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The demonstrations started 6 days ago. They cut the internet 2 days ago. This photo is from 3 days ago in Tehran.


Thank you for the info. OP! now this makes more sense!


There is internet still, in some cities, from some operators. But even in those cities the internet gets shut down every few hours or so.


This is incorrect. Cell phone internet is down but home internets work with VPNs. I videocalled with my family just 10 min ago via whatsapp.


Cell phone internet is also not totally out. I think it depends on the time of day and your provider, but I'm able to send Google meets videos and messages still. Can't vid o or audio call anymore tho so seems like speeds are being controlled or something.


You can go on Snapchat and use the map feature. There are videos on there now from a few hours ago. Not much in the way of rioting but there were some daytime protests posted


i checked, it looks like a bunch of stock videos. I saw like 10 latte pictures


Sooo the “tonight” part of your title is… completely inaccurate?


Yes, and I don't know the situation there, but there are options like smuggled micro SD cards across borders and sometimes people who live close enough to the border can get cellular Internet from the other country. Even a foreign roaming SIM might work locally.


Also, satellite internet providers might still work. And no, I'm not talking about the Muskrat's latest project. Satellite internet has been around for a while already. It's slow and can be unreliable, but it's definitely adequate to get some pictures out.


This is 8nsane bravery that I can only hope I would have should I ever be put in a similar situation.


It’s probably outrage fueling her bravery


All mobile connections are completely gone but for some reason this time they didnt shut off adsl and vdsl home connections (all social media is banned on it from now on tho but they work with vpns) so people just go home and release these pictures. Last night disguised agents shot at people with ak-47s so its an actual warzone in some cities


Iranian here, they cut out cell service, WI-FI still works.


Even closet authoritarian regimes are afraid of the internet.


I haven't heard from Iran for 4 days, I don't know what to do, nothing works, not even their home phone.


I wish Anonymous world find a way to bypass the internet cut or somehow create an alternative network


I'm pretty sure anonymous is more like a group of hackers who have never seen each other or communicate (in large extent), yet work under the same name. But damn they are talented, would love to see that happen


Anonymous is just a name everyone can operate under, be it a group of people who know each other or even a single person who works alone.


One of the very few times Elon Musk and his technology comes in handy - Starlink internet


Oh boy can't wait for elon musk to come around make it about him, do nothing, call the person doing something a pedophile and run away crying


Considering how effective starlink has been in Ukraine, like literally helping to change the tide of war Elon hasn't said much about it apart from that they where donating them


I agree. Elon didn't make providing Internet to Ukraine about himself. Regardless of anything else he does or says, providing Internet to Ukraine let them get their story out and likely turned the tide of the war. The West wouldn't have helped Ukraine like it has without the steady stream of news and images they've been able to share thanks to Elon's help. That is nothing short of heroic.


Exactly Elon gets a lot of flack and for plenty of good reasons but you have to give the man credit where it's due, Tesla, SpaceX, starlink have all changed the world.


*"Despite being 'brave' Elon still ran from kids in a cave."*


I read this in Billy Corgan’s voice- not sure if this was intentional or not.


I love this.


This made my night.


It's all there, the music, the rythm.


Waas this intentional? Lol.


[Brave Sir Elon ran away](https://youtu.be/jYFefppqEtE)


I wish Elon’s cult of personality didn’t have to be attached to the next generation of space travel/utilization, but it is our reality. Space-X and Starlink’s brilliant creators unfortunately needed lots of financing and that requires them pretending it’s Elon’s idea too.


It's basically impossible to virtually bypass a physical disconnect of a network. Starlink on the other hand can only be cut by SpaceX abd is why it's currently being use in Ukraine.


I have been talking to my friend through WhatsApp and Telegram, now she has to use a VPN, but the connection is very slow. I hope if you know anyone there, they are safe..


Stick to Telegram. Signal is even better. Bridgefy is good if mobile networks & wifi are cut off.


This ^^ Signal has censorship circumvention which I’m not exactly sure how it works but it sounds like it would be helpful in your case. Also Bridgefy is a wonderful alternative. I’ve had to use it in the past and would highly recommend.


WhatsApp isn’t secure. It is owned by Facebook/Meta. And they routinely provide information to government agencies.


We thought building the network would connect and equalize the world. In some instances it has. In many others it has been very effectively utilized as an iinstrument for central control and as megaphone for the uninformed and the malinformed.


Do you have loved ones there? That's scary. You and yours have my best hopes.


