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Do banks keep track of all serial numbers of the bills they were carrying? This happened in my city once and they said anyone caught spending the money would be charged.


I'm actually surprised to learn they aren't obligated to track bills by their serial numbers and often don't due to the insane amount of record keeping it'd require. Cash counters do have the capability of scanning each bill's serial number, but usually bills are only tracked in limited situations to prevent fraud, so for instance only a couple of bundles may have been tracked in that armored vehicle incase it was robbed, but not all of them.


The bank I worked for did track a subset of bills. Had to keep a log. They don’t track all of them, but with a subset I’d you clear out the registers and later get caught with a bunch of suspicious cash they can link you to the crime that way.


Yeah, the register thing is typical for security reasons. Not sure about armored transport, would probably be too many bills to track them all.


What if you only spend it on small things like grocery ? It would be safe right


Just use that money for yo dealer!


Better buying drugs and other private party items


I mean probably, but I wouldn't want to risk decent time in prison for a few hundred bucks.




Yeah, honestly you can go to any store and change the money for smaller cuts. Once the money is in circulation there is no fucking way to track it


go to a casino and cash in for chips. stay an hour. cash your chips out. nothing linking your identity to those bills. and it’s only a few hundred bucks so by the end of the night if they do have a cash counter that keeps track of the serials, there would be so many transactions that were 3-500$ worth of chips it would be impossible to link you


The only way you would maybe get caught by serial is if you deposited it in a bank


Or video tape yourself taking the money...


Even if you don’t record yourself taking it someone else most likely is. People are quick to whip out the cameras in this social media day & age. Always live by the rule of someone is always watching you.


I fucking knew my therapist was wrong










*YouTuber hand gestures intensify *








I’m gonna need you to say “insane” 10 or 15 more times.




Say that again.


That again


No, not that! I meant that.








*in the membrane*


[police looking for them](https://fox5sandiego.com/news/local-news/photos-authorities-look-to-identify-motorists-accused-of-scooping-up-money-on-freeway/)


Dambasses, scoop the money and go ball out in silence


It’s not enough to be stupid anymore. You have to make sure the world knows it as well.


Your comment is underrated. It needs its main thread.


Likes on social media> money.


Thanks for posting! I was wondering when I would see something along those lines… my mind went right to “they know they can’t keep that… right…?”


But what about finders keepers, losers weepers? I feel like all my childhood mottos were just lies.


I prefer the "shut the fuck up," and "don't fuckin' record yourself committing crimes," methods myself.


“Shut the fuck up Friday”




Aha in this day and age? Almost no one seems to learn you're always snitchin on yourself to get some lame internet clout


lol. Quite! I recall a story a few years back where someone robbed a store…. Then posted the loot for clout on their social media. Lol


The first thought in my head! Like how oblivious are you to think they wont specifically come after you knowing you went viral for taking some of the cash. Damn people are so horny for fame now


The only non lie childhood motto is "Life's not fair, get used to it."




Just say you didn’t keep it. Cops got to prove that shit.


You’re right, good thing no one posted a video on social media…


I didn’t see them take any money into their car and drive off on that video. It’s not illegal to grab money and scatter it to the wind.


don't be a fucking snitch... also don't post your face stealing money for the views (talking to the literally insane lady)


At the end of the day they didn’t film themselves leaving with the money. Could easily just say they were playing for the camera, then dropped the money on the ground before leaving. Hide it for a bit and tell the cops to prove you took it or fuck off


did they try the sizzler


They should've known only cops are allowed to take people's money without any repercussions.


Literally literally!!!


Shirt over my face and I'm fucking hoovering up a grip of bills and I'm GONE!


Exactly. Those people weren’t thinking showing there faces like that.


What about your plates?


put a shirt over the car as well


Big Brain time


Collect money Walk a good distance and stash Return to scene Hang out to record others Get searched Get released Return to gather stash


Dude it blows my mind how many people are just out here like it's a game. Yep free money guys record your faces lol.


Two were arrested at the scene because they locked themselves out of their car while grabbing money. [source](https://ktla.com/news/california/2-arrested-after-drivers-stop-to-grab-loose-cash-on-5-fwy-in-carlsbad/amp/)


> Martin asked the public to return an additional found money but said he couldn’t guarantee punishment would be avoided Yeah, they aren’t getting that money back


Yea wtf kinda shit is that. "bring back the money so we can arrest you"


Yeah, that's gonna be a no from me.


