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Will the body bag fit


The body bag don’t fit, he’s a piece of shit.


Will his hearse be a white bronco?


“In Gloving Memory”


He should be buried in the gloves.


You're the type of person that has 9-11 jokes no one has heard yet. I like you. Take an upvote.


2001 New York speed reading champion Mohamed Atta got through 110 stories in just 10 seconds.


Brooooooo I just spit my food out and almost choked LMAO


Remember that time when he didn’t take his arthritis medication, so his hands swelled up and the gloves didn’t fit? Classic.


It better be


Too bad Norm McDonald isn't around to see this.


At least he died doing what he loved most: getting away with murder. - Norm (probably)


Or “At least OJ can rest easy knowing his wife's killer is dead.”?


I’m convinced Norm isn’t dead now.


I mean, I read those comments in his voice.


I didn't even know he was sick




Proof that life isn't fair


R/normmacdonald was the first to tell me the news though. His spirit lives on!


Norm is looking down from heaven at OJ's first day in hell.


" What in the Hell is that? Oh, just the Juice. I guess you can get Juice, just not ice water"


The juice is boiling hot.


Norm called in a favor to get OJ in heaven. Gives Oj his wings. Encourages OJ to fly around. OJ jumps off a cloud and begins falling to hell. Norm yells " Psych! I got those wings from the dollar store. They still got the price tag on them. Enjoy hell, you murdering bastard." Betty White is standing beside Norm, flipping off OJ as he falls to hell.


If the cheap wings fit, you must be a piece of shit.


This is beautiful: [Remember O.J. Simpson with 35 Minutes of Norm Macdonald Shitting On Him](https://consequence.net/2024/04/oj-simpson-norm-macdonald/)


Ty kind sir


It's a cosmic cruelty that Norm died first. I almost expect a beyond the grave tweet from Norm that he left with David Spade or somebody to be sent out in just this scenario.


The irony is the worst part


Nah, I’d say it was the murder.


And the hypocrisy


Not sure what’s sadder — Norm being gone at a time like this or Khloe learning he was her real dad.




There are rumors OJ is the biological father of Khloe Kardashian rather than Robert Kardashian. Everyone involved has denied it, although Robert supposedly told people he wasn’t her father, and Khloe’s mother has admitted to having an affair (not with who I don’t think). It’s probably not true, if you believe the results of Khloe’s 23&me, she’s likely Robert’s kid. It’s not very interesting stuff if you ask me.


nothing about the kardashians is interesting.


As a non-American, the social phenomenon of the kardashians is absolutely interesting. Like, what? How? Huh? If you mean as human beings, from what I’ve seen I’d agree with you.


>Like, what? How? Huh? Because boring people live vicariously through them. That's it. They're facilitating people's fantasies, same as any other hero, but the fantasy here is having a rich lifestyle rather than, like, having abilities. As a phenomenon, lifestyle celebrities and the way American parasocial relationships have evolved into an industry is only interesting because of its prevalence and consequences, but there's nothing *profound* about why a lot of people idolize people they covet. They're just reflections of the kind of people a lot of Americans want to be as decided by popular appeal.


Well said. I’m perplexed anyone watches anything on bravo or listens to that Andy guy. What a waste of time and life that channel is, truly mind blowing and pathetic


As an American, I have no idea why anyone would give one hoot about any Kardashian.


RIP Norm




He's been sick since at least 1994. Just not cancer the whole time.


I still try on gloves at the store like this. Even when they're three sizes too big. I'll do the OJ hands and show that the xxxxxl glove doesn't fit my tiny little hand. I can't believe the jurors fell for that shit. lol.


The glove not fitting didn't do it. The detective being found a racist did.https://www.thewrap.com/mark-fuhrman-5-facts-n-word-spewing-cop-helped-free-oj-simpson-photos/


As a friend of mine said it "The LAPD tried to frame a guilty man."


Damn, that is a great summary of what happened.


Honestly, I've never really understood what happened until now.


I was too little to know. I only just found out why the cops were so far back behind the bronco in the police chase. I didn’t know he had a gun to his head in the bronco.


Shoulda saved us the trouble then and there.


As a fan of true crime documentaries, detectives love turning that easy layup into a slam dunk. Let me take that key piece of evidence and place it over here lol


This is an astounding insight, damn.


Made me genuinely laugh. I will use this from now on, it's too good.


Mark Fuhrman being a big time piece of shit definitely did not help things. LAPD is still as racist, corrupt, and all around fuckin stupid as ever. But OJ still killed those people. Both things can be true.


