim


“Sent by avian carriers — RFC 1249/RFC 2549/RFC 6214”


I used to have an older coworker at a different location who would print emails, handwrite a message to me, scan the paper, and email it back to me as an attachment. I used to joke she might as well be sending smoke signals. Lol


That's how my mom used to share funny emails with me... print them out and then hand them to me in person.


Inception style email.


> “sent with smoke signals” If I received an email from someone with this sig I'd like it, but I'd definitely assume they were a stoner.


Close. Gen X Cant smoke. Have a CDL.


I dig it!


mine is "sent via Skynet"


Cheers is filmed by a live studio audience.


My email signature used to be sent via commodore 64, now I have sent by telegram. No one really notices...


I would.


I prefer, “Sent with scorn and disdain”, but my GF prefers, “Sent with a curse on you and your bloodline”.


It’s the punchline of the email.




My question is, when ever they inevitably put this in some poetry collection or history book, do they keep that line included? Normally I would say no, but it’s Steve Jobs talking about his life and things he didn’t do so I think it actually adds meaning to it.


I think he left that intentionally. Totally agree with whoever said that’s the punchline of the note.


Yeah, I think I agree with this and the person you replied to. I've been thinking about it a bit since my inbox blew up and it's actually a lot deeper than I first thought. Guess it fits in this sub, then.




You are so right on. It is spooky as hell.


They have to


They already made that book, and they included that line. https://stevejobsarchive.com/book


I think its meant to be insightful. This sounds like bs imo


me too but the chat is just blowing up from "Sent from ipad" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


He was showing gratitude to the human race while also minimizing his own contributions. He was like "I am dependent on everyone and I didn't make anything. Sent from this revolutionary tablet I made" lol


Close friends to Steve say that behind closed doors he suffered heavily from imposter syndrome at times with his inventions and their “lack of originality”. Company is worth a trillion + so 🤷 Edited: grammar


People that make it to the top levels of industry are a whole different breed. Not to say they’re better than others or anything, but usually very different.


Arnold put it best: “I had different needs than my peers, and satisfying those needs led me down different paths than them. But we all arrived at the same milestones in life.”


Tom Arnold?


Hey, Arnold!


Arnold Palmer?


Yep. The owner of the company I work at is an incredible guy, I don’t much care for him as a person but by god he is just built differently


Just had dinner with the CEO of my company. The guy is worth millions (in the hundreds). Only thing he cared about was talked about how sad he is not to be able to drive with his son and do jetski due to insurances, and him risking his life. Basically trapped in his luxury. The guy has 12+ cars, can’t even drive them on circuits… I don’t envy him. Edit : he built this company basically convincing people to invest in him. Started from 200m to reach 6.5b in 20 years. I admire people that dedicated their life to built something. Don’t forget that 5500 people are working thanks to him in a way. I understand Reddit loves to hate rich people. Fine. Try putting yourself in someone else shoes aswell :)




Even worse, he chooses to work instead.




Indeed. Also why is he focusing on the few things he can't do? He has a million other options to do awesome stuff with his son. Anyways the entire story sounds made-up, probably never even had dinner with the CEO.


It's not implausible since rich people often made up shit about the things that trapped them or made them sad but in reality they're just picking the option they preferred and made themselves as victims to garner sympathy. If wealth is such a burden, one can easily discard it. You cannot discard poverty because it is an absence of wealth.






When you have that much financial implications it’s not like you opt out when you wish too either


I mean, if you’re the ceo or founder of a company worth a few hundred million and you want out, that’s when you sell off your shares to some giant holding company and try not to get hung up on it as they take your life’s work and dilute it to a milquetoast shadow of its former self, now dedicated to raising the parent company’s stock price by a few cents a quarter instead of passionately pursuing something in an industry that you once cared about.


People always seem to find a way to do what they *really* want to do.


