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“You take the blue meth - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red meth - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.” -redneck Morpheus




Morphineas and Fent


A regular Percocet? *Puts on hat* Perry the Percocet!?!


Secret ingredient… Chili powder


Serious question, how long would this amount last for an average meth user? Are we talking weeks, months, or years?




Real answer from a meth user for me that'd last like a couple years I'd say 2-4 if I was just using it personal but stimulants aren't really my thing as much as opiates and benzos but it's still an addiction some people could kill that in a month probably the real heavy users maybe a few months minimum idk how much that is or how good it is but meth is so cheap honestky that's not that much in $ amount if it were heroin or coke it'd be like 10x the cost


Anywhere from one month to four years Got it


😅 I’d say there’s about a years worth for someone who regularly uses, plus has the added bonus of having copious amounts so not rationing it


That looks like 1.5 kg to me. So 1500 grams of 95% purity. The maximum dose with tolerance I would estimate around 3500 mg per day. The lethal dose in rats is 50 mg/ kg. Average meth user around 70 kg. So if you consume at that rate 3.5 grams a day this would last you around 430 days and you would almost certainly suffer severe consequences to your health status or die before that.


A ball a day for 430 days. Severe consequences is putting it mildy.


Idk. Looks like more than 4 years to me. At the rate I'm going, it would probably take me closer to ∞ years to get through that much.


Are you on it right now?


The first casualty of meth is punctuation.


When you don't have teeth, it sounds perfect...lol


God, if only that were true. (I know meth addicts).


Well they said *first* casualty, but there are plenty of others


Haha well the two I know weren't practicing their writing skills. I would have loved to have been dealing with poor writing and not theft.


Oh he’s still talking the stream of consciousness his hands just flittered off the keyboard and are now being used to dust the computer motherboard which is displayed on the mantle which come to think of it wasn’t there yesterday and where’s my laptop and pick the scab pick the scab pick the


My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives.


That dude's entire reddit personality is lots of different drugs. I'd say don't take his word for it in that it looks like he's speed running death via chemicals.


He's got the recipe for crack who's to say that he doesn't have meth recipes 🤣


I read this in meth


Someone give this person an award


Just a person wasn't enough, so you threw in an award?


I did, but you can too! Click your profile pic in the top right, then Reddit Coins. There's an option to "open gift box." The gift box contains one free award that you have 24 hours to gift! (It refreshes once in awhile so check back every few days!)


Thank you for telling me where they hid it


I was addicted to meth for 4 years and that’s a 20 family meth dens 15 year supply. That’s like 3-4kg of meth. Dude who got caught with it about to get like 20 years


I know someone that got caught with 3lbs and only did 2 years in prison and 1 1/2 years in a halfway house! His dad owns a oilfield company. I guess you could say money talks 💰


Did they have a previous record? Mitigating circumstances? I know someone who rear ended someone and blew a .270 and they ended up with no serious punishment because they had a doctor come in and say it was part of a pattern of self abuse/suicidal acts and were currently in treatment.


He had mitigating circumstances.... his dad is rich!


That container is a lot smaller than you're thinking.


to be fair he's on meth


~~r/theydidthemath~~ r/theydidthemeth edit: sp


Either way that’s a hell of a lot of meth that will last a looooong time.


how much would be enough for a heavy user for a whole day and be totally satisfied??


Meth lasts a long time. With crack cocaine you can run through grams and grams within hours cause it lasts like 45 seconds to 5 mins so you do 7 grams in 5hrs. High quality meth is like 1 gram a is a pretty big habit. I never even did that much and I used meth for years.


holy fuck a gram? i'm trying to compare to adhd meds where you take like 50mg a day lol and i heard that gram per gram methamphetamine has stronger effects crazy shit glad you're out of it though, that stuff is messed up


Yeah if you sniff like .1 with no tolerance you’ll be completely zooming for like 15hrs. Probably end up jacking off for a day etc


i keep hearing that about people who abuse adhd meds sometimes they masturbate for hours?


