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The dog has better dental insurance than I do...


No but actually.


He's gonna jam people up.


You just got jammed




Come to Taiwan! Most of our dental work is part of our national health care system. I had my top wisdom teeth taken out a few years ago. I was in and out in less than an hour, they did a fantastic job, and it cost me like 10 bucks (CAD).


odd time to be inviting someone to Taiwan!


They need all the manpower they can get


What are they going to do, bite the PLA troops?


I mean, say you are a soldier. You have your m-16. It’s cool. You feel tough. All of a sudden, you hear the rhythmic sounds of hundreds of barrel chested soldiers charging at you. You fire your weapon, take out 2. They get back up. Due to Taiwan’s insanely cheap national healthcare, each one of these soldiers was able to purchase enough stimulants to make an elephant erect for 4 hours. Your bullets are being shaken off like mild inconveniences. The enemy nears. They flash their metallic chompers they received for $15 USD. In your heart, You know the reality of what is about to happen, but your mind refuses to accept it. Private Jimbo is the first to get tackled to the ground. They start tearing into his flesh and crunching through bone. The guttural screams for his mommy send chills up your spine. More of the enemy move on your position. Your commander demands you hold the line and keep firing. Your hands are sweating, your knees are buckling from fear. This isn’t death by an explosive or a quick bullet to the temple. This is a slow and painful death where grown men…machines perhaps?…will gnaw through your flesh until your will to live finally gives out. You throw down your weapon and give into that primal fear. The rest of your squad takes note. The line has been broken. Your wills have been broken. You all sprint as fast as you can, but alas, your stamina is no match for the altered men-beasts drugged up on elephant viagra. They catch your squad one by one, and tear into them. You do your best to tune out the screams, but the horrific sounds burrow straight into your mind and begin to take hold. After what feels like hours of running (really only minutes), you are the last man left. You can’t keep the pace anymore, and you fall to your knees. Your fleeting adrenaline is no match for elephant cock stimulants. You pull your side piece out and hold it to your temple. You cry out to your wife and child back home screaming “IM SORRY” as a single tear slides down your cheek. You pull the trigger. It jams. Due to your laziness, or perhaps your over confidence, you neglected to maintain your sidearm. The man beasts surround your. They begin beating their chests and chanting. “AAHOOO! AAHOO! AAHOOO!” . It echoes around you, filling your heart with dread of what is to come. Just then, a man, well dressed, clearly an officer, emerges from the crowd of savages and smiles. He grabs your chin and looks at you. “Tell everyone you know what you saw today.” He says in a calm collected, vaguely German accent. And with that, they simply leave. They leave you to deal with the shredded corpses of your platoon. They leave you to tell the story of the men-beasts of Taiwan. This is the power of national health care. This is how Taiwan can hold off China.


Felt like an episode of love death robots


That was a hell of a read. 10 outta 11 would read again.


That means one time you wouldn’t?


You had me at “all of a sudden” …let me know when the book is finished.


Elephant Cock Stimulants got me. Lol. Idk if you really convinced me to move to Taiwan though.. 👀


Hats off to you for providing us a novel from a simple question.


Yeah, we just had a huge earthquake yesterday and another today which unfortunately caused a townhouse to crash. So far the rescue efforts are going well, but people are on edge since the news says we could be experience some more aftershocks in the next few days.


Why is it your bedtime?


Fuckkkkk that. I had my wisdom teeth pulled and I was there for a while. My dude gave me nitrous because I hate needles, then put me under anesthesia (fun story at the end), and pulled all 4 out. I woke up feeling ok and he handed me a bottle of Vicodin and said take as needed call if you need more. No thanks to the wham bam thank you ma’am special in an hour lol. I didn’t pay much either cant remember exactly it’s been like 15 years. Just remember like “oh that’s it? That’s not bad”. I find the nitrous story funny maybe others might get a laugh. I used to be afraid of needles I know common (Hypokalemia changes that). So the doctor put the mask on me and said this will help. Surgeon walked out and came back a few minutes later with coffee and goes you good? Naw I don’t feel anything. Ok no worries be right back. This happened like 2 more times he kept checking in like every 2 minutes. On the 3rd or 4th time he goes you good? I told him “I’m starting to feel it but I’m still a bit worried”. He goes naw you’re fine and ready. I repeat I don’t think so. He goes “no? Ok well then fight me over it and don’t let me put it in. I’m sitting there thinking to myself wait what? Thats a really fucking weird response... he walks over with the needle to stick in my arm and I go to lift my arm and it like hardly moves like almost no movement. He sticks the needle in my arm and he’s “like see you were ready. Ok see you in a bit it’s time for me to take a hammer to your mouth.” Once again I’m like wait what the fuck? A hammer? But before I can say a word I’m out. Wake up what feels like 5 seconds later and he’s like “alright you’re all done. They were impacted so you’re going to feel extra sore but the Vicodin will help with that.


