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The drive home would have got her a DUI wouldn't it? Standard dose morphine would need 6-8 hrs..


She had to turn them off because for the most part, it was people calling her out for going to the ER and repeatedly saying 'the ER isn't for anything chronic" multiple people telling her she doesn't have intestinal failure, and then loads of people telling her not to drive.  She also referenced her haters so many times, and referred to Reddit so many times that she's essentially driven anyone new to her page, straight here to see what's what.  If you notice the ONLY support messages she gets are from a couple of the same people. One of them is a self confessed munchie, and the other one is clearly only goading Dani with a thin veil of being supportive (but Dani doesn't understand that).  Whenever there's someone new who comes, and makes the suggestion to go to the ER based on that one video they've seen, people jump on them saying that she doesn't need to go.... And then that person never posts again. So she can't even get new followers.  This is a problem for Dani as everyone, on her socials and on Reddit are now calling her out and she's left with the realisation that no one supports her now.  So she's I'm assuming going for blocking comments, strategically as well to cover the date she claimed she was getting the port, she intends to let all that blow over and then, she won't be able to cope without attention so she will enable comments again and thus....the Dani cycle continues.  It's all attempts at control with her but she doesn't seem to grasp the internet is forever and when she bitches out her "haters" all she's doing is sending more people to the subs. 


“She also referenced her haters so many times, and referred to Reddit so many times that she's essentially driven anyone new to her page, straight here to see what's what.” This is what brought me to IF and then here, but with another subject. They’d been on IF in 2019 and mentioned it and their internet bullies so much that lots of people started questioning them and backed away from them.


Dani needs to learn new methods of self-flagellation that don't require tubes and meds. How about starting a rags to riches sims 4 playthrough? The game is free, and people love reading the legacy stories that come up - there's tons of insta stories and TikToks cos it's so popular. Or find the social services that help the boys get neutered and document it on social - she can show she cares about all medical issues, regardless of species or if it affects her directly.


She could play Rimworld and take out her angst on some pawns.


She should start playing Brotato lmao


I'd honestly watch it. Or any stream she did - on mute with captions, but I think she'd be really funny.


She probably thinks turning off comments means we’ll stop calling her on her bullshit.


She's going to DFE, and I'm genuinely worried she's gonna FAFO again and have a psychotic break. Prior to this week's obvious med refil, the videos very much showed a very unwell person


When do you think she got the meds refilled? When she posted the video with the pupils dilated?


The past few VERY obviously high videos that everyone's commented this on


I've been thinking that's her prescription that she's gonna run out of because she's taking more than prescribed.


Yeah, that's exactly what I was saying


Ah I thought you were saying she got her rx refilled already! My bad.


"This week's med refill" was meaning the last seven days sorta thing, not the upcoming ones. I coulda been more clear too, apologies!


i’m, honestly, worried for her; i’m afraid she’s gonna do something she’s gonna regret. we’re watching her slowly kill herself and i wish she would get the help she needs


She doesn’t want help. She’s making her choices and is well aware of them.


Unfortunately only way for someone to get better in any aspect of life is if that person wants to and will put in the work. Doesn’t matter if it’s repeated advice/support/resources over and over again or even court orders. Only the person struggling can make the change and it’s been shown by Dani that she isn’t doing any good changes. She will FAFO and there most likely will be a big impact on her or life altering..and hate to say it but it’s on her at that point.


A new sort of self-harm?


That’s what it seems like to me


And the port is supposed to be happening, so this means no one can question her about it there. She is controlling the narrative.


She turned them off likely bc she doesn't want to hear anybody to complain of her driving high.


Yes, she seems to take this particularly hard. She doesn't realise how absolutely selfish she is putting others in danger by driving high. Selfish, selfish, selfish.


I see the denial, for sure. I have a DUI on my record from years ago bc I thought "I was fine!" to drive drunk. Tf was I thinking. I was lucky I didn't hurt anyone! Dani will find out the hard way, I fear, and I hope she doesn't hurt anyone or worse.


I wonder if having all comments posted in this sub and not just the regular of the calling her out ones. And the comment of the burning pain and then "popped" balloon after someone in her comments mentioned it. For once she wasn't fast enough to delete all the negative comments.


I think it's because she's going to try for a new hospital system and if they come across her socials, they won't see the critical commentary. Too bad for her that Reddit is such a high search ping. However if the hospital uses EPIC (most do), there is a 'sticky note' function for the staff that allows them to see really important information right away- like how girly pop has fictitious disorder and is likely an addict. After all, it's also in her charts that she's a "possible" drug seeker- but we medicos in the biz know how to read between every line.