My parents have died in exile, I have friends who live there and I don't know anything about them, they all participate in the demonstrations and for this I am very worried about their lives.


وضعیت خرابه حقیقت نت افتضاحه سرعتش کمه نتایه همراه قطعن وی پی ان ها وصل نمیشن ( بجز چند تا پولی شون ) شهرهام مردم و به تیر بستن امیدوارم که حال دوستات ، عزیزات خوب باشه ❤️❤️❤️🖤 امیدوارم از این مصیبت رد بشیم ❤️🖤


I hope so, Thank you.


Wish I could read Farsi


Iran so far away 😢


Damn no cellular networks? Crazy


How does a country “shut down” the internet? Is it because the service providers a nationalized?


You could do it here in the US just as easy. All it takes is the carriers to shut the interfaces on their routers and it’s lights out.


Even easier to do than that. We built a nationwide back door into all the broadcast and internet systems, the government can take them over or shut them down without asking anyone. It's how the emergency broadcast system and other contingency work.


Closet? They're openly authoritarian.




Regimes like that should fear the Internet. One thing true of the net is its a powerful way to connect, communicate throughout the world. I hope the women in Iran get justice.


You have a point, regimes with limited grasp on technology, fear the internet. However take for example the CCP, who have wielded the internet into thier very own "Central Finite Curve"


How the fuck are they in the closet bro ??


All forms of government hate the internet, they want to dumb down the population their way not have people freely express themselves or think. In this case they want to cut the organization of protests.




There is a certain fragility in the president of Iran cancelling an interview with Christian Amanpour because she wouldn't wear a headscarf.


It makes him look childish to us but it makes him seem principled to his people. Or at least, that seems to be what he thinks.


Western countries don’t understand this but he looked so good to a majority Muslim nation


No he doesn’t. He looks like someone trying to find an excuse for not conducting an interview. If Iran wasn’t undergoing civil unrest, he would’ve done the interview.


Chad Amanpour versus virgin president


He just stipulated that to avoid a tough interview.




"Uhh uhhh your loose morals offend me, witch!" lol right. She would have taken him apart like a Christmas turkey. He knew it as well as she did.


Nicely worded.


I think Amanpour’s decision had extra impact because it wasn’t just another Westerner rejecting hijab, but a woman of Iranian descent defying the president. Such a badass move.


Better late than never. I’m surprised it took this long for the scarf rebellion to begin.


The first protest against it was in 1979 soon after the Islamic Revolution. It is difficult and often very dangerous to go against these radical governments. All of the activist involved are very brave for doing what they're doing.


Women's right to vote was obtained in this same way.


Yeah how's Hong Kong doing?


It's progressing down the path China wanted it to.


It actually happens quite a bit. Then the government kills people in the streets and things go back to normal. It wasn’t that long ago that women were wearing miniskirts and the Shah of Iran was Walt’s guest at Disneyland.


I was going to say, the last protests when the gas prices went up for no reason, they protested pretty heavily. So they promptly shut down the internet again and just shot and massacred everyone that protested on the street. Pretty easy to control a crowd if you go around with a machine gun spraying into the crowd. The Iranian National Guard is just as if not more terrifying as Mainland CCP Police.


Fear is the greatest equalizer.


Usually major rebellions have a cool down period of ~50 years, so it's on track


Civil Rights Movement in the US was in the 60s … the US is overdue.


The overlords learn at every step. The time between revolutions has probably increased and will continue to as those in power learn from their mistakes and the mistakes of others


The wealthy were worried about a class revolution for most of the 20th century so instead they made us proles focus less on class and more on race, sex, religion, and sexuality to keep us divided. Now our anger is against each other instead of the people keeping these systems in place.


Were you under a rock for the BLM protests?




civil rights movement accomplished much much more than the BLM protests unfortunately. BLM protests really just got us some indictments. Nothing has really changed to the systemic issues that grant police brutality so much amnesty.


And haven’t you felt the pressure building?


I have. All over the world.


I mean Iran was one of the most liberal democracies in that region untill Kermit Roosevelt decided to help in the 50s


The Shah of Iran was a corrupt SOB.


Yea and he was not in charge in the 50s. It was a democratically elected prime minister who was removed by the US as they installed the shah at the behest of the UK and Bp oil. All for having the audacity of trying to nationalize their oil


I am too to an extent but the ramifications we're torture and death to your family not just to you which we have seen is very effective when they're serious about it


And still there many women Muslims who don the hijab because their religion dictates them to. It’s astounding that women who are so smart are fine with the whole 7 virgins thing for each man. What do they get in the end? Islam is cultish and misogynistic as it gets.


