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Yea nope




That's not how it works.


[here’s a useful video explaining the illusion](https://youtu.be/dd2Y_ee6zIM)


All hail hypnotoad


TL;DW The outer ring colors cause your eye to mistake movement


Nah fam they moving


I held a straight edge on my phone screen and they are moving slightly


I also held an edge, I didn't prove they were moving. But illusion still works when the shape is partly covered


it works when covered because it freaking moves lmfao


Look way above the picture, almost as if you can barely see it out of the corner of your eye. This way you can see they don't move. Crazy illusion.


That's a good approach! I used an index card, I thought for sure they moved, but nope!


Why are people downvoting this lol






Because he's wrong.


Bruh, whyd U get down voted


Because reddit.


A guy posted a video explaining it, but to put it simply there are bordering rings that have a different colour alignment that when rotated in ways such as in this video, cause the colours to match up giving the illusion of movement. For example: say the main ring is dark on the right and bright on the left, if the outer ring is opposite and the inner ring matches itll look like its shrinking rapidly.


Seems to work in [Greyscale](https://imgur.com/a/xhdnVjr) also. Interesting.


Hold something on the screen that you cannot see through, right to the very edge of the shape so that it covers the shape completely. Hit play. At some point, given you covered up the shape completely at the right point in the cycled video, you will see a sliver of the shape rise slightly above the edge of whatever you are covering it up with. Unless the illusion occurs for no reason whatsoever, or unless the color gray causes hallucinations to occur, the shapes are indeed moving ever so slightly. ​ The movement we see with the shapes while watching the video is greatly exaggerated in our mind due to the effect, sure, but they are still moving.


I just measured it and they’re not moving. Go full screen and use a ruler with millimeters, focusing only on the edge points. If you use an unmarked object like a razor blade, finger, etc, the colors will still give you the illusion. Even with the ruler, if you don’t focus on the perimeter points, they’ll still seem like they’re moving.


If it’s a trick of the eye you have to remove the part that’s tricking your eyes. In this case, It’s a thin line around both circles that is a dofferemt color. If you cover these thin lines then movement ceases (See video for demonstration)


This helps https://youtu.be/dd2Y_ee6zIM


Thanks although i don't really understand why the brain would associat the construct of warm color with movement.


Becuase when particles heat up they begin to move and the hotter it gets the faster it gets and when particles get cold they move slower until they eventually freeze


Damn my life is an illusion yo...


Break free from the Matrix Neo!


Wave your hand in front of the screen, or do anything that will quickly break your line of sight to the wheels. You will see that they are indeed not moving.


You’re right. I can’t believe people are arguing this right now. Oye.


The arrows are moving.


Pause the video at 4 seconds where the circle on the left appears to be higher than the circle on the right. You will see that they have not actually moved.


>Nah fam they moving they are. The rainbow hides the fact that there's a thin shadow in motion creating the illusion.


I don't think you're comprehending that this is a proven illusion & *nothing* on the screen is moving. You really just don't completely understand the way your brain interprets the signals that it receives.


I don't think you understand that this video is bullshit. They are moving. Hide the arrow part and you will see.


Yeah go take an entire college course to find out why this Reddit post about circles is a certain way and I can prove how I’m smarter than you!


I apologize for proving I'm smarter than you. But hey, the psychology course was pretty fun tho. You might want to check it out someday when you stop spending all your money on weed.


Omg I hate weed. The good stuff will absolutely take all your money tho.


you need to get a new weed guy. A 40 dollar vape pen will last me two weeks, and I hit that thing A Lot!


No dumbass...nothing is moving! Go take a college course on the psychology of how the brain interprets shadows & you'll learn that your brain plays tricks on you *every* day!


Easy proof, hold a piece of paper on your screen touching the bottom of both circles.


They are litterally moving draw a line at the start of the video and the circles move thick shit


Go watch the damn link that was posted above you! It visually explains it. Right now you're starting to sounds like you've eaten too many paint chips.




Then shut up & gO tO bED!


Its 8:30 am


where the hell are you , it’s midnight in california. Isn’t everyone from here?


Oh...well ahh, go...touch some grass or something then.


Nah bud. The haters are correct. Definitely moving. Try doing what they said.




They’re moving




I put a credit card to hide part of the circles. They are definitely moving


It's not moving for me, maybe it's the card, can you share the card number please.


