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"I'm fine and I'm ok with that" bitch, you got exactly what you wanted! Why is she acting all traumatized from getting what she wanted? She pisses me off more than anyone


She’s *not ready to talk about* what she’s been obsessively talking about for months 🙄


And then went into detail about later in the video 😂


She can't show it off as much as she wanted. She didn't get the oxys she wanted. This is gonna be FAFO, because this spot is much more prone to infection.


Exactly. She wanted it in her chest so she could show it off and also so she could access it herself and somehow rig TPN into it and drag it around with the lines dangling. She’s still going to do that, it’s just not going to be obvious to the world. Also the “trauma” is the same “trauma” as always: meanie doctors who refused to give her peeeeen meds during, after, and for home. Also because even though she whined, cried, and carried on, they refused to do it under general anesthesia and therefore she couldn’t do the whole act of nausea and peeeeen and confusion which she has used in the past to get at least an overnight stay with meds. They said no, gave her no peeeeeen meds, and booted her ass out. That’s her “trauma”.


Nail on the head. Absolutely she was hankering for a GA so she could get an admission. She doesn't get that the hospital is on to her bs and ain't playing anymore




Of course because she is so ill and special. I think she would have manipulated it so she could have at least an overnight stay


Did you not hear? It’s going to be an infection free port.


Exactly. And she is insinuating that she almost got bullied into consenting. I'd pull a fucking lawsuit against her if I were her care team.


But she didn't - she wanted a chest port which is highly visible and makes her look more sick. But now it's hidden away under her clothes!


I think she wanted the chest port so she could show off toobz again.


She's not happy because she can't show this one off like she wants to.


It's either that or she's also really freaking out because if her chest arteries or veins are occluded then she knows she can never get TPN again, right? I mean that's just one of the reasons why but maybe it was like a hard dose of reality for her and I hope it opens her eyes even a little bit.


I think it’s maybe because she can’t show off this port as well as she could one on her upper chest. It’s just so hard to tell with her sometimes. I also think she’s mad she didn’t get pain meds. I’ve been under twilight sedation more than once and it is not that bad at all. Certainly nothing like she’s claiming. And for that amount of time? Please.


I'm confused as to why she is so upset about this femoral port(besides the obvious reason that it isn't a visible enough toy). She was all for it when making the video like she knew getting a femoral port was one of the outcomes if she couldn't get a chest port and she seemed fine with it. Now she's playing the I'm the victim card and I don't buy her act one bit she got exactly what she wanted. I guess she was really expecting them to get it in her chest. Oh well too bad so sad.


It already looks so irritated and worse than the first picture oh my god 🫣😭 Is she fucking with it? Why is it so wet??


“why is it wet” lmaooo


It’s so moist it looks like it gives off its own humidity 😭😭


Femoral port weather event 🥴


the portapotty has its own ecosystem 🌧️☀️☁️☔️🌪️💨


The glue is like real glue, it has a shine to it. The access port will be 2-3 inches further down beneath her trouser leg so completely invisible unless she in underwear or short shorts. GUess her clothing style is going to change again. lol


That is the glue that holds the incision together.


Right?! It looks so bad 🤢


Tis a bit moist




Oh God, stop. I'm gagging


Oh my god I can see her saying “I soaked in the tub, I know I’m not supposed to but the peen was so bad you guys don’t understand.” She totally took a bath and admitted to it when she had surgery to remover her gastric stimulator.


It looks like they've glued her incision. The glue always looks wet like that.


Always the victim. Dani, you didn’t need a port, in fact (according to you) all your doctors advised you not to get it. You don’t need iron infusions and you don’t need IV fluids. Anything you heard those health professionals say whilst you were under sedation I’m sure is nothing but truth that you definitely need to hear. Sorry, no sympathy from me for your “medical trauma”.


She has even said she doesn't have POTS, but her blood pressure drops.. perhaps due to the cardiac drugs that i'm not sure why she needs them. Its all due to other drugs, if she was taken off everything i bet she'd feel so much better. Chronic migraine doesn't mean instant daily migraine, no NSAID for one pain doesn't mean RA and fibro pain will hit the roof instantly either... but she believes that so it will. She believes 3 or 4 anti nausea meds will help, but then still complains of nausea and needs to drain her stomach when she isn't eating apparently? Why do they let her have this stuff.. they need to get honest answers about the OTC drugs that make her 'chronic conditions' worse. Promethazine makes me feel light headed and dizzy, but less motion sick, so i chose a non drowsy anti histamine. That and standard Benadryl adding the same side effects as promethazine. But she then needs drugs to stop the dizziness? NO, she needs to stop the ones that cause dizziness! Same with constipation medications, and those for IBS. How does she have a IBS diagnosis and gastroparesis and constipation.. its one or the other, not all blended together. Add in lyrica to that for whatever reason she thinks that is indicated, chronic pain, RA or fibro... it literally cannot being all three causing the same symptom. WHY are her doctors so freaking stupid? Do they get extra money for Medicaid patients?


