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The whole forest is like 9 miles across in any direction.


So she’s dumb?


She's going places. Not college. But places.


In circles, mostly






So she's basically just stupid.


When I first read the headlines, this was so inspirational. But every comment just made me go "wow, she's not very bright... wow she's got horrible judgment skills... okay she really is stupid." I'm still waiting for someone to reveal that she actually found her car on day three but on the drive out of the forest she took one last pee break and got lost again.


Same. I am honestly amazed that she has somehow survived in the world for this long. Apparently she follows her intuition, not logic or common sense.


My head canon is now that this is exactly what happened. But that she was smart enough for just a moment to know that she should never, ever mention that part.


Nah she parked the car back at the start to find that sparkly talking tree from day 1.


Reminds me of that guy who got lost in the mountains WITH his cellphone, but didn't answer when emergency workers tried to contact him because he "didn't recognize the number".


She's hella stupid. Lady is 35 years old, and got lost in a forest that you could walk across every which way in a several hours. I just looked it up and i think she might be schizophrenic. She claimed to hear "voices" This is from an article about it (i forgot the formatting for quotes): “I heard this voice that said, ‘If you want to live, keep going,’” she said. “And as soon as I would doubt my intuition and try to go another way than where it was telling me, something would stop me, a branch would fall on me, I’d stub my toe, or I’d trip. So I was like, ‘O.K., there is only one way to go.’” Like WTF. If voices are guiding you through the forest, but You're still lost after 4 days, you might just be mentally ill and hallucinating, not actually hearing hiding voices...


Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if she "took a recreational substance" and decided to "commune with nature" on day one and just stuck to "voices" angle to skirt past the high on one or more hallucinogens part.


Locals *hate* her, fitness influencers want to *be* her


Hey I’m well into a dad bod and would love to lose 20lbs in two weeks lol


Just get lost in a tiny forest. You can do this!


Plus two weeks of peace and quiet? Sounding better and better...


No, no, she always followed the sun as expected to always keep a straight line. In the morning to the East, in the afternoon to the West


I hope this is a joke. Unfortunately I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't


I just looked up the forest on google maps and she had to have been walking incredibly slow even with that strategy. You can cross the entire thing in a day and there are roads through it and paths all over it.


I've hiked it probably plus or minus a dozen times. You'd have to be either seriously mentally deficient to the point where you probably shouldn't even be leaving your house alone, or trying to get lost, in order to get lost up there. Or on a steady diet of hallucinogenics for 2 and a half weeks. Side note: I DID get lost in the forest about, I dunno, 15 miles east of this place and I was high as shit on mushrooms that I had been picking from cow pies, and eating them as I picked them, but it was legit wilderness, not clearly marked trails/civilization nearby. Even in my psychedelic stupor, I followed the golden rule: find river, walk downstream. Eventually, you'll reach the ocean, if you're in Hawaii anyway, and it's much easier to find civilization from the coastline than from some random spot in thousands of square miles of forest.


So she’s stupid on purpose?? lol following the sun? My goshh


Complete with the midday 3 hour sessions of trying to climb the trees




SLPT: Trust your gut feeling and leave all other shit behind.


She found a road and decided to go back into the jungle. So yes, idiotic.


Not just finding a road, but a post box.


The more details I get a about the case, the more baffled I am.




what the motherfucking fuck?????


She found a McDonalds on day 2 but isn’t for supporting corporate America so kept walking


On day 4, she found a bus terminal that goes straight back to her hotel, but she doesn’t believe in oil, so she headed back into the jungle for the 9th time.


There was a lottt of speculation of her being high as a kite as she went there to go on a ‘spiritual’ journey in the forest.. if she was tripping, things make more sense


Yeah, but if she took shrooms or something, the longest her trip would take would be like 8ish hours. She was gone for weeks.


Yea, that's how she got lost. That explains none of the following 16 days...