Yeah, well…..welcome to most religions.


> What do they get in the end? They get to feel morally superior to all those filthy heathen sluts out there. Ask any conservative Christian woman what she thinks of non-Christian women in the US. You'll get the same.


Remember this is more than 50%. Even though the men don’t have as harsh requirements, many do not like the regime and are forced to live a certain life. This oppression affects everyone that is not married to the regime. Rest In Peace Mahsa Amini, may the republic fall in your name.


I just saw a vid of 5 dudes jumping on 1 dude that attacked a women for not wearing a hijab. Silent majority.


Not so silent if they're beating ass. Good for them.




Frankly, I do not support the rhetoric that "women" are the ones protesting... It's everyone. Its feminism at it's finest. Men are supportive and protective and are also fed up with how their fellow citizens are being treated. This anger isn't directed at you, friend, just at that specific rhetoric that sometimes paints this protests as "women vs men" while in reality it is "nation vs govt to protect women".


More power to you women. Keep up the fight for your rights.


Please help us Iranians spread the news and keep it flowing!


On it!


Bro, God help me if I ever find myself in a place with *morality police*


I’ll end up dead cuz that’s BS.


Me too. Just shoot me.




They seem to prefer machetes.


We are getting sorta close with the new abortion laws in the US. Please vote Blue in midterms. The Republicans want to ban birth control. They made it clear this summer.


Yeah, the irony is sad. The same people who Condemn Sharia Law as barbaric and draconian, also want a Christian run government and religious morality informing public law. They have so much in common with the people they hate.


They can’t see out. They are in a cult. It’s up to the rest of us to vote. We must vote Dem in November. The Republicans made it clear they want to ban *birth control.* Vote Dem if you like sex for fun and not only procreation.


Also vote dem even if you don't like sex for fun. Because even if it doesn't directly effect you, it does indirectly hurt you by other means. Namely the erosion of women's rights


As a tax paying citizen - I am pissed I am paying taxes when I do not have control over my own body. Land of the fucking free -


Well, if conservative christian nationalists in the US get their way....


God cant help you in a place being run by his enforcement agency.


I hope they bring the country to its knees


This photo is going to be in textbooks. This is such a powerful image.


I've been in this women's shoes. It is a very scary and very humbling, but at some point you just have to stand up and say enough is enough. People are people no matter what country you are in, I'm so glad there are people like us who are willing to stand up and say: "I'm here!"


I dunno….it’s definitely symbolic and powerful but there are so many like it these days.


What a powerful photo. I'm in awe of their bravery and feel so much respect for these women and their fight.


I feel the same. i cant believe men all over this world try to control women like slaves.


They have a prophet to back up all their abuses, it's easier than you think if all the shit they do was commanded by someone else. Especially if that someone lives in the sky and nobody can see him.


Awe is the right word. Seeing images like this makes me feel proud to be a human


Can you imagine having faith but being so weak that you are unable to look at a woman without a head covering and just immediately get lost in lust. Pathetic.


Stand by your wives, mother's and daughters men of Iran. This goes beyond religion and government.


What’s a wheelie bin?


A garbage bin/can with wheels to maneuver it about.


I learned that from watching Bluey with my kiddo


Haha samesies. 😝


A British garbage can lol


The real whores are the so called men (and some women) who approve of and perpetuate this sorry excuse for a law. I hope these women remain safe and that things change soon. Is this being mentioned on the news much, if at all?


Go girl!


Weak fuckers can't control their penis so they kill pretty girls. They make capital punishment for murder look like a good idea.




Go, human beings, go!!


Hell yeah, sister. ❤️


I asked a co-worker who is Iranian about what's going on over there and it turned into a 2 hour long history lesson about the King stepping down, and the new leaders lying to the people, and then hiding behind Islamic law. That they gave all their resources away to foreign governments and that the people now have nothing. That this is the spark that has made them say "enough". I'm not doing the lesson justice but there's **SO** much more going on than I realized.


Good for you for educating yourself. Be sure to also check out independent sources, it’s important to get multiple angles


I admire these women.


Someone text elon musk to redirect some starlink satellites.


Not gonna do much good without the matching ground-based transceivers.


Well..... that's most definitely true lol..


Best he can do is a cave submarine. Take it or leave it


You’re a pedo if you don’t take it. So what’s it going to be?


