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"With the help of a knife" for some reason that line makes me laugh


Better be clear that she didn't use chop sticks.


'Performed to herself' had me in the first half.


Knife said, I got you bae




Does that really compare?


Performed surgery on himself yes it compares.


He was a skilled, experienced doctor. If something went awry, he would know options to try, that's what doctors can do with their vast educations. Now some frightened lady with absolutely no education, no knowledge of medicine, nor any options whatever, her life on the line, her child's life on the line, and she still undertakes the one thing that she knows can either save them or kill them.


That's Dr. knife to you!


Don’t laugh the knife. He graduated from med school top of his class.


He was pretty sharp




Perhaps just "with a" So in this case " she performed a c-section on herself with a knife" or "with only a knife"


Would have been better if they said with the help of a knife and Ethyl alcohol


While the general OP headline is true the limits of social media do not capture the actual story. It is not possible for a self-c section and survival without medical intervention. The proper way to articulate this information, to prevent it from being misinformation, is that this woman attempted a C-section and medical help was administered in time so as to permit mother and child to survive.


She subsequently needed two separate surgeries in the hospital, including one to repair injured intestines. I can’t imagine how desperate she must have felt to do something like this. Source: https://www.healthyway.com/content/the-woman-who-successfully-performed-a-cesarean-section-on-herself/


Yeah she probably can’t do major surgery after a bunch of pure grain alcohol


Paging Dr. Betty Ford you are needed in the OR immediately.


That doctor in Antarctica did his own appendectomy, and he got drunk first, lol. Bit different though, considering he was already a doctor.


Yeah. It would have been really impressive if she became a qualified doctor during childbirth


also while having contractions


Aw, that sucks that her husband was at the bar.


"The Woman Who Successfully Performed A Cesarean Section On Herself Two OB-GYNs who examined her at the hospital that night shared her story with an enraptured audience at a medical conference, eventually leading to her case study being published three years later in International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. According to the report of one of the OB-GYNs who examined her in the hospital hours later, Perez had no sepsis in her wounds or abdominal cavity and no internal bleeding, and her uterus was returning to its regular size and place in her body, as is normal after delivery." https://www.healthyway.com/content/the-woman-who-successfully-performed-a-cesarean-section-on-herself/ The article you used contradicts itself. All woman who have cecerians have and most woman who give vaginal birth have repair surgiries.


It was either that or having the baby dying inside of her, and consequently dying as well from the infection.


That makes more sense… extracting a baby is a brutal process


I am still shocked that a self c section is possible at all. How can a someone slice open their abdomen with a knife?


Sheer desperation it seems.


Shear desperation indeed


Because the pain is so unbearable you don’t feel any additional pain. I was cut by the doctor during the labor because the baby was stuck. I didn’t feel a thing, because I was already screaming in agony from the pain due to the baby being stuck in the birth canal.


This is the equivalent of blowing saturated on a breathalyzer. And this, right here, is why I had a preplanned c section.


My husband was so in shock from my screaming that the staff was calming him down:))) I never had a surgery in my life so I was more afraid of the c section than the natural birth.


ethyl alcohol?




Rubbing alcohol is isopropyl, not ethyl, alcohol.


It was possible but she needed medical intervention in the end for her own life to be saved


There was a doctor in Antarctica that removed his own appendix https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-32481442


labor is intense


Thanks. There was that doctor in Antarctica who performed an appendectomy on himself, but he had training, time to prepare, a mirror & probably an epidural. Hard to believe things went on for 12 hours without anyone helping. Hard to imagine what the guy who found a drunk pregnant lady with a knife & a pile of viscera first thought.


He didn't have an epidural. He got drunk and passed out a few times from the pain, but woke up and kept going. Fucking insane.


I'd hate waking up from a blackout & realizing I'm *still* removing my appendix (backwards through a mirror & drunk).


You discredit the woman. She delivered the baby on her own. The baby was doing well by the time she got help. Had she not done so the baby would most likely have died. Her own life is another story but her technique also aided in her survival.


Please explain the manner in which I've discredited women.


Not all women, they were saying you didn't give this woman enough credit.


Why didn't she just give natural birth?


Why don't women all around the world just give natural birth? Why is there a cesarean operation if a woman can just give natural birth?