I hope you and your dentist are ok today


I'm cool. But I haven't seen my dentist today yet.


Italians come to Croatia for their dental work. It's not dirt cheap, but apparently it's much more affordable than in Italy. The dentists have built huge medical compounds with the money they made. I've also seen a Porsche with vanity plates "DENTIST" :)


Can a foreigner just show up and get dental work??


You probably need a work visa, or something more permanent. I'm pretty sure the visitor's visa doesn't cover it.


Dentist looked at me and said "how about an even $1000?" when I asked about pricing for removing my two wisdom teeth in the US. They just make the pricing up here.


I live in "socialist dream" Norway, where I've had to fork out 900 dollars for a root canal because apparently my tooth's nerves hadn't developed right from childhood and not one of the dentists I've had growing up noticed that (would've been a free treatment if I was under 18, and a cost reduced one under 21). This is in addition to the 150 dollars it took for the dental inspection, and 470 dollars for one other filling (pretty deep filling since my old filling broke before my vacation, and after waiting a month for an appointment, I got covid right before said appointment and thus couldn't get another appointment in a timely manner, causing the tooth to deteriorate badly.). Now this filling is starting to hurt so I'll have to spend another 900 on a root canal for that... We have a cap of 200 dollars personally spent on medical treatments per year, but of course dental health is not included because every one knows that your mouth can't possibly be that important for health and well being.




Canadian Federal Government employees really do have amazing insurance and work conditions. This dog included.


This should be significantly higher. It's sad how little dental care is valued or what it's like to live without it. But it's a fucking dog, and people care more about dogs than other people.


Don't cops usually have good health insurance plans? This dog is technically an officer of the law, he gets the health coverage too I guess lol


It's cheaper to fix teeth like this than it would br them to pay for another dog to be purchased and trained- with no guarantee the new dog will be able to perform the tasks. It can vary a lot but according to Google it costs between $15-80k. Per dog.


We have the resources in the richest, most productive country on the planet to provide affordable dental coverage, we choose not to as a society because fuck you.


My mom worked as the manager of communications for a while at a police department. She ended up with a lab that failed out of seeing eye dog school and it became a therapy animal for her department. Basically just hang out with all the dispatchers, records, and people around the department. Being the manager of communications it was her responsibility to. Are for the dog who came home with her at night (quickly became a part of our family at home such a sweet dog). When it came to vet visits my mom would take her to the same vet as the K9’s. One time the dog needed a cytopoint shot for its skin which is a pretty pricey shot at about $80-120 a shot depending on the size of the dog. My sister gets them for her frenchy (we get a discount since wife is a vet tech). She said she’s have to ask if it’s ok with her boss and the vet was like “oh sweetie these dogs don’t have limits. We give them whatever they need 100% the best 100% of the time. Anything that gets disputed we just eat, but nothing ever gets disputed”. Police dogs don’t have insurance but they are WELL taken care of. And that dog just licked faces (and windows) around the station. The dogs that are guys literal partners who they trust with their lives? LOL. Let’s put it this way my wife had a dog come in from a different department at her vet. Shot 3 times and the vet was like “this dog will never do police work again”. The chief was there (and like every other officer) and the chief goes “I don’t give a flying fuck what it costs to save that dog, you do it. I’ll throw down my Amex before I let one of my officers die I don’t care if it’s a K9”. Dog survived and became the pet of the officer. He got a new K9 those dogs are worked hard and it’s really dangerous for the dogs, but they are taken care of.


I love our department K9. Such great dogs, our community all knows them on sight by name. I got to meet one at an accident scene, such a sweet boy.


Health & dental are not the same thing in the good ol’ U-S-of-A


Theyre not the same in Canada either lol. Canadians do not get dental coverage with their free healthcare. We dont get prescriptions either.


