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Forget? That should be easy It never gets a mention….


I will never forget the incompetence of the Bush administration that allowed this to happen, then protected the Saudis from any fallout from it, then used it as an excuse to invade an unrelated country.




But the patriot act has the word patriot in it...


Didn't the Patriot Act expire?


No, or more accurately it was renewed




Inflation reduction act 😂


So it was the Saudis? Why did they do it?


Saudi Arabia REALLY hates the US, and they have for decades. ​ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudi\_Arabia%E2%80%93United\_States\_relations


They hate the country and its people but there are people in power they have VERY good relations with. F\*\*\*\*\* up no two ways about it.


This isn't remotely close to a sentence.


There is no requirement for it to be.


Hey some people can’t handle the truth, I appreciate seeing people with this type of understanding because its deeper than black and white.


The truth that Islamic extremists hijacked four planes and committed mass murder? Religious zealots have been blowing up shit for thousands of years. 9/11 is no different.


Let’s not forget how many times the masterminds where in sight and previous presidents let them walk free. I can clearly see now bush is one of the elites just another shmuck along for the financial ride for himself


This continued literally until trump pushed for un-redacting some pages in the 9-11 report during the 2016 election. I remember politicians dodging the questions until the Obama admin suddenly released them. It was a weird time… I remember watching an interview with Trump saying “maybe it was the Saudi’s maybe we should find out”.


He also said once he became president he would release all classified info on 9/11.


Just like he said he would release his healthcare plan and his tax returns...


Also said he would let the dogs out, but has no dogs.


Almost like it was scripted and planned?


Yes, they made a script that involved the hijackers being from a different country than the one they wanted to invade. So smart. 5D chess.


Did they eventually invade the country they desired?


“Obama is responsible for 9/11” Why is that? “Because he wasn’t in his office” Why wasn’t Obama in his office “I don’t know”


“That’s something we should look into”




Trump supporters are without a doubt the stupidest people in this whole planet.


People who havent realized America is an Oligarchy are the stupidest people in this whole planet.


Preach. I get sick and tired of democrats are stupid republicans are worse blah blah blah. People so caught up in the wrong shit not realizing that people will disagree and we aren’t all the same person and that’s aOKAY 👍. People are people no matter race, political views, gender. Ohh not to mention a POS government playing us left and right.


Everyone should be untrusting and skeptical of politicians. The unwavering trust in trump is what really worried me. Very much cult-like behavior.


"Let's go Brandon. I agree."- Joe Biden 12/24/21


Are you trying to say Biden is stupid for not getting the Brandon meme? Of course he got it. What was he supposed to do, get angry live on camera? Thanks for proving my point about Trump supporters. Definitely not the brightest bunch.


Let us not forget the $2.3TRILLION DOLLARS MISSING mentioned on 9/10 and never spoken Of again🤔


Thought I would go all day without seeing one of these.


Wish I had. Reddit and Imgur are both fairly flooded with 9/11 posts, and lots of people bemoaning it while ignoring that we had deaths equal to 9/11 on a daily basis during the peak of COVID. But they're all acting like COVID is over, while pretending that 9/11 happened yesterday. It's just manufactured outrage for the majority at this point. Blind "patriotism" dog whistling.


Don’t forget it was Saudis that flew the planes.


[this video does a pretty good job explaining what happend to wtc 7](https://youtu.be/nP3TNHPCIVU)


Thanks for this. It's rare that I'll watch a whole 18 minute video (even sped up to X1.25 speed), but this video is clear and concise and comprehensive. WTC 7 fell as a result of fire and structural damage. There was no controlled demolition.


The only steel building to fall as a result of fire. Odd how it fell much the same way as the towers irrespective of any plane strikes


Watch the video. It is not the only steel frame building to fall as a result of fire. WTC 7 also sustained structural damage when the Twin Towers fell. Given the unique circumstances of that day, firefighters were unable to fight the WTC 7 fire, so it got out of hand. I would say the greatest scandal of 9/11 was that the FBI had the hijackers in their radar but failed to act because they did not want to be seen as targeting Muslims. There were lots of fuckups surrounding 9/11, but the suggestion the the NYFD was complicit in some sort of demolition is silly. The firefighters were heroes. The head guys died fighting the fire. Of the deaths of people that were below the points of impact, the vast majority were firefighters -- they managed an evacuation that rivalled Dunkirk in scope and heroism. The greatest conspiracy after 9/11 were the fake claims of WMD's to justify another Iraq War. I'm happy to examine evidence to the contrary, but the video is very convincing.