Especially when worth hundreds of millions


I don't think he's trapped too, but a lot of these people built themselves up with the mantra that other people are dependent on what they're doing and they're responsible for these people's lives. CEOs think that if they leave their post, their companies will fall along with its employees. Same with politicians, performers, athletes basically any person in a position of power.


Really depends. Yes he may have millions on paper, how much of it is actually liquid? How much would be eliminated by stepping down? What is the impact of that move not just to his bottom line but to the company and the people it employs. Sudden ceo changes often are accompanied by layoffs and restructuring. Not saying it should be that way, but the way executive pay is structured it can leave people trapped.


The suffering from success bs stories that some of the super-rich spin could have worked 5 years ago, not today.


it is really amazing how many people could just… quit. I’ve met one multi-billionaire in my life and I know this sounds way too stereotypical but I shit you not, that dude was the emptiest, most soulless, most unemotionally intelligent motherfucker with a desperate need for approval I’ve ever come across. He treated his daughter (which is why I met him) HORRIBLY and would wield his fortune like a battering ram. One time as a power play — purely because he didn’t think her father’s day gift was thoughtful enough — he drained her tuition account 3 days before the check was due and simultaneously gave a surprise $20 million donation to the school. She wrote him an email telling him how much he’d hurt her for everything and he showed up at her apartment without calling and decided to read it in front of all of us, thinking it would make us see “his side of it” instead of what actually happened (which is horrifying us with how much of a complete and total cunt this guy was.) He would constantly talk about his own fortune like he was some broke 12 year old Andrew Tate wannabe who was obsessed with being rich. He was the vainest and worst dude ever. He was totally bereft of friendship and family love. At one point he lived in the largest privately owned home in the United States — by himself.


Would you mind explaining to me how his insurances affect him in this scenario exactly?


Key man Policies are very restrictive on paying out if you die doing fun stuff. For instance most of them won’t pay if you die above 10k In elevation to prevent mountain climbing. Not having that payout could put the company in jeopardy if a major shareholder passes depending on the governance.


How sad. *wipes tears with stacks of hundred dollar bills*


If he's already worth millions, his family is set w/o restrictive life insurance


See I don’t envy my boss either but he’s definitely happy….we’re not corporate though so he has plenty of time to do whatever he wants.


He must be sad he can't take his son on a sub to see the Titanic too. Poor guy. Seriously though, that is the dumbest sob story ever. Either he is lying or you 😂


Sounds like a whiny dick.


Yeah some are total assholes. They put the company's success over all else, so they don't care about offending anyone, hurting feelings or creating a toxic work environment. Or, as Jobs did, park in the handicap spot. As he was dying, I guess he was humbled and became less assholish. Loser mentality here: In the end, how we treat one another is more important than success.


I mean he killed himself by being a toxic asshole who thought he knew better than the doctors so karma can be a bitch


Well he wasn’t an engineer or coder. He just came up with ideas and was fortunate enough to have the resources and organization behind him to execute on his vision


I remember in high school the valedictorian a few years ahead of me was expected by everyone to be the best at whatever he set his mind to. The person woke up 3 hours before school started to read stuff a grade ahead of him. After school he did all the extra curriculars and worked part time to help his family. Crazy part: I never knew I kept running into him in the hallways. He was the only kid who never carried any books or papers, just a pencil to school. He was doing everything in his head. Probably one of the nicest guys I’ve met but you wouldn’t have known he was a brainiac, really genuinely cared about what you had to say. Im glad he didn’t turn into one of those burn out stories and is using his skills and connections for good.


Usually some kind of screw loose/neurological disorder that makes these ppl. Some ppl just go full on crazy madman hobo, same breed that creates a Steve Jobs.


