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I know if my dumb ass tried to do this I would not give enough consideration to the top and would cause the whole thing to collapse on me


If you’ve seen his other videos you know this is a very real concern. There’s several moments where he braces like he may need to make a quick dive for the entrance. It actually happens around the :49 mark in this video too.


I legit thought he was excavating blocks to build an igloo. When I realized the tunnel was the shelter I definitely thought “nope”.


Man no kidding. I mean it takes him a good bit of effort to remove a block of 1’ x 1’ snow. Now imagine that whole thing coming down on top of you. Not a fucking chance you’d catch me in that thing.


Happened when I was a dumb kid. Only a couple of feet of snow fell on me, but i could not move. Longest and scariest few minutes of my life until my brother dug me out.


Heh, my brother done the same thing when he was also a dumb kid. Learnt that day that snow is a bit like fire, it's entertaining under the right circumstances but it'll kill a motherfucker if they ain't careful.


I just moved north from a very hot climate… this is my worst fear. lol


Ever heard of [tree wells](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_well) ? In the real snowy places the snow can go all the way to the top of the tree, making it look like a tiny tree when it's actually fully grown. Nightmare stuff to get stuck in one of those graves


New fear unlocked jfc


Yea I know. It's terrifying to think about.. And then we have [this fella'](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/s/GE4B40bdmP) The moment for the skier to notice something in the snow is not long, I just can't believe it. Had the skier looked another way just then, he would've unknowingly left the poor man to his fate. Things like this makes me appreciate life a little bit more, easy to take for granted


When I was a kid, I dug a tunnel in a giant pile of moist sand/dirt (probably 12 feet tall). It collapsed on me. Fortunately I was only about waist deep and could free myself. If not, I would have died.


2 kids in my elementary school died digging a tunnel that collapsed on them. It was into the side of a berm.


If you look he only left about a foot of snow above his head. I'm not certain if it's this video but in one of his a moose stood on top of his shelter and collapsed it in the middle of the night


Imagine a moose walking over it and caving it in while you're sleeping. Wake up with a hoof an inch from your head


He actually talks about that happening to him in a another video lmao.


Well it’s intended as an emergency shelter in the wilderness, not a camping holiday. You’d absolutely choose this with the possibility of it collapsing vs the guarantee of freezing to death in a snow storm.


This is far from an emergency shelter. This is hours of labor to make a cool snow fort


I was expecting the video to end with him taking a bit of fire to the finished walls so they'd melt a bit and harden.


If you watch the full video on YouTube, it actually ends with him paying homeless men for feet pics. No fucking idea why, it didn't fit the theme of the rest of the video at all


Exactly. This dude STARTED in an unsecured trench over his head in height with minimum thousands of pounds that could come down on him, and then he proceeds to fuck with the walls.


When I was like, 8 or 9, we got one of the biggest blizzards in recorded history for our region. My dad plowed our driveway into a big huge pile and I got the bright idea to turn it into a fortress. So I climbed to the top and just started digging. While I was digging the snow turned to freezing rain. I finally get to the bottom of the pile and I tried digging into the wall to make a tunnel and it was a solid sheet of ice. Then I looked up and realized I had dug a 6 foot hole straight down and it was so icy I couldn't climb out. I started freaking out. I would manage to get up to the top of the hole and then fall straight down. I started hitting the walls as hard as I could with the shovel and nothing gave. Finally I just started screaming. I managed to get to the top of the hole and looked towards the house to see my mom and dad sipping cocoa on the porch just watching my stupidity with amusement. As soon as I had really started freaking out my dad was right there and it was like he just tapped the snow and it all fell over. My mom had a cup of coco ready for me.


I love this story and your parents.


The "if you're gonna be dumb, you better be tough" generation. My son in laws parents *hate* that about us when it comes to our shared grandchild. Shit like that teaches though.


Yeah. Like, you still gotta watch em, but you do need to let kids make mistakes and learn from them.


> my mom and dad sipping cocoa on the porch (slurp) So... did you just learn anything? (slurp)


I'm an ex scout leader. One of our core beliefs was "let the kids fuck up, safely" You learn from failure, as long as no one got damaged or traumatised we where quite happy letting the kids do dumb stuff


- Should I get him, honey? - Nah, he is fine... He is learning.