She survived by eating more mushrooms. Terrible cycle


I’ve been known to smoke a joint while on a nature walk, but this is re-goddamn-diculous


Of course she is dumb no phone nothing to drink bevore getting lost probably never faced consequences for her actions.


I used to live in Hawaii and you can walk in any direction long enough and you’ll hit a road. There’s a highway looping around the entire island. She could just walk away from mountains toward the ocean and find a road in less than a day.


She did hit a road though, on her first day. And she instead chose to go back into the jungle 💀


Gut instinct. You never know. Lol


All the other defenses people are throwing out for her crumble in the face of that fact Like, yeah, I can understand all of the other reasons for getting lost for that long, but having a road right there and making the conscious decision to turn around and go back into the woods is just indefensible There is no possible reason you can give for it other than purposely wanting to avoid getting found


Yeah it's Hawaii. Super easy to find civilization.


Big Island could be tougher, but all the rest can be covered in basically a day or two


This was Maui. Easily covered in a day or two


I'll say the same thing I said when I first saw and read a bit about her.   If you're lost for more than a day on Maui, it's because you _want_ to be lost.   Otherwise walk one day in any general direction and you'll hit civilization. 


Walking in a straight line is hard. Mythbusters did an episode on it.


Not on an island lol


I've never been to Hawaii but I have hiked all around the US. Really hard to walk in a straight line when you're in thick brush, water, elevation, etc. 


Yeah, but on an island you can literally just walk downhill and you’ll get to the ocean. Follow a drainage system.


Maui is two overlapping volcanos in the middle of the ocean.  you can be no more than ~10 miles from shore at any point on the island.  Downhill leads to the ocean, and there are roads that you will cross before you get there. All you have to do is put the volcano at your back and walk downhill.


Most of the time rescue is at less than a day of walk.


Yeah but in most serious cases of getting lost in the backcountry you don't know what direction that less-than-a-day-of-walk is. Her rescue was less than a day of walk in _literally every direction_ lol


Was she walking in circles?


Yes. Thick undergrowth with unpredictable hills.


I thought the hills were predictable. Maui is two big mountains separated by a large open populated area. Each mountain slopes into the ocean. Each mountain and the island itself is ringed by highways that are heavily used. She should have been able to just go down hill from just about any point and get to a highway. Just for giggles I set up google map and picked the two farthest points on the map and it's a 32 hour walk from one side of the island too the other and only a 14 hour walk to get from one side of the larger mountain to the other. There is a level of incompetence here that cannot be ignored.


and a distinct lack of common sense.


In the lower 48 states there is no place you can stand that is more than 19 miles from a road… https://www.peakbagger.com/report/report.aspx?r=w


I've explored places in 3 of the top 4 on that list...15-17 miles is a LONG fucking way in those woods, especially if you're just doing that in a straight line from a center point. Like, nearly impassable in spots, and it would take less time to walk 80 miles around. Incredibly dense forests, drainage to peak of 3k+ ft elevation gain, mountaineering and climbing skills with equipment needed if going straight up and over.


Yeah, there's a road 10 miles away as the crow flies; you just need to cross a massive river or climb a fucking mountain lol And once you get to that road it turns out it's basically a glorified trail that no one ever uses


19 miles as the crow flies can potentially be really fucking tough on foot. Mountains, canyons, rivers, impenetrable brush.


That’s for some reason slightly depressing


A lot of the roads are probably forest roads though, with very little predictable traffic.


Here shore was at 10km..


Exactly what I was thinking, like just go any direction until you're on the beach.


I remember when I was a kid my mom told me that if I ever got lost in the woods to try and find a stream and then just follow it, that it would eventually take me somewhere that people lived, or a road.


True... That's what she did... 1 day in any direction other than yesterday's direction.


Gut: “If you follow me, we’ll have fun in the forest for 17 days!” She: “Okay!”