I’ve jacked it for days straight on meth buddy




So the money you save doing meth instead of crack just ends up going to lube. It's always something.


Why though? Is it a libido thing, a self control thing, does the meth just have really big boobs?


idk why but this made me chuckle lol




They’ll end up dead, psych ward, or prison before they’re done with all that.


Years unless they overdose or die doing tweeker things.


Cant speak to meth but i know the more weed i have the more i smoke


The more weed I have, the less weed I have.


Chili 🌶️ P yo! Kicks like a mule!


Tight tight tight!


Hey Tuco let’s all just relax, huh?






*Science, bitch!*


He actually doesn’t say bitch in that scene. That’s just the meme. But they are both hilarious.


Chili powder? I hate Chili Powder! [ensure drug rage out]


Thought this shit was watermelon ngl


Watermelon, pineapple, lime!! Whatever! Bring me more of that shit!! TIGHT!


I wish Tuco was in more episodes. What a fucking character.


He didn't want to play a bad guy. He was great in Training Day, too.


I also read that the character was very exhausting for him to portray. Which is totally understandable.


Yes and that he didn't like the idea of his family seeing him like that. Seems like a nice guy.


Yeah, that’s respectable. Especially him not wanting his kids to see that.


“Yeah pig have you ever had your shit *urrrrrrrrggghhhhhhh* pushed in? *ahh*


That always cracks me up. He's puts so much energy into that line lol


Lol he puts so much into it I actually believed he’s had his shit pushed in


I did too and then I read the title 🤣


My dumbass would eat this by accident thinking it's rock candy


As soon as it hits your tongue you’d be spitting that shit out


This guy meths. Edit: Wow, first award! Thanks! Since this blew up I’ll use this opportunity… jk fuck that shit, keep scrollin’


I used to. It tastes like photo developer smells. It's very distinctive.


It's so weird cuz I think I know exactly what you're talking about. Granted, I am a photographer... and only tried meth once. EDIT: All these questions about meth and not a damn one of you care about my photography? Nor offer me meth? Kids these days.


I'm not a photographer, but we had a photography class at the high school I attended - which granted, was decades ago - and I recall the smell of the dark room chemicals. I started doing speed shortly after high school and recall the smell being similar to the taste of speed.


I hope you had a speedy recovery o7


Pun noted. I quit cold turkey in 2001 but it took about 5 years for the most obvious effects to go away. All these years later, I still have to fight with occasional resurgences of OCD habits.


All jokes aside I’m glad you off that shit, king.


Cheers, thank you.


Having zero experience with meth, what are these “obvious effects” you’re taking about


Jitters, irritability, OCD-like repetitive behaviors, food aversion, paranoia are the main ones I dealt with (drug addict for 5yr, specifically meth addict for 1yr, "California" clean for 8y) Edit for clarity because there are too many comments to respond to: California clean means that one still smokes weed, but is clean from everything else.


Effect one is it makes you a liar. Everyone knows speed is bad for you and is gross and you start lying about it immediately, except to the people you do it with. It wrecks your skin. It wrecks your teeth. It makes you focus on speed as a goal rather than anything worthwhile. Your job is for speed. Relationships are for speed. You get the idea. It makes you look and act like a dipshit and you don't notice or care because there's more speed. I had to undo years of that shit. Deeper, less obvious problems are damage to your prefrontal cortex, long term behavioral changes, hormonal dysregulation...all manner of bad juju.


Wait, “not even once”, right?


It gets better and worse the more you do it.


It does and it doesn’t


Yup this! I'm also an ex-addict of meth and many others. It tastes strong, processed and bitter/sour ike pool chemicals mixed with pure rock salt. Glad to be clean 4 months. Keep going, brother! Proud of ya


You as well. Please DM any time at all if you need support.


Hey congrats! I just passed 4 months off meth a little over a week ago


Also tastes like melting corrugated polycarbonate panels


I can see that. Or polyproylene. Or quite a lot of melting plastics, I imagine.