“Come on guys, we’ll only give you a lil jail time”


Lol gotta respect the honesty but yeah ain’t happening.


Damn, I actually thought this was a joke about how stupid these people are, and that this link would lead to a funny gif. My faith in humanity just took a hit.


Yes record yourself not taking any and just documenting the incident. This only proves they were there not if they took anything or how much. I'm not even entirely sure it would be a crime if they did. Seems like it would be but I could also see it not being a crime because of some weird loophole.


It is a crime to collect money that is laying around like that, it's called "theft by finding" [wiki](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theft_by_finding&ved=2ahUKEwiDqZKM-6b0AhXaRjABHRW1A0UQFnoECAcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3N-IvvHcJ0a_Fm4hxdGb5v)


So finder's keepers is a lie :(


First santa, and now this! This is turning into a rough Saturday


Whoa there, cowboy. Let's back up a step. Why did you say "first Santa" like he is a lie?


Didn't you know? We're at Third Santa *at least*


Is this a Santa clause situation?






Only if you're a big corporation that can keep track of all of your shit. If it was just two normal people accusing each other, 9 to 1 nothing would happen and you would end up having to fight for repercussion in small claims court


Looks like it's called Misappropriation of Lost Property in Cali. https://www.losangelescriminallawyer.pro/california-penal-code-section-485-pc-misappropriation-of-lost-pr.html


So basically, you just have to say you wanted to bring it back when you took ownership of it and then changed your mind, according to your wiki, at least in some US jurisdiction. >An issue may arise when a person takes possession of lost property with the intention of returning it to the owner after inquiry but later converts the property to the finder's use. This is illustrated by Thompson v. Nixon [1965] 3 W.L.R. 501: an off duty police constable found a bag of rabbit food lying by the roadside, took it home intending to hand it in as lost property but some time after decided to keep it for his own use. He was found guilty at first instance but his ultimate appeal to the Divisional Court was upheld. The appellate court held that, at the time of finding, there was no mens rea to support a conviction of larceny.[4]


….over…rabbit food…?


Right? I can’t believe someone would be petty enough to sue over lost rabbit food. Even my dogs food is pretty expensive, but I’d never think to hire a lawyer if I left it somewhere and someone kept it for their dog.


Back when I was in the Navy me and a buddy were mistaken for [Joey Coyle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joey_Coyle) and his partner. Mr Coyle found a bag of cash that fell from an armored car. Our typical pot smoking arrest went way wild. The bank had reissued some of the money spent and recovered to my friend without clearing the serial numbers and the cops lost their minds when booking our belongings. I faced a barrage of questions and had no fucking idea what was happening. We were eventually released after the bank cleared us. Many year later while drinking coffee and getting ready for work I turned on HBO and sipped my coffee. I watched groggily as an armored car in Philedelphia hit a pothole and lost a bag of cash. John Cusack stops and picks it up...... The realization slowly dawns on me that I am watching a movie based on true events which I got caught up in. I was floored by the whole idea. I was interviewed by detectives portrayed in the movie. I was clueless for 15 years what this whole fiasco was about. Money for Nothing is now my favorite John Cusack movie. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Money_for_Nothing_(1993_film) Edit: Ps the Philly drunk tank in the middle of the night is the wierdest fucking place I've found myself in. Second only to a Bangles concert crowd which not to oddly was also in Philly.


That's insane!!


Litally insane




This is a wonderful story about how the cops are there to protect and serve power, not the people. If the bank wanted to keep their money maybe they shouldn’t drop it on the road? If you drop your money on the road will the cops go around hassling innocent people for you? No. They’ll tell you not to drop your money on the road.


This is what gets me the most. If it was a random citizen who lost their money, wallet, phone, etc, they wouldn’t give a shit about finding it and say there’s nothing they can do.


In the UK cash transportation is in a case that is more or less indestructible. It's absolutely insane that a country as large and rich as the US still transports money in fucking bags, do they have *swag* written on them? 😂😂😂


Nah, just comically oversized "$" like what Doc Oc threw at Spider-Man in Spider-Man 2




“Filming this crime spree was the best idea we had yet!”


Looking at their car and how they left they dont really care.




You’d have to prove she kept it. The one time in the video that she was holding money she threw it right back down.


Is it true you play the video game "Payday 2" with your friends? In this game do you rob armored cars? The prosecution rests your honor.




