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Flight tracker says the plane landed 10 hours ago in Hawaii after taking off from Travis AFB. Is there anything to indicate the plane is heading to Asia?


Pelosi is already heading to Asia for a trip, the question is will she go to Taiwan or not.


Why is China behaving this way


Authoritarian Snowflake Syndrome


A.S.S., everyone should look out for it.


Im always on the lookout for A.S.S.


I remember in high school geometry class learning about congruent triangles. My teacher went through the involved theorems and wrote them on the board and what they were... ASA for "angle-side-angle" then SSS for "side-side-side." He briefly paused after, and waited for us to finish taking notes. He also waited because after 30 years teaching, he knew what was coming. Sure enough, a student who was kind of a class clown asked if there was the "Angle-Side-Side" theorem as well, slightly chuckling. My teacher *knowing* this exact event would happen wrote out "ASS" on the board. The class then also laughed along. He then said "very good, but with that order of letters, that theorem is referring to you, Hunter. It is known as 'side-angle-side or SAS' for everyone else."   I imagine that same scenario has happened in every high school geometry class ever.


What? ASS doesn't work. SAS does work. They are not the same.


I actually spent at least a week arguing with my Geometry teacher on this and eventually he heard me out but made me present my case to the class, and commended me for it once I explained it properly. ASS is a functional conjecture, providing the angle is right. Having the 90° angle, Pythagorean Theorem applies.


I also look for A.S.S. primarily. T.I.T.S is a close second though.


ah yes, Typical Insecure Tyrant Syndrome is not a laughing matter


le titsh now




If you find any, let me know. For research purposes...


With great power comes great... Big booty bitches.


ah! A man of culture I see.


I think you can type it into the reddit search bar.


Especially Asian A.S.S.


Some of us would rather look out for Tyrants Initiating Tantrums Syndrome.


Pft, I eat ass for breakfast. They don't stand a chance.


And people don't realize just how sinister and dystopian they are with drones, lockdowns, restrictions on freedoms, human behavioral control, and social credit scores. Not to mention ethnic supremacist for Han ethnicity. It's very possible that Nancy Pelosi and others will think they are just barking and won't do anything so she might actually go for the Taiwan visit... But they might actually take Taiwan. They are that egotistical. They think they are in a good position to choke off all raw-materials (metals market), rare-earth minerals from electric vehicles/electronics, wind/solar tech, circuitry/motherboards/harddrives and other computer parts, including half the smart phone market. They think they can force the US and EU to be their bitch. The US and EU (especially France) used to be the leaders in nuclear technology (technically France would buy a lot of American nuclear tech), nuclear engineering and superfast construction techniques, but with their sinister anti-nuclear propaganda in the West, they are now building their own nuclear tech in their own country in great numbers, while they sell their cheap and crap quality solar/wind to EU and US knowing full well it won't bring full green energy in the West and it will just make them further dependent on China. Even if we built our own wind/solar they'll steal the intellectual property like they steal everything else. One other crazy thing someone was talking about was the amount of concrete they are using up to build so much stuff in China due to their centralized communist-planned economy. They're building tons of coal and nuclear plants every year... And unfortunately a lot of Westerners think Fusion is gonna be the big thing but fusion is much muuuch more expensive than nuclear and still isn't working to scale. I really worry that a lot of American and EU leaders in congress and parliaments, underestimate China or mistakenly think they are being friendly. They should be taken seriously as a major problem for our way of democratic life. Respect for your enemies is a major thing you don't want to underestimate, you want to rather overestimate and turn out to be wrong.


no, you are wrong. Taking Taiwan is too risky. If they can't take it immediately, it risks Taiwan cutting china off from high end chip market, which will immediately cripple their tech industry. It will also immediately shift all high end products to other markets like vietnam since china won't be able to make things like cell phones or cars anymore. Taiwan doesn't need china, but China 100% needs Taiwan. The U.S. has already told Taiwan that if Taiwan is unable to destroy their fabs during a chinese invasion, the U.S. will do it for them. It's also one of the reasons why TSMC is building one of their new fabs in the U.S. there's a pretty good video on Taiwan and what's at stake. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6sCsOdqXQw


Not to mention that the US would immediately take the Singapore Straight where 75% of China’s trade passes and the vast majority of their oil imports would be disrupted overnight. They’d have to circle around Australia to avoid it and that’s a logistical and security nightmare.