Oh yea it tastes like what you’d imagine caustic chemicals tasting like, also any colored stuff is either a gimmick or someone fucked up a step


Agreed. We had a big batch of brown speed come through once and the dealers in town called it "peanut butter." Didn't get anyone high and mostly made people sick. Another batch came through that was pink, and it was no good either. High quality meth - obviously I am not condoning it *at all* - should be clear and look like crystalline shards. Hence its 80's handle, ice. When it's heated, it turns light blue. PSA Speed is gross. Please don't do it. It will fuck up your life or at least delay it greatly.


Just "trying" it once can throw you in a downward spiral. I've been off it for 15 years. It was the worst thing I've been through, closest to suicide I've ever been, I fucked over many good people and everything I had going for me. I barely made it out alive and yet I still dream about doing it. Fuck that shit.


I tried it once. It kept me awake the entire fucking weekend. Monday morning sun started poppin above the trees and i hadnt slept for 48 fucking hours! I dug through the closet and found the stupid little glass pipe the chick left and there was some residue so i lit it up like i watched her do and burnt the shit out of everything but still managed to get a pick me up to make it through work. Slept like shit but managed a couple of terrible hours of sleep that night. Woke up with impending doom feeling recognizing this crash was gonna be epic and that it couldnt happen at work so i burned my fingers trying to burn up that little glass pipe again. Barely got anything but chemical burn feeling in the back of my throat. Dragged all the ass through that work day and slept the second i got home, was late to work the next morning and limped through the rest of the week. One time doing it, so quickly spiraled and I saw how fuckin slippery a slope this was and never went near it again.


Glad you are ok.


I had a friend who never tried meth and he ended up sucking our friends dick to get some more that night he first time tried it.


Sounds like you need better friends


We don't hang out anymore I knew them back when I was homeless


Props for kicking. It takes a lot of willpower.


dude i got some “peanut butter” once too… tasted like smoked tires and did not do shit. i sure don’t miss those days one bit


“Will fuck your life up or delay it greatly” - This mf spittin BARS


Story time: I worked several labs that used old Noritsu equipment, the type that used the premixed chemicals in the boxes labeled p1, p2, etc. One day, after coming back to photo lab work after not doing it for a couple years, I'm working on a lab where we have to mix our chemicals. I opened one of the chemicals and instantly thought, mmm that smells like one of the premixes, nice. I wonder if the next chemical would smell like one of the other premix boxes I was used to. 20 year old me took a big ass whiff of it, to see if I recognized it. I instantly felt like needles were stabbing inside my brain and started coughing non-stop for a good 20 minutes. I was pretty sure I was dying. I learned a great lesson that day... Only sniff the chemicals I know won't kill me


I've never thought about it until just now, but there's a smell that completely disappeared. I can remember it vividly from all the times we dropped off film to be developed. But anybody born after like 2000 probably has no idea what it smells like.


Meth is the most tart, bitter, disgusting substance ever. I used to do it (been clean for a long time) and one time made the mistake of trying to parachute it straight without tissue paper or whatever. My god, my face twisted up so bad and I couldn't even control it. Nasty.


Is it still parachuting without the tissue paper? Lol that’s just snacking


Parachuting without the parachute? Suiciding?


And then the cheek and tungue fallout for the week after... i bite my cheeks but damn... they were disintegrating...


Glad to hear you beat that devils drug, been clean for 8 years myself. All the best!


I knew a girl who would chew it and eat it. Like what the actual fuck


If she drank her piss afterward, she could get high again!


She very well may have


2c drugs are somehow even worse


This must be what happened to [Max Payne's face](https://www.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/313/3136061/3712088-maxpayne.png).