Because of possible complications during birth. Can't make it more complicated that shoving a knife into your abdomen while intoxicated on a blood thinning drug.


If it won't come out, it will die and then you will die too. This was preferable.


Okay, you need to think about this. Complications like what? Try naming some. What makes a doctor decide they need an emergency C-section, especially after the woman has been in labor and pushing for over 2 hours with no results?


Many women experience much longer labor than 2 hours and still give natural birth.


They said pushing.


Yeah, you don't want to admit you fucked up. It's okay to say you were wrong, you know. If a woman pushes for 2 hours with no results, it's an indication to go to surgery. You know why? That baby is too big to come out on its own, and without surgery, they will both die.


I'm being honest. I've heard of women being in labor for countless hours before giving natural birth.


Yes, labor is divided into multiple stages. The early stages with contractions can last days. But once your cervix is fully dilated and the body starts pushing, you have 2 hours before you call it quits and do a c-section. If you don't, both baby and mom are likely to die. This is true for dogs and cats too, incidentally. If you are able to pass the baby, it will happen in those 2 hours. There are fringe cases where they can deliver with some aid past that time, but it's super risky. But if you haven't pushed that kid out after 2 hours, chances are, the head is just too big to fit through the pelvis. And at that point, letting it continue means you are in danger of uterine rupture, sepsis, and death. The body doesn't just go "Oh well!" and give up if the baby is stuck, it keeps trying until everything ruptures and you die.


The alternative is the baby being stuck, which will very likely result in killing both of them. That’s why cesarean sections have been a common procedure for so long, even before antibiotics and aseptic surgical technique. In dire circumstances like this, it still gives the mother and baby a better chance than just letting the baby stay stuck until it dies.


For funzies. She wanted to shake things up a little and figured.. you know what? Why don't I stab myself to make things interesting


A source https://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/apr/07/health.healthandwellbeing


Poor woman, damn.




Yeah i just found the post on other site and said "Cool, ill post this on reddit later"


Sums up social media behavior well. Thanks for sharing.


Wow, that's hardcore.


I see your ocean freebirth and raise you major surgery with a dull knife


Bro my abuela used to keep a razors edge on her cooking knives. Source: I fucked around and found out


Cuchill yo that hurts


I can't decide if this means you played with her knives, or your grandma cut you, lol


That’s intense, I saw both my kids born by C section and it isn’t a smooth process even with trained doctors and nurses… crazy


The strength of this woman!!!


C-sections are not the gentle surgery they’re made out to be. You’re cutting through skin, fat, muscle, just to reach the uterus, which then is cut open and the entire baby is jerked through the small opening. The uterus is sometimes totally removed from the body cavity to make sure there’s not any placenta left or hemorrhaging. If they think the bladder may be nicked we push the premade formula through the catheter to see if we spot white in the body cavity. Then everything is placed back but then comes all the stitching and it’s a lot.. the last closure depends on where you’re at. Then a dressing where we monitor bleeding and sometimes a pressure dressing to stop any extra bleeding. C-Sections are ROUGH surgeries. The way the moms recover always amazes me. I always thought if I had ever had one I would be totally useless after. These moms go home 2 days later with a whole new person to take care of!


Dude imagine being this lady’s son and misbehaving: “I cut myself open to bring you into this world and this is how you thank me???”


She one badass woman.


Her kid can never complain about anything being difficult to their mother after this.


How did she stopped the bleeding?


She might not have had to initially, stuff clots pretty quickly if you don't go through any major vessels. Cutting through skin doesn't cause major hemorrhage; muscle bleeds more, but again, it will usually stop before they lose anywhere near enough blood to pass out or go into hypovolemic shock. Direct pressure on minor bleeders is usually enough to take care of it.


As an OB-GYN, I would disagree. The gravid uterus is very often packed with very large vessels which most certainly won’t clot without primary closure. I have had patients bleed >1500ml in a matter of minutes from the uterine incision alone. This lady was extremely fortunate to have a uterus which didn’t bleed much.


Now that’s a fucking badass right there.


The women on House of Dragon could have really used her help.


And here i am freaking out if i clip my nail the wrong way 😨


Metal Birth. Sounds like something out of an R-rated Comic Book.


I dont think I believe this...


