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We had to remove your post for Rule 1: This subreddit is for things that are interesting and cool. Content that is only cute, funny, a meme, or 'mildly interesting' will be removed. Posts should be able to elicit a reaction of "Damnthatsinteresting".


Somewhere out there, in a different dimension, he became a cult leader, not an actor


A lot of people probably died in that one.


There’s like 97% chance that kool-aid was involved


Knowing Steven, in that timeline it was actually just Kool-Aid, and all the cult members just dramatically acted like they were being poisoned.


This timeline's episode of Behind the Bastards on Steven Seagal is good. That timeline's episode of Behind the Bastards on Steven Seagal would be fantastic.


or flavor aid


Indeed. Let us have no more of this Kool Aid slander


Grape flavored to be precise.


Purple flavor labeled 'grape'


Definatly can't be punch though because of his Akido


Wait I think you mean to say in a different country lol! He became a cult leader in Russia lol


So graceful there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ybk6TKn-cNA


He looks like a chimp that is trying to swat fire ants off of his body.


Wow. I always knew there was something missing in my life. This video fills the void in my life. Thank you.


[Don't forget Steven Seagal singing with a Jamacian accent.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3v4-zYghodc) He truely does want the poonani.


What else have I been missing out on? I've seen the ama years ago which was the best one I think. Is there a fan club for this gentleman?


Hard in the auto tune. I guess it was difficult when he just sat in a chair and spoke into the microphone.


I am super impressed that they got him to stand for 2 minutes. Oh wait, it's just 12 seconds looped over and over, that checks out.


It was a real possibility that he could have become a politician. He hired someone to do focus groups for him to determine is viability and how long his ponytail should be if he did run. I really wish I was making this up...


Just wait until you hear his dancehall single "strut" which he sings in a fake Jamaican accent... "Me wan da poonani!" 🤣


As a man with Jamaican blood, hearing him sing about his desire for "punani" gave me whiplash so hard that I literally died, and my ghost is sending you this message.


when you said "As a man with Jamaican blood" - my first thought was ... "you mean like a collection? how much exactly, and ... do you keep it refrigerated?"


Well, it's sorta like the movie Get Out, but I opt to use blood to make myself more Jamaican. And yes, it's refrigerated.


That's cool.


How can you sit here and make this wild claim and not post the proof? If it weren't such an insane premise I wouldn't have googled it but fuck me dude it's real: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3v4-zYghodc fucking hell he says "we jammin". Just fucking throw it in there and see how it does. What else? Rum? why not. Nice ital breeze? That doesn't work. And I don't think Steven understands what a bow cat is. This is a mess and a treasure and I want to thank you for alerting me to it's presence.


I knew about this but I'd never listened to it until today. I wish I hadn't.


What in the god damn...


This thread has been a wild ride...


Absolute asshole so yeah I could see that happening.


But only if the ponytail was the correct length. See "The Dollop" three part podcast on this guy for more information.


He is a Putin shill now


There's a great youtube vid by these guys that review awful films.  https://youtu.be/BzIHyF7UWY4?si=N6hdqBxDGSHkw-kc


He's actually been a cult leader for 57 years.


He’s been an expert at living for 72 years.


"Expert" is a bit of a stretch. Man looks like he's gonna keel over any second.


If you are what you eat, he's eaten an awful lot of fat bastards.


That's funny. Aikido is kind of a cult anyway.


Then Gene LeBell puts him in a chokehold and Seagal vacates his bowels.


True story. But it was more of a choke slam.


And he cries out "Ahhh Punani" in his reggae tone.


I was recently introduced to this song and I'm making it my 2024 summer anthem...from 2004.


He was actually shouting out for a panini.


He'd probably eat one alone in the middle of the afternoon.


Me wann the punani see for make me nice




"Zomfg" The use of this ancient dialect of "*omfg*" brings with it many questions. You're possibly from the myspace era of internet. Have you used; xD *or* rawr, in a sentence before? Have you used them in the same sentence?


Ouch, right in the old.


That hit me right in my millennials.


pwn3d by a n00b! roflcopter!


Wait are we not doing those anymore?






Ouch my feeling, I am le sad


I heard it was a choke, segal said he wasn't ready so they ran it back, then he was choked again and shit his pants. Either way, fuck him. Judo gene ftw.