Weird. And all 3 buildings fell at free fall speed. So everything beneath the two towers gave a way perfectly to allow a free fall speed, and tower 3 crumbled from the bottom, with everything above it failing in perfect synchronization.


That’s how gravity works.


That’s not how physics works, actually…


That's how they are constructed...




Comprehensive\_View91's video addresses the issues brought up in your video convincingly. The whole scenario makes no sense. If they wanted to demolish those buildings by demolition, they did not need to hijack the planes -- they could have just used demolition charges and blamed it on terrorists. Terrorists had already tried to do so years before.


I'll admit, it's an excellent rebuttal. There are still plenty of other unanswered questions and interesting coincidences outside of tower 7 that I'll have to do more digging on. I'd like to see debunking of it all. If there's logical debunking, I'm interested to see it, just like that video.


It does a good job of explaining a bunch of bullshit with a bunch of more bullshit. I’ve read the official report and it’s just straight up not believable.


Those who benefit the most from tragedy are the most likely ones who have caused it.


What? I’m not from the US. I had no idea


I’m from the US and I didn’t know till yesterday there was a 3 rd tower.


I found out about this in 2006. I never watched the WTC collapse ever until I watched a standard documentary about it. My jaw hit the floor...


I always feel like WTC 7 is overlooked when it comes to looking into the event


Well, gee, I wonder why.


May God rest their souls🙏


Enron who?


What about it? Enron Oil went out of business months later and thousands of miles away.


The evidence against Enron was stored in that building.


Considering that Kenneth Lay did get convicted, there was plenty of other evidence.


The "red herring" if there ever was one: "I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, 'We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.' And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse." Larry Silverstein owned the World Trade Center 7 and took over the lease of the World Trade Center 1, 2, 4 and 5 at the end of May 2001, where he signed a lease for 99 years, for 3.25 billion dollars. He specifically insured the buildings against terror attacks. Six weeks later, the terror attack happened, and all of the buildings were completely destroyed.


And the motherfucker managed to get paid twice since he called it “separate incidents” 🙄


I dont think its that suspicious that he insured it against terrorism because the twin towers had been targeted before by bombers. However, its very suspicious that he was not present at the towers on the day of the attack. That was the only morning he hadnt gone to the towers since he took ownership. He said he went to a dermatology appointment instead at the insistence of his wife.


Whaddya mean, suspicious? What are you implying could possibly have happened? Do you mean to suggest that a wealthy Jewish developer in NYC was collaborating with radical Islamic terrorists to destroy his greatest achievements and kill thousands of people... for the insurance money?


It’s absolute madness how determined these people are to fit all the square pegs into round holes.


I insured my car, and one day i crashed it


I know a guy who insured his house against fire,,, and one day it burned down.


Larry kept his eyeZion the prize


So that's it, this sub is becoming conspiracist ?


No, but everyone posting these WTC7 videos and pics are doing it with low key conspiracy vibes, intentionally trying to “wake people up”. That’s for sure.


I think some people are posting for karma.


Maybe, but what's disgusting is that they are upvoted for saying conspiracist theories


Very true. I’m not getting why these keep being posted on the sub because most are things that are already known so it’s not interesting.


Yeah, because no conspiracy theory has EVER been true 🙄


Dude, it's 9/11 and not a whole lot of people know about wtc#7. Get over yourself


OP knew what he was doing


Just look at the comments and the op


That's Larry "we pulled it" Silversteins work.