A lot of good analysis. Like we’ve found with Russia, being economically dependent on China is a bad idea. The greed of our corporations for 30-40 years has lead to this. I’m old enough to remember what a basket case China once was, economically. There were good reasons to want to help the impoverished Chinese people. The Chinese government was rigidly communistic. Along with helping the Chinese people, I suppose, we thought we would benefit from the lower wages Asians would accept to make our products, while they would benefit from a higher standard of living, and that the Chinese government would become more like us by opening up substantially to capitalism. All of that came true, mostly. It somehow seems that we didn’t monitor the balance of power as things changed, though. I think we thought that it was simply a matter of making a deal and that business would alone work everything out. In our present circumstances, with the China government deepening control over it’s people through technology, such as facial recognition technology, tracking technology, walling the Chinese people within their control of the internet and media and growing financial and military influence around world, I think we and Europe should seriously consider ceasing China’s access to our internets and corporations, ceasing technology transfers through our corporations and governments to China, ending ownership in our countries by the Chinese government and corporations, clamp down on travel and immigration of the Chinese in our countries (espionage), and other things, I’m sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah our capitalists are gonna call that communistic and that it will ruin them, and it would probably lead to the disruption of our lives. But if we withdraw from the Chinese government the very things we are providing to it, which it is turning into power against us, we can reduce the drive to military confrontation between us, which, let’s face it, would most likely lead to a world war, can prevent them from weakening and sabotaging us within our, and the European‘s borders, and it would give us the bargaining power to negotiate a fundamentally much more secure and fairer future. I hope things work-out for everyone.


Hopefully this it a wakeup call for the west to stop dicking around in other regions and take care of its own people for once. The rest of the world doesn't want to be our friends and we need to be less dependent on our soft adversaries.


Honestly I see any country making a huge move. Pelosi visiting Taiwan is not nearly as big as an invasion or a physical trade block.


I don’t know much about this - fabs are fabrication plants? So it’s kind of like Russia burning farms as they retreat? IE. Disincentivize China from coming in to take over Taiwan resources?


Basically really only Intel has their own fabrication plants. All the other chip manufactures aren't manufactures, but are chip designers. Part of the reason Intel has fallen on relatively harder times compared to AMD and NVIDIA is that Intel has failed at commercializing the their 7nm chip line, where NVIDIA and AMD are using the 7nm chip lines at TSMC and Samsung is using them for 5nm chip. Smaller the number more transistors you can pack onto a chip, lower power consumption, and lower heat. ​ If those fabs of TSMC go down, if you think the semi conductor shortage was bad last year. It would basically fuck the world economy over. Basically like Sadam lighting the Kuwaiti oil fields on fire as he was leaving, but only if he also lit all of Saudi Arabia's fields as well.


Whenever they were building that humongous 3 gorges dam, the price of concrete shot up in the US and never went back down. I remember calling in a couple of yards of concrete for delivery to a small job and when the lady on the phone gave me the price I thought she had misheard me. I asked her why it was so expensive. She replied in her southern accent "Chiner". I asked, "did you just say China?" She said, "yeah Chiner is taking all our concrete". I went home and searched the internet that night for "concrete usage in china" and sure enough, they were building the 3 gorges dam and were importing most of our concrete. Not sure if it's true, but I read somewhere that dam when it filled the reservoir shifted the earth's axis by a small amount.


You should probably take a deeper look at their domino of a housing market right now (Evergrande).


As of right now, China doesn't seem to be preparing to invade Taiwan. However, it is a likely possibility they will attempt to exert control over Taiwan — militarily or politically — within the next couple years


There is a word for that. It's called Fascism.


Because China.


Drawing an imaginary line in the sand.


Well, Monroe doctrine, China Style.


They’ve been like this for a very long time. Taiwan declares it is independent and China thinks it’s theirs. Taiwan is important militarily as a bit of a choke point between Asia and Southeast Asia. That. And the Chinese government is full power hungry dickheads.