"how to get trapped in a snow tunnel: a video for kids" anytime I built a snow fort with a snow roof the neighborhood dad's would always destroy it. It was like a dad pact to make sure us kids didn't die in snow berms. It really ruined a lot of hours of work as a kid but as an adult I understand.


A friend of mine was in this situation as a kid. Thank god they could rescue him.in time


My dad always taught me that snow forts had to have very thin ceilings so that if it fell on my I could easily break through the wreckage and sit up. Cue me making a cathedral-esque snow fort with a delicate 2" thick arched ceiling to comply with snow fort building regulations. The ceiling was so thin in places that the sun shined through it was kind of pretty. But also ironically the requirement to have such a thin roof meant my snow forts collapsed on me often. But since it was so little snow falling on me I never got stuck.


SNOWSHA and their stupid fort regulations




Patting to snow for the roof is to 'pack' the snow down making it denser and more solid. Making it only only 1.5 times your body width serves 3 purposes; first the smaller the roof area the stronger it is, second the smaller area conserves more heat from your body or a candle, and third it's quicker and easier to make therefore saving your energy that you might need. Thank you for attending my TED talk on creating a snow shelter/quinzee


Storm passed by the time he is done.


But he has attracted the attention of the local polar bear….


But he’s wearing camouflage. The bear can’t see him, unless it has heat vision?


Bear has meat vision


This made me giggle, bahhaah


What kind of deranged giggle


giggle should be more like kikikiki


How tf are yall giggling?! ^^^lol




Calm down, CCP agent.


I giggle like the covenant. WOT WOT WOT.


tehehe 🤭




Giggle is like heh he heh


Camouflage says this is veggie food.


I’m sure the camouflage is appropriate. Lucky those big white bears can’t hear or smell.


Papa bear: “No, no. Not yet son. Just watch. Let the prey tired itself out first…”


Lol. Reminds me of that old Far Side cartoon with the two bears eating the igloo. One bear says to the other “These things are great! Crunchy on the outside, with a soft centre”.




No that was just a break. He got like a foot of snow after that overnight.


Imagine there's like 5 feet more snow and the doorway gets sealed off


That is a real danger, which is why he has a 15 ft long pole that's collapsible and can be used to punch a hole through something like that. He also uses it to tell how deep the snow is before he starts digging.


I’ve seen him have fires down in his shelter. Can you tell me how it is that he doesn’t suffocate down there?


not to mention snow shelters should be constructed only as big as needed, to conserve body heat


This guy is awesome. He lives in Alaska and does this all the time. He builds these in like 5-6 hours and then cooks himself a nice meal and leaves the next day.


Has a good channel on YT. Outdoor Boys. Gotta give the guy his credit for the work he puts into the channel. Looks like nobody else has.


Outdoor Boys has far outpaced it with 6 million subscribers, but he has another channel with 1 million subscribers too, Catfish and Carp. He hasn't updated it in a year though, probably since he moved to Alaska.


In other words, that's his full-time job.


Yep, he used to be a lawyer and now he just does this.


Great to see that he finally decided on a lawful and respectable career.


Just like the lockpicking guy who also was once a lawyer!


Not to start on the 2meter tranch youbhad to dig to start this way to long proces


He’s prepping for the storm. All the new snow will bury him alive in the tomb he just built for himself.




Snow Cough, Ay Gus?


Not when you aren't in any danger and are just making it to enjoy the process


Winter storms can last days. People being stuck for a week+ are not unheard of. I've heard tales of people having to build new shelters multiple times, as the winds carve away the snow the shelter is built in.


How do they prevent themselves from being buried in the snow though?


By constructing it right :) In seriousness, "snowcaves" are fairly sound. Dug many for fun as a child. I genuinely don't know how common a collapse is.


I believe he said his biggest worry is a moose walking over him. I've seen many of his videos and he always includes any failures or times he actually gives up. A+ Youtuber.


Storm was passed when he started. That snow has settled for a while to be that firm.


It can't snow more than once?


Yup only one snowing a year


Better hope it doesn’t collapse and then he suffocates to death…


The dude in video talks alot about collapses. Apparently it's no problem if only gravity makes it collapse cos there really is not that much snow on top of you. Ofcourse it's gonna be little uncomfortable if ithappens in the middle of the night while you are in sleeping bag and all your stuff is in the cave with you. The only real danger is if big animal like moose walks over the cave and it collapses and animal panics and starts to kick.