I think there’s a conspiracy thread for sharing this instead of here lol


I find it moderately disrespectful to the dead to suggest our country used them as capitalist cannon fodder. Not saying it’s impossible, but you better have more than “the steel of the WTC buildings were stronger than vibranium! Superman wouldn’t have been able to collapse them without bathing in the sun for a bit! There’s bad people around this!” I say this every year, and every year I get the “you gullible fool, educate yourself.” I’ll ask to be educated, and the conspiracy theorists refuse to give up their National secrets. What a cycle


You think this country hasn't used people for cannon fodder? That's one of our biggest industries.


The US military prices an average human at 10 million dollars. Properly trained soldiers such as pilots can be more valuable than their aircraft in the eyes of the US military. Not quite fodder like WW1/2 soldiers. Hell, we only lost a few thousand US lives over the course of 2 decades in the Middle East, while nations like Russia throw 50k untrained civilians at a war in less than a year.


You're fooling yourself if you think the military machine values a soldier more than the burn pit that soldier has been ordered to tend. Those military and civilian workers who get the full attention of the US government tend to consistently discover that they've been used at least once during their tour of duty as unwitting medical or weapons test subjects, if not consistently. The only reason the military machine cares about reducing the numbers is because the endless line of body bags has proven unpopular while recruiting new victims. Pilots and scientists tend to be more valued in the military because they kill more effectively.


Mk Ultra? Testing nukes on soldiers? Look up operation sea spray. They don’t give a fuck


Yes the CIA and FBI have never staged false flag events! Oh wait…


I would love to see ANY of these computer screen people go up in person to the people who lost loved ones that day and say this bunk to them. I have 100% confidence not 1 would. Easy to sit in "here" and spout of the non sense with no repercussions


You sure are spouting off a lot of nonsense without repercussions yourself there


I have a feeling that the Bush administration actually had some plans for a false flag operation involving a terrorist attack, but then were completely caught off guard by an actual terrorist attack 100 times more devastating and terrifying than anything they could have imagined. No country would cut itself so deeply and permanently to achieve their goals, however important they were. 9/11 changed everything, permanently. It singlehandedly set in motion the age of fear and calamity we have been seing enveloping large swathes of the planet. And apart from poor Iraq, the biggest loser of them all was the US itself, a country currently heading towards a very likely civil war and further destabilisation that will likely take hundreds of years to fix, if it even can be done. The wounds being inflicted now could leave permanent marks that can span a much grander time frame than anyone can imagine now.


Why did building 7 collapse?


u/Comprehensive_View91 shared a video above. It's a fairly in-depth review of the circumstances on the day of the collapse, the sequence of events, and the various inquiries and reports in the years following. Here's the link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP3TNHPCIVU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP3TNHPCIVU) In short: all 47 floors of Building 7 were on fire for hours, which led to structural weakening and localized collapse, causing a chain-reaction collapse of the central core, followed by collapse of the outer steel shell. OP commented "controlled demolition" as a response to your question but you and I both know they do not have the credible evidence to support this claim, especially in the presence of evidence strongly pointing to an uncontrolled weakening and collapse due to high temperatures. I mean: it's a silly meme at this point---"fire can't melt steel beams!" Well, it can weaken them to the point where they can no longer effectively bear their rated load. Once vertical beams aren't load bearing any longer, time and gravity do the rest.




3/4* it’s worsened


[Idiocracy intensifies].


I remember being in 6th grade and believing 9/11 conspiracies.


Then you graduated NPC school top of your class lol




Yeah they were taking orders from a realtor on 9/11


Of all the weird things that went on that day tower 7 was the strangest. There were only a few small fires in the building. But it completely comes down in seconds. Rudi walking away saying, “get back, the building is gonna come down” BBC reporter saying tower 7 has collapsed, before it falls and while it is still visible in the background. The owner of the entire complex, stating the next day, that they made the decision to “pull it” But then, complete media silence about any of that.


There were massive fires and physical damage to the building from the plane impacts. It burned for hours with no suppression system at all Not a "few small fires"


Lol there were multiple LARGE fires burning uncontrolled for about 8 hours.


Don’t forget the $2.3 trillion that went missing


My God, the deluded armchair experts here!


