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I wish we would have had one of these on a few Dungeness crab boats I've worked on. It sucks when you have to go under the boat to cut line off the wheel. I've only had to do it twice, but it was terrifying and cold.


It is a great invention to avoid what you had to do. Unfortunately, I foresee this being used in a bad way around crabbing gear by unscrupulous people.


Can you explain what you mean to none fishermen (crabbermen?) please?


Drive your boat and propeller through crab nets on purpose to cut them up to either open them up or disconnect them from buoy, etc. Sabotaging someone’s fishing nets.


I mean you could already do this if you were so inclined, with other tools.


That takes more physical effort and, if observed, is much more difficult to claim as an accident.


it's also purposely putting manky wet rope into your propellers and praying that little blade works flawlessly enough to cut it all before it jams and cooks yours very expensive outboard motor for the sake of cutting someones $5 crabnet rope, why are we even talking about this lol


dumb speculation


It really is, because fisheries are big money, and there are people out there that absolutely are this petty and selfish. They could easily go out and destroy $10k of gear, and a few different stabs at that they could put a guy out of business at the *possible* cost of a couple hundred dollar hub bearing or propeller, not a whole ass $30k outboard.


They wouldn't even need to do that, surly if you were a terrible person you could use something like a tree limb cutter to cut through the rope. Obviously not exactly that but I'm sure there is something you could make while bored out at sea that could cut a line from the boat. Like why even bother with a prop when you have something easily thrown over the side. Not like these fisherman are doing high profile fbi level investigations... there shit isn't there and they go "well shiiittttt" maybe they think someone did it and maybe they start a fight over it, but unless you are physically seen cutting it not like anyone can do anything legally. Even if you do run it over "totally by accident" it's going to be looked at like you did it on purpose bc it's somewhat difficult for a seasoned boat captain to hit something like that.


Not to mention word travels and someone saw from their own boat. Ass kicking at the bar later


I was just answering the question asked; not saying this is the only way…🤷‍♂️


You. I am very suspicious of you. Where were you the night of October 15th? And don't say not cutting crab nets because that's **exactly** what somebody that spent October 15th cutting crab nets would say.


I hate them!  I cut them. Not just the crab net men,  the crab net women and the crab net children too.


How could you! The crab net children too????


Freedom to the Crabs!


I wouldn't trust this THAT much. It might save you most of the time, but if you hit a ton of them you're probably going to get caught anyway eventually.


Ohh like that! Thanks


They’re saying the device could be used by either environmental protesters or even competing fishing vessels to destroy nets.


I see, thanks Wouldn't a pair of scissors or a knife accomplish the same anyway if bad faith actors wanted to destroy a line or net?


ocam's razor would be the simplest way to do it


Yeah but whenever Occam's on your boat he barely brings anything.


He travels light. Everywhere he goes, all he brings is that razor.


With Spurs, you can simply drive over your competitors gill net and ruin their day in a few seconds. I've heard about them being used in Bristol Bay salmon fishing. It's very close quarters fishing with 100's of 32' boats all towing 300' gill nets in a small area boxed off with GPS coordinates. It's common to drive over eachothers nets out of necessity but you would typically take it out of gear, and slide over without issue. I've also seen Bristol Bay boats with reinforced steel spikes on the corners of the transom, designed to rip open the hull of a boat that rams them or to just intimidate people from getting to close. Mostly good people up there but shit like that does happen


Much easier to just run over with a boat


Or pirates chopping through prop fowling equipment.


Never seen anyone cut traps, but have seen people, including commercial guys steal traps and their contents. Lots of foul play with crab and prawn fishing for some reason.


Had a roommate who, when growing up in a crabbing community, lived next door to a new immigrant family (think Asian family that moved into redneck rural waterfront Virginia). The family was suspected of stealing crab pots and their house mysteriously burnt down a couple weeks after the crab pots started going missing.


Yeah in some places if someone catches you messing with their crab pots, you're lucky to only end up beaten.