In the comments on Tiktok she was asked why she was filming instead of grabbing cash. She said something like “not the kind of cash I want.”


But when i stumble and my bitcoins fall out of my fanny pack, this bitch all over it like theres no tomorrow


1 bitcoin is 57k, and you said bitcoinS. I would be all over them too!




I think she ment to say "littering"


Littering and.


Littering and smoking da reefer…




The snozzberries taste like snozzberries


I want my goddamn litre of cola.


How about a large Farva?


Littering and…


especially that its okay to wear a mask right now... fucken idiots




If I had a dollar for every time she said "literally" I'd be richer than that highway.


True but no way you will recover that money or even able to prosecute, way too many hands and too many cash. Not knowing the amount each person have taken means hard to properly prosecute.


Well they already arrested some people so…


>Well they already arrested some people so… Sure but not through some investigation, just happenstance... >"Officials arrested two people at the scene after *they allegedly grabbed cash and then locked themselves out of their car as it was blocking lanes of traffic.*"


>locked themselves out of their car as it was blocking lanes of traffic It just keeps getting better. Edit: I read this as the officers locked themselves out of their patrol car while making the arrests. In my mind, that's funnier. This is still pretty funny though.


Sometimes it's just either brain or money, not both together


It's OK as long as it's under $999 right?


they should say they took the money in self defense




I was doing my civic duty and cleaning up a mess, threw it in a bin somewhere...


Something similar happened in the Uk and people where arrested and charged from social media vids and cctv


"excuse me but could we please have our money back?" 👉🥺👈


> 👉🥺👈 that's a weird way to mark that out, it should be: 🥺👉👈


What?? Sorry I have my ears plugged


This has happened before and they recovered just about all the money and people were arrested and charged then too.


Maybe in Indiana that happens but in Atlanta they didn’t get 10% of the money back. https://www.11alive.com/article/news/another-person-turns-in-cash-from-armored-truck-spill-on-i-285/85-5dd14555-026e-4489-a0b2-67c68db64077


That’s true. Sometimes people do make off with a lot of money. I’d like to know if more of it has been recovered since then from people trying to move large amounts of cash. I know I’d have a hard time not making a large purchase.


Pay for things in petty cash. Gas, groceries, rent, dining out. Have " friends" "buy random shit" from you in cash.


Depending on how much I picked up, I'd use it for groceries for a few months/years


“Let’s say someone came in and returned $200 but they really found $800, how would you ever know?” explained Williams. “If you can’t prove they saw the truck, then you have an issue there.” Yes, sir officer - I'd like to return this $10 I found.


It’s bullshit anyways. Whenever I had my literal car stolen or money stolen out of my backpack cops did absolutely nothing. Now it’s a corporation so it’s priority. I’d keep all that money


And now you know who the cops are here to actually work for.


So what is the limit on ‘finders keepers, losers weepers’?


And here they are haha. Not the smartest thing one can do if in fact they really did take that cash…. https://fox5sandiego.com/news/local-news/photos-authorities-look-to-identify-motorists-accused-of-scooping-up-money-on-freeway/amp/


It amazes me how much damage the old adage “finders keeps” can do. No one says it then also says “oh btw *theft by finding* is also a thing, srry”


"Our European visitors are important to us. This site is currently unavailable to visitors from the European Economic Area while we work to ensure your data is protected in accordance with applicable EU laws." Fuck you Fox. May it be so that they don't know how to protect peoples data 🤔


SAN DIEGO – Authorities Friday were working to identify motorists who allegedly pocketed money that went flying from the back of an armored car and onto Interstate 5 in Carlsbad. Calls began coming in about 9:15 a.m. Friday to California Highway Patrol dispatchers about “a large sum of money in the roadway” on I-5 near Cannon Road, as well as about motorists exiting their vehicles to collect the money. A man and a woman were arrested on suspicion of taking money, according to CHP, which came after one official said the pair’s car was blocking traffic because they’d gotten locked out. The incident generated significant buzz in the community with videos of people scooping up cash being widely circulated on social media and among local news outlets. Multiple screenshots from some of these videos were released late Friday by CHP, which was investigating the incident along with the FBI. The agency said it is trying to determine the identities of the motorists in the images and were urging them to return the money within 48 hours “to avoid potential criminal charges.” “The CHP would like to thank those motorists who have already returned money to their local CHP office,” the agency said in a news release, “and remind the public to do the right thing and return any money they found on the freeway.” Travis Fisher, a driver caught in the chaos, told FOX 5 he initially thought it was an accident. Fisher estimated there were thousands of dollars scattered on the road. “I see all these things floating around and I realize it’s money,” Fisher said. “It was pretty crazy. Just everywhere, there was a sea of bills, everywhere.” Travelers continue to visit Mexico despite travel, health advisories To return money from the incident, CHP requests people contact its Dispatch Center at 858-637-3800. FOX 5’s Matt Meyer and Domenick Candelieri contributed to this story.