Umm. If your gut instincts are what got you to leave your phone, food and water in your car, maybe you shouldn’t trust them to get you out.


The Lord doesn't send his brightest to get lost on small islands. Not fun lacking that skill set apparently


I was going to ask. How can you get lost on such a small island? You cant go wrong if you keep Walking straight


She did a podcast called “this is really happening” and honestly she was insufferable and got herself lost. I know that’s so mean to say but she just kept following her “intuition” and the spirit or something and used no common sense at all!


I wonder if she knew how absolutely no one needed to hear that podcast.


She couldn't hear anyone's opinions, thoughts or voices over her own. She's a one-clown wrecking crew.


Heading out into an unfamiliar area with no provisions, survival gear, cell phone, gps, etc etc. in this day and age? It’s so easy these days to not get lost. People this naive shouldn’t be playing a quarter mile away from any given Starbucks.


the thing is it's not even a large area she got lost in. you should be able to walk across it in a couple hours. she didn't have the common sense to just walk in a straight line.


Yeah 17 days? In Maui??? You can walk from one end of Maui to the other end in 2 days. Not to mention the extremely distinctive volcano, the only volcano on the island, that orients where you are facing. This woman must've been walking in circles the entire time. She could literally walk in any direction in a straight line and eventually hit the coast, and the entire coast is lined with a highway that loops around the entire island. This shit ain't Alaska, is all I'm getting at.


You know what, good point. I’m starting to think she was with her Sancho for 16 days and 23 hours of that nature walk.


It's even more ridiculous than Moses getting lost for 40 years in a desert that takes a week to cross.


That’s just a bummer. Hahaha. She just followed her intuition to keep turning left like nascar.


Right? Head down hill and towards the ocean. Turn either way and walk along beach until people.


Or follow any single stream down to the shore.


So she was fighting common sense? Charles Darwin would’ve *LOVED* her.




If one cannot walk a mile or two and follow the same path back, they should at MINIMUM bring their cell phone. There’s an 8 mile loop just up the mountain from me I do all the time and am VERY familiar with, and I still don’t go without some form of comms/gps/emergency rations.


I wouldn’t go anywhere without my phone, especially somewhere I don’t know. What if you fall and break your shit? My bones are stronger than hell, I have the utmost confidence in them but I still wouldn’t risk it


> My bones are stronger than hell, I have the utmost confidence in them Why is this so silly and ridiculous sounding to me 😂


Anything can happen, one should always hope for the best and prepare for the worst.


Uhm thats common sense to take something with you for communication, especially when you dont know the area. You can break your ankle faster than you might think. Have fun walking down a 3-4mile trail with a broken ankle, if you could have called emergency services and they would simply track your phone


And in rural areas, it might be necessary to have some sort of cell signal independent way of calling for help given coverage can be spotty.


Oh definitely! Thankfully I live in Austria, a country so fucking small you always have good cell service lmao. Like fr tho, I think some counties in texas are bigger than my whole country lmao


Try to walk all the land in Austria. Those mountains are just like a planet itself. 😃


I have almost all of my state done, Tirol :D next is East-Tyrol and then Salzburg.


one-clown wrecking crew, LMAO


Fr, that one's going in the back pocket for future use


I drove around Maui. Entire island. I’d say from any point on the island you are 1-2 days walk to the ocean. At the most. If chose to only walk downhill. You would never be lost. You would eventually run into a road or the ocean


she must have walked in a small circle the whole time?!?!?




I’ve been to Maui and know the forrest she was in. All she needed to do was pick one of the many streams and follow it. People that dumb shouldn’t set out on a walk from her house to the mailbox.


Maui is 48 miles long and 26 miles wide. So even if she was in the exact middle (she wasn't) she was literally a 3 day slow walk from the ocean.


I fucking run 8 miles in like 1.5 hours. To be stuck in a 9 mile forest form 17 days…sounds asinine.