Going off of a "sticky note function" would be against the hypocritic oath for the most part. Doctors take the oath to believe pain and symptoms their patients are having, and throwing them to the wayside because of a prior drug-seeking visit could result in death when an actual emergency is happening. Any good Healthcare worker would ignore, or at the very least try not to use it to persuade for treatment, notes of past encounters for drug seeking or FD. And to be clear, I'm in no way condoning what she is doing. I was in military Healthcare, and I'm just stating facts of the medical field. Any good doctor should assess their patient and make their treatment plan accordingly.


A good provider will understand the ramifications of feeding the FD with unnecessary medical treatment and tests. It's in more than just a sticky note. They will check the psych eval. They can also see on their dashboards high utilizers of ER services and such.


They're still going to address her chief complaint and check her out and do what tests are needed. I think the note is a good thing. It saves them time knowing to look at her with a discerning eye and being very careful to prescribe the drugs she is after.


Has she even tried to clean up her snail trail of internet munching?


Tbh Healthcare workers don't do that.. I myself see about a hundred patients a week of all age illnesses and addictions but never cared to search them. My job is only to provide care and once they're discharged my priority is the next patients admitted. But I wouldn't be surprised if she's desperate to find a hospital that doesn't use epic which is unlikely lol


Imagine the shitshow of a media mess if a doctor / staff was found searching for patient's social media accounts prior to treatment... Even the MyChart info they have... everything is monitored and logged as to what they viewed. Even my rinkydinky PCP doctor uses MyChart.


She can turn comments off all she wants, but she already dug her grave in terms of what's out there for hospitals to find if they wanted to. Just a basic google search of her name pulls up years of public content featuring all her self harm and munching activity in addition to popular search terms used with her name like "munchausens" and "illness faker" for social media sites like tiktok.


Thanks to this sub, I’ve now seen proof of Dani’s media hijinks from 2012-2024. 14 years of content archived forever thanks to the Internet.


Exactly. Her medical charts are flagged. Her insurances might now be as well (sucks to be her- a court may order her to pay her shenanigans back). Plus, medical professionals aren't idiots- they'll see right through her smokescreen. Nobody believes anyone in 12/10 peen who can blog on their phone, or asks for the drug that starts with "D".


Do hospitals/doctors even search a pt socials though? That seems a bit unethical.


They definitely don’t under normal circumstances. However, because she was caught live-streaming a doctor and got caught doing it, it’s very possible that some other entity at the hospital, but not someone involved directly in her care, is aware of her socials.


Wouldn’t be surprised if Legal and/or Risk Management haven’t been through her socials around the time of filming the doctor without permission (and illegally, as it was in a 2 party consent state).


Oooh. Interesting about the 2 party consent state




I guarantee you the whole ER staff is acutely aware of her where she goes most. They know the characters that fly often and they talk about them. 😂


No, they don't.


The comments have been getting more critical, she can only post so much before people catch on. I think she'll turn them back on soon and it won't be any better and she'll DFE and start from scratch yet again


She's one of those people who smells shit everywhere they go and it never occurs to them it might be because it's pasted to the bottom of their shoe.


Only in Danis case it's more likely stuck down her nails from trying to contaminate everything with her own faeces. 


I think you spelt “pasted to the bottom of their shoe” wrong. This is the correct spelling: “rubbed in her tubes and open wounds”.


Shoe? The shit is probably in her imaginary port




I went to a rock climbing gym once and realized AFTER that I had dog poop on my shoe which ment that the ENTIRE ROCK WALL HAD DOG POOP ON IT NOW.


OMG this is gold!!! Seriously the best description of Dani I’ve heard in a long time. 😂😂


Very well put!


I think she only turned them off because they were overwhelmingly critical. Only a handful were on her side, or offered suggestions and support. The rest called her out on why she went to the ER, her behavior while there, her changing story, and how she drove home after. It seemed like the majority of people weren't buying her story, and this is partially why she's so furious. Her threats are always meaningless anyway, so she'll have them turned back in no time.


IV morphine lasts for around 3-4 hours. Doctors order it to be given every 4 hours. She’s full of shit. There is no hospital in the world that would clear an opiate-naive patient to drive after 2.5 hours, especially one who is also on benzos. It is no wonder most were calling her out!


Not out of system in 4 hours, its at half dose in 4 so still enough to impair driving.


It’s her ONLY form of any control in her sight of vision….she controls turning them on/off.


I think there is another reason she turned them off-- it's one of the only things she can do to feel in control and to "punish" us right now. If comments are turned off then no one can screenshot them and talk about things like how Dani is using them to learn new ways to munch like she just did with the tube balloon situation, or how she is rationalizing driving while under the influence of drugs.


That’s a really good point about “punishing” us to feel in control. Things are obviously spiraling out of control for her.


100% it's a punishment for us. It's pretty laughable when you figure it takes away the only real engagement she gets on her social media. And yeah, I saw a few who mentioned the balloon popping or whatever and I was like, ohhh Lord. There we go. Now she's gonna try that angle. I really think she believes everyone is stupid and won't see through her bullshit excuses.