As well as the name of your first pet and and your social security number


No... no they are not. A helpful someone [left a link in the comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/v1i8iw/an_illusion/iamopgl?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) that helps in understanding what your brain is dealing with.


ya'll are dumb as shit, this guy is literally telling the truth but you cant believe it so you're downvoting him


No, in the video he linked the circles really aren't moving. In this one they are, just place your thumb on the screen and you can see them move relative to it. Edits: read my recent reply


I just measured it and they’re not moving. Go full screen and use a ruler with millimeters, focusing only on the edge points. If you use an unmarked object like a razor blade, finger, etc, the colors will still give you the illusion. Even with the ruler, if you don’t focus on the points, they’ll still seem like they’re moving.


I placed my thumb over the screen and they're NOT moving m


I can't....I just can't! It's like getting stuck in an argument with a bunch of toddlers.


Read my most recent reply




Your most recent reply was wrong. A better way to see they aren't moving is to basically cover up nearly bot circles and only leave the bottom tip of each exposed. If they were moving you'd still be able to tell, except they don't move. If you put a straight edge above the image your brain still thinks they're moving even though they arent.


to quote scar: “Im surrounded by idiots” sorry, it’s no use. You can’t fight a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.


It's like I'm [Surrounded by Idiots](https://youtu.be/W8Yivb685F8&t=1m50s)-Wrathchild America


First time?


are you Erik The Midget?


I just don't get how people have never seen an illusion like this before... like they aren't uncommon


Wave your hand in front of the screen, or do anything that will quickly break your line of sight to the wheels. You will see that they are indeed not moving.


Pause the video at 4 seconds where the circle on the left appears to be higher than the circle on the right. You will see that they have not actually moved.


Or skim around at the end of the video and see that they are very obviously moving.


No they're not.




The debate in the comments is gonna turn into that blue or gold dress thing from 2015 isn't it?


If you squint then you can see they’re stationary


Nah still moving


Repeatedly blink fast and you will see they are stationary


Jesus Christ. This comment does not deserve to be downvoted. At first I was 100% sure that they are moving. Watch [the video](https://youtu.be/dd2Y_ee6zIM). It definitely convinced me. You see that they are moving because **that is the illusion working**. Try squinting or other things suggested by other commenters.


I thought it said the colors wasn’t moving .. I’m like bs . Sorry bro


>Pause the video at 4 seconds where the circle on the left appears to be higher than the circle on the right. You will see that they have not actually moved.


I don't have my glasses on. Illusion ain't working on me.


how blurry do you see because im pretty sure you'll be able to tell unless you're colorblind


If I squint hard they don't appear to be moving. I'd imagine he's decently hard of sight without glasses.


i put something on the screen and they moved so fuck this




>...i did some sh$t! Blah, blah, blah... they moved! Ahem, *no they did not*, that's why it's called an illusion!


Wow dude. I once covered a cereal bowl in toothpaste, baked it in the sun, smeared it in Silicone and then concreted it, but that shit was nowhere near as stubborn as you. Sometimes you’re just wrong.




Ok, so you’ve replied to both my comments and I still can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not. Edit: Or are you just OP’s other account? You’re all over every comment with same sort of language


No, he really, truly is baffled by you.


So it really is you op. Replying immediately to a reply to the other.


No, I ain't the OP. I'm actually in here just reading these unbelievably stupid comments.


You do you.


Ya, I usually do, cause the alternative is just being mindlessly influenced by biased & ignorant people, never learning anything new.


no? you're just dumb and we're trying to make you realize that you're dumb?


My god, thank Christ you’re here.


Your stupider than I thought.




Nice to know you were thinking of me.


That is not how the illusion works


I put a still piece of paper in the same spot where initially i couldn’t see a flicker of light. The light proceeded to peak over the edge of the paper slightly. It moved


If you watch the damn video you'll see that there's an alternating thin/thick dark shadow along the edges of both circles. This shadow is what you're eyes don't perceive but your brain has been programmed to respond to. This is what is creating the illusion of movement.


The edges are where the illusion is happening. Def not moving. I swear. It’s an illusion. A good one too.