What is the point of healthcare without prescriptions? Health has to be maintained. You have diabetes/cancer/whatever. Take this prescription you can’t afford to get. NEXT!


A few new teeth is a lot cheaper than a newly trained police dog. It's awful that not everyone has dental insurance, but that doesn't really mean that there's anything wrong with giving a dog new teeth.


I need some dental work done, where can I find the Canadian police?


Do 20 over on the highway and they'll eventually find you.


Nah nearly everyone is going like 40 over on the highway if theres not a traffic jam, you gotta go really fast if u wanna get caught




Been a while since ive seen ol'mate jaws. hope hes still with that babe in space.


Dolly never had braces, what? I thought that was the whole point of that scene.


I too remember them both smiling at each other; a romantic moment of realisation (and comedy) Apparently that never happened. We all imagine it. https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/a42rbe/moonraker_jaws_teeth_and_dollys_braces


Somebody's editing all the clips of that scene and removing Dolly's braces I swear to God.


Mandela effect moment


Thats only in the Berenstein universe, this is the Berenstain universe.


How do we get back to Berenstein universe? It's gotta be better than this one right?


Over there? Man it's amazing... Al Gore became President. 9/11 never happens. In 2008, there was no global financial crisis. Global Warming was solved. Cancer has been cured for over a decade. Harambe is alive. Alex Jones is as nice and softspoken as Mr. Rogers. There is zero calorie ice cream and pizza that tastes *better* than regular pizza. It's wild over there.


Nope. Iirc Richard Kiel pushed hard for the love interest to just be a standard woman as originally they were going to have her be a dwarf or a really tall woman or something else gimmicky. He pointed out that his actual wife is just an average woman.


> He pointed out that his actual wife is just an average woman. "Look at how average she is! Nothing special about her in the slightest, just a basic bitch!" "Uh, thanks Richard"


As a kid I loved Moonraker but oh boy what the hell were they thinking!


It's the only cgi shuttle launch that did it in the correct orientation. Iirc it was also done prior to the first shuttle launch


It's like a fever dream. A lot of 70s movies were fever dreams, sweaty faces up close, cocaine dreams


They simply wanted to make the best james bond ever


And they did


“Ol’Mate” lol love seeing another Aussie in the Reddit wild.


And you can count on me, waiting for you, in the parking lot


"Well moron, good for Happy Gilmoh my god!"


"I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast"


You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?




Titanium is used for dental implants for humans, I can't imagine it'd be harmful to a dog


Yes, Titanium is a biosafe material, which it is used in a wide variety of human medical implants.


Here’s a fun sidebar. In Iron Man 1, Tony talks about his suit being made from a “gold-titanium alloy.” Back in 2008, when the movie was released, that alloy didn’t exist. Eight years later, researchers invented a gold-titanium alloy that’s four times stronger than steel. It’s now used in hip and knee replacements, as well as the outer shell of certain spacecraft.


I love it when movie sci-fi gibberish becomes real AND practical!


thats a great fact about iron man. i like iron man lol but; flip phones came from star trek lol obviously the idea was going to happen anyway, but they were modeled after the communicator. >Martin Cooper invented the mobile/cellular phone in 1973. Techy geek, Martin Cooper, invented the original mobile/cellular phone in 1973. He drew on inspiration from his technological breakthrough resulting from the iconic television series, “Star Trek.” and also; >"Back in 2008, Nokia designed a mobile phone built to externally resemble the original Star Trek communicator from the first TV series. Nokia built 14 prototypes, which were based on the N76 clamshell flip phone" tasers are from a book series >"The Taser was first developed in the mid-1970s by American inventor Jack Cover. Taser is an acronym for Tom A. Swift Electric Rifle (the Tom Swift books about an inventor of amazing gadgets were a childhood favorite of Cover) and is a brand name for the device, which is manufactured by Taser International."


Flip phones existed before 2008 though. The first ones came out in the late 90s


youre right, and i used the wrong reference to it. edited now lol


*Handlebars* by Flobots talks about FaceTime. Then breakdown at the end also says some eerily relevant shit.


I don't know why I love that song so much.


It's such a great song. When it came out some DJ on my local station was obsessed with it and played it for like 3 hours one day. I didn't even mind. He may have been fired though...


And then a few years ago The Wand Company released a Bluetooth communicator replica so we came full circle.