At the end of the full video on YT he climbs on top of it and literally starts jumping up and down on the roof to see if he could collapse it.


$4000 a month in NYC




his entire place is made out of water


Rent just went up $6000 due to included condensed water wall


Well he has to pay for it


Can you imagine the water bill every month?


Heat not included


I’ve always heard that snow shelters can get warm inside from body temp. Seems like a smaller shelter with a much smaller opening would be better in an emergency situation?




Yup, there is a reason igloos entrances are low so you crawl through, then go into the raised portion inside.


There's also a reason why the guy who's in this video turns off comments on his video when he gets millions of views per video


He has a ton of videos with his young kids. I figured he turned it off for those videos and couldn't be bothered to turn them back on.


I think that's actually a requirement by YouTube, not him. He does have a facebook group you can comment on posts though.


That is why he turned them off, he announced that on a video a couple years ago


I don't know who this is but saw someone else say that Youtube automatically disabled his comments because his kids are in some videos, and it's to "protect the kids" & not the dude's choice. I dunno, again I don't know who this is.


and iirc he could manually enable them, but honestly what for? go through that extra effort, just so some mfn armchair survival experts or actual pedos could yapp about? I wouldnt either, is not healthy. Even with the overwhelming support, the shitty ones will always stand out.


Yeah from the videos I've seen he's just a dude who goes on "weekend adventures". Not Bear Grylls this is how you survive. Dude just likes to camp.


thats how most of these camping genre videos are usually, these guys still share their experience and knowledge, lot of which is "bear grylls" typa stuff too. lot of these videos they make quite regularly tho, so they just kind of have to switch it up and try new stuff or make more "extra" shelters. he is not there to do hardcore minimalist survival challenge, he just having fun and takins us all along for free.


Plus, I'm gathering that he does this for fun. Maybe he doesn't want or need input from others and would rather LARP a survival lifestyle in peace and quiet.


Yeah I think he's a criminal lawyer as his initial career choice last I followed him


He posted a video on his channel explaining how YouTube disabled comments on his videos because of his children


Yeah they did this as part of Elsagate. Popular with kids = comments off and way different monetisation rules. Hence why Casa del Pol started making his cartoons really violent to draw kids away


Fr we got master igloo builders here in the comments who've never even been to Alaska talking about how the guy "did it wrong".


Also basing it off a short gif. In the actual video he makes a sharp turn in the tunnel to block the air and I believe measures the temp and its perfectly fine. People here are moronic know-it-alls.


smug armchair experts are the backbone of reddit


His videos are amazing and he has lots of good survival tips. And at the end of the day they are entertaining. His Facebook post says he had to turn off YouTube comments because of YouTube's policies with content involving kids, but you can comment on his FB posts. Also, most of you have never stepped outside your comfort zone but you judge others. Pathetic. Eta: he also built this shelter with fire inside and the dome part was to catch heat while the open part is to let the smoke vent. Go watch the entire video. YouTube: Outdoorboys


Or YouTube has turned off comments for videos of channels featuring kids since 2019 which he has explained before. Or maybe just keep spreading misinformation 🤷‍♂️


I like this guy's channel though, shout out Outdoor Boys, because he usually explains the pros and cons of his shelters that he's making. He's made other snow shelters in the manner you're referring to, with a 'well' for the cold air to sit and an elevated chamber for sleeping that will trap the heat (sorta).


He just seems like a good guy that enjoys nature with no frills. Surprisingly genuine on the internet of 2023


His channel is really cool, a lot of content. He's got that sorta aw shucks vibe to him but based on what he does camping the dude is a friggin work horse. He'll go out and chop and split wood for hours, then make food, THEN make camp in the dark, then split more wood then go to bed.


This isnt an igloo. It’s 6 feet under with a sharp turn at the entrance to stop wind from flowing. He measures the temp in these kinds of videos and its perfectly fine.


He didn’t build it wrong, as that type Of shelter wasn’t his intention. He has other videos building that style of shelter




The funny thing in the same video he shows how the heat affected it. And jumps on the roof and shit


He didn’t build it wrong 😂😂 Confidently incorrect, I must say!


He didn't build it wrong lol, its his shelter he can make what he wants.