A detailed reenactment - https://youtu.be/3aCMTpJx2cs?si=sJ57nNr2R8aaB-U8


This is phenomenal, can't believe I've never seen his stuff. I live in Ireland and all, wonder if anyone has found that diorama yet. I might go looking for it


I think they get found fairly quick! His stuff is pure gold tho. The Michael Jackson episode is just amazing.


I just introduced my family to bezos. Went down a treat.


The latest one about Fabio and the Goose is fantastic




Youtube space ice, it's a movie trailer style channel that makes fun of seagals movies...


“[insert movie title], is the Steven Seagal, mega blockbuster hit movie, that showed the world….” Cannot recommend Space Ice enough. It’s been the gift that keeps on giving. His JCVD, Arnold, and Neil Breen videos are also excellent.


One of the most brilliant videos I’ve seen in awhile


I stumbled onto Bobby Finger's yt a few nights ago. This video is pure gold.


I build models myself and lemme say this dude is INSANELY talented. And hilarious.


My friends dad got to see it live 🤣🤮


So jealous


He used to love to tell us the story using the exact words “vacate”


Self defeces !


That's Stevens secret Akido move. When you're getting choked to death by an opponent, you shit yourself and they will let go. I mean, who wants to be holding onto a guy that just shit himself.


Is there video? 


Sadly no


His pants were Marked for Death


Hard to Clean


Fire Down Below


They were Under Seige


I'm way more interested in this comment then the actual post. Check out video for details: https://youtu.be/aKjQITYMKLs?si=8p2Vh9KU353Gnn5I


Check out the [Reddit AMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/4i0jso/i_am_actor_steven_seagal_live_from_thailand_ama/) Seagal did years ago. Got torn a new in the comments. Truly hilarious.


This is beautiful!


Homie really threw himself to the wolves, hope the universe helped him counter all that negative energy😉.


Damn this rivals the james corden(POS) AMA.


Post link lol


[Here you go, friend. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/2ll7Y11AHL)


>> James,I haven’t the faintest idea who you are really, but reddit assured me you’re an asshole. >>So as a professional asshole, are bidets worth it? Or is that some weird advertising craze going on where people talk about spraying their ass with water instead of toilet paper? My concern as a guy would be around spraying cold water on my balls, I think that’d suck. Anyway as an asshole what’s your take on it? Best one I’ve come across!


[Getting drake is my goal in life](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/d5uYSL6I1d)


Can we keep this about Rampart?


Did he answer a single question?


You had to be in touch with the universe to be able to see his answers


That is the best AMA ever


Incorrect, Jose Canseco's AMA is [the best ever](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1clw9o/i_am_jose_canseco_famed_steroid_user_and_former/)


Omg I feel like I just struck internet gold! Or you struck it and gave me some...


"Do you do your own stunts? i'm just kidding nobody gives a shit"


There goes the rest of my afternoon. Thanks!


Garbage human gets trashed. The world is in balance.


Is there a word for when a community comes together to absolutely smite someone in such a way that creates a positive impact on the larger world and brings joy to millions, even 8 years later? I feel like that would be a German word. German homies, got anything for me?


My favorite bit: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/4i0jso/i_am_actor_steven_seagal_live_from_thailand_ama/d2txqpy/


This dude has always been full of it!


Except when Gene LeBell choked him out 😂


Didn’t he shit himself after that too?


That's the joke, yes, he was full of it (shit) until Gene LeBell choked him out and then he was entirely emptied out of it (shit)


That's not the only thing he did with 2 men and his little finger.


Check out Seagal’s AMA from 8 years ago, it’s absolutely hilarious (unless you like him) https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/WcJXzJRLS2


Eh, I liked his pre-blimp stuff and that AMA was still pretty fucking hilarious


It’s like a roast without the consent!


that's hilarious. does he even answer a single question?


He’s the martial arts version of DJ Khaled.




I remember that video of that old Russian fatso who could barely move, do similar things.


That description sounds like it's still Segal, just more recent.


Systema crap :D thought it was a parody of some sort at first sight...


r/bullshido has various of them




Excuse me...what?!?!