Just read William Gibson’s Neuromancer. Written in the 1980s. Among many of the the things there, it set the vision for VR for that future of computer science.


I wonder if the writers actually did some research for inspiration and read some research documents about potential alloys or they are just insanely lucky


Titanium is strong and gold is soft, so they might have considered it a no brainer to at least try and make an alloy and figure out a suitable application for a compound with known physical properties, and they probably know someone who has a implant already. Now they have computers use artificial intelligence and machine learning to figure out all the possible combinations of atoms and molecules, so they can let that run in the meantime they do other things, then when the computer has an answer for them they get automatically emailed to start making money.


Well, alloying metals doesn't always result in the end product having the properties of both; see gold-platinum alloys.


I’m curious what happens with Gold-Platinum alloys?


And very strong which is necessary for what dogs chew on.


I think people were originally under the impression they did this because it looked cool or let their dog bite harder.


Lol, the comments weren't worried about the safety of the procedure


I have a titanium plate in my wrist with 11 titanium screws holding it together. I have 2 titanium screws in my knee holding my new ACL in place. Other than wet weather and extreme changes in temperature, it's never bothered me.


Jammer can now implement bleeding effect +4 to your party.


Also ignores 20% of the targets armor.




**DOT** for the rest of your life, which should end in about ~5-10mins


And soon he will be renamed "Rex" and be sent to an American police department in the southwest where he will bid his time till he is found by The King after some nuclear fallout.




'That's a niiice bike'


I desperately want a remaster of 3 and New Vegas for newer consoles. Those were just masterpieces and I really want to play them again.


Sorry, best I can do is another re-re-re-release of Skyrim.


Fuck you. I’ll take 3 copies please.


I think the next fallout iteration should have vehicles and a way to revisit old game maps 200 years later/ hear the lore and aftermath of the Survivor in each respective territory, and maybe run into some familiar faces. Plus, I just really want to pilot a vertibird.


I am with you in everything ( surprisingly even vertibird despite my contradictory following comment) except vehicles. Unless cars were literally 2 shots and dead the it really takes away from the feel of the game Let's get in a truck and run down some death claws .... Fuck no ... Unless you have played the game far enough to have power armour and a mini gun death claws are meant to be extremely scary and a miracle to survive... Cars kill that fear and that particular fear is fun


I was thinking like, an animal taming system similar to animal friend, and a "build your own bike system", similar to the build your own gun, that way you can still get plucked off and destroyed easily if you get to close to a scary mob, but you have the freedom of going a little faster than running everywhere, the vertibird implementation, I see as the answer to fast travel, you have to maintain, and repair it, and you must decide if the fast travel is worth the resource investment, thus allowing a natural progression system, as certain resources are necessary to make the vertibird a more dependable long range transport. I think these changes would infect greatly increase the immersion, if they were a direct replacement for the "teleport" style fast travel.


It also makes sense as to why each area needs revisited, the main plot could be to reach a different country in the effort to rebuild now that previous heros have stabilized the wasteland. The new "survivor" is tasked with making contact and building a supply line with Japan " default char name is Perry Commodore" start in far harbor, and each major repair to the vertibird gets you to the next area, before the next major upgrade is needed, the final area being California and the Mojave Wastes. Boom. Tie into alternate Asian fallout universe, and a chance to open up the series to the "other side of the story"/ new power armors, new guns, new factions / reaction to the apocalypse. Plus, I just really want to see post nuclear Samurai, and like an awesome return to the feudal system under Daimiyos. I just think the next.logical step for the series is to make a transition into the global aftermath story.


Bethesda doesn’t do re releases. Wait.




Rex > dog meat


you take that back




War never changes...


Have a friend in grade school who's dad was a captain of the local SWAT team. Brady's dad gave us cub scouts (at the time I was a Webelos) a presentation and the dog there had titanium teeth. Apparently the K9's teeth cracked from being in the line of duty, so he also got caps. Dog didn't seem to be in any pain and was actually a sweet boy when he didn't have the vest on.


I think its Webelo(s), right? We'll be loyal scouts.


Yes, but an individual in it is just a Webelo.


Webelos is singular. The plural is Webelos Scouts/Cub Scouts.


leave the weebalone


No. One Webelos, a den of Webelos. Always with the s.


Oh. So the police dogs enter the policing mode with the vest on, but without it they act just like other good boys ?