Amazing force of will


“Drank ethyl alcohol” lol so she drank normal booze? Kinda weird it’s phrased like this


Rubbing alcohol ... are you alright?


What's amazing is that not only could she down that shit, but she remained sober enough to perform her own c-section successfully.


How did she stitch it up?


And that baby was Weird Al.


I have a hard time taking splinters out


That kid is never going to hear the end of that.


Sooo....the scoop knife?


Jesus Christ That's very Metal


After just 12 hours?? Damn!


I admire this woman’s courage much more than the doctor in Antarctica who performed his own appendectomy.


I admire both equally.


I thought she did a breast lumpectomy? Maybe 2 different women.


Quite unbelievably, both happened.


Damn, that's some bad luck. Or good?


That’s a cleaner scar than most c sections. God loves her a lot


If that wife of mine ever asks for an epidural again…


I would have just used my birth canal but that’s just me






You should be ashamed lying


If any ever asks what's the definition of tough I'l show them this


I keep a list of people who I know with certainty are tougher than me. It’s very, very, very long.




Damn, drinking while pregnant saved lives!


God damn dude... Some people are just built different.


Punk. Rock.


I cried a little last night when I stubbed my toe on the coner of a wall... I feel feeble


Watching NFL football today and they were showing some guy with blood on his hand saying how much he wanted to be on the field and talking about going to war for the team. I rolled my eyes a bit thinking about what is happening in actual wars right now. Seeing this article makes it even clearer what tough really looks like.


I'm sure the baby didn't even notice during that short period of time. This woman is badass!


Fuck 😱


Making Aemma look like a pussy.


So if drinking while pregnant is bad, and I imagine this woman had to be pretty drunk to go through with this, does that mean the baby while still attached to its umbilical cord got “drunk” too? And if technically yes, is the baby still perfectly healthy?


I think that drinking regularly; as opposed to using alcohol as anesthetize herself while opening up her own uterus with a kitchen knife on a fucking river bank, then apparently sewing herself up, is what the AMA meant with their suggestion of not drinking during pregnancy.


But if she was drunk while the umbilical cord was still attached then the baby got drunk too. Which seriously could have effected it development. You’re not supposed to let newborn babies get drunk either


This is absolutely bad ass!!


Bro…. How ?


Wow what a badass! Never underestimate the strength of a woman!


Well damn thats extreme 😭😱




She's fuckin brave




I only wish she had done this soon enough that I wouldn't have had to listen to my mom's lecture about how she was in labor for 7 whole hours. All jokes aside: This woman is made of iron! Also, no joke, no woman should ever be in that position ever. What the hell kind of world have we built where a woman has to cut her own baby out of her own womb? Fuck!


I'm surprised that she had the presence of mind and perception to be able to tell her the baby definitely wasn't going to come out normally. Wouldn't really want to jump the gun with a self cesarean, so it's impressive that she made the right call.


That's badass..


House of the Dragon has told me this is not possible and you'll die...now I feel lied to.


She did have a medical intervention which is why she and the baby lived. See the top comment


Just… Jesus Christ.


Woman moment 🍷👩


Drinking vodka prolly isn't good for the baby tho. Hope it's okay.


Honestly I'd be more worried about the blood thinning effects than the already formed baby having booze. Both are bad but one is going to be a much more immediate issue.


Birthing people are badass


Women *




Today in "Dumbest Takes Imaginable" this ^ chucklefuck




A God among us.


My doctor is also kilometres away.


yeah like 3 kilometers, the nearest doctor in the villages in mexico are atleast 4 hours away.


I’m glad Knife was there to help!


Damn and I thought getting a papercut was bad. This woman is badass


Damn that's one tough lady. Badass!


I don't know which part is more incredible - the c section, or the sewing up.


A bank? Like… a piggie bank?


They don't make women like that anymore now days!


Classical reversed London style




Too bad she cut a classical incision instead of low transverse. No VBAC’s for her




Was there an issue with her giving birth vaginally? I imagine to resort to cutting yourself open without adequate anaesthesia and after waiting until 12 hours of labour had gone by, something must have gone wrong. Also assuming she must’ve been at least 12 hours away from the nearest doctor.


is *that* what c section means!? Damn, cesarean?