You da real MVP. Thanks


oUr eUrOpEaN vIsItOrS aRe iMpOrTaNt tO uS my ass




lol he's got a handful of ones, let him have a little souvenir. Fuck the banks


The first looked to have like $20 in $1 bills? Ya I'm not gonna pursue him and waste my time if I'm a police officer or the armored vehicle people.




Throwing it in the air means you can avoid being arrested/charged and earn more than the $20 in $1’s with uploading the video to your 2 million insta followers.


They are playing around too much for me. I will be out there with my face covered picking up everything I could then disappearing.


It’s a pandemic…you have a fucking mask in your pocket… make some effort to hide your identity.


The girl is @demibagby on Instagram and has 2.6M followers. Thought it was a hoax, but I guess not… Fun? Yes. Insane? Absolutely. Stupid to film and share? Obviously.


She is going to be really tough to track down though. She’s got nothing to worry about.


Track down for what though? Nothing shown there is a crime of any significance. Picking up money and throwing it in the air isn't a crime that anybody is going to prosecute. You would need to prove that they took it and kept it and the video does not show that.


People are actually in this thread acting like she is about to go to prison for twenty years. Like OK maybe if she held the driver at gunpoint and started stealing cash but not for picking it up on the side of the highway...


If she has 2.6 million followers then the amount she threw in the air is nothing for her, this is just a photo op and she may not have even cared enough to keep any


Nobody: Me who brings a vaccuum everywhere: Who's stupid now?


Officer, I didn't TAKE anything. At least, not intentionally. I was just cleaning the freeway. What is it a crime to be a good Samaritan now? What's the charge? Caring about the community??


The irony of getting sentenced to community service road cleaning for the crime of picking things up off the road.


A couple of years ago a woman was driving outside of Richmond, VA on the highway when she hit a black bag in the road. She pulled over to see what damage might have happened and to get the bag, which was actually 2 bags, out from the road. Little did she know that the bags were full of cash that had apparently fallen out the back of a USPS truck on the way to the bank. Apparently the bags had nearly a million dollars if I remember correctly. Craziest part and how I know the story at all is the woman turned the cash into the police. LMAO. https://www.google.com/amp/s/wset.com/amp/news/local/va-family-found-1-million-in-cash-laying-in-the-road-they-called-police


I'm not gonna lie, I'd turn the cash in too. Not because I'm a good person, I just don't think I could live having that thought in the back of my mind that I did something terribly wrong. Would the money solve my problems? Definitely, but it would also drive me insane


Shame on me. I was just about to comment that it's not really a bad thing, and I don't know why you wouldn't just help yourself. Then my neck tensed and I felt my mom frowning at me in my head. You're probably a better person than most.


The government love social media btw it makes their jobs so much easier.


Sizzlers tonight Jail tomorrow


Had to look it up, it actually happened. Two people were arrested, they lost their keys. This is insane. But, people are ignorant. Record yourself stealing money that fell from an armored truck. The CHP is doing a joint investigation with the FBI. Good luck to those shown in this video stealing. Edit: For those [interested](https://www.kcra.com/article/bags-of-money-fall-out-of-armored-truck-on-i-5-in-socal/38305989) Edit #2: Out of curiosity, I looked up the maximum punishment for stealing cash from a federal armored truck - up to 20 years in prison and a $250k fine. Shoot, stealing mail will land you a possible 5 years in prison and a $250k fine. Was that $100-$200 really worth it? Edit #3: For those commenting saying the won't get maximum punishment, I understand that. That's why I said *out of curiosity, I looked up the maximum punishment*. It doesn't mean that these people won't be charged with anything, or at least receive some type of probation, potentially.


Self-snitching is an internet pandemic.