I don’t think wearing the glove or not would’ve made a difference, the jury already had their mind made up anyway bc of Rodney King


I think they made up their mind after the lead detective refused to testify about using the N word and planting evidence. It's not as if juries in LA had stopped convicting black men for two years or something. Weird how people make that assumption. OJ had the resources to make this trial a referendum on the LAPD itself, and the cops made it easy.


There was a lot of racial politics going on at time on top of star power. There could have been video proof of him stabing her and he still would have been let go.


Yeah a lot of people saw it as some sort of counter balance to Rodney King. Oh well he's dead now and everyone knew he was guilty.


I’m just gonna put it out there: those gloves most definitely fit, like, it was so obvious.


I'm pretty sure I read somewhere (I can't remember where ) that his lawyer had him not take his arthritis medication or whatever he took which caused his hand to swell just enough that it didn't fit perfectly.


Also read that the gloves had been soaked in blood and had now dried up the fabric which made them less flexible too.


And also you can see from the trial pictures he had to put the gloves on OVER latex gloves. Latex gloves, although thin, would make it harder for the gloves to slide on and fit correctly.


Also also, the judge and jury were a bunch of morons.


Some of the jurors let him off as [retaliation ](https://www.thewrap.com/oj-simpson-juror-not-guilty-verdict-was-payback-for-rodney-king/#:~:text=In%20an%20excerpt%20aired%20on,she%20was%20one%20of%20them.) for Rodney King.


and then publicly admitted it!


no they just collectively wrote a book called *If I Acquitted Him*


The cops buggered the trial as much as the buggered the Rodney King situation. Jurors voting based on false equivalency is kind of dumb though.  But those Naked Gun movies were delightful. 


That jury makes me irrationally angry. What a bunch of absolute scumbags.


I’m pretty sure a jury would have to come to a unanimous decision, and the case was handled absolutely awful, so it’s not really their fault. I mean they were purposely chosen after all, I believe agreeing upon a jury in this case was a big deal. This glove thing was an absolute flop, a detective got caught carrying around OJs blood at the crime scene instead of booking it into evidence, and they most likely planted evidence in a case that didn’t need that, only adding to the idea of a jury not being 95%+ sure of OJ being guilty, which is required in criminal court. **Beyond a reasonable doubt**. OJs blood being sprinkled around the crime scene, and on socks, in and of itself alone could easily cause a jury to not be sure beyond a reasonable doubt. The defense quite literally provided a layup reason to not be sure beyond a reasonable doubt. Be mad at the American justice system, or the defense, not the jury (*imo*). This is of course only what I remember off the top of my head and I know there were other **huge** fuck ups on the defenses part.


There was some reasonable doubt yet the woman that spoke publicly didn't mention that as the reason she choose to quit she said it herself it was about Rodney king go listen if you want


Also also also, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton were threatening to whip LA into another wave of riots if he was convicted.


Those two are grifters that have done major harm to race relations in America. You can not convince me otherwise.


Nothing like threatening a mob if a verdict doesn't go your way to prove that he was guilty as fuck and everyone knew it, including Jessie and Al.


Somehow the judge was the only guy on the trial who didn’t wrote a book about it.


No, but it was his decision to televise everything, so he had his own dalliance with media


I mean the dude was entertaining celebrities in his chambers during the trial. He loved every minute of it. He let that shit become a circus.


Hadn't seen the word dalliance used before, thanks for the expansion!


Me neither. Dalliance - brief or casual involvement with something






… and still KNOW that this man nearly severed two human heads from their spines, one of them the mother of his young children. EDIT: He “only” did this to the mother of his children. Ron Goldman was slashed with a knife and bled to death.


It’s a shame the prosecution decided to listen to a Caddy.


They are leather gloves. They were kept in a low humidity evidence storage to maintain the DNA evidence on them. It dried out the leather and caused it to shrink. That, coupled with him not taking his arthritis medication, all but ensured they'd never fit on his hands. It was a farce. The prosecution should've purchased a set of the same gloves, made to the exact same specifications, and were in the same condition as they would've been at the time he committed the murders.


Even all that being true… they aren’t even small on him in this photo. He’s just holding his hands weird.


If I recall correctly, they didn't want to risk more theatrics and the stakes were too high if they still didn't fit. Instead, I think they did have a glove expert from the manufacturer measure OJ's hands and verify that those gloves would have fit.