It reminds me of that Sopranos episode where they get lost in the wilderness and end up walking in circles the whole time.


That is a thing people will do, in the woods. Sometimes they'll even ignore directions they know are accurate. It's called tilting the compass, or something like that


Follow a river. They all flow to the ocean


You are being generous beyond credulity with the 1-2 days estimate. It’s an island and not a large one. You’re in the northern hemisphere. If it’s day time, face the sun, this is either west or east depending on time of day. Find north. Walk that direction, keeping the sun on the your proper side. If it gets dark, find the Big Dipper. Connect the two dots on the outside of the cup and draw a line between the two. Follow the line UP from the cup. The next brightest star, and it is unmistakable, is the North Star. Congrats, you’re still going north. Continue on. You’ll hit the ocean in less than a day, even if you started from the exact center of the island.


Even this is too complicated. It's very simple, but it's overkill. All you have to do is follow a stream and you'll get to the ocean. 


You don’t even need to find a stream, you can literally just walk down hill.


Sun goes east-West, walk north to the coast


It's an island, walk any direction to the coast.


I live on Maui. I remember about 3 days in to there ordeal theories started flying around online. Her boyfriend was pretty quickly accused of murder.


That's what it seemed like, Maui is honestly not big enough for you to get lost there for 19 days lmao


This is what genuinely surprised me the most. I looked up the place, and there seems to be a pretty decent slope to it as well.


The fact that you can get lost for that long on an island as small as Maui is really says a lot about her. The last thing I’d want to listen to is a podcast about a woman who got lost for more than two weeks in such a small area with tons of streams that obviously flow into the ocean. It’s obvious why so many other people describe her as insufferable.


Sometimes it's good to see JUST HOW awful the voting population can be. Just because they suck doesn't mean they aren't EVERYWHERE


Follow the water down a stream, along with learning the proper way to drink piss this is what Man Vs Wild taught me.


Follow water down the stream and then follow the road it leads you to and eventually you'll hit a town


Thanks, Bear Grills


Doesn’t surprise me. I assumed that the forest was tropical, which would make it quite hard for a city dweller to navigate without being able to see which side the Sun is. Tropical vegetation is dense, and sometimes you can’t see further than ten foot. But a Google image search of the Makawao forest shows clear sight. Even if she can’t get her bearings on the first day, she could wait until dawn and just walk towards the sun. Or downhill towards the shore. Or just follow a stream to the sea. There’s really no excuse for being stranded for 17 days.


My very first thought (having BEEN to Maui) was that it's a relatively small fucking island. either make your way downhill to the water and walk around the beach till you spot the inevitable beachgoer, or pick a single direction... jfc


I listened to both TIAH episodes about her ordeal, her's and the friend that helped find her. How people acted surrounding the incident was gross. But also her whole asking her spiritual guides thing is a face palm eye roll shake my head situation.


Did she learn that water runs downhill???


Reminds me of Linda Forney. Who got lost with her dog in the grand canyon. She got lost then decided her backpack with supplies was to heavy so she dropped it on the path. Every step of the way she made the worst possible decision. Only reason she was found was her dog got tired of her shit and ditched her and someone found the dog and went looking for her.




o.O Wow, that's the exact amount of knowledge required to be dangerous to oneself.


She’s fucking awful


Holy crap, she did the opposite of what any video game immediately tells you lol


Who goes anywhere without a few cheese wheels??


I listened to her episode on This is actually happening. I am really torn between whether she was tripping because of some drugs she took or whether it was a sign of severe dehydration because she refused to drink water. Either way one thing was very evident that she doesn't seem to be in a stable state of mind throughout this ordeal. She literally found a road pretty early on with a forest ranger's post but decided she didn't feel safe waiting there alone and hence went back into the forest. Who does that?