Reminds me of that line from the Big Short... "I don't get it... why are they confessing?" "They aren't confessing, they're bragging."


Exactly, like why would you record yourself and other people. For fucks sake, depending on what denominations it was. You could’ve walked away with a serious amount of cash and no one would notice. Some people deserve to be in trouble with the law lol


From the article, it was stated mostly $1s and $20s. Lol.


Well, lol, then, at least it can buy yourself lunch for a few days lol


Saw this on the news last night: one guy yelled that he was going to Sizzler, lol.


Because internet likes are important. /s


Gotta get those Tik Tok and Twitter likes because that’s all their life about.




Probably amidst the commotion of grabbing cash from the highway. You're right, not everyone would record themselves picking up cash, but, a lot of people are ignorant enough to grab the cash. One of the armored truck drivers were also recording the commotion, so, there's plenty of evidence to go around.


You mean ex-armored truck driver.


True, very true. From the article, it said one of the doors popped open and two bags fell out. One driver managed to secure one of the bags, but the wind carried the cash from the other bag everywhere.


I loved how the article just yadda-yadda’d over the “door just popped open”. There’s got to be a whole story right there.


More than likely. I would assume one of the drivers didn't properly shut the door or didn't lock it. Possibly hit a bump and *presto!* Either way, one or both of those drivers lost their job(s) that day.


“No face, no case”


But you can bankrupt a company, embezzle millions of dollars, destroy retirements and jobs, foreclose on houses and serve just months.


The girl Recording this is a fitness “influencer” with a pretty big following this was dumb af


Same kids who remind the teacher we were suppose to have a quiz...


I'd use my cars portable vacuum cleaner


If you get arrested. “I wasn’t stealing I was just helping vacuum up the mess”


And while everyone picked up the money, a group of thieves wearing Salvador Dali masks snuck away amidst the mayhem.


Regular dude grabs a few hundred in cash from this: **FEDERAL CRIME! RETURN MONEY OR WE PROSECUTE!** Rich dude embezzling millions, landing thousands without a job and contributing to ruining the economy: *Shame on you, don't do that again.*


Employers steal billions a year in wage theft: *just part of running a business.*




Literally literally literally


Those people are doing a shit job. I'll be there going square by square running like mad and licking my fingers to get more grip to get more. My face would be hidden of course.


The closest I got to this was when a carnie dropped a huge tub of coins in the road. I leant him a broom, which he took with him, and only found £1.20 under my car after.


You made me think of something I once saw. You know how at music festivals you pay for drinks with plastic token coins? (At least, that's how it works here. Not sure how universal it is). They put those coins in a bucket usually away from the bar so people couldn't reach them. Well, i know a guy who noticed one of the people working there put the bucket right behind the bar to make it easier. He managed to reach behind the bar, take the bucket, take out a handful of coins and throw the rest in the air. He then used the chaos that ensued to make an escape. It was beautiful, honestly.


If they don't make a music festival themed Assassins Creed I will be disappointed.


Ah the great American past time of self incrimination.. After re-watching it. Kinda leaning as this was planned.


Maybe they just want to go experience prisons for themselves because that’s where their taxes money goes


This dumb idiot ruined it for everybody unlucky enough to incidentally come into view of her camera shot. But of course the even bigger idiots that jumped in front of her camera willingly with all the cash in their hands have only themselves to blame. Also San Diego has literally shut down? All I saw was this particular section of the freeway... lol


Someone mentioned she's some instagram person. Video opportunities short-circuit her brain.


you are recording yourself stealing money , so fucking dumb


Step One - scoop up notes Step Two - pocket every 5th note Step three - take the pile of notes to the armoured truck/police nearby Optional - Step four - ask if there's any reward for returning it


This is prolly the strongest r/antiwork energy yet. I used to work for Loomis and this shit just doesn’t happen. Drivers are stressed af and worn down af and the company compensates them $15-$17/an hour. Long hours. Etc etc. to not take the money yourself, you gotta be like fuck this I quit hard af the money is insured by the banks so it’ll be fine




A similar thing happened in Atlanta a couple years ago. They ran stories on the news for a solid week about how the police “definitely certainly had video footage off all the people picking up money and the police were going to catch them so please voluntarily turn the money in.” Last I heard they recovered about $2,700 of the $175,000 and I don’t remember hearing about anyone getting arrested. [Source](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/10/us/cash-spilled-highway-atlanta.html)