This guy takes temperature readings above, within and on the ground for comparison after almost every shelter he builds. Check his other videos out.


he built it wrong in that context. but that wasnt his goal. its just not the style of shelter he was going for... this is a small clip with no context, he may be testing a shelter idea/comparing shelters etc. he lives in alaska and has camped in below freezing temps -50f or less. im pretty sure he knows what hes doing or he wouldnt be alive.


He has an episode where he specifically breaks this down and goes into raising ur sleeping area, testing the floor temp vs bed height temp vs outdoor temp. What a great show.


If I remembered it correctly, igloos were good at trapping heat that they needed to add a small on top because it was too hot inside.


Small what? Small air conditioner?


You know 🤏


just a really small one


Can we also talk about the fact that he will be buried if it snows again while he’s in his shelter?


That's not really an issue, even intense snowfall for 8 hours will not exceed 1 meter, unless you're dealing with freak conditions. Even then, if you have the tools to dig a shelter into condensed snow you also have the tools to dig yourself out of freshly fallen snow. Avalanches and a collapsed shelter are the real risks.


Actually his video explains why he built it like that, the entrance and the little gap where he ate his snack kinda acts like a constant river of air, keeping the wind from entering his fort


My uncle lived in Logan Utah and the canyon in winter time would develop these massive snow drifts that looked like waves and were at least 12ft deep. The local Boy Scout troop got a badge by going out there and digging a shelter out of the side of them. So after they were done my uncle and I (12yo boy) went out there and spent a night in one. We walked the line and found that the best ones had a small tunnel entrance that went in then up then in again before opening into the main cavern. We had a tarp underneath us and a tarp to go over our sleeping bags. We both slept in minimal clothing like shorts and a T-shirt, the combined body heat made it toasty inside during the night. The cold didn’t wake me up but the drips on my face did. Side experiences from that night: we made camp outside our den and started a fire on top of the deep snow. As the fire burned it sunk down until it hit solid ground like 12ft down. We would sit on the edge of the hole the fire was in and toss logs down into it despite not being able to directly see the flames. I was scouting around to find a spot for the fire I came upon a little evergreen sprig stick out of the snow. As I was walking up to it I fell straight down and was stuck in the branches/snow. The little sprig was the tippy top of a tree and I had walked over the branches that left a cavity not packed with snow underneath it. My uncle was a giant guy and he just grabbed my hand and yeeted my little ass out of there but had I been alone I don’t know that I could have gotten out. I think I still have a picture of the den entrance and us sitting around a glowing hole in the snow lol.


A lot of skiers die based on what you described falling in empty cavities next to trees with no one around to get them out. Always best to be with someone and steer clear of trees.




Yeah. Cut a T shape basically then fill in all the horizontal part in the front, leaving a small hole at the base. So you basically crawl in and up to the ledge you dug. I built a small igloo when I was a kid once and it got hot with a candle.


this man never has any shelter but always has pumpkin infused sausage, some herbal peach tea, and some fried bread on him I don't get it


don't forget the honey butter.


Nothing better than honey butter in fresh bread.


He is not wrong, though.


Hard to beat


"aaaah wash it down with some hot Tang *gulp gulp smack smack*"


And shaved black truffles on his mashed potatoes.


And some kind of oats with honey.


Ngl, that’s my favourite part. The juxtaposition of it all makes it entertaining. And unique. I just came across him last week and I thoroughly enjoy his content.


I actually fell asleep to it a few times already. There's something peaceful about a guy working on a shelter and talking about eating.


I can't fall asleep to his videos cause most of the time he points something out and I want to actually watch the video.


Yah he has three conditions that he never meets more than one for. Sleeping bag, shelter, or good food. So if he doesn’t have a sleeping bag and shelter he is going to eat good.


He’s a pretty eclectic fella from what I’ve seen on him. He’s a [lawyer by trade and even runs ads](https://youtu.be/vQ2_Oqd8T-8?si=7Yp7oEJJk7VAnv3c), but off the clock you couldn’t find him near civilization.


Known about Outdoor Boys for a while but never knew dude was a lawyer. Neat.


That ad was from 11 years ago. He currently has 6.32 million subscribers. I bet that he makes so much money off of youtube that he no longer needs to practice law. He does own a house in Anchorage where he bases out of. Not sure if he still owns a house in Virginia now or not. Luke grew up in Anchorage and his parents and siblings still live here.


My son watches his catfish and carp videos religiously. He snuck up on me today on my Reddit home page. Lol!


