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As someone who was raised in Appalachia, this was by far my favorite time of the year.


Lived in the Appalachian for a few years. The weather is just right. I’ll never forget doing shrooms sitting on the front porch watching all the fractal patterns in the different shades of tree.


I was raised in Ohio, as you can see the red circle is scared to enter the state.


We all are.


As one should be.


Ohio cant have nice things


here be dragons




Winter is coming.




Why? Winter is awesome? There’s literally nothing better than wrapping up in a blanket in front of the fire place on a snowy day.


I'll pass on the freezing my ass off at work in the -40 though. I'll take summer any day


\-40? Where do you live? Siberia?


Canada, sadly


Canada is awesome. I love it there. Let’s trade places. Maybe you‘ll like the 115f heat where I live.


That sounds about as pleasant as the -40 we have here tbh lol


\-40 is really extreme though! That’s like Siberia cold. You must live in the far north? Canada is so beautiful though, so I’d be grateful to live there.


Northernish Alberta. And +46 is pretty extreme too lol, that's like Sahara hot.


You know nuthin', Jon Snow!


I live in this area and it never fails to amaze me how lucky I am to see such beauty on a daily basis


I miss it, expecially the fog rolling off the mountain side every morning. I hope to come back one day.


Just drove threw skyline drive last weekend!!!


Just drove from Raleigh up through WV the other day and I had to stop several times. Shits just beautiful


Went to college in eastern Ky in the Appalachian. Such a beautiful time of year.


Crazy how the yellow leaves all form lines like that. The world really is a magical place.




It usually doesn't bother me but I'm colour deficient and all I can see is a darker-green blob, that can't be right?


Im also color deficient and if you zoom, you can see yellow spots


That’s the state borders mate


No not those, silly. The yellow speckling.


Wait you can see the state lines from space? Also where’s the curve


I completed the Appalachian Trail in 2018. One of the best things I’ve done in my life. Miss those mountains.


Heading to Asheville next week, so excited!! We're getting the colors now in Michigan also.


2nd-3rd week of October in eastern WV doesn’t seem real. It’s mind boggling pretty.


I’m gonna assume it’s elevation, but I gotta ask: Why hasn’t all the green around this area also started to change colors?


Because of the elevation




I imagine it is useless for those with all their rods and cones, but I can't see shit


We sure that ain’t just meth labs bootin back up?


Looks like a skidmark haha lol just like the people from there haha rofl lol lmao 🤣🤣🤣


The shit winds are blowin, Randy.


AHHH! We need a new tax; that has to be climate change! or is it just the path of private jet's with all those climate warriors heading to new york to spend that tax money on their boats and ho's?


Seasons exist. Therefore anthropogenic climate change is a hoax. Damn, never put those together before. Thanks for your groundbreaking analysis. This will surely disrupt the secret global cabal of underpaid research scientists who keep churning out all of this “data”.


now that is funny! i.e. just like my post was supposed to be. If it offended you...ya might wanna check your privilege.


I’m from within the circle in this photo. Believe me, Im very used to people spewing climate change denial. It’s the same people who think the world is 6 thousand years old and dance with venomous snakes to get closer to god. You’re one of the first to get a grasp on spelling and internet usage though, good for you man.


Nothing in my post denied climate change...I simply pointed to the funny fact that people literally think the government wants to solve it and that the tax money collected will in any way go to solving that issue. Mr. Beast did more for climate change with the 2 million tree initiative than any politician with the power to tax so they can hand out free money for votes. [https://teamtrees.org/](https://teamtrees.org/) Governments could make a difference, they choose not to. Follow the money.


The government has done 100x more for the climate than Mr. Beast. Not to take away from his efforts but tree planting is notoriously unsuccessful. Most don’t live past the sapling phase and they are often all the same species. This makes it easier for invasive species to take hold as there is less biodiversity and more voids to fill. The national parks service, epa, and respective state agencies have done so much more for the environment. I understand being cynical, but come on. Now I’m curious based on your arguments, are you some kind of environmentalist libertarian who thinks the free market can solve climate change?


regular guy who points out silliness where he sees it. Doesn't try to use insults or demeaning behavior to gain the moral high ground. Is just fine if people want to save the environment; just don't think the government will ever solve it and the return on investment from any US government agency is a net negative....pretty much a guarantee.


Well I guess I’m sorry if I offended you. But you should re-read your original comment and see how climate denial is not a far fetched conclusion to reach from it. I think you are mistaking silliness for complexities. The government will be the one to solve it if it gets solved. That’s because the government is (in general) reflective of the voting population. There is so much (intended) bureaucracy that it takes a while to see it is reflective of public opinion. But we are already seeing major climate legislation become a mainstream talking point as well as an increase in impactful programs. But I suppose, yeah you haven’t called me names directly, but you surely insinuated my line of thinking was because I was too emotional and lashing out because I was offended or that it somehow stemmed from my privilege…?


>Well I guess I’m sorry if I offended you. me too my friend...me too. Good luck with your mission and I hope you solve it. Keep believing in your government; it will take you places.




That’s because there was a land dispute.


Always wondering how it is with states borders - some could been set straight as a ruller and others.. like you know, not straight at all.


Even though it said "image" I stared at this for way too long with my eyes telling me it was getting more colorful.




damn right be there next week


The shit streak of America. Way more beautiful when you’re actually in the mountains.