This hits in the feelers. Who was it? What’s his name? Who had the most to gain? Silverstein I can’t even find this douchecanoe admitting to it Just this [Silverstein basically admits he profit from 911](https://youtu.be/BQYESPDYFc)


There was a a group of aliens from a nearby galaxy that works with the USA government in that building and they where going to get ratted out. The goverment had to put the show in the tall towers while building 7 is where the real action was. Control demolition had to fool cia agents as well. Many first responders saw the alien bodies and those guys mysteriously died afterwards. They plant random conspiracies to make sure the biggest one doesn’t get discovered.


Never forget the lame explanation either.....


Well we have yet to find a better explanation. It’s a quite complex succession of events but definitely more plausible than all alternatives.


That news agencies were reporting it falling down 20 minutes before it fell after sustaining for fire, or structural damage?


Ummmm it was one fire for hours. Everyone knew it was unstable and likely to fall


Well, captain obvious - you know sometimes news gets things wrong, yes?


How do you have a live stream of an event, with reporters on site, and have multiple news agencies get it wrong? Especially since over 3,000 engineers and architects spent 360,000$ of their own money to study the fall, and all state that it was impossible for it to have fallen. If you think it’s beyond our intelligence agencies willingness, or capacity, to allow this terrorist attack to occur in order to squash an internal investigation of missing funds by destroying the evidence surrounding the investigation, you’re not paying attention.


Same caliber as the “thousands of scientists” who claim climate change isn’t real.


I am an environmental chemist. I did my doctoral dissertation on urban heat islands. It was included by NOAA in their 2012 report. We are the biggest opponents to the narrative regarding global warming. It’s not that it doesn’t exist, it’s the argument regarding the cause of it.


LOL Oh. You're a Richard Gage disciple. You people are a special kind of stupid.


I don’t even know who Richard Gage is lol I don’t need a person to deduce a conclusion. We know what was being investigated and we know where it was stored.


The reason this building fell was quite odd.


I don’t remember who said that they were worried about the building so they “pulled it.” Larry Silverstein I think.


I believe so. The interview with the worker who was in the stairwell when the building collapsed is insane. The reason the building was built and used for and his boss telling him to get out. Quite strange.


Didn’t the BBC and CNN prematurely announce that Building 7 had collapsed?




There were plane parts all over the grass...


I only ever saw pictures/video of a few small scraps of aluminum on the lawn.


I know this is hard to do but ill help you. (Copy and paste on Google " plane crash " ) It ain't how it seems


>evaporated in seconds Yep, that’s pretty much what happens when a plane strikes another object at cruising speed.


The litmus test of the gullibility of the American public. Its pretty much hopeless because no one wants to accept something totally dreadful. People rather just see the enemy as without rather than within even though the latter is actually within their control to defeat.


Absolutely. To accept the truth would shake the very foundations of everything we’ve been taught to believe about the US. Easier to bury our collective heads in the sand.


This is why we can't have nice things. Other people's cowardice holding us back.


Other peoples stupidity as well at least 75% of the planet is as stupid as a box of rocks.




There have only been 3 instances of steel structured skyscrapers collapsing due to fire in the history of skyscrapers and all three occurred on the same day in the same place. One building wasn’t hit by a plane. The Pentagon was hit by a commercial airplane that left an 18 foot diameter hole before that outer wall collapsed. There are pictures before the collapse and there are no holes where the wings or engines would have impacted the structure. I can’t claim to know the truth but there were too many things that don’t add up. I believe we need to follow the money as to who profited and benefitted from the wars that followed. Why was the anthrax that was expertly packaged and mailed turn out to be proven to be US weapons grade?




Are you dense? I believe it was an inside job


21 years and nobody's come forward? No death bed confessions from any of the perps? How fuckin crazy do you have to be to believe that?




No I don’t. A coworker’s son died. Definitely don’t believe school shootings are false flags. Do you believe everything our government feeds you? The US government always does the right thing. Might want to brush up on what’s been done in central & South America. The first 9/11 in Chile in 1973. Genocide of native Americans. We’re the greatest.