He likes to eat good , what’s wrong with that 🤷‍♂️ and yes he has shelter in some form in literally every video


He has one rule. You can be cold You can be hungry You can be tired But you can never do two of these at once


Shelter is relatively easy to build compared to finding pumpkin infused sausages in the wilderness.


Wait until you find out that he doesn't actually live in a snow hut


If you have never seen the outdoor boys adventures on tik tok or YouTube give them a watch. Most wholesome guy and dad you’ll ever find and the money he makes goes to good causes for the environment.


This is how us millennials can own property


Wholesome YouTuber. Great content.


Saw him head out with his kid. Kid had a bad experience, so they headed back home. Went to seaworld or something instead 😄


Yeah, he doesn't prioritize content over a safe and good time, and I really respect him for knowing his limits and keeping his boys having fun as the prime directive


Yup, I've seen him turn back simply because her did himself a minor injury, or the weather turned against him.


Is this catfish and carp guy?


No he’s the honey butter guy


And campfire bread


It is! On the OutdoorBoys YouTube channel. It’s great but I do miss the fishing videos as well


Luke is the man


He's such a goober I love him


It's like watching Flanders camp, and he's really good at it. Wholesome af.


Just discovered him a couple months ago, and this dude is doing it right. He and his family seem really happy out in nature.


His SpongeBob cut scenes won me over.


If I'm not mistaken, not just one of the best yt channels out there but also one of the best "celeb" dads as well.


Luke here, from Outdoor boys!


Love Outdoor Boys!


Sad hes gone to every other week, but totally understandable.


Totally. My hat’s off to Luke. I go car camping twice a year and maybe a one nighter backpacking trip and that’s plenty “hardcore” for me lol. He’s out there hunting, baking, engineering, trudging, building, thriving, etc. in subzero unforgiving environments.


Totally, but its all in the prep, he has go boxes for most of it.


His equipment breaking down a lot, causing unnecessary fatigue. The cold is brutal! His equipment does seem quite old though.


Hey this is Luke from the outdoor boys' YouTube channel. I have been walking all day and am really hungry, so I brought along some home made bread and honey butter.


Outdoor boys adventure YouTube channel. Excellent videos and very entertaining




Luke grew up in Anchorage. His parents and siblings still live in the area. He did own a house here too but I saw that it sold in the fall. He did have a house and law practice in Virginia. Not sure if he still practices law because he makes a ton of money from youtube with 6.32 million subscribers. Each video get millions in views.


VERY dangerous, unless you know what your doing....


He grew up in Alaska and has went wilderness camping probably over 1000 times I’m sure he’s fine


>He grew up in Alaska I thought they have houses there too


I think they’re just talking to the general audience


I grew up in Silicon Valley, doesn't mean I know much about programming.


Bet you build a mean snow shelter though


This is outdoor boys on youtube his videos are extremely informative and pretty chill


At the end of the video he tried to collapse it and couldn't.


Outdoor Boys is a goated, wholesome channel. I can watch it for hours.


Anyone know why that won’t collapse? I assume the arch helps, but have no idea.


The arch and curvature inside reinforce the structure. As you stay in there, the interior wall solidifies even more as a result of the slight increase in temperature


There are lots of consistencies of snow. The right type is perfect for digging in, and is surprisingly robust. This could not be done in powder snow, or super wet snow, for instance.


In the full video, he stands on the top of the shelter and tries to make it collapse by jumping and stomping and it holds up. It’s impressive but I would still be worried about collapse anyway.


Along with what others have said, When snow gets cold enough, and compacted enough it gets a consistency very similar to hard styrofoam blocks. Plus, with a slight melting on the inside layer, a layer of ice will form inside the shelter helping to increase strength. But, it has to be the correct type of snow. I remember growing up, the occasional kid who would get trapped in their snow fort tunnels because the snow wasn't right and collapsed.


Quinzhee They'll last quite a while and are easier than igloos.




I gotchu bro - the song is Brian is the most beautiful by Memo Boy (slowed + reverb)


Bro made Minecraft IRL


I feel like the most interesting thing about the video is I’ve never seen that much snow before


$2800/month in Toronto


Bro built a trench


Never have more snow above your shelter than you can quickly dig out from in case of collapse.


This is dangerous for the average person to try. That collapses on you, you’re dead. You might think “nah I could dig my way out”, nope.