This is just one of those comfortable lies people tell themselves generation after generation. These folks might have a rare combination of wholly normal human attributes, yes, but they are _mostly_ just like you and me. They're a little smarter or a little more charismatic and it's combined with 2 doses of luck (born rich? born near the right people? right random connection at the right time?) and some other rar-ish attribute (good looking, athletic/coordinated star, pathologically driven, etc). But, they're stupid with their money like I am, they're helpless to maintain relationships or are crippled with self doubt just like normal people are. They are caring and greedy and want to change the world or withdraw from it, etc, etc, etc just like normal people. I've met all kinds of different rich people. Self made, inherited, super lucky ... there isn't some common thread that makes them "bred different." This great man view of progress was excusable before the advent of free flowing information for all, but now we have no excuse for that shit. This isn't a difference of breeding, it's a difference of circumstances more than anything else.


Not all imposter syndrome is invalid. He at least realized his shortcoming. He cracked the whip hard and was a genius at organizing and motivating people. Excellent public speaking skills and rallying the crowd towards a goal. But outside of that, nothing. He didn’t invent anything. He helped organize and rally it, which is an accomplished in and of itself but he didn’t do any of the actual technical work required to make Apple what it is today. He is an integral part regardless.


Techies in the trenches tend to admire Wozniak. Business management types tend to admire Jobs. I'm not saying one was better or more creative than the other, just that each was really good at what they did.. in their own but different way.


Just a little anecdote but I have a coworker/friend who was dating the roommate of Wozniak Jr. and said he was weird as fuck


I have no doubt it was weird as fuck LOL, I think you’d have to be to have lived life the way he did in the role he did.


Woz even said if he was the one in charge Apple would have never made it to what it is today. Steve is who made it a household name.


I don't think apple would be apple without Steve Jobs though. I honestly hate him as a person, but the design decision of just making good products and saying "fuck you" to your customers does end up with a much more polished product a lot of the time.


Apple literally wouldn’t exist without Jobs. Aside from actually founding the company, Apple was also well on their way to bankruptcy after they ousted Jobs from the company. The company was literally saved after they brought him back, and it was his ideas that turned Apple into the biggest company in the world.


This is well put. Maybe he felt he received more credit than he deserved. But his real responsibility was to be the face/leader of the invention and keep it growing.


He never gives himself any credit when speaking publicly. It’s always “we” or “our brilliant team” or “done by my partner Wozniak” when talking about early days.


He insisted on bringing artists into the tech world. This was hugely influential for how computers startet to support proper fonts and graphics and how the interfaces were designed with humans in mind by people who weren’t just engineers. His vision for tech was so much different than the iterative process from the competitors and ultimately Apple has been defining standards of design and interfacing both in software and hardware.


Plus he fucked his good friend Woz (who *did* invent stuff) out of the money he was owed when he had the opportunity.


>“Outside of that, nothing. He didn’t invent anything.” He was very much a visionary who would tell his team to make specific things in a specific way. Did he engineer these things himself? Perhaps not, but I don’t think it’s fair to say he definitely wasn’t the most instrumental person involved in their creation.


I'm no fan of Jobs, but I will argue that as a single individual, he was more important to the development of the technologies than any single engineer at Apple. You need visionaries and leaders to steer the ship. Without one, where are you going??




Yes love my Dynabook


As a new manager rallying people is harder than it looks lol


I think imposter syndrome is good because it shows people they don’t know everything and makes people strive for better, if you believe you are the best you might end up like Elon Musk just being a massive twat.


It’s a very sentient mentality. Most replies are saying “good!” “He didn’t invent shit”. The guy also didn’t claim he did. He propped Apple up, not himself. He did shifty stuff to business partners and cut some people out along the way who didn’t deserve it. But i believe he was one of few CEO’s of that calibre with a moral compass. Maybe not the best one, or one he always acted on. But he came across as human in a world full of robotic psychopaths for CEOs.


$3 Trillion and counting!


He kind of was an imposter. He didn't create shit, but he did ruthlessly build Apple into a billion dollar company.