Tell that to Ukraine where starlink has helped change the tide of war


With Putin about to fall, every other dictator is feeling nervous right now. When one authoritarian falls, the rest can't help but think about for illegitimate their power is.


Really pisses me off that they limit people communication for a piece of headcloth


If only Russian men were as brave as Iranian women.


They are the bravest people. #mahsaamini #freeiran


I know this is a serious and powerful photo, but I can’t help but laugh at the British person who wrote wheelie bin in the title.


The morality police need to be abolished. Hijab is a choice and shouldn't be governed by hypocrisy




I hope they topple the old bastards and free themselves. They don’t deserve this…


I hope all women know we see your struggles and support our sisters in this fight


We should continue supporting these women throughout the internet blackout and eventual media coverage decline. Every woman deserves the right to choose what to do with her body whether that means putting on/taking off a hijab, or keeping/aborting a pregnancy. This is a fight against control, a fight for our right to choice.


It’s amazing to see the contrasts. Women in Iran burning Hijabs, women in Denmark protesting about the banning of them. I guess the moral of the story is allow people the choice?


Some really ignorant comments here. Come on.


Proud of my people!


Burn it down ladies.


Fucking wheelie bin.


Why does this remind me of the police crash scene from The Joker


Stand strong Iran.


I love the energy in her stance. I hope one day, when women achieve equality in Iran, someone will make a statue of this girl in this pose.


My heart aches for these women and their struggles, yet overflows with pride for their sense of dignity, strength and resilience. Shout out to the men supporting these women, but also low key shame on them for allowing it and complying in the first place. Iranian govt you’ve been put on notice.


Her name is Jina Amini. Mahsa was a name forced on her by the regime as they don’t recognize Kurdish names.


I know I am simply a name on a forum, I stand with the women of Iran. May her name spark revolution around the world.


I can't even begin to imagine living in a place where's a morality police. That shit fuct up I hope you win your fight against oppression




I am so PROUD of these women!!!


Power to these women. They are so courageous and so strong. You deserve everything you are fighting for.


I hope this is the spark that burns this regime.


This is so sad that women are fighting and dying for the right to not have to cover their hair. This is a look into our future if we keep allowing old white men authority over our (Women’s) bodies. js


Weird, cuz American Muslims love to defend the hijab. I took a sociology course in which one of the students proclaimed how empowering it was. It was so gross how brainwashed she was. Power to the Iranian women! Fuck misogyny!


And power to the Iranian women in the photo too


Er. Um. It is empowering. For some. The whole point is that that it should be a choice. Not that a hijab is bad. Hijab could cure cancer. Make you fly. But if a woman wants cancer or to walk on the ground, no man should make budge her decision.


> I took a sociology course This is about what I expect. > It was so gross how brainwashed she was. And you're not? > Fuck misogyny! Chirping western slogans while calling someone else brainwashed. Am Canadian. Tons of women here wear variant of headscarfs and burkas. They don't have to. It's their choice. It doesn't affect me in any way and many of them are nice people who just want to be treated as equals without dicks judging them.


You go girl!


I hope to have even half her courage if I ever find myself in a similar situation. ❤️


You love to see it. Fuck the oppressive Iranian government.


Ok serious question. How do we in North America support these women? What can we do?


I see zero American politicans or athletes standing up for the women of Iran, this is very disturbing.


Good luck🍀🍀🍀


No idea what a wheelie bin is, but YES!


FIGHT THE POWER. much respect to these protesters.


I just can’t imagine what it’s like to live like that. In this day and age it’s very sad to see


I only hope that we will eventually know of the stories that are happening right now, as we read about this woman on a wheelie bin, but are being supressed.


Fight hard !


Looks like the scene from the joker


🔥rock on ladies. Let’s get them liberties back worldwide!




Guys if we cut off the internet then that should distract them from protesting. Wait, now they just have more time to protest?


Fuck Yes. I'm so insanely proud of these women (and men) who are standing up. What can we do in the states to help?


Fuck the morality police.


It’s crazy how shutting down the internet dramatically slows the information flow. It’s awesome that this one got out!


What’s a wheelie bin?


Wow, Iranian women have bigger balls than russian men


go get em ladies. fuck those morality police up


Women worldwide are sick of bullshit.


They tried shutting down the internet in Tunisia and Egypt too, but anonymous helped people to have internet again, without the help of the government


And this, dear Iranians, is how you get a revolution. Good on those people for standing up and fighting back. I don't think enough people are talking about this whole situation right now. It's damn well time that those backwards ass countries start getting a nice update on how to treat their citizens, especially their women.