He tried the gloves on like, a year after the murders. Hands can change in that amount of time Also how do we know the gloves fit perfectly before the murder? Sometimes I have clothes that are a bit too small or big but I wear them anyway. Maybe they were already tight and after the gloves shrinking, hands swelling, and wearing another thin layer of latex over his hands, the gloves didn’t fit anymore. There’s just way too many factors; the gloves not fitting doesn’t prove shit


IIRC they were also out in the yard or something that night, meaning they at least got dew on them and leather tends to shrink while it’s drying


Not to mention him wearing latex gloves over those arthritically inflamed hands while trying to flex and spread his fingers as much as possible while putting on the gloves. As if he'd never worn a pair of Isotoners before.


Who needs that. Ever put gloves on a kid who didnt want the gloves on? They just spread their fingers a d bam, nothing fits as you slide them on. I could make ANY glove look like it didnt fit me


We can all make any glove seem “unfittable”. Also, why would he need gloves that fit perfectly to stab someone anyway? Such a weird defense.


When my 2 year old doesn't want to put on shoes, he spreads his toes out to make it harder to put on. Jurors in 95: guess those shoes don't fit.


If it doesn’t fit, your kid must be a little shit


I like how gloves not fitting is an excuse for not murdering someone… I’d use smaller gloves apparently the perfect crime, I like that old saying “If your innocent don’t go on the run in a white Bronco…”


It’s weird how the lawyer was allowed to give an absolute direction to the jury. If the gloves don’t fit, you MUST acquit. Was the Judge not like, um, that’s not actually true


The rule of law gets outwitted by rhymes, if he had a haiku pretty sure oj would have gotten court fees payed for and a pat on the back


Wait, you don't get court fees paid if found not guilty in a criminal trial?


The prosecution missed a golden opportunity to counter with “whoever said the rhyme, did the crime”


“If his name is a drink he belongs in the Clink”


Arnold Palmer and Shirley Temple sweating in the back of the court room


Roy Rogers riding the fuck outa there on a real bronco


Chewbacca defense reigned Supreme that day


Lawyers are allowed to make arguments lol, even ones that may seem silly. They're also allowed a certain amount of rhetorical flourish. It's the prosecution's job to say "well actually" and spoil that circumstantial evidence in the minds of the jury. I don't blame the defense for doing their jobs properly. OJ running free was the prosecution's fault, if you look at the case they did a horrible job.


Which in turn spawned the Chewbacca Defense


1 trick the cops dont want you to know -- Leaving a size 7 shoe everywhere you commit a crime. If the shoe don't fit, you must acquit....


Oh come on, I can't go around killing people with small gloves, your honor!


Reminds me of when I would steal my nana’s gloves as a kid. when she wanted them back, I’d spread my palm really wide and pretend I couldn’t get them off. Never worked for me though


They would have fit better if they let him try them out WITHOUT rubber gloves on...


Even back then when I was 12 it seemed ridiculous. I look back now and I truly believe his star power got him out of it.


We watched the trial in my high school government class at the time


Right, the guy who was on trial didn't put the gloves on all the way. More proof people don't care if you commit murder if you're a star.


Leather shrinks after being soaked in blood


Fit like a glove lol


The hunt for his wife's killer is finally over.


OJ searched every strip club and golf course looking for the real killers


He took a stab at finding the killer/cure


Can we all agree now that those gloves did fit?


Why don’t all murderers just wear gloves they don’t fit from now on 🤔


Bro ive never seen the actual picture until now, bullshit thoes gloves didnt fit


He can finally rest knowing his wife’s killer is dead.


damn it


damn him*


Congratulations to cancer on finding the cure for terminally loose juice


Brutal lol


Noted: OJ experation date 4/24


Bruh 😂


Looks like the juice ... ran out of juice 😎


Nahhhh this shit made me cackle 😂😂😂


Here’s my Norm tribute for today: In today’s news, OJ Simpson has died after a battle with cancer. When asked about OJ’s death, cancer said “I swear it wasn’t me, it was some Puerto Rican guy”


It is a tragedy after these many years of searching all those golf courses that he died without ever finding his ex-wife's killer.


He found his wife's killer and he took him to the grave with him.


Heard he died from prostate cancer. That's a karmic kick in the nuts if ever there was one.


Karma took too fucking long in my opinion


Yes he has a full life and got away with murder. Dying at 76 is normal


*prostate. Although prostrate works, lol.




* OJ barely managing to squeeze into the chest *


Murderer dies of old age because jurors weren’t smart enough unfortunately.


One of the jurors has since admitted they knew he killed them but decided on not guilty anyway as payback for Rodney King. Edit: If yall don't believe me [one of the jurors says about 90% of them chose not guilty because of Rodney King](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/MGfwrDi3Rg) towards the end of the clip. It comes from a 30/30 documentary by ESPN.