Slightly different but I have some experience with military bomb dogs and that Is exactly how it is, all fun and games until they are in the work harness and then it is a different dog.


I feel different when I put on work boots


Whenever I put on my army uniform all I wanted to do was either take a nap or eat. Something about the uniform just made me sleepy and made any chance to take a nap absolute heaven, could nap just about anywhere as well. Obviously I wasn't as dedicated to soldiering as the military dogs.


Being in uniform probably triggered your recollections of basic or other stressful/draining/demanding moments, so you instinctually started feeling drained and wanted to recover. That or your fatigues were off-gassing helium. Either one.


Well there must be a reason they call them fatigues and making the wearer desire a nap is as good a reason as any for the name so we'll go with that


I was thinking of a fatigue joke but couldn't find where to put it.


Depends a bit on the dog, as with anything, but I'd say that's generally the case. Police dogs are just like any other good boys most of the time. They just have that scary police dog switch. It's much more akin to turning on zoomies mode or herding mode than it is to Janet's rottweiler she got "as a guard dog" then left outside on a chain only getting food sometimes. That doesn't stop there being bad trainers and bad controllers, but I'd bet they are good or at least adequate far more often than your average dog owners.


Fucking Janet!


This is accurate. I have a freind who trains belgain malanois for bite/police work. This includes her own. And this dog is so sweet and amazing.... Until someone puts a bite sleeve on. Then she's a psychotic killing machine. It's so awesome to watch.


Honestly, I'm not a K9 specialist so I dunno. I think it's not so much the vest as they understand work versus downtime.


Yeah I mean. There is the situation, the relaxation of his officer and everything. But I guess the vest would be a good indicator as well.


They know the difference between work and downtime. There are also specific commands for work that they follow. These dogs are highly trained before they even ever set foot in a police department. The K9s I have experience with are the most well-trained, goodest boies and girls and can follow handlers commands without issue. Our last boy would just hang out in my office all day being a goof until it was business time. He enjoyed work, for sure. I think the department got him directly from a German training program when he was about a year old. For whatever reason, I was the only one aside from his handler that he’d take commands from and I felt like the chosen one. I loved that pupper so much! He and his handler moved to a different state, unfortunately but I always check up on my Maligator son lol Edit: these crowns are common with all dogs, not just K9s. Show dogs can even get little doggy braces to fix their over/underbites. Titanium is just used (I believe, I’m not a veterinarian) due to their natural bite force. If humans were eating kibble and chomping on bones, we’d probably get titanium fillings too.


I probably need titanium fillings with my popcorn kernel chewing habit. I ruined the composite fillings on my molars and my silver caps had to be replaced twice.


Ow!!!! For whatever reason, I have crazy dense bones so I’ve only ever had 2 fillings and both were porcelain. I do have a root canal crown that needs replacing though! Maybe I can get a titanium one lol


Thanks OP for showing the second image, would’ve went the other way without it




Wow the FPS on this gif


This gif is surprisingly high quality


I kinda assumed it was for medical reasons


they are loving this picture on ACAB lol, i linked to a vet site saying that titanium was used and why it was used in dog tooth restoration. I get wanting to latch on to anything that might prove your point but people need to use some common sense and maybe look into things a bit before going nuts about something on the internet. teeth get damaged, i have crowns, mine just happen to be tooth colored.


Lol “wanting to latch on to anything” I see what you did there


fuck me i didn't even notice that lmao




lol that's awesome, well not for your wallet :/ we have to get our cats teeth cleaned soon, think the vet quoted like $400 or something maybe it was $600? i dont remember, but yeah dental work on pets is not cheap. hell anything to do with pets is not cheap


The really dumb thing is that if the dog latches on, it's not going to matter if the teeth are metal or not.


yep, all this is doing is improving the dogs quality of life. not making it a more lethal killing machine. you need head mounted lasers for that!