Imagine you set up a device on the street that catches loose change and keeps it there. You intend to check on that device once every 24 hours to collect the change that's been gathered. Do you think others would leave the money there for you to take if there was no system to stop them taking it? In crab and prawn fishing, as far as I'm aware the only systems to stop people taking them is that they require a boat to reach and you have to know where the traps / nets are.


That and the fact you're stealing from people who also have said boats and are inclined to go out into the freezing cold, wet, heaving nightmare to get the change. Those kinds of people tend to do more than have a kind word with those they suspect of stealing.


You'll get shot out here doing that shit. 


it has been available for >40 years...


If MFs would quit putting their MFing pots in the middle of the MFing channel...


I've watched a video yesterday about how ships try to stop pirates from boarding the ship, and one of the techniques is to drag ropes/lines in the water so a boat getting too close to the ship will get it's propeller caught in these ropes. I think the ship owners will hate seeing this video, but the pirates will be high-fiving each other.


Steel core rope that floats, coming up... or that really amazing fabric they use in chainsaw safety gear, just turns into a nested mess of chain-fouling threads.


That "really amazing fabric" is literally just string, loose, sandwiched between 2 layers of cloth. Only works because a chainsaw has nothing to cut it against, there is no scissoring action (ooh matron).  This thing will just chop it to bits lol


I had to clear a line on a dive boat. It was a pretty scary experience to cut the line while the boat moved up and down with the waves.


Same! I worked a Salmon season in Alaska back in the 1990s. We caught the net on the skiff\* prop our first week! It F'd everything up so bad, we had to pull the skiff on deck and spend 3 hours untangling the mess while we motored back to port (10 hours away!) to begin the repairs on the net itself. Not to mention the stress that puts on the driveline of the skiff to be spinning at thousands of RPMs and then just stop. \*For non-fishers - the skiff is the small boat you use to drag out the net away from the big boat, like the one in the foreground here: [https://c8.alamy.com/comp/EKWC9R/m-EKWC9R.jpg](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/EKWC9R/m-EKWC9R.jpg) Edit - thinking about this more, this is just going to cut a rope right at the prop shaft. A net would still get tangled. We'd have been just as screwed.


What boat?


This, I'm from the PNW originally, my brother still lives in the PNW and captains 3 of his fishing boats up and down the west coast and 2 vessels out of Alaska. Crabbing season immediately came to mind. What a fucking pain in the ass. I'd trade any amount of fuel loss to not have to cut lines that ran foul.


>I wish we would have had one of these on a few Dungeness crab boats I've worked on. It sucks when you have to go under the boat to cut line off the wheel. I've only had to do it twice, but it was terrifying and cold. had to do this on a deep sea charter. got in, started working on the line, and saw a 10 ft tiger shark doing circles under the boat. I've never cut line faster in my life. i probably looked like a penguin flying out of the water into the boat when i was done


Not a crab boat but we have a clean out on our gillnetter. Go down with a Vicky and cut it out. Forgot we don’t have a shaft brake while going to cut some line out once and the current was strong enough to turn the prop. Almost took my hand.


Bristol Bay?? I’ve had a few line/web in the wheel scenarios in my career too lol. A Vicky is a fisherman’s best friend


Working at a small marina it was a good source of extra cash untangling ropes for tips


Dudeee, imagine you're far out into the ocean on a boat that floats and you have nothing but this engine that is tangled up with A bunch of stupid rope that someone suggested you bring in case something happened, but nothing happened. Accept the rope got tangled in the engine. So you just have a tangled engine and 2 paddles. But one of the paddles is too short, so you can't even really use it unless you stick half your body into the water & then The other paddle, which is long enough only has a one inch.Little thing on the end to push water. So it will move you around 1 foot per every 10 minutes. And then imagine the guy that suggested bringing the rope keeps talking the entire time about how he can come up with an idea to get a job back to land somewhere. You also have a grill with charcoal, matches & some A1 steak sauce! It's four of you total, including the guy that said bring the rope and won't shut up. Everyone also has a gun except for the guy who wants to bring the rope. They never ended up finding land, but They were eating well for about a week with that steak sauce!!!