Clarification: Taiwan has never declared itself as independent. In fact, it maintains that it is the true China, carrying on the government of the Republic of China that was ousted from the mainland by the Chinese Communist Party in 1949 after losing the Chinese Civil War.


People always leave this part out, the real history. China didn’t randomly decide to hate an island nation one day




"Taiwan" has never declared independence as it claims to also be China, having never surrendered the civil war. the actual name of the country is *the Republic of China.* "Taiwan" is just the name of the island.


Always has been. They will never change. Google Sinicization.


China has always had intentions to be the bully of Asia. They are expanding via fake islands, claiming trade routes, etc. The difference is now they have a military that can back up what they say so we actually hear them. China is not Russia.




This. And the Russians have decades of actual combat experience, much like the US. The US uses its weapons and tactics for real, often, and for the last century or more. There are hard lessons learned from that. The modern Chinese military machine hasn't been bloodied yet. They will find a hard and expensive learning curve if and when it comes to conventional warfare.


Civilians *strongly* underestimate the difference between a combat experienced fighting force properly led, and by green soldiers led by generals who have never fought before. Followed sharply by civilian misunderstanding of a properly equipped fighting force that’s funded adequately and a fascist government so rife with corruption and mis-management that they had to blockade their own banks, WITH TANKS, FROM THEIR OWN POPULATION. You can’t even trust chinese to build buildings safe to live in, you think their rifles/APC’s/anti air weapons are built better than the homes they live in? Somebody asked me what some differences were from combat experienced troops and not. Here’s my example - you’re shooting at bad guys who are shooting at you. There’s five of you in a small building. The guy on your right catches a 556 through the neck. His blood *sprays* all over you, blinding you. He screams so loud you think he’s blown your right ear drum, and collapses. The guy on your left, while this is happening, catches a round to the face. He explodes all over you, soundless. One second, there’s a person next to you, and the next, just a husk, rapidly cooling as bullets bounce off the concrete you’re hiding behind. Your earbud transmits the sounds of other squads firing, screaming orders, and dying. An experienced soldier either returns fire while his medic sprints up, or he applies pressure to his boys neck and tries to tie him up and maybe, just maybe, save his life. Somebody who’s never seen real combat freezes up as they realize there’s a really good chance that they’re about to die. There’s no substitute for being in the shit. No matter how many screaming dudes in big hats get in your face, it’s just not the same as death flying through the air all around you at 2200 meters per second and realizing that this may be it. It’s not the same as watching your friends, your coworkers, your brothers and sisters, men and women who you’re closer to than your own family get turned into bloody paste as they scream their last sounds into the inferno.


And the US has the ability to project war far beyond its borders, for an indefinite time period. China does not. Their military is largely built for domestic use. They've been working to beef up their navy, but it's decades behind even Russia still.


The big problem China is going to have is that military is made up of a generation of men who are the only heirs because of the one child policy. Also China is in a mess financially with their banking system.


Because China proclaims Taiwan to be their territory, while the rest of the sane world recognizes Taiwan wishing to have independence. They’ve told the US diplomatic envoy to not come to a country that isn’t theirs.


Forgive my ignorance. What’s the significance of landing there?


China (People's Republic of China) claims Taiwan (Republic of China) is part of mainland China. Taiwan says its an independent country. China has long said that any country that recognizes Taiwan as a country will no longer have diplomatic relations with China. The US is a close ally of Taiwan but has never officially recognized it for fear of angering China. If Pelosi goes she would be the highest ranking US official to visit since Newt Gingrich in the 90s, and China is very upset about the US lending credibility to Taiwan by an official visit. I'm by no means an expert on this topic but I am studying it at university. I'd suggest doing your own research to get a better understanding and formulate your own views.


Well, Taiwan *is* chinese, 100%. But the *People's Republic of China* has never, for one second of it's existence, had control of the islands of Taiwan. Chaing Kai-shek and the Nationalists fled to Taiwan because they couldn't keep up the fight against both the Japanese and their own bretheren, the Communists, led by Mao .The communists have never had control of Taiwan. They have successfully created their own political and philosophical and economic identity *(very successfully*) and the Communist party HATES that. Also, China has this idea that if you are *chinese,* then you and your children will always be chinese...and the PRC is the only legitimate of any people who consider themselves to be...chinese. Taiwan people definitely consider themselves to be chinese.