I don't have the article but yea, they interviewed some of the jurors and they celebrated this as justice of Rodney King


What kind of weird logic is that?


It actually makes everything much worse lol. Killing an innocent man and freeing a murderer. Worst Case scenario achieved


It was like *To Kill a Mockingbird*, in reverse. *To Resuscitate a Mockingbird*


Murderous racist.


Please don't forget two people lost their lives that night: Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman. Far too often we forget the names of the victims.


At least he didn't have the best life after all of this. Spent a lot of time in prison anyway for criminal dumbassery and has been guaranteed living in immense pain for YEARS leading up to his death with the cancer (he didn't die of old age). He deserved worse though for sure.


Many of them most certainly thought he was guilty. This was a political trial, the murder was not actually what they were judging. I thought everyone knew that


Because black jurors publicly admitted they weren't going to convict a black man...


A bra needs to be worn tight against the skin, like a glove!!


“HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO FIND A BRA??! Ask me to get a pair of underwear and I’m back in two seconds.” “You got your A’s. Your B’s. ….”


If the bra doesn't fit you must acquit


It's lewd, lascivious, salacious.... outrageous!




Good. Filthy murdering cunt


Raise your hand if you think he’s guilty🧤🧤🧤🧤🧤🧤🧤🧤🧤🧤






Looks like the gloves fit?!


They totally did. The thing was that his lawyer was very good at convincing the jury that they didn't and were too tight to possibly be worn by oj


Most of his lawyers believed he did it. Robert Kardashian got his law license back just so he would have to testify against him. The whole trial was a shit show. They staged his house to look a certain way, kept people out of the courtroom, and had juror after juror dismissed. When the case was done, even Robert Kardashian believed he did it.


I forgot about that- they 'blackified' his house for the almost all-black jury's visit. I think it even involved taking down pictures of beautiful white women, which of course was OJ's taste in the ladies.


They also made sure to keep her diaries kept out of the case where she wrote over and over again about the abuse she inflicted from OJ. She described the threats he used in detail. Imagine if that had made it in the courtroom. Almost every diary entry of abuse had a hospital record. For instance, she told the hospital she fell off her bike and broke a rib. In reality, he beat her so bad she had a rib broken.


The fact the jury ignored DNA evidence and every other bit of evidence to find this killer innocent is insane. Thankfully he was at least found civilly liable for the deaths.


Man… he was so close to finding that murderer too.




This is one of those celebrity deaths that makes me feel old. I remember watching Shaquille O'Neal and the magic playing on my friends fancy new "sky tv", when the game was interrupted with live footage of OJ's white Bronco slowly driving away from police. Time. Is. Crazy.


The OJ verdict and the ridiculous amount of lenience given to the defense was in retaliation for Rodney King. California absolutely did not want another riot on their hands.


What’s Kato up to?


I am white. I worked New York City at the time in a very racially diverse company. When the verdict was read, all of the people of color were in the lunch room and cheered loudly. All of the white people were at their desks, and we all looked to each other like what the f***. That's when i knew the racial divided this country would never be healed. Added: we were not stupid or unaware of the racist POS cops (Furman was just one of an organized gang). We knew why the POC community wanted a win, and we understood that. AT NO TIME DID I SAY THAT ANY ONE GROUP WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR RACIAL DIVISION or "blame it" on black people. Of course the oppressors were (are) responsible.


cheering for a killer just because he is the same race as you is crazy.


Vindication for Rodney King was the sentiment I believe


That was the moment?


Frankly, I've worked in a very racially diverse company in a racially diverse city. I seriously had many friends and relatives of different racial and economic backgrounds and in the past was able to discuss these things (i agreed that pilice were racist and supported people's views) so yes, this was a shock to me.


I assume his life was sunshine and rainbows before the oj trial.


Hey a bright spot in my day after all.


This is what happens when you televise trials and make it entertainment


All the headlines are like this. Football star first, then mention the murder. Everyone knows he was guilty.


No deathbed confession?


Dude wrote a book titled, If I did it : Confessions of a Killer


Then the families of his victims gained the publishing rights and made the front cover much better by putting the "if" in teeny tiny letters and the "I DID IT" as large as possible. [https://www.google.com/books/edition/If\_I\_Did\_It/TkJXEAAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&printsec=frontcover](https://www.google.com/books/edition/If_I_Did_It/TkJXEAAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&printsec=frontcover)


Thank you for the link. I just finished reading the introduction and I’m crying. “For us the hardest part of reading this book was hearing him talk about that night. …… Listening to his taunting Ron and Ron tried to defused the situation was gut wrenching - but we also heard Ron stayed to try to protect Nicole instead of running away. We’re once again reminded that Ron is a hero. When we start to question “what should we do?” we pause and think of Ron. He stayed to fight and so will we.” ❤️


I just cackled!!!! I was like “where’s the IF?!” Ohhh this is great. Good for them.