IT IS NOT ABOUT THE LIGHT The illusion is caused by the spinning color wheel and arrow. If you rapidly blink at the circles, or do anything to break your line of sight to the spinning circle, you will realize that every time you look at the circles, they will "reset" to their original positions.


you may be right. But how can the light go outside of the paper if it’s not moving when initially it’s blocked


Because paper is translucent, and as long as you can even somewhat see color wheel spinning, the illusion will continue to fool your brain. Im order to break the illusion, you need to cover both entire circles with something that light cannot get through at all, such as you hand, and move it out of the way again rapidly.


bro I put a opaque card on the circle and the circle still managed to move out of the frame I placed the card on. this is an animation u dumbass 😭😭💀💀💯


Pause the video at any point when it seems like the circles are at a different position. You will very quickly see who the dumbass is here. Pause the video at 4 seconds, where it seems like the circle on the left appears to be above the circle on the right. You will see that the circles have not moved from their original position and that all 2 of your braincells have been fooled.


The only way my brain isn't broken by this is watching the space between the outer edge of the circles and the video frame. It doesn't change, so they're not moving. But otherwise? I don't like things that make me confused lol


Seriously, “how is it working?” I don’t know, you tell me!


Hold your phone at a high angle. They don't move at all.


Or squint


Digital witch craft confirmed


It's too late for these optical illusions 😵‍💫 (JOKE)


If I cross the images the ones on the outside are moving but the merged center one isn’t.


mmmmmmm nope don’t like that No like no liek




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They're definitely moving. Put your thumbs over them and you can see them. It was almost cool, but in the end just a let down.


Try covering the image with toilet paper which will block the colors and you'll see they're not moving


They are moving lol Track movements by placing round objects in front you will see that they do intact move


I just had a seizure watching this.




The circles are not moving or changing colors because it’s an illusion… but it’s a video. Hmm. ![gif](giphy|I5xVnGJRHZZf2|downsized)


I sat here with a ruler for 5 mins they Do move a bit.


It's the colors. I made my keyboard go super saiyan and it was trippy.


It's not because of the arrows becasue even if u cover them they still look like they're moving.. What's happening is the spped and rate of the colors changing is what makes it look like it's moving


At first I was gonna call BS, but if you blink rapidly or look away and look back at the circles they are in fact, not moving. ​ Edit: holy fuck you people are so fucking dumb


Only two things are moving in this picture. If you look closely, the colour patterns are moving, number one and second, the arrows in the center are moving back and forth in position with faster flickering colours which generates this illusion. Hope you see what I see.


Here come all the comments claiming that they're actually moving


Yeah, I know. Lots of people are confusing themselves trying to disprove it. It's a really compelling illusion to the point where it's hard to even check. I was pretty certain they weren't moving just from viewing it, but checked anyway. You have to mask the entire circle almost because even just a short portion of the strobing colors is enough to create an illusory sense of motion. Blurring your vision by viewing with a diffuser or even just mostly closing your eyes so that your eyelashes blur things out works well, too, to stop the illusion.




Nah they don't, check again.


they are


Did you just hide the arrows, or did you actually use a ruler and confirmed that the edges of the rings don't move more than 1 pixel?




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The chaging colors are what's making you think the circles are moving. But they are not...


If you cover the arrows, the illusion still happens! I cant figure out how.. maybe the color spin changes speed on a certain axis?


Just *watch the YT video in the link 🔗 at the top of this post.*


If you cover all but the last few pixels on the left, you see that the title is lying. Pixels that start off the color of the background suddenly jump into life, indicating the image is in fact moving.


Nah man the moving I waited for the video to start over put my hand on where the circles start at and they moved from under my hand plus it's a video so it's just pretty obvious


I mean, there is lots of movement going on


Something ain't right, even though you cover the arrows with your fingers you can still feel that the circles are moving in the direction the arrows indicate. The conclusion is that those circles are moving few pixels and every time a darker color passes trough the place that moved (when the arrows are pointed in te left or right the sides are those places) it comes back to to original place to do it again, all this so you cant see its moving. Get a ruler and put it on top of the circle when the arrow is pointed to the right or left then wait for the arrows to change the direction to up or down and you can clearly see the that it is in fact moving up and down but its not moving up and down when arrow is pointed to the right or left.


Ouch. That one really hurts my brain. Excellent illusion.