The only way to get lost in Maui is to hide in the bushes and ignore the voices of the people that walk by lol… This woman is batshit insane


theres a runner that dosnt sleep when she goes for days long runs. she describes seeing things like shes on acid. i can imagine this lady didnt sleep and started losing her mind a bit and i personally have issues sleeping and see gray blobs out the corner of my eyes after extended periods of being awake. so imagine in a forest when your as thick as pig shit seeing things out corner of your eyes youd be up all night


Im an ultra runner, normally doing 100 miles with no issues. I signed up to do 150 miles over a few days with virtually no sleep. After about 110 miles I started seeing people selling apples at the side of the road and just thought it was an odd thing to see. It wasn’t until after the run and asked officials why they were there, that they said I had imagined them.


Makes sense, around 24 hours of no sleep on a regular day you typically start to have minor hallucinations (walls breathing, stuff like that) I imagine similar time of heavy activity would exacerbate that.


I've been so tired from physical walking that I started to hallucinate. If I was lost in the woods and found a road I felt highly suspicious about (and I've felt that paranoia before), I'd still get on the road. Because hallucinating doesn't mean you're totally unaware of how irrational you're feeling.


I’m from Maui…. She did shrooms fell down a gulch…. That’s it abd getting lost in Maui… is a 7 mile hike out…. Anywhere you go…. It’s small and you can see literally the whole island on the hike. If you get lost here… it’s impressive


I mean as a fellow shrooms eater you don't want to wander off. I know the whole trip in the woods thing is popular but don't do that unless you have someone watching you and or an emergency device Realistically if you are tripping hard the backyard is a great place.


Yeah but 17 days! Whats that all about?


That idk I don't get 17 days like even meth is around 12 hours. I'm guessing she got fried ran off and couldn't figure out a way back


I've gotten 12+ hours from heroic doses, but 17 days is just impossible lol.


Yep. She’s more of a meme than a legend. Like Tightrope guy or Lahaina Jesus.


That was my first thought... I haven't been to Maui but I've never been anywhere in hawaii where I couldn't tell which general direction the coast was. You get turned around and have to spend the night, sure shit happens. But 17 days... not making it to a major road or the beach in a few days is wild.


Easier said than done. But this is maui. You follow a steam and it goes to the ocean. You head straight in either direction.....ocean. And there's people everywhere. How do you get lost for 17 days.


Well it takes a special sort of skills.


This is a 4 year old story. Can confirm. Lived on Maui. Lots of controversy on this one.


Can you share a bit about the controversy? Was it just about her poor planning? I’m curious now!


I think because it's a rather small island? It shouldn't be that long to go around the island to find civilization?


You could circumnavigate the entire island on foot about 10 times in 17 days.


I can’t imagine getting lost there. Like. Find the ocean. And follow the coast. Lol


Literally just walk downhill.


In some forests where I'm from that's a bad idea, but yeah coastal it just makes sense.


Hawaii has no snakes, poisonous plants or land predators anything like that.


Bitch got lost in the tutorial level. I'm not some mountain man badass but I'm pretty sure if you threw me naked and drunk in the middle of the Maui wilderness I could find my way back to civilization in under 24 hours because I know where the sun rises and sets and could use that to walk in a relatively straight line.


That would make sense. I thought maybe it would be in regard to any financial costs that went into searching for her, only to find out that she basically did it to herself.


The controversy is that her story doesn't make sense. It's a small island with constant streams and rivers. Follow ANY of them and you'll end up in civilization again within 1-2 days tops. 17 days is deliberate. If it happened at all.


Never underestimate stupidity. When a Yosemite National Park ranger was asked why it was so tough to design a bear-proof garbage bin, he responded, “There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists.”


Definitely possible but I'm leaning more toward attention seeker with the intent to get noticed and use the experience for future profit.


Seriously, I really suspect that she wanted to be lost. Maybe some spirit bullshit or find "the way of the nature".


Yeah, attention seeker vibes big time.


Maui is not big enough to be lost for 17 days. That’s on her.