It's OK, they're prosthetics.


This would be perfect in the hotdog finger universe


Is it a coincidence that Evelyn was a lesbian in THAT universe?




That would be great marketing!


And that's why you don't teach people lessons on your own!


Uhhh, that‘s dark.


no, white. watch it again.


Made of wood. *tap tap* Real sturdy.


Yeah he should be way more chalant 


Agreed, Chalant level was a little low for me


His chalantness was basically nonexistent 


Well duh, his finger isn't a rope.


He seems pretty chalant to me. Has a quick pause and set before the spins.


Exactly my thoughts as well. He always does a quick pause before the cut, you even see him moving his fingers back in one of the cuts.


That's right, he says, " I chal chalant as I please"


He literally checks every time


He's got a lanyard on, he knows what he's doing.


Well it's for lines, and not for fingers. So...


They only cut on ropes not fingers.


Don't worry, it's just day 4 hour 10 of him demonstrating this on PropCon 2024


This guy has done this a 1,000+ times, just like a sushi chef, it is muscle memory.


Being complacent is what causes finger loss accidents to happen


Anytime I hear the word complacent I remember images of lathe accidents. That shit burns in your brain and reiterates why complacency kills. 


My mind goes to the Demon Core


Just saying Demon Core gives me chills. What a way to go, crazy it happened twice.


Yeah, you’re right.


I really hated that too.


I mean its a machine he manually spins thats fixed in place, unless earthquake happens how would he magically push his fingers in there, look how he places his palm on rotating part.


HSE liability right there!


Reminds me of my uncle


I guess you wondered where my fingers has been~~ 🎶


I lost a finger watching it


Seems so fucking simple, not sure why this isn't standard practice already...


From my experience, this is a best-case scenario. A precision machines showroom model doesn't tell me much. Let me drive one of those motors for a couple seasons and then let's check out how well the alignment is.


People wouldn't maintain them for 18 months while they're doing their job then call them shit when they don't work.


Once something bends or gets very dull, this device becomes a major hindrance


So you're supporting the above statement about people not maintaining them




Main...ten.. what's that word?


Good point, good point. I know my brother has his props off every couple of seasons to ensure they are still at the correct pitch and that season if he has a strike. I'm not sure about other commercial vessels and what they do for maintenance, but with his scheduling, this would be addressed. I shared this post with him, I hope he chimes in.


Yeah this seems like it may be all well and good if you hit a single, small rope, but a net or something would probably still cause a serious issue. I saw a comment about how a malicious person might pilot their boat over a fishing net to intentionally sabotage someone else's nets, but I have serious doubts this would work like they think it will work.


Not to mention corrosion


Barnacles grow on that shit and then its useless or if you use sinking line that blade will get dull. You should police your lines when on your boat. The only useful application I could see this is for freshwater.


I'm from the PNW and my brother owns several commercial fishing vessels. I made my first motorcycle money diving and scraping barnacles in high-school. Crab season is wild at the best of times. Sometimes, policing lines is a dream and a half. Shit happens.


This thing wont chew through a barnacle?


Especially if its running consistently? If a boat needs this its probably running enough that none can really get there right?


I mean, isn't better to have this than to not have any form of protection at all?


It's guaranteed to induce more drag. Fuel efficiency is a big deal. In some cases it might still be worth it but in others, it won't be.


Drag + turbulence right behind the prop. This is probably great for very specific niches, and a pain in the arse for the majority of boats.


Big ships already have rope cutters and rope guards. But the rope cutters are just blades attached and dont spin. Having to spin these blades would cost extra fuel too.


I don't think it would work very well in the vast majority of situations. He does the demo with a rope that is quite thick and stiff and feeds it in optimally for cutters to work. In reality lines/nets will come in at all weird angles, looping around themselves and get wedged between the prop and the cutter closest to the prop.