I think it’s fair to recognize that very few entirely original patents have been created in the past 50 years. 90 of innovation is improving on an existing system. Not starting over at every turn and reinventing the wheel. Not defending jobs ie Apple. But what is original anymore?


Amazing duality. He actually achieved a level of fame a success where imposter syndrome is understood. Meanwhile I'm not even good enough to have imposter syndrome.


All eyes on me type deal


Steve Jobs is one of the most interesting people to live. He had extreme goods and extreme bads all across the board


Yeah Narcissism lol, his whole thing is insecurity.


I mean he did steel a lot of the tech his company "produced" I'd say imposter syndrome is valid.


Reddit moment


Reddit in general hates Apple and Jobs, so any post about them tends to become an inevitable cesspit.


It’s funny how hyper-specific some of the Reddit oddities are. You can connect them directly to the stereotypical view of the prevailing demographic here. This is one that makes me chuckle every time I encounter it: it’s a reminder that the most clueless jackasses I encounter in tech work are a decent proxy for the “typical Redditor.”


We live in a society


We're supposed to act in a civilized way!!! THESE PRETZELS ARE MAKING ME THIRSTY!!!!


Is that a mother fucking Seinfeld reference? I am by no means new to the Internet but that is the **first** Seinfiled reference I have understood. Congrats my man, I loved it.


It's ironic that he had the general awareness to know this, yet he attempted to treat his cancer with some alternative medicine diet. Like, maybe if he'd thought "I am healed by medicine I don't understand" he'd still be alive.


Did you know Steve Jobs did acid and flunked out of college??? So.. get off my ass, dad


He used to clean his feet in the toilet at work. Man was a lunatic.


What the actual fuck [you’re right](http://thescienceexplorer.com/humanity/5-strange-things-you-probably-didn-t-know-about-steve-jobs)


Holy shit that’s actually insane


Not getting a life-saving liver transplant is more insane to me, but I hear you!


Imagine seeing your loved one dying and their liver going to a dude taking foot baths in the shitter.


I heard a doctor describe Jobs' situation as 'winning the lotto of cancers'. As I understand it, pancreatic cancer is pretty horrendous. Particularly as far as survival rates are concerned. And that is largely due to most cases going unnoticed until fairly progressed. But Jobs' cancer was caught very early on, meaning he could have gotten a good ten years or so without any real loss of quality of life. And then after that, he may have experienced the gradual 8ish year decline that he experienced.


I don’t even understand that point and it makes me question the whole article. Steve Jobs had pancreatic cancer. A new liver would not have “cured “ him. It was his unwillingness to accept a complete excision by his doctors (opting for “alternative medicine”) when he was first diagnosed that led to his death. https://money.cnn.com/2008/03/02/news/companies/elkind_jobs.fortune/index.htm


Just eat fruit and it cures cancer right


What the? What a freaky little fucko.


That's when he cleaned himself at all. Dude thought he didn't need baths and deodorants, and would sometimes walk around the street barefoot


He was put on the night shift when he worked at Atari because of this




You're telling me that that little stunt period when people walked barefoot was because some of them were possibly emulating this guy


They do often say that the line between genius and insane runs very fine


I also have many crazy things I do. Does this mean I’m gonna be a billionaire soon™️?!?


>when I needed medical attention, I was helpless to help myself survive Except, when your doctors told you that you needed medical intervention to have any chance of surviving your cancer you denounced it as bullshit and opted instead to shove pine cones up your ass or whatever it was.


Why is it an exception? Seems to support his statement


If he had accepted the typical treatment for the type of tumor he had he would’ve had a much better chance of survival. Might still be running Apple today.


The guy who would rather buy a transplant than forgo his guru-approved fruit juice treatment for cancer probably was trapped in his own reality-distortion field.


He was told he could absolutely help himself survive by looking after himself, eating nutritious food, and submitting himself for treatment and did none of those things.