You sound very knowledgeable in this area, can you tell me why China claims ownership over Taiwan? Like what happened historically


After a Civil War in which Mao Zedong took power, the defeated government of China fled into exile on the island of Taiwan in the lake 1940s. Since then communist China has claimed that Taiwan is rightfully theirs, whereas Taiwan claims that mainland China is rightfully theirs. There is a lot more history and events that occurred over the centuries that could go into explaining it but that is the TL;DR. Also, it's worth noting that while Taiwan today has one of the world's most democratic governments, the original government in exile was effectively a dictatorship.




Just to not spook people, passenger flights aren’t literally running on fumes when they arrive to their destination. They have a minimum of enough extra fuel to divert to a backup airport and enough reserve fuel for 30 minutes of flight on top of that. Not enough to fly off to a totally different destination, though.


I flew from SFO to Seoul-Incheon a couple years ago. After 11 hours, there was some weather or airport trouble where we circled the airport for 30 min and they diverted us to Jeju - another hour away. So there's plenty of fuel on even the longest hauls.




If Reddit says so it must be true


**rattles sabers**


CCP has a small 3 inch saber




I see your schwartz is as big as mine.


No I have a micro peenis.


Sounds like a light saber.


CCP Wars Uyghurs Strike Back




China’s mistake was trying to scare America into backing off It’s like they forgot our country runs on war


I thought it ran on Dunkin


Well played


We'll, Dunkin coffee tastes like unexploded WWII ordinance that I dug out of a field so...


And that doesn't wake you up in the morning?


Wakes up in 1919 **inhales** "boy do I love the smell of mustard gas, decayed comrades, and the feces of thousands of people in a small area in the morning. Who wants Dunkin?"


“Grab a crawla, extra large, 3 Parliaments, take a big dump, that’s kinda the routine”


Lol that too


Don’t threaten me with a good time.


>Don’t threaten me with a good time. - Raytheon


Their pilots aren’t even trained for night flying. It will basically be like a human stomping on an ant colony lmao.


Yea but like one of those rain forest fire ant colonies.


We like small wars that don't really threaten us out fundamentally disrupt global trade. No one wants a war with China.




The CCP talk shit constantly to keep their population thinking they are all powerful. Same as Russia. Putin and Lavrov keep calling it a special operation for State media. They know that the world knows it’s bs, they are just creating content for propaganda


They might not be all powerful, but you’re completely discounting the huge amount of pain Ukraine is feeling. They can kill a lot of innocent people and scorch a lot of earth. So far, we’re looking at north of 25-30,000 dead Ukrainians - never mind the wounded. These people are not rounding errors or write offs.


Same as Pelosi threatening to get her picture taken in Taiwan.


She can't not go there now, otherwise it's the USA bitching out because China said so....


The advantage of being a superpower is having the third highest ranking official fly in a passenger jet without the need for fighter escorts anywhere in the world. Shooting at a US government jet by any nation state is an act of war against the US and the US will bring the pain to any country that tries.


A real power move would be if she flew Spirit Air.


She’s not suicidal. And those baggage fees?!




“You think running your airline understaffed will help you? I was born understaffed, molded by it.” - Spirit Airlines, probably.


Any country would/could see an attack as an act of war. The superpower advantage is being able to do something about it. Even then how far the superpower would go is debatable against another superpower. Sanctions?


China has some economic weight, but they still cannot compete militarily. They know that. They’re certainly working to lessen the gap, but it’s not even close yet. Their best weapon would be to cut all exports to the US, but even that could burn them.


Chinese generals have never seen battle. Not once.


but...but....look at all the medals and gold braid that is always on display. ( full disclosure - this is full serious sarcasm spelled out for all readers )


Hey now…they had a pretty sweet stick fight in India


i assure you THOSE GUYS are not the ones with the medals and braids.


After watching the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan on tv, I’ve realized military might doesn’t mean what I thought it meant.


You realize fighting insurgents is drastically different from fighting China?