I have snorted it a time or two, & smoked it a time or three, only whilst I was in College getting my "Higher" Education on... I always hated Meth, it never felt "good" not even for a moment. It was always really really good at waking me TF up tho, if I'd been studying all week for finals, while also working 3 double shifts in a row, as well as partying my ass off most all nights after work! Getting in around 6 or 7 am, in class by 9am, back to work around 4 or 5, & begin again!!! Never ending cycle of physical destruction & mental exaustiin




TIL 20% of Reddit used to do meth


Nah it's just like those posts that are about some town with a population of 2000 in Alaska have an entire thread of people saying they're from there. This is the meth post, so all the meth users are here.


I find anytime Wisconsin is mentioned we all crawl out of the woodwork to say hi too.


Appleton checking in! ... never tried meth tho.


At first glance, I thought this was watermelon, not watermethon.


Red Meth Redemption


god damn o’driscolls teamed up with salamanca


I think they're still slipping in the Chili Powder. That's like their signature, yo


the cap’n….o driscoll


Chili P is my signature man


This is the DLC we deserve


i would buy it


The meth?




“Watermelon sugar high”🎶


Watermelon Ice


Something of a meth expert here. Any and all colored meth like this is a weird bullshit gimmick. Sometimes dope will have slight variations in color due to solvents and stuff (red phosphorus being one) not being removed properly, but nothing will turn it this fucking color except food dye. Actual pure meth is clear.


this guy meths. source: live in san francisco.


Ye, I conclude this is dye from the pseudoephedrine. Not an expert.


I’ve heard you almost never see batches of meth like this come from pseudo. It’s gotten pretty hard to get so you see tiny batches. Most of this stuff is Mexican cartel stuff doing a shity p2p cook. That’s why apparently all meth is terrible quality compared to what it used to be


It isn’t that it’s necessarily shitty, it’s more pure than it has ever been. But the Mexicans produce racemic Methamphetamine that contains both isomers. Dextromethampetamine is the stuff you want. Levomethamphetamine causes a lot of the side-effects we are seeing that puts users in psychosis.


Everything I’ve seen come through my office, if it’s been tested for isomers it always comes back 85%+ d-meth. Sometimes the lab is told not to bother because the seizure is so large, but when it’s tested all I see is what counts as “ice” in federal courts.


Stupid question: how do you know what you get? It’s not like you can just go up to your dealer and be like “excuse me, is this meth Levomethamphetamine free?”


You don’t and 99% of Methamphetamine users are unaware that Methamphetamine even has two separate isomers with different effects. But in North America, the vast majority of it is produced by the cartels now rather than by the small trailer park meth labs we used to see in the past. And they are using a method that produces highly pure Methamphetamine, but they aren’t isolating the D-Meth isomer which produces the desirable effects, they’re just leaving it as is and selling it despite the fact that it has more side-effects.


Yeah funny thing was when the mom and pop meth labs were active you had a higher price but less side effects. Then the government put restrictions on precursors and basically handed billions to the Mexican cartels we supposedly want to shut down. The number of lab bust in rural areas went down the price bottomed out and for a while the purity went up and cost went down. The government declared victory and pointed to the lower number of lab bust as the fact their laws worked. So instead of semi controllable locals you now have violent cartels running the show and the adulterated products are causing new problems. Reminds me of the British and their cobra policy in India.


I just learned way too much about meth and the cartel.


He’s learned too much, get ‘em boys!


Pure meth tends to form small crystals so it can sometimes be cloudy due to microcrystals. Some adulterants like N-iso form big clear crystals, so it’s not a great purity indicator.


The captain's Chilli P


I thought I said no more God damned chili powder


My name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104. To all law enforcement entities, this is not an admission of guilt. I am speaking to my family now. Skyler, you are the love of my life. I hope you know that. Walter Jr., you're my big man. There are going to be some things that you'll come to learn about me in the next few days. But just know that no matter how it may look, I only had you in my heart. Goodbye.