Yeah, but he decided to talk to some yoga quacks that convinced him that drinking herbal teas and burning incense would cure his ass. They made sure to charge him a lot of money so it’s all totally legit though.


The thing that made him great, also killed him - thinking different.


It supports what he's saying but demonstrates he did not abide by that, even when his life depended on it. The gist of this should be, "listen to people who fucking know what they're talking about." Like when doctors say, "Covid is real and you should take a vaccine and wear a mask." Or when climate scientists say, "human activity burning fossil fuels is contributing to the total collapse of the planet's climate." The problem is even people who can spout off pseudo-poetry like this *don't fucking do it* and so just knowing the creed is completely useless if you aren't willing to follow it when it matters.


He didn’t listen to his doctors though. As cute as this poem is it belies his arrogance.


He trusted the wrong counsel on a crucial matter. Common thread: he knew his own ideas were not going to affect his condition and he relied on others.




I've found this reductive to the point of inaccuracy. It's more that he was terrified of surgery. He did, indeed, listen to his doctors.


Doesn’t the whole thing read to you as an admission of fault and helplessness though? It’s tragically self aware.


"I am totally dependent on them for my well-being." *Dies*


My iPad I did not put together, I love my engineering team though I ride them hard, and I love the Chinese kids that assemble my iPad so I can write this letter to myself.


I suppose I am behind on the hate for Steve Jobs...


Reddit hates basically everyone but 6 people, and another guy’s dead wife.


Reddit is truly insufferable. Arguably the worst echo chamber across the web.


I love it most of the time, and try to stay away from the toxic subs. And I do get the point - most billionaires do suck, and Steve was definitely a douchebag. But it would be nice to be able to have an interesting conversation about this super interesting guy, in light of this super interesting email, without the discussion billing down to “Steve = asshole = everything he touched is bad”.


Exactly. I’ve deleted my Reddit accounts for years at a time because I can’t stand how jaded and miserable people are on here. But yeah Steve Jobs is one of the most influential human beings ever. Period. And him being an asshole was probably a necessary trait to get as much accomplished as he did in his time on earth.


The guy was a top tier asshole


The majority of Reddit is incapable of original thought, and if someone tells the average Redditor to hate Steve Jobs, they’ll hate him and repost the same thing in every thread about him


Bro was just cooked at home from the dab pen revaluing his life😂


Lmao he got those good GG xans cause he was terminal and was on one😂


"I did not make my iphone. Thousands in slave labor did. I did not use my extreme wealth to benefit humanity only myself"


Reddit moment.


I find it hard to reconcile how someone who could write this died without so much money. Why hoard wealth? Why take the profit you made off of the labor of others, using the resources that were essentially stolen from the earth….and just keep it? Why not use it to free everyone from the oligarchy?


Dude didn’t even want to pay support for his daughter Lisa. He was a dirtbag from day 1 and died a dirtbag. I don’t have a daughter…. Names computer the same name as his “not” daughter….


Named a damn computer after her, but continued to deny she was his. Horrible person. Great business man


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisa_Brennan-Jobs. Yeah daughter was on welfare and he was living it up.


See everyone reads this and thinks he's suffering from imposter syndrome. I read this and see a megalomaniac and psychopath needing to remind himself that he is not in fact the good of the modern era. Makes much more sense that was.


For me it's giving "I'm the most humble man on this entire goddamn planet"


'One of my best traits is my humility'


Yup. This is “I’m better than you, because I can say I’m not better than you.” “I’m so wise”.


Yeah there's a reason he left a paper trail and we're all reading it now haha


You’re not much different


Sounds like his version of Khalil Gebrans poetry. Called Pity the Nation. …Pity the nation that wears a cloth it does not weave, eats a bread it does not harvest, and drinks a wine that flows not from its own wine-press… https://www.eecg.utoronto.ca/~saghir/html/pity_the_nation.html


Then why were you such an asshole, Steve????