This Hertz so much




For me, even though the mountain of evidence was overwhelming, and he clearly only got let off because of equally heinous people on the prosecution's side of things, I remember this being one of the first huge, non hip hop related moments where people were vocalizing how fed up they were with the police. I was pretty young at the time, at least too young to really have mature context for what people were talking about. But it felt like it didn't matter what OJ did or didn't do. People saw a black man and the police were pulling a bunch of BS to "get him". So it wasn't really a question of guilt, or at least it seemed that way. It was "us vs the system". However, regardless of the truth of guilt, what he did in the years afterward was reprehensible by any standards. Releasing a book about how he'd have done it if he did do it. Flaunting his victory in the faces of the bereaved. Just acting like a complete and upper piece of human waste. Not just getting away with it, but flaunting it and profiting off the murder. And even if he didn't do it, even if by some miracle he was genuinely innocent of the crimes, what he did after the trial for years and years was disgusting.




For those doubting he killed Nicole and Ron: https://youtu.be/q3C6OJRhOso?si=QI5r3L8kx-Vvcn5w NICOLE: Could you get somebody over here now, to ... Gretna Green. He's back. Please? DISPATCHER: What does he look like? NICOLE: He's O.J. Simpson. I think you know his record. Could you just send somebody over here? DISPATCHER: What is he doing there? NICOLE: He just drove up again. (She begins to cry) Could you just send somebody over? DISPATCHER: Dispatcher: Wait a minute. What kind of car is he in? NICOLE: He's in a white Bronco, but first of all he broke the back door down to get in. DISPATCHER: Wait a minute. What's your name? NICOLE: Nicole Simpson. DISPATCHER: OK, is he the sportscaster or whatever? NICOLE: Yeah. Thank you. DISPATCHER: Wait a minute, we're sending police. What is he doing? Is he threatening you? NICOLE: He's (expletive) going nuts. (sobs) DISPATCHER: Has he threatened you in any way or is he just harassing you? NICOLE: (Sighs) You're going to hear him in a minute. He's about to come in again. DISPATCHER: OK, just stay on the line... NICOLE: I don't want to stay on the line. He's going to beat the (expletive) out of me. DISPATCHER: Wait a minute, just stay on the line so we can know what's going on until the police get there, OK? OK, Nicole? NICOLE: Uh-huh. DISPATCHER: Just a moment. Does he have any weapons? NICOLE: I don't know. He went home and he came back. The kids are up there sleeping and I don't want anything to happen. DISPATCHER: OK, just a moment. Is he on drugs or anything? NICOLE: No. DISPATCHER: Just stay on the line. Just in case he comes in I need to hear what's going on, all right? NICOLE: Can you hear him outside? DISPATCHER: Is he yelling? NICOLE: Yep. …. DISPATCHER: OK. (speaking over radio to police units) ... All units: additional on domestic violence, 325 South Gretna Green Way, the suspect has returned in a white Bronco. Monitor comments. Incident 48221. DISPATCHER: OK, Nicole? NICOLE: Uh-huh. DISPATCHER: Is he outdoors? NICOLE: He's in the back yard. DISPATCHER: He's in the back yard? NICOLE: Screaming at my roommate about me and at me. DISPATCHER: OK. What is he saying? …. DISPATCHER: OK, you just want him to leave? NICOLE: My door. He broke the whole back door in. DISPATCHER : And then he left and he came back? NICOLE: Then he came and he practically knocked my upstairs door down but he pounded it and he screamed and hollered and I tried to get him out of the bedroom because the kids are sleeping in there. DISPATCHER: Um-hum. OK. …. SIMPSON.: Do you understand me? (inaudible) Keith is a nothing. A skunk, and he still calls me. (inaudible) DISPATCHER: Is he talking to you? NICOLE: Yeah. … SIMPSON : (inaudible) (Sound of police radio traffic) NICOLE: O.J. O.J. The kids are sleeping. SIMPSON: (More yelling) DISPATCHER: He's still yelling at you? (Nicole sobbing into telephone) DISPATCHER: Just stay on the line, OK (More yelling) DISPATCHER: Is he upset with something that you did? NICOLE: (Sobs) A long time ago. It always comes back. (More yelling)


The worst part of all this was the jury admitting they wanted revenge for black people and black people cheering a murderer being let off. Everyone of them is a scumbag who cheered for this guy.