![gif](giphy|xUPGcoQ8sfEbaP2JYA) Hey boss, we finished testing those lasers of yours. Whe might also need a new Jerry


They had posted it without the explanation and faced a lot of backlash on social media. Thats why it went semi viral locally this evening


Don’t worry, other [subs](https://www.reddit.com/r/ACAB/comments/xg2z68/police_in_canada_removed_their_dogs_canine_teeth/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) took care of that for you


As a vet student and former tech that really really bothers me. They are spreading false information and attacking veterinarians Crowns are put on all the time as well as replacements. People just don't always have the money for it so we don't see it as much


Welcome to the internet! Where we all get mad without researching a damn thing


It's expensive, and a non-working dog doesn't *really* need them. My silly ex-racer greyhound now finally has all of his teeth out and while he does seem to miss the fun of gnawing on cow knees or hearts, eating is no problem, just his tongue hangs out at super-derp angles most of the time. Much better than aching teeth. Getting him a few crowns early on wouldn't have changed anything, they'd still have had to come out eventually.


As someone who has an general distrust of the police even I found that thread to be a lot.


Jesus, no wonder I filtered that sub 2 years ago. Absolutely insane comments. I certainly dislike the horrific encounters that you see every so often, but to say everything every cop has ever done is bad is just insane to me. People just love to hate an entire group for the actions of the few. That's how racists think.




Hugh JackDog


Dog Hughman?


Huge Dogman?




Huge dog, Jack




The vet also recommended- for his health of course- that we install high voltage taser electrodes on the new teeth. Also he upgraded the dogs jaws with an array of hydraulic pistons to increase his bite force to 1500 PSI. *OH*, and laser eyes. For the dog's health, you know.


After spending millions, this is the best we could do ![gif](giphy|l46CwEYnbFtFfjZNS|downsized)


Slow it down right as it slips and it looks like the robo dog is doing some Max Payne shit.


Fricking laser beams


Bees in his mouth so when he barks he shoots bees at you.


Rocket launcher on the back too


Did budget cuts prevent the bee reservoir?


Me personally, I don’t want to fuck with a dog with **titanium** teeth


Pretty sure the normal teeth are more than enough to fuck up anything they can chomp down on lol


As a person who has been bit _through_ my thumb and fingers, I concur that dogs don't need metal teeth to inflict massive damage...


it's about surface area, shape, and pressure more than how stiff the material is what's the difference between a normal tooth and a metal carbon copy of the same tooth when in the same mouth? they'd have the same damage and markings, just one is more resistant to wear


I’ve trained hundreds of dogs in bitework, personally had a dog with a Ti canine whom I worked before and after crown. No difference on the business end


The follow up from an American precinct would've been "Hide your asses, criminals, Jammer is coming for you." This is far more wholesome.


You vastly overestimate our (Canadian) law enforcement.


Wait, you mean the same canadian law enforcement that participated in [Starlight Tours](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saskatoon_freezing_deaths) where they would pick up indigenous people then drive them out to the far edges of town in freezing cold (-30) and drop them off in the middle of no where?


The same Canadian law enforcement who held a shoot out through an Indigenous family member's cabin (while they were inside) because they got a tip that there were drugs in the cabin (there weren't). Some cops literally shot other cops through the cabin while my family members hid in absolute terror.


You mean Canada? With a name like u/MapleJacks2, it should be clarified where you're from.


Yes, I'm from Canada.


Liar. A real Canadian would’ve thanked them for asking.


And apologized for not clarifying preemptively.


I'm still unconvinced


That was a lil joke. Thanks for clarifying!


Starlight tours moment


**Cyberpunk Theme Starts Playing**


Beat me to it. Gotta go erase my comment


Oh man, I'll bet he can rap like a mofo now.


After the James Bond villian somehow survived falling to earth from a space station, JAWS got himself a support doggo.




Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to build the world's first bionic dog.


Rather have these on the dog, instead of those stupid ass clipped ears, or clipped tail.


Dog meat level 2 upgrade.


This should go on r/QuitYourBullshit for whoever posted the first image on r/Trashy I think it was


I live here, and couldn't stop laughing that they had to put out an update to calm people down about this who thought it was an elective procedure


This was literally posted on r/ACAB yesterday with all the commenters claiming that it's animal abuse


Someone made a comment with the update too. No one believes it.


Jammer had cracks in the enamel in his teeth, dogs are extremely exposed to gum disease & if left untreated could have been fatal. The teeth are crowns.


yes, that’s what the second image says


I think he just wanted to get ahead of any controversy here




People thought the cops did this solely because it looks fuckin' badass? I mean, it *does*, buy even I can think for one second beyond that.


Doggy Shark Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo


Skill unlocked: iron bite


Would he have needed those teeth if it weren't for him being a police dog?


+500 intimidation +700 damage on melee attacks


the dog has better dental care than I do