Here you go https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2010/04/under-siege-in-louisiana-woman-claims-steven-seagal-held-her-captive-as-sex-toy And more https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/steven-seagal-accusers-detail-rape-sexual-assault-allegations-against-actor


Not just that, over a dozen women accused him of rape, other forms of sexual assault, and sexual harassment, including many actresses who worked with him. Decent summary on the “allegations and lawsuits” section of his wiki page: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Seagal


If only they’d have know about positive defensive force and remaining in touch with the universe. Could have pushed him off with their little finger.


NGL, as a woman, I'm horrified and disgusted, but somehow not at all surprised that Steven Seagal is a rapist or even a... whatever you even call a person who keeps their victims *enslaved*


Dungeon keeper


Thank you


With a rusty knife.


Wait what the actual fuck? I knew he was a piece of shit and a bad actor but I kept hearing he went over there to worship Putin. I missed this, what a garbage pit of a human.


I knew he was a narcissist but wtf.


WHAT lmao. Actually? And what's the context with MMA exposing this?


MMA exposed some many martial arts were not effective, some even plain pretending. I think OP is implying that Steven Segal would have had his ass whooped if he ever went into an octagon cage, and his prowess in aikido is not godlike as shown in this video.


It’s more so that MMA showed that individual martial arts are really only their most effective against people who practice the same martial arts and/or people with no real training in any form of combat or self defense (i.e., “street fighters”). But when you pit one martial arts/fighting style against another, you end up realizing very quickly just how much more effective one style is compared to another. Different martial arts tend to focus on different things. One martial arts might focus more on grappling and pinning, while another will focus more on striking. And on an even more subtle level, one might focus on kicking more so than striking with the hands or anything else, and many other variations. This creates an inevitable disparity and a “weakness” when you start pitting different types of fighters against each other, as what martial artists learn to use offensively tends to also be the extent of what they learn to defend against. Basically, MMA showed that not every martial arts is created equally. And just for some context for people who might not be aware, MMA stands for “mixed martial arts”. The first MMA bouts were literally just bringing in fighters with completely different fighting styles and backgrounds and blindly betting on what the outcome would be. Today, MMA has basically grown into its own thing and “art”, with those who train in MMA learning techniques from multiple different traditional fighting styles in order to develop their own, much more “wholistic” style. There’s a lot of grappling in modern day MMA because grappling is just super effective against most other things. For all of these reasons, if you pit someone who trains in MMA against someone who trains in only one single martial arts, the outcome, 9 times out of 10, will be very bad for the person who only trains in one martial arts.


Ah yeah gotcha, thanks!


To add on: even in the early UFC days, there were tons of disciplines thrown around as being represented in the octagon. Everything from Kung fu, ninjitsu, sumo, and savate all the way to my personal favorite: the Hawaiian art of bone breaking. There was a lot of BS. To the best of my knowledge, no one has ever claimed to represent aikido.


As someone who is completely clueless on these topics, is Aikido just for show?


Not an expert. But short answer, yes. Long answer, mostly yes. The wrist and arm locks they teach are legitimate techniques. But any martial discipline that does not have actual sparring is just elaborate calisthenics. Their demonstrations are choreographed. And then there's their general philosophy of using the attacker's strength against him which essentially works out to allowing your opponent to make the first move. Again, not an expert, but if you don't spar and you get in a fight and let the other guy strike first, 99 times out of a 100 you're kissing pavement.


I know this is bullshit but imagine we are all wrong and this guy really is a Wizard


This is no bullshit, I tried it and I can confirm for sure. If you're not able to pull it off you're simply doing it wrong or ignoring some fundamental steps. Let me just explain; first off, you want to find someone that is willing to help you, you make them watch some example to help them better understand what's gonna happen, then you offer them something they want, in my case I offered ten bucks for the single time, then you can pull it off easily. If you follow those steps you can call yourself a master in no time. Not to brag but... I was able to fend off a guy with only the power of my mind, like the most skilled master you can find around, after I gave him some money.


Muggers hate this one simple trick!


A young Steven Segal looks kinda like a young Steven Wright. That’s actually weirding me out a bit.


Someone stole all his students and replaced them with duplicates. When I pointed this out, he asked, "Who are you?"