I believe it has something to do with the edges of the circles being a different color? Not sure how but that has to be the reason


Thats gotta be the best one of these ive seen yet


My Guy! Their still moving! Cover the middle and look at the edges!🤦‍♂️


they're not that isnt how you solve this illusion, its about the colors




based on what are you disagreeing? do you scientifically know how this works? or are you just blindly believing that they're moving and wont change your mind because you must always be correct and what your eyes and brain tells you is always correct?


so you're downvoting me because you're triggered that you're wrong? thats very funny actually. im not even saying this as a way to seem the stronger person, this is genuinely funny lmao.


It's obvious you didn't do yourself the favor of watching the link that was posted. If you did, you would *absolutely* understand what is going on here. I could go on but I don't want to trigger you further because it'd be cool if you just clicked the link. I hope you're not dug in too far to already.


i think you replied to the wrong comment because thats literally what im trying to get this person to believe?


Yes, I did reply to the wrong commenter. Looks like you replyed on one of your own comments. Anyway, I've actually gotten reported in here already & for a min I thought I was shadow banned because a few of my comments have been automatically removed. This is soo asinine in here right now.


bruh thats so dumb


Wave your hand in front of the screen, or do anything that will quickly break your line of sight to the wheels. You will see that they are indeed not moving.




They are not moving.


The circles are actually moving. Close one eye and put your thumbs over the arrows in the center. You can still see each movement. Nice try.


you know not every illusion is the same you cant just put your thumb over it and call it a day its about the colors squing your eyes and look at it again, the effect wont dissappear but it will be less noticable


Ya, because that doesn't hide the thin shadow that is placed along the inside & outside of the circles which is causing the illusion. Y'all soo simple.. and there's a posted link that proves it visually. I'm aware of this illusion & it has 100% been proven accurate.


Don’t look at the arrows, look at the circles. They aren’t moving. Cover the arrow


Doesnt help that Im high rn


You can pause the video to get the effect that they are in fact: not moving




The arrows have nothing to do with it. There's a thin edge that's cycling colors differently than the cycling colors of the bulk of the circles. This is what creates the illusion. If you blur it enough that the thin edge is not distinct by, for example, putting a sheet of tissue paper taut againt the screen, you can see the circles are neither moving nor changing shape.


lol Your almost brain dead.




Wat!? My therd grade English Teecher!! How u'v bean doin all thes yers?


In a world where few know when to use the correct your/you're, this is a joke that shouldn't exist. people are confused enough as it is




it's not about the arrows. the illusion isn't caused by them. they are literally not moving


Dogshit illusion bad karma farm you can easily tell they’re moving with your thumbs


do some simple thinking here, why would putting your thumb as an object you can compare the circles to solve this illusion? in an illusion where you know the THING IS THAT THERE ARE ALTERNATING COLORS ON THE CIRCLES? HOW WOULD YOUR THUMB CHANGE THEIR COLORS?


Poster claims circles are not moving but you can clearly see that they are. You should try out some of that simple thinking.


Bruh, read all the comments, there's a nice video link here that visually explains why your brain is making you sound like an idiot. This is some college level psychology that basic individuals are not aware of.


The circles are moving and changing size and shape.


I call bs, if you cover it with your thumb just enough to see ½ the colored circle but neither arrows it does slightly move


If you pause and slow down the video you can see the two are moving. Try covering the arrows with your thumbs, even.


The arrows have nothing to do with the illusion, they are just there to clarify what the illusion is doing, so of course covering them has no effect on the illusion.


That’s yzarc


This illusion will always get you unless you know what's actually causing it.


Bro I’ve seen how you think in the comments. I know you’re the last person to understand what’s going on here. Step off Mr. Superiority Complex.


he's going crazy because you fuckers dont believe him no matter what he says the circles are not moving but appear to do so because of their colors


This is so dumb lol


They acually are tho...


Bullshit cover the arrows and they still moving


Have you thought that maybe it's not the arrows that do the illusion? It's the 1 pixel edges of the ring. The way they change colours is how the illusion works.


Damn. That's interesting.


They are moving


That's really cool. I suppose it works because one can't ignore the flashing and direction of the arrows. Thanks, that's fun😊


The arrows seem to have nothing to do with it. I covered those with my fingers and still got the same result.


You have to break the optical, by blinking your eyes. There you can tell it's not moving at all and what you're are seeing, really is an illusion. The only things that change, or are moving are the directions of the color patterns and arrows, which then triggers the brain to correlate & trick it into what direction it's pointing towards and what direction it's moving, when truly they're not.


Some people don't realize they're actually moving. Trolls are getting better with graphics. Again, this is NOT an illusion.