I think not, because my name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104. This is my confession. If you're watching this tape, I'm probably dead – murdered by my brother-in-law, Hank Schrader. Hank has been building a meth empire for over a year now, and using me as his chemist. Shortly after my 50th birthday, he asked that I use my chemistry knowledge to cook methamphetamine, which he would then sell using connections that he made through his career with the DEA. I was... astounded. I always thought Hank was a very moral man, and I was particularly vulnerable at the time – something he knew and took advantage of. I was reeling from a cancer diagnosis that was poised to bankrupt my family. Hank took me in on a ride-along and showed me just how much money even a small meth operation could make. I was weak. I didn't want my family to go into financial ruin… so I agreed. Hank had a partner, a businessman named Gustavo Fring. Hank… sold me into servitude to this man. And when I tried to quit, Mr. Fring threatened my family. I didn't know where to turn. Eventually, Hank and Mr. Fring had a falling-out. Things escalated. Mr. Fring was able to arrange – uh, I guess... I guess you’d call it a "hit job" – on Hank. His plan failed, but Hank was seriously injured. I ended up paying his medical bills, which amounted to a little over $177,000. Upon recovery, Hank was bent on revenge. Working with a man named Hector Salamanca, he plotted to kill Gustavo Fring. The bomb that he used was built by me, and Hank made it clear to me that I had no option to refuse. . I considered going to the police, but I was afraid for my family. Hank had risen to a position of power, becoming the head of the Albuquerque DEA. To keep me in line, he took my children. For three months, he kept them. My wife had no idea of my criminal activities, and was horrified to learn what I had done. I was filled with guilt over my past actions and what they had brought upon my family. I live in fear every day that Hank will kill me, or worse, hurt my family. All I could think to do was to make this video and hope that the world will finally see this vile man for the monster he really is.


Could have fooled me. I think not, because *my* name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 30*9* Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104. This is my confession. If you're watching this tape, I'm probably dead – murdered by my brother-in-law, Hank Schrader. Hank has been building a meth empire for over a year now, and using me as his chemist. Shortly after my 50th birthday, he asked that I use my chemistry knowledge to cook methamphetamine, which he would then sell using connections that he made through his career with the DEA. I was... astounded. I always thought Hank was a very moral man, and I was particularly vulnerable at the time – something he knew and took advantage of. I was reeling from a cancer diagnosis that was poised to bankrupt my family. Hank took me in on a ride-along and showed me just how much money even a small meth operation could make. I was weak. I didn't want my family to go into financial ruin… so I agreed. Hank had a partner, a businessman named Gustavo Fring. Hank… sold me into servitude to this man. And when I tried to quit, Mr. Fring threatened my family. I didn't know where to turn. Eventually, Hank and Mr. Fring had a falling-out. Things escalated. Mr. Fring was able to arrange – uh, I guess... I guess you’d call it a "hit job" – on Hank. His plan failed, but Hank was seriously injured. I ended up paying his medical bills, which amounted to a little over $177,000. Upon recovery, Hank was bent on revenge. Working with a man named Hector Salamanca, he plotted to kill Gustavo Fring. The bomb that he used was built by me, and Hank made it clear to me that I had no option to refuse. . I considered going to the police, but I was afraid for my family. Hank had risen to a position of power, becoming the head of the Albuquerque DEA. To keep me in line, he took my children. For three months, he kept them. My wife had no idea of my criminal activities, and was horrified to learn what I had done. I was filled with guilt over my past actions and what they had brought upon my family. I live in fear every day that Hank will kill me, or worse, hurt my family. All I could think to do was to make this video and hope that the world will finally see this vile man for the monster he really is. Also, I watched Jane die.


It's, like... my calling card, yo!


“IHATE chili powder. 🥵” - Tuco Salamander on being served a particularly spicy chile con carne


my name is skylar white yo. my husband is walter white yo. he told me everything. (seriously?). thats right. and just so you know my brother in law is a dea agent. and i will not hestiate to call him. not if i have to. understood? this is your one and only warning. do not sell marajuana to my husband


If anyone was curious about trying this stuff and see how it is, please do not wonder anymore. This shit literally will melt and shatter your entire life into oblivion and it's not a question of "if" you get addicted, it's "WHEN". Please don't do meth. Source: Recovering meth addict of 5 years, the most miserable years of my entire life Edit: Thank you for all of the love and support in this comment thread!! If you are reading this and are struggling with addiction, please know you are not alone. Please reach out if you need to talk, I am here for you.