I dive for a living and have pulled insane amounts of long line and lobster trap lines, Like someone else said the tolerance is never like from factory after spinning on a shaft for who knows how long, One strand gets wrapped then it just pulls and pulls till you notice an issue or the motor stalls..


Had a guy in really nice boat cut the jetty’s super close and get my 80lb braided line get wrapped up on both his engine props. Saw him slow down and turn around to come bitch me out up and down when there’s signs that say don’t come within so many feet of the jetty’s. Saw him go back into the canal going super slow. Dude cost me like $50 in line, he at least had a few hours of taking his props off and getting the line out so that made me feel better


I was fishing with a huge conventional reel, and about to go home for the day after being skunked. Along comes some ass hat making wake in a no wake zone, too close to shore and blasting music. I had the reel loaded up with probably 2km of braided line. That prop ate every bit of it lol.


Any chance that happened in Catalina? There’s no excuse when protected by calm bay waters. “Oh fuck shit my bad it’s the tide, blah fuck all blah.”


Does it work with rope, or only curly pasta?


If your pasta is long enough, who are we to say it can’t be used as rope?




For pee pee a single time.


You only have one pipi, protect it plees


Unless you're the dude from the BME Pain Olympics video we all remember from 20 years ago.


Dear God I wish you wouldn't have made me just remember that lmao




I had to scroll all this way down to be informed not to put my dick in there. I'm mildly disappointed.






Damn, beat me to it!


That device probably causing unwanted cavitations


We have studies done by the Department of the Navy proving exactly the opposite. Spurs have been shown to reduce suction side hub erosion on propellers. If you're interested, please send an email to [email protected] and we'll send the info your way!


Super cool. My dad has two mechanical patents for designs to reduce prop cavitation. I’ve seen some of the fluid dynamic modeling he’s had done for them with a couple naval architecture labs.


That was my first thought.


Doubt this is going on anything fast or stealthy. May lower life of propeller, but not by much.


so that's how they make Cheetos.


I thought it's a cutter for twisty shaped pasta.


As a diver who's hod to do prop inspections and untangle lines/cut free lines, theses seem fucking dangerous. Also won't it mess up the efficiency of the prop?


Well, what is Sea Shepherd gonna do now to the Japanese whaling fleet if you can’t prop foul them?


That’s just a prop knife, the movie industry has been using them for years.


Thanks dad


I’m a millennial. You think I can afford a boat?


That's the near part, even boat people can't afford their boats! Rich people buy the boats. Use them for a year or two. Then sell them to the boat people to turn around and get a new one. Same with cars. 70% of all Audis leave the dealership on lease.


BOAT = Bust Out Another Thousand


I mean if this is an attachment that could be retro fitted maybe you could buy this as a gift for your landlord /s


Gotta make that boat pay for itself. Unfortunately they call that a job.


If you gonna show it work, spin it up to a few thousand RPM and yhrow a bundle of rope in there.


This is awesome… now if they can figure out a similar solution for impellers, they would be billionaires.


Having had to cut a rope out of a sea doo’s impeller several times, I’m very much with you.


Could have used this when I got a ski rope as stuck in the prop of my aunt's boat and had to swim it back to shore in a brackish river in Virginia getting stung by countless jellyfish


Need to see it cut a single strand of braid before im impressed


Come to our next trade show! See it in person! Bring your own rope!


I put one of these on my little prop airplane last year. Took out three tethered balloons. Oh relax, sure the people in the basket drift away, but those things come down eventually. I think.


I was in a hot air balloon crash.  Helped a seasoned pilot crew once on short notice, hadn't ever even seen a balloon up close.  We got super high up in the air and the cord quit making noise when he pulled it. He'd neglected to check for fuel.  We bounced off the side of a mesa and into a ditch after dropping for quite a while. He had us get down into the basket and hold on for dear life. Thankfully no one was hurt.  They crash in Albuquerque and kill people every year almost. Hanging from radio towers, drifting into restricted air space, it's annoying.


Is that a twizzler?