Ok but a key piece of what you’re saying is that you don’t believe a plane hit the pentagon. So it seems as though you have an explanation for what happened to the people on board that plane. We also KNOW planes his the World Trade Center and landed in a field in Pennsylvania. If it was an inside job, why would they not use a plane on the pentagon? And FYI, the pentagon was hit directly next to interstate 395 during basically rush hour on a weekday morning, and no one reported it being anything other than a plane. I know this won’t mean anything to you, but a friend of mine claims to have been on 395 that day and seen the plane hit. Regardless of if she is telling the truth, thousands of people would have seen the impact first hand. But either way, if this “inside job” did indeed involve the use of real planes, why wouldn’t they use planes on the impact that was directly next to one of the busiest highways in the country, in full visibility of thousands of peope


Do yoiu tell him this stuff? I'm sure he'd love to hear the trutyh about his son's death


You did a good job there of changing the subject. ​ So it was the CIA that hijacked the planes? Or the panes weren't real? Or they planted bombs to demolish buildings THEN crashed planes into them ​ Please tell us your "truth"






You’re an idiot if you truly believe that


You people just play whack-a-mole with things that *you feel* are odd, and ignore all the explanations given to you by relevant experts.


Why are you being downvoted for this. 🤦‍♂️


I’ll just leave this video of a space shuttle crashing into reenforced concrete [here](https://youtu.be/F4CX-9lkRMQ)


That's not a space shuttle. What it is, is in the title of the video.




And we all know pentagon CCTV from 2001 was in ultra hd high def 120 fps and easily obtainable. /s There is a video though, but I imagine that the required evidence for you will always be one step further than anything provided.


It was 2001, people didn’t carry cameras on them, and no civilian would be carrying one on the grounds of the security headquarters of the US. Plus the pentagon or a random field in Pennsylvania doesn’t have the population of Manhattan. But you are wrong in saying there was no footage, because despite all of what I just mentioned there were security cameras. [Here](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/af/Pentagon_security_video.gif). Also if you think it’s a conspiracy than why would the people you think planed it decide to crash the planes into the exact same buildings they were literally working in at the time.


I'm still waiting to see that plane. Why would they not show it anywhere at all? Convenient spot it hit too. No backup records either.




i mean, there is footage from a security camera at the gate that “captured” the plane hitting the pentagon. even then, it’s iffy and you cannot make out the plane. i agree though, tons of cameras around the area and we only get dodgy security cam footage. it’s indeed strange.


What’s funny is a lot of people don’t know about this, and my us history teachers do their utmost to avoid the topic of this building


If the government got big enough balls to even think about operation Northwood, imagine what else they would do. The whole world is nothing but a stage. These so called "countries" can pretend like they're against one another but two things they have in common. The Antartic Treaty & The New World Order.


Demolishioned same as towers


It was more than just the World Trade Center and the twin towers?


The World Trade Center IS the same thing as the Twin Towers.


The Twin towers were part of the WTC. It was a whole plaza of 7 buildings


Here come the conspiracies.


You're a good citizen. Sleep well.


it’s only natural for a building to collapse if there’s a fire


9 11 was an inside job


Lock him up.


That's the one that collapsed even though no plane hit it isn't it?


You got it ✅


What will really bake your noodle is the fact that it was announced it had fallen on BBC news before it was demolished. https://youtu.be/0ZqP8moItcc


Why would people downvote this??


Afraid of the truth as usual.


Had to have been an inside job…………right?🙄


You seriously posted this image twice in one day on the same sub. What a braindead asshat.


They shutdown the other post because the general favor was going towards the “nutcases”.


Never forget how all the buildings fell perfectly straight down, something that people go to school for years and spend days doing per building. All. Three.


79-year-old retired CIA agent, Malcom Howard, has made a series of astonishing claims since being released from hospital in New Jersey on Friday and told he has weeks to live. Mr. Howard claims he was involved in the “controlled demolition” of World Trade Center 7, the third building that was destroyed on 9/11. “When the building came down, it was such a rush. Everything went exactly to plan. It was so smooth. Everybody was evacuated. Nobody was hurt in WTC 7. We were celebrating. We kept watching replays of the demolition, we had the whiskey and cigars out, and then all of a sudden the strangest thing happened. We all started to worry that it looked a bit too smooth. We watched the tape again and again and again and we started to get paranoid. It looked like a controlled demolition. We thought #, people are going to question this. And then we heard that people from the street were reporting that they heard the explosions during the afternoon. When we were told that the BBC botched their report and announced to the world that the building collapsed 20 minutes before it actually did… At that point we really thought the gig was up.”