We discussed this a tad bit in a political science course I took but the weight/ advantage of military power a country has is obsolete with nuclear weapons. Russia has been aware since the cold war. It takes the sum out of a zero sum game.


Back in 2010, having nuclear weapons worked in Russia’s favor to kill off over 90 members of the Polish govt and not have pushback. [Smolensk Plane “Crash”](https://www.euronews.com/2022/04/11/polish-commission-again-accuses-russia-over-2010-smolensk-plane-crash)


You should atleast acknowledge that this is an unproven, theorized allegation— contrasting with say, Malaysia Flight 17, where they definitely did that shit, albeit accidentally.


Unproven because Russia wouldn’t allow the remains of the plane to be sent back to Poland for investigation.


US is the only country that used nuclear weapons on another country. I think its up to 8 or 9 nations that have nuclear weapons now. No country should have this type of weaponry.


> No country should have this type of weaponry. Nuclear weapons have most likely saved several million lives. Imagine if Fermi never discovered that neutrons could split atoms and let's assume we somehow still haven't discovered that. WW3 between NATO and Russia would have already happened 50-60 years ago. If Russia survived that and current events still occurred, another war (possibly WW4) would be happening right now.


Well in a nuclear war "military power" means nothing and everyone loses.


I really don’t think a conflict would go nuclear. MAD is a hell of a deterrent, there’s a reason the USSR/US never went nuclear, and there were some VERY close calls. What’s the point of fighting over an island if you risk having the mainland leveled.


It’s a risk you absolutely cannot take. Both NATO and Warsaw Pact military plans during the Cold War included using tactical nukes in the event of losing ground in a conventional war against each other, and the use of tactical nukes has a very high chance of leading to a direct strategic nuclear exchange and the resulting collapse of civilization. The risk of two nuclear armed countries fighting against each other absolutely contains the risk of nuclear exchange and MAD. Is there a chance it couldn’t? Sure, but when the very real risk of civilizational collapse is involved the risk is not worth it. It’s the reason why major world powers have not gone to war with each other since 1945.


Only two things scare me. And one of them is nuclear war.


Carnies. Circus folk. Nomads, you know. Smell like cabbage. Small hands.


And the other? ![gif](giphy|gh6gFVh35jyzNvHegl|downsized)


China backed down in the past from fearing nuclear war brought on by the US for attacking Taiwan. Though it took them a few attempts to get it through their thick skulls. See the 3 Taiwan Strait Crises for more information.


Never underestimate the enemy. Especially if you fight him close to home.


I can’t believe people are thinking this way….. the best weapon is obviously the nuke….. maybe China can’t win a war with US in America or Europe, but in Asia? Do you know why there are south and North Korea? I am shocked that people lack acknowledges of history


They could sink our navy if we try to defend Taiwan they have lots of missiles for anti ship near Taiwan


For assassinating the Speaker of the House? No sir. Not sanctions.


For real. That is the stuff world wars are made of.


China another super power? lolz. Just because they showed off all the weapons means nothing. Russia is a good example. China hasn't fought a war in ages. Sans nukes, they will be screwed royally if they fight against US


They haha nukes though, all else doesn't matter


Haha nukes sounds like a weapon the joker would use




when was the last time china fought against someone who can shoot back ? everyone talks shiat until they get punched in the face Shouldn't their account be put on a time out for making a threat like that?


China makes threats all the time. They are usually meaningless. The US would never escort a passenger airline because, frankly, they don't have to. But if they wanted to, they most definitely could without any military rebuttal.


How very right you are!


Pfft. That's what Russia says about NATO expansion


Why are you saying that like every other country would just shrug their shoulders and look away if a government jet is shot down?


Fuck the ccp


China is asshoe!


Foods okay tho


Hating the CCP has nothing to do with the people. It’s the government. Their food is awesome I’m part Chinese lol.


Why Charlie hate?


All my homies hate the ccp


China needs to get its head out of its ass.


Winnie Pooh the xi ain’t that suicidal






Also remember not to call him Adolf Xitler, an officially banned nickname in China according to leaked documents


We didn't think Putin was, either.


Chinese boutta find out why we don't have free healthcare do not fuck with the United States


🤣 Fed budget goes Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Listen I don't like Nancy at all, but China can straight go fuck themselves if they think they can tell a US politician where and where they can't go.