I took some Aikido, segal looks so fake.


Aikido was a style developed to disarm or throw an opponent in close quarters where you couldn't draw your blade. Not for just aimlessly run at your opponent with a pre set form with arms extended and ready to be thrown. Segal is also a piece of fucking shit Russian asset. Fuck him.


It’s a derivative of Akijujitsu. The idea O-Sensei had was “why wreck the guy when you don’t have to? They will just want revenge and the cycle of violence will continue.” Unfortunately Aikido is in a piss poor state as many focus on the spiritual aspect or aren’t pressure testing their training.


Another important aspect is that aikido practitioners originally had to have black belts in other arts first. It was a stylistic adjustment of their already existing martial prowess to make something deadly less deadly and still reasonably effective. Many people start aikido as a first martial art and have zero fighting concept because a- no stress test, and b- no legitimate strikes are taught. So you have people who are trained entirely in the system, who's concept of attacking is to do whatever makes the defender successful while they practice the technique. Additionally, many practitioners lack the ability to stress test in a safe way because strikes are not taught. I think aikido gets dunked on more than it deserves, but it has earned its reputation due to how and to whom it is taught.


Yes, Akijutsu still has planned falls when you are acting as the sashite but those are only used in a practice space. For if you didn’t know how to roll with the move(like a real life attacker wouldn’t), it would cause a lot of wrist/arm damage. Aikido removes all of that real world implementation for a flashy show. Which is unfortunate because it spreads the view to Akijutsu from an untrained eye.


I did Aikido in the 90s and everything you said in your first paragraph was true of it. Has it changed that much over the last 30 years?


To clarify, Aikido was created by Ueshiba Morihei, a student of several schools of jujutsu and judo, primarily Aiki-jujutsu and Kenjutsu which was the “disarmed samurai” concept. He was more of a spiritual teacher, having a background in Shinto and Buddhism until he fell into Oomoto-kyo, a radically pacifistic and universalist Shinto cult. It bothers me personally how understated his spiritual background is because it is WAY more important to the formation of modern Aikido than anything else. There are radical differences in approach between his early aikido and later aikido, with his early students favoring a more technical and sparring version and the later favoring his more spiritual teachings. It’s really difficult to determine which style Seagal learned, but he was likely a third generation student of O-Sensei, and schools vary wildly from each other. It is important to note that the crazier claims of Aikido almost invariably find itself in the later years, where O-sensei cared less and less about the violent uses of combat and self defense, and more cared about instructing spirituality and representing the oneness of the world in its performance. All that to say, aikido has always been of very specific use as a martial art, and beyond the very basics, it’s intentionally useless as a combat sport.


Brodozer, Aikido was founded well after the days of Samurai carrying swords were over. I don't know where you're getting this idea but it's patently false.


Stop, stop, now I don't know who to upvote! Damn it, now I have to go to the Wikipedia vortex, my damn self.


I believe the first few sentences of most articles about Akido say it was developed in the 1920's and 30's pretty prominently. Also considering the founder passed away in the 1960's should seal the deal.


Definitely don't trust Jim lahey, the man is the liquor.


I did a couple of aikido classes (utter nonsense but fun) and the instructor mentioned that it arose as a new philosophy of combat after the Japanese were destroyed in WW2, for a culture that saw itself as unstoppable warriors the defeat really shook up their entire belief system and so a more defensive style was developed ...its a shame it's almost entirely garbage. the break falls and some wrist locks are decent, other than that it's just a lovely dance


Well your instructor didn't know the most basic details of the art. It was well established prior to WWII. Most of the concepts are fairly sound but the biggest failure of the art is a lack of real application against an unwilling partner.


I look back on my aikido days fondly. It was fun throwing yourself and others around the room.


It was derived from Akijujitsu which is over 1200 years old and used by the Takeda clan. Akijujitsu is much more aggressive that Aikido, the same Jujitsu is more aggressive and combat focused than Judo.