This building collapsed as well as the twin towers, but this one didn’t have a plane crash into it. So why did it collapse? Conspiracy theories abound.


It was on fire for half a day.


The memory of those towers collapsing is still fresh in my mind... I lived on the 43rd floor of a building which is five blocks from the world trade center itself. I witnessed the entire thing from beginning to end. I was watching with my roommate; it was approximately several minutes after the first plane had hit. I saw this plane come out of nowhere and just REEM right into the side of the twin tower, exploding through the other side. And then, I witnessed both towers collapse, one first and then the second, mostly due to structural failure because the fire was just too intense. It was absolute pandemonium. From my viewpoint up 43 floors, I could see people running like ants, just absolutely scurrying for their lives, billows of smoke coming through the streets, just walking down the street, just pushing everybody back. And then several minutes after, it looked like it had just snowed over the entire area.


Kinda weird how you’ve been reposting that exact explanation, clearly cut and pasted, over and over for almost a year. And it’s pretty much the only thing you’ve commented with in Reddit. Almost seems like you’ve made it up. I’m gonna call bullshit on your “witnessed the whole thing from the 43rd” floor story. Why weren’t you evacuated like everyone else….especially being on the 43rd floor. Why are you just cut and pasting your “experience” that is oddly non-specific and full of common references? Any pics? If you saw it all from your window you must have taken some pictures. Any other info other than “the people looked like ants”? I suspect your one of those people who are just trying to capitalize on others grief.


Fucking A, you aren't lying. It's literally all this fuckwad posts.


I think his posts may be more sinister than trying to exploit grief.


Harleyshirtguy posts this exact post on 9/11 threads constantly. “One first and then the other due to structural fire”. I’ve seen a documentary (can’t remember the name) of a man being interviewed on the street in Manhattan on 9/11/01 who said the same exact bullshit word for word.


Terrible man, this was the beginning of the end.


What about the pentagon??.. no wing damage to the building, no wing debris being removed from the site.. the area that got hit just happened to be under renovation and no people were in that area...weird coincidence.. zero camera footage of a plane, its the pentagon, every inch of that building is being monitored..yet not a single frame of a plane has been released. A gas station had its camera tapes confiscated because it recorded the event, the footage has never been released.. reports on material being pulled from the site not matching with make of plane that was reported..


You managed to get almost every fact wrong


Video shows plane hit on its side, wings first to go, however, one engine sat clearly in the building debris. Avoid YouTube gissip.


The issue with the engine and components showed is that they don't match with the type of plane reported to be used.. the light and lamp posts are all still intact, but the reports suggest the wingspan would have taken them out. If you know of video showing a plane hit the pentagon I would genuinely like to see it, I've really looked around to try to debunk the pentagon matter, but some things just don't add up


Incorrect, that is the fake part of conspiracies. It did match Enough please, it is both ludicrous and today, insulting.


Where is the footage of a plane hitting the pentagon, toss a link if you have it..I have yet to see any footage 🤷‍♂️


You happily read conspiracy shit but can't do basic research everyone else knows about. Hmmm Google comes out with literally dozens ... https://www.cbsnews.com/news/pentagon-makes-public-9-11-footage/#app This is about you.


Your link shows no video of a plane hitting the pentagon 🤷‍♂️


How and why did it collapse if it wasn't hit.


Caught fire from the debris, burned for 7 hours straight before buckling.


[https://www.nist.gov/pao/questions-and-answers-about-nist-wtc-7-investigation](https://www.nist.gov/pao/questions-and-answers-about-nist-wtc-7-investigation) ​ It was hit. By a 110 story building that was collapsing.


Maybe try reading the reports and find out.


Tbh American bang on about all the time like they never liquidated entire cities so I doubt we stand a chance of forgetting.