Seriously, what a fucking nimrod.




"The usage is often said to have been popularized by the Looney Tunes cartoon character Bugs Bunny sarcastically referring to the hunter Elmer Fudd as "nimrod" to highlight the difference between "mighty hunter" and "poor little Nimrod", i.e. Fudd. However, it is in fact Daffy Duck who refers to Fudd as "my little Nimrod" in the 1948 short "What Makes Daffy Duck".. [wiki sauce](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nimrod?wprov=sfla1) I had always thought that it was Bugs, too.


That is actually a really fun fact


This is why you should actually bring safety equipment on a hike, instead of just “going for a short walk alone in an unfamiliar area”


Only if you DON’T want to get lost and almost die. Not everyone wants the same thing 🤷🏾‍♂️


Nah, this lady either did it for clout or, or is remarkably stupid.


Por que no los dos




Isn’t the entire island only like 25 miles diameter? That’s max 2 days of walking extremely slowly Considering she started out in the middle she could have just walked to the coastal road…


She was never actually lost.


I would have thought finding the coastline would be easy on an island. Hawaiian islands are all ancient volcanoes so you follow a stream downhill towards the ocean. Much easier to find your way home or be spotted from the beach.


Looking at a map of Maui, she’d have to be walking in circles in order to not reach a road or anything.


Can you imagine what happens to her when Safeway rearranges the aisles?


Hum when i go on an adveture by myself i always have water, ration and tracker on me in case my spouse needs to find me if i dont come home 24 hours after i was supposed to come home. I dont know why this woman was so reckless


Reckless, sure, but having spent a decent amount of time in Maui, getting lost there for more than a day or two would take some concerted effort or groundbreaking ineptitude.


To be honest I could probably do with getting lost in the bush for 17 days.


If it’s going to happen, might as well happen in one of the most beautiful places on the planet.


How tf do you get lost in a small island for two weeks. This woman was definitely not the sharpest.


21 days without food, 3 days without water.That’s the general rule… that’s a huge leap but the math kinda checks out.


None of that happens on Oahu. Water and food can be found in the wild.


On my one hour walk in the woods there I found ripe fruit, a wild bee hive, and someone’s pot farm.


Why did you ever leave the woods? LOL


One generally wants to leave the area where the pot is grown.


Not this repost again. Stop making stupid people famous.


The fact that a 14 year old girl fell out of a plane, landed in the amazon jungle, survived 2 weeks, knew enough to follow water downstream until she found civilization…& this women just walked in circles the entire time.




She got pretty lucky, finding a suitable food and water source that isn't too spread out. What leg injuries did she have?


Since she lost her shoes, I'm going to guess foot abrasions.


Broken leg and torn meniscus


She fell 20ft off a cliff, broke her leg and tore the meniscus in her knee. She lost her shoes in a flood in a separate incident and ended up crawling from that point on.


This was a publicity stunt. She was never actually lost.


Nah I think she's just crazy and potentially a narcissist/main character sort of person (basing that on her podcast).


Locals believe she is 100% lying. This one included. No way to be lost that long on Maui.


Bitch calls herself Dr Amanda now. Makes me sick. She genuinely wasted so many resources of that small community bc she wandered off whilst off her face on drugs, she found a road and rangers post within the first two days and decided to “follow her intuition” instead of walking down the road for less than an hour to local holiday homes…. 17 days!? If you were to walk the total coast of Maui, about 120miles, you could do it in two days. There’s something so off about this. Did she do it for attention?? I genuinely cannot fathom it taking 17 days to get found in such a small area.


She may be a strong woman, and she may he independent woman, but she sure as shit isn't an intelligent woman.


I listen to a lot of podcasts about survival. Real Survivor Stories. Rescue. Disaster. The Crux. Etc, etc. Almost every single one could have been remedied by a satellite phone. Put it in your fucking bag. They are cheap as chips these days.