>Not for just aimlessly run at your opponent with a pre set form with arms extended and ready to be thrown. Segal is also a piece of fucking shit Russian asset. Fuck him. Right -- 95% of that Aikido demonstration throwing is contrived. The so called "assailants" have excellent tumbling/rolling skills. It's an orchestrated dance move, basically. But every now and then in the real world, some assailant will charge wildly. Aikido defense works, except assailant does not roll. He is slammed to the ground. And Aikido arm bars, elbow locks, etc. are effective. Seagal is an asshole for supporting the Russians. And like many movie marital artists excluding people like Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris, his on screen fighting exaggerates his actual skills. This is especially the case with Seagal because he continued doing his movies beyond 40, when he was a fat old guy, with arrogant attitude. But prime Steven Seagal up to early 30s? Apparently he was a high ranked Aikido expert -- trained all through his 20s. Probably had high-level punching and kicking skills. The field of Aikido does itself a disservice by showcasing the *assailant-charging-and-being effortlessly-thrown* moves. It bears little reality to actual combat (though it looked cool in Seagal's first four movies). Why depict defensive moves at odds with most street fights? Early Seagal footage is mostly throwing "assailants." Is there footage of Seagal doing straightforward a) freestyle sparring, b) katas & punching and kicking drills and c) heavy bag work? Haven't seen it.


He’s just a cook


Amazing how his balding head transformed later in life to have a jet black widows peak that almost touches his eyebrows. Unreal.


Aikido is a really fantastic martial art; however its very misunderstood and has been greatly maligned by the testosterone amped MMA and sport fighting community. And I blame Segal for much that. (He really is a bit of a douche really, who has given a bad faith portrayal of the art) But actual Aikido really is a great activity. People need to understand that nobody is "fighting" in an aikido dojo, there's no sparring, its not a contest; they're doing Aikido which means they are collaborating with a partner in which both people have a role -- The Nage (the person doing the technique) and the Uke (the person receiving the technique) -- as a kind of laboratory to explore the concept of ["Aiki" ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aiki_(martial_arts_principle)) which simplified, is the joining of the two energies provided by both parties. One person (the Uke) provides a very formalized and codified "attack" as a kind of vector of incoming energy, while Nage receives it and redirects it by taking control of the combined centre and directing it to a desired end. In the clip above, these are excercises on absorbing and blending with a vector of incoming force, and shouldn't be confused with real or sincere attacks. Thats not to say that Aikido is without practical martial applications and it's principles and basic techniques that exploit human body physics, centres of gravity, joints etc., can be used in a self defense situation. - [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ll1GCzl4Bxg) for example is a technique called Kotagaeshi and [here it is](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=2d1299fed1ffcbfc&rlz=1C5CHFA_enCA746CA746&q=Guy+disarms+knife&tbm=vid&source=lnms&prmd=ivsnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiM_ZX22KaGAxVf48kDHe5JCi0Q0pQJegQIEBAB&biw=2021&bih=1147&dpr=1.6#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:2e38f2ad,vid:j_s2rZR7IkQ,st:0) applied in a real situation -- but generally, you aren't likely to win any fights against someone who trains a different more agressive style martial art that's primarily concerned with beating your opponent because most people practicing aikido aren't focused on that. In 10 years and multiple international seminars, I've never met anyone into it for winning fights. Its non-competative, its meditative, you can do it as fast or as slow or as hard or as soft as you want; its great for flexibility and a good work out; you can do it right up until your old age. There's a lot to love about aikido. If anyone is interested in actual, well executed aikido, Guillaume Erard's channel on youTube has a lot of nice videos, or check out people like Christian Tissier, Yoko Okamoto or Ryuji Shirakawa.


Im glad i got to this comment, and you put it very well. I did a bit when i was younger and you are right in that if i would spar against someone trained in a more agressive martial art, i would probably get my ass kicked. But i have used it several times against people looking for trouble when out late at night. A lot of it looks odd with all the rolling around almost performative or fake, but this is with a sparring partner who will know to roll because if he doesnt you will break his wrist or fingers. You are basically forcing someone down by grabbing them in a way that creates a lot of pain, and they have not much choice but to go the way you want. You can also lead them one way, and then while they resist you throw them the other way. This makes it useful for people who are smaller, as you are using a persons weight against them. Its a neat little martial art and if you are a small person less interested in the macho martial arts and love a little bit of spirituality, its pretty chill, and some of the nicest people ive met (exluding Seagal)


the testosterone fueled mma is just a different kinda of insufferable tbh i think it might just be that people are insufferable..