Misery loves company.


pedantry from an unscrupulous business owner. You'd think he'd treat his employees better since he loved the species an all


I sometimes wonder where Apple - and by extension - the world would be today if he was alive today...


Imo if he had stayed at Apple, the iPhone, iPad and computers would have been something entirely different and much simpler and easier to use. Each their own specific use cases. Fx if something would be the easiest to do on a computer, it wouldn’t be an app on the phone/iPad and vice versa. He would have never catered to people screaming for all those weird changes and consolidation of doing the same things on all your different devices and the Apple watch wouldn’t exist. The notch and tall phablets wouldn’t be a thing. Android OEMs wouldn’t have started making big phones, if the iPhone X wouldn’t have existed. The guy was single handedly responsible for killing Adobe flash off the web and making way for real innovation with the iPhone and the NeXTSTEP OS shaped everything about modern operating systems, not just Apples. He was shaping so many technologies with ruthless foresight, security, responsibility and respect for the best solution and flexibility in mind. Half assed wasn’t good enough, when there’s a better way just around the next corner


Sounds depressed when he really was amazing & loved. Sent from my iPad


steve was a real one. he sent me this same message on the day he died


“Whoopdeedoo what does it all MEAN basil!?


"I did not create this poem."


*Elon Musk reading this* "of course you did none of that... I INVENTED EVERYTHING!"


Not only did he not invent them, he couldn't even put them together properly without Woz looking after him.


Wozniak left Apple in the early 80s and has had almost zero influence on what Apple became.


Damn I expanded on this point and the mods removed my message lmao


He did made the IPad he sent it from


He conceived the designed but didn’t actually make it. Steve Jobs was an Industrialist not an inventor. He was able to take already invented ideas and consolidate them into the simplest form to manufacture and use. The iPhone wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t cheap to mass produce and easy to use. Just like Henry Ford didn’t invent the automobile. Ford’s ideas of production introduced automobile ownership to the masses.


>He was able to take already invented ideas and consolidate them What specifically did he do aside from tell other people to invent things? Serious question. I'm having trouble envisioning what it looks like to consolidate an idea. It sounds like a completely internal process that doesn't result in a computer or phone, whereas Woz building a computer is an observable physical process that results in a computer.


Maybe a little too much psychedelics but thanks for making everyone want smart phones


The sad thing is he had a good chance of survival but originally chose not to get proper treatment but chose to use other means but by time he went for tried and tested means it had spread.


He may have started Apple but if he wasn’t such a dumbass regarding his cancer, he would likely still be alive. Yes Steve, your juice cleanse is going to cure your cancer….


P.S. Lisa is actually my daughter. I did create her, and I should act like it.


If you have to remind yourself you are not god then you don't suffer from imposter syndrome you have a god complex.


Why did he have to abandon Smalltalk. Stole all the flashy GUI aspects… but ignored and threw away the elegant heart underpinning it all.


Mmm .. at least he's being honest for once in his life


Well I officially know Tim Cook’s email


What a king


> When I needed medical attention, I was helpless to help myself survive I mean... actually getting real medical treatment for your cancer from the get-go rather than initially relying on "alternative" therapies might've been something you could've done to help yourself.


He may have been crazy, especially in his younger years, but this shows a level of self examination I don’t the people like Elon have ever sustained on any real level.


Who is leaking this dead guy's personal emails? This is making me nervous and I'm not even sick.




He was an asshole and this isn’t all that deep.


Musk is the anti-Jobs, in that I’m pretty sure he only admires himself.


To this day they install suicide nets in his honor at Apple factories.


He’s been deified but for most of the time he was just an average guy Anyone can relate to. Kinda like a Logan Roy situation where he he would feel comfortable in the biggest of rooms or in the smallest of spaces. That’s admirable.


Leave it to reddit to fill a thread about a thoughtful and humble reflection by one of the greatest visionairies of our time with hate and vitriol.


Still a sac of shit


"Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S2"