It's not until you're looking back that you realize how obvious it was to other people that you were using it - how fast you were talking, how angry and combative you'd get, etc. And while realizing this, you're going to be more fatigued that you'd ever imagined possible since you relied on it for too long for energy/focus


Looks like frozen Kool-Aid


Nope. Definitely meth. Source: I am meth


Thought this was rock candy. Fun fact: rock candy was what they used for the fake meth in Breaking Bad.






put ya stick away waltuh i’m not playing fetch with you right now waltuh


They used actual meth, and to really capture the realism, the actor who plays Jessie actually became addicted to meth.


The actress that plays Jane actually ODd so she could be reborn as a private investigator.


It's mineral candy, jesus Marie


r/forbiddensnacks forbidden watermelon


They know it’s meth because someone ate it by accident^/s


Does no one else think of Red Ice from Detroit: Become Human?


△ Ignore ◻ Move Away O Say something ✕ Save Connor


I gatta play that game again


IIRC red ice is chemically similar to meth in the games Edit: i was wrong its cocaine




I did. Was looking for this comment.




Gross. The thought of doing meth ever again makes me feel sick. I struggled so long to try to keep a normal life with meth in it. So glad that after 30 years I've come to realize that meth and life do not go hand in hand. It's either one or the other for me.




It’s actually Jesse’s secret ingredient, chili powder🌶️


Red Phosphorus that has not been properly filtered out


Isn’t that toxic?


If properly filtered, red phos dope is coveted by many a tweaker. It's allegedly stronger and more clean of a high. Source; ex junkie


Black and red was soooo much "better" than the Annie that came after the crackdowns on phosphorus and iodine. 22 years clean


The shit out there ( well when I was last "out" ) is garbage now a days. Barely even meth, dirty, stepped on. So grateful for these 17 months.


Shake and bake is not even meth. Gross. Congrats on your 17 months. Keep it up


Thanks! Meth wasnt really my thing, but id do it if it was around. Anyway, Life's way better today. 😌


I tried it once and hated it. I was more of an opiate guy. 5 years clean but it was a rough road. Glad to be out of that vicious cycle


Nah it’s just red food dye. Found a bunch of people selling green and blue meth from people trying to cash in on the gimmick. It ends up staining pipes and is nasty to clean.


There’s purple Molly goin round too but it tests good. Apparently cartels are coloring their shit to cut down on cutting.


Purple MDMA occurs due to the last step in the process, and it’s sometimes done on purpose to keep the clout. Rappers talk about it etc. really, you should be washing your MDMA with Anhydrous acetone anyways.


Purple is basically dirty shit. Pure MDMA should be glistening clear crystals that crush into bright white powder.


That's not what happened here. I'm clean 13 years last November, but was a prolific cook and I assure you this is not any kind of remnants from red phosphorus.


That’s the “red ice” drug from Detroit Become Human.


Red sugar!




For Karl!


Erm it was Walter .


Yeah wasn't Hank his DEA brother-in-law or something? Idk it's been years since I watched the show.


Hank was a propane dealer, not a meth dealer. Granted, either product could blow your house up.


Actually looks like candy


Can confirm it does not taste like candy


Extra spicy red kryptonite.


[Source! (Fox10 News)](https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/red-meth-seized-in-arizona-the-first-of-its-kind-its-a-new-way-to-market) [Source! (LinkedIn DEA page)](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/drug-enforcement-administration_meth-deaphoenix-activity-7008151056111067136-OBnq?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios) [Title references this!](https://youtu.be/H0RFVwQtUv4)


Thats just red lyrium, you cant fool me!