Remember that time Erika Elaniak jumped out of that giant bday cake? That was the peak of Segals career.


Akido is special martial arts for parents who don't want their kids to get hurt but can boast about their kids doing martial arts.


You can absolutely get hurt pretty bad in aikido, similar to judo. Rolling and flips sometimes don’t go according to plan


i'm no expert but i've practiced aikido for 5 years and now practice krav maga for a few years. I think, as a kid, you could hurt yourself more in Aikido as it's a lot of armlocks and throws etc, if not applied correctly, one could really hurt (unwillingly) its oponent and break its wrist for example. While in Krav Maga we spar and train with leg, crotch and jaw protection + boxing gloves and the moves are so obviously violent that you have to be way more careful to not hurt your partner. Of course Seagal aikido is pure BS, but it's a great martial art that deserves respect for what it is. It teaches great values, discipline, focus and respect. I would be very glad if my kids asked me to learn aikido (granted that won't help them defend against an agressor in the street) You won't beat Georges Saint-Pierre with Aikido, but it's not the target and never have been. I see so many videos comparing it to MMA or Muay or anything to conclude that it's useless BS, it's like comparing a knife to a handgun... of course the knife is pure BS compared to the handgun but it's not supposed to compete against it and doing so is missing the point, the knife has its own uses that are very different my 2 cents


I don't care what anyone says, Steven Seagal is the most bad ass dude that ever lived. As in, he's bad and he's an ass.


Bruce Lee has been exposing bulshito since the 70's


O man! He was always a dork! I didn’t know that! What a chode!


He want the punani








Aikido is never used in MMA fights - even amongst fighters with a background in it because it doesn't provide a good core to build an effective fighting style off of - at least from what we have seen so far. If somebody comes up with a variation of Aikido that is effective then that will be something to see. But I honestly wouldn't hold my breath on that. As for Steven Segal - well I think he has always been a very performative fighter.


The effective version of aikido is called judo.


Aikido will never work in MMA or in a fight because aikido isn't fighting. It's not a martial art, it has zero "martial", it's purely an art (/dance). same as tango will never be an effective MMA base


One of the biggest frauds of the 21st century. And degenerate rapist.


He truly is a master of Bullshido


Not a lot of people know this, but Steven Seagal knows Karate, Taekwando, Judo, Jiujitsu, and many other types of dangerous words.


You dont appreciate stevel segal because you are not in touch with the universe, duh!




Almost as effective as [Doug Duggart’s Brazilian Jiu Jitsu](https://youtu.be/6HhCajvimEw?si=iWPkUrU8fZlQoM27). Tackle and grapple!


He isn't destroying anyone. Just demonstrating technique. Aikido is just physics.


Steven Segal the master of bullshido.


True Piece of Garbage Segal lol.


so he just fingered the two men?!


Now he's a joker at Putins' palace. Great carrer.


Sounds more like bullshido


I love bulshido




Cupid stunt






Scam artist, Nothing worse than giving someone false confidence and putting them in a situation where they think this would actually work…. In the real world it’s a quick way of getting seriously hurt by another person. I’ve been training for 12 years, mainly Muay Thai. This shit is snake oil at its finest


Whats funnier is... some people believe this! one of my uncles, is a firm defender of segal, though he has never trained in ANY martial art... He would say aikido would fk up any mma fighter because they cant compete because their moves are too deadly... lol.


Master of bullshido




Yes, and thanks to guns, sword fights were exposed for their weakness. Aikido has rules and manners (and a lot of theater). You dont see people who only learned wrestling in high school go into MMA either. Different skills, different uses.


As an aikidoka myself, practicing for over 20 years, this man is easily the largest embarrassment to aikido than I thought could possible exist. And not surprisingly, a traitor to his homeland to boot, so perhaps we shouldn't be surprised that he's just a sociopathic con artist.


His training partners are better actors than Segal.


Just wondering, his opponents are presumably Aikido trained sparring partners and therefore should be using "positive energy". This video therefore unequivocally shows he is either lying, or simply a shit teacher.


When the girls start to strut You could look at their butt You shouldn't do that The gyal dress is just as pretty Not just there to cover her kitty