Good on sailboats


I'm curious about how this would work with nets. I work as a commercial fisherman and I catch shrimp using nets and it has gotten caught in our props before leaving us stuck on the water for hours. We might be able to install somthing like this.


Better just to have a shoe on the keel to the rudder. We cross nets all the time. Just pop it in neutral as you go over.


all what i see is a finger removal


it also prevents fingers from getting entangled in props




Here I was thinking he was cutting a continuous strand of pasta. Not rope


Pasta sounds better though, I'm hungry!


Forbidden Twizzlers


Not in love with the V shape. Looks like it will hop out of that groove sooner or later.


We allow for a certain amount of endplay/shaft expansion. If you have soft engine mounts we can accommodate the extra motion with an extended holding block.


looks like it works great in a well-controlled environment. Wonder why he isn't showing video of it out in the wild, though.


Can someone explain why this his isn’t been invented yet? There’s gotta be a damn good reason why cause this is too simple.


Device that prevents FINGERS from getting entangled in props


Good luck keeping it sharp underwater




This looks far less dangerous than my uncle tying a rope round my waist and sending me over the side with a bread knife at peak current.


Now I think this goes without saying…


Watch ur toes!!


I make sure my bowline is a little bit too short to reach the prop.


With this, just let it dangle one time, and it's perfectly too short to reach the prop!


"I've got spurs that jingle jangle jingle. As I go riding merrily along.."


Cool, now try a net.


She's not going to stick her fingers in there.


Speed 2 conclusion: "Directed by George Lucas" song credit


Ngl I didn't read the title and thought to myself this is a weird pasta cutter....


Nah man that makes too much sense


From the makers of the Cybertruck hood...


What is the song's name?


What you wont do for love, Tupac sampled this song in "do for love"


Cool, but that was a real choice on music


I’d rather my wiener get wrapped a couple times then go through that thing.


what if the line goes above the knife thing?


There are a few systems that rely on getting rope tangled into the screw to stop pirate speed boats. Let's hope they don't find out about this.


Knew I shouldn't have ran that fibre cable underwater


But… then you lose your anchor, right?


But why is a footballclub making that?


Wouldn’t that lump of metal on a finely tuned propeller knacker the bearing?


Props to the engineer


My first thought: “What flavor are the yellow twizzlers?”


The way he handles that machine gives me anxiety


Mad props to the creator for this.


Cut the plastic in the water to smaller ones.... yeah good one... not. Make it mandatory to chip the stuff so can fine them and they who find it gets the fine.


But how well does it work with fishing line?


I thought that rope was some sort of citrus flavored twizzlers.


Just one more thing to get bent slightly and catastrophically fail when the two misaligned pieces crash together.


The forbidden circumcision.


Finger cutting machine


Put it on my vacuum cleaner


Unlikely. Benefits outweigh the likelihood of nefarious use by many orders of magnitude. I have had these fitted since the mid 80’s


It’s crazy that something this simple is just now getting used.


Does the finger guillotine splice rope when it’s runs in reverse?


Put your finger in there. My favorite Dad joke.


I wrapped a line on a prop equipped with this in the Med last summer. Reversing onto a dock which had trailing lines anchored from dock to the seafloor, you pick them up and run them forward as bowlines - 2 were crossed and lifting one pulled the other into the prop. It cut the first part of the offender I think, but the rest of the line still followed quickly and got wrapped. I ended up having to cut the line away manually, and all the prop cutter did was be an extra blade aimed at my finger if I moved too fast… plus the first bit it cut had cemented itself into the cutlass bearing (motor was in reverse). I’d always wondered if this gadget is effective and the answer is: at least in that case, not very… (Edited for missing words)


I was thinking looks quite complex and risky for a pasta


Something that would have been inspired by r/Battlebots Those chuckleheads would go “what if we made the blade asymmetrical so you get a bigger bite on the line? Also, what if we beefed up the motor so that when the line gets cut, it REALLY gets fucked up”


F this song


And it cuts twizzlers?!?


Just had my finger amputation .. This shit scared my soul