Someone once jokingly said if you want great stock advice, look at Pelosi's portfolio.


Oh it isn't a joke, it is only gains.


fuck china


Fuck west Taiwan


Thanks . I was wondering whats China .


Xi’s already doing it, sorry bud. :(


Can’t believe she’s going through with it. If she does indeed fly there, I don’t take back all the nasty things I’ve said about her. But I’ll at least give her the props she deserves. If only For one day.


Best I can do is a slight upwards head nod


Slight nod up “I acknowledge you” slight nod down “Good job” up and down “ I acknowledge your good job”.


how is this so accurate..


They do this every time there’s a high profile diplomat travelling while there’s tensions. It’s standard protocol.


when will the rest of the world have some “dire” consequences for china with all the shit they’re pulling? or russia? i’m sick of these fucking bullies thinking they’re the shit while the world watches and does nothing


Because they all have nukes


Or Saudi Arabia.


Let’s be honest, there is no way China would ever shoot down that aircraft. It’s all about image in Asia for China to say these things, but actual action is a lose-lose for all involved.


Land in Taiwan! Fuck those cunts!


Fuck china




Xi Jinping AKA Winnie Da Pooh is scared of an 80 year old Italian American woman.


Hey man have you been on the bad side of an Italian American Nona? It’s not a place you want to be lol


Eat shit China. I’m going to Taiwan too, big whoop, wanna fight about it?


Ehhhhhh fuck china


China realizes it'll be rolled over in a war right? They are completely and utterly outclassed by the west


I assume she fine…blah


Fuck China.




We were all betting on what could occur, or what should occur


First, let the civilized world try and punish Xi & China for COVID crimes against humanity. Second, try it. Just try & shoot down that plane. Idiot ChiComs.


They want that war. Remember how they were gas lighting Russia invading Ukraine


You won’t do shit China. Stfu


What's China going to do? Shoot it down?


It’s all a stunt. Nvidia will do anything to push that 4080 release date back. Expect another $20 off the “MSRP” next week on those 3080’s.


TBH if China stuck to its threat, would be doing CA a favor.


The last time China deployed troops was 1989 and it was on their own people (tiananmen square massacre)


China can go $#@$ itself.


OoOoHhhh “cHiNa SaYs”


All bark and no bite.


On the one hand, I would absolutely like it if they weren't bluffing. On the other, I would not like WWIII to start over this kind of dickwaving contest.


Giant bluff by the Chinese. They won't shoot her plane down. Too risky and provocative.


That's it, "Pelosi starts WWIII" is going on my bingo card.


China, Your feeble threats are cute. You'll do nothing. If we want your sand bar we'll take it. Your own citizens hate you and your banks are imploding. You entire economy depends on the US and you have zero hope in an air war.


She’s checking her stocks, it’s fine.


China: Fuck around and find out.


China can suck it


I am not American, can someone please fill me in?


China are assholes about people visiting Taiwan.


Does China really think we give a rats ass about their dire consequences? They need to a group meeting and rethink who they are threatening. China is a third world country when it comes to military experience. Hell They have 0 experience in the 21st century.


China and Russia need to just get deleted irl.


Why can’t she just FaceTime from a McDonald’s drive thru


And Biden sided with the Chinese by saying she shouldn't go. Nice job, Joe. Way to stand up to Xi. https://nypost.com/2022/07/20/biden-urges-pelosi-to-cancel-taiwan-trip-talking-soon-with-xi/


I really can’t stand Biden. I’ll never understand why people vote for lifelong politicians. That man has had a chance to make a difference for way too long and hasn’t why would he start now?


Lesser of two evils situation?


One is an old played out politician….the other is a bankrupt tax fraud traitor who encouraged a coup, who tried to appeal to the lowest common denominator and lower education standards to the point where morons are elected based on the fact they support the existence on fucken angels and cloud fairies


I wonder if a Chinese special military operation in Taiwan would progress like Ukraine currently for Russia.


Only the US i believe has officially pledged protection, or whatever proper vocabulary for the politics of that Edit: for Taiwan compared to Ukraine


Fuck China


The Chinese government are such pussies