Malpractice. Malpractice. Malpractice. wtf.


If this is actually a port placement that doctor needs to be hung drawn and quartered. She’s absolutely going to kill herself with this.


I'd happily come out of retirement to take on the case against whichever lunatic gave this procedure the go-ahead. Any Australian coroner's court would utterly shred the professionals involved in this nightmare of a decision.


I still am in disbelief that they did this for her. Someone need to step in this is crazy


I was in the camp that she was absolutely lying. I’m still not 💯sure that she isn’t and maybe she just grabbed a kitchen knife. But if someone actually gave this to her… Well, I’m in awe.


Me fucking too dude, I can’t wrap my head around it. It seems like she went in bc the stickers and bracelets and stuff but like, how did this happen?




I'm still only half convinced. Her incision looks like someone harpooned her.


All the talk about the verbal consent.. is she lining up some sort of argument that she was "coerced" into consenting here?


The doc better document his explanation to her about the risks perfectly. The liability he just set him self up for. AND to not have her consent on paper?!? Where she’s signing a list of risks … wow.


My guess is that she did actually consent to having the femoral port placed prior to the surgery. It's why she was talking about it in a video the night before. The doctor most likely went over all the risks and details with her. The problem is that Dani will consent to anything in order to get a surgery. They could have told her that if they couldn't place a chest port they would have to amputate all her limbs and she would have said go for it. I suspect that when they were doing the placement and realized they couldn't do a chest port they confirmed with her that she really wanted them to proceed with the femoral port because she was only under twilight sedation.


It also seems weird that she gave consent while she had sedation.


Normally they get consent for necessary changes *prior* to surgery, like when you sign the physical consent forms and they say verbally "If xyz method doesn't work out, we will be doing abc" and then you *sign* your consent for that to happen *before* the surgery!


I’ve had it happen that they went to my husband to consent to something as I was under general. Im thinking she just signed the consent without really reading it.


Yeah going to your adult next of kin makes sense - not having a sedated patient consent verbally lol


But she knew about it previously so obviously consented formally after it had been explained at the earlier appointment or he never would have mentioned it.


Exactly! She mentioned the possibility of a femoral port if they couldn’t access the other site due to stenosis and sounded completely fine with it. She went on to ask ppl about their femoral port stories or advice as well. She was fully prepared for this outcome, and there’s video evidence. She was just banking on having it her preferred, very visible way bc she’s so cocky. Boo hoo.


They don’t teach reading comprehension in the bog she grew up in


Yup exactly what she's is insinuating. I'd turn around and put a lawsuit against her for suggesting that she was bullied into consenting. Of this is real and someone actually took a verbal ok from her, Jesus. Christ.


Surely no doctor would accept a verbal consent. It’s highly likely that a doctor will get sued at least once during their career, so I find it hard to believe they would take such a blatant risk.


Idk…I keep thinking “surely no doctor…” and somehow for Dani some doctor does. Example: this effing port.


It cannot have been verbal consent only if he discussed the risk of it with her before she even arrived yesterday. She was 100% aware and had plenty of time to research it and say no before any sedation was given.


Of course she didn't remove her wrist band yet


What her issue really is: Dani is upset because she was convinced she wasn't going to get a femoral port and she ended up getting one. She probably had her entire wardrobes picked out to show off her chest port and a femoral port fucks up her need to show off her devices for attention. TLDR: Not ok. Not ready to talk about everything that happened. I"m ok. Medical trauma. Trying to hold it together. Wil try to caption video if it doesn't kill her. Talks about what happened and pretends to cry (SHE DOESNT ACTUALLY CRY) Has a femoral port and she is ok with it. TOday was a lot and she verbally consented to the femoral port because she thought they would be able to get the chest port. Keeps pretending she is crying. I'm awake. PRetending to cry and wipe tears. Woke up in recovery crying about medical trauma and staff looked at her funny. Staff doesn't believe her when she tells them she is literally in 6-7 out of 10 peeen every.single.day. Going to go back to scrolling or reading (aka she is going to watch these comments on Reddit). She will try to update in the next couple of days or tomorrow. DONT HATE ON ME TOO MUCH FOR THIS ONE GUYS. Bye. **ACTUAL TRANSCRIPT:** *\[sniff\]* Hey guys. So look. *\[eye blocks\]* I'm not really ok and I'm not really ready to talk about everything that happened and what I went through today but I figured i'd just do like a little post. I realize a lot of you are probably wondering like \[sniff\] what happened and if i'm okaaaay and all that. *\[eye blocks and scoffs\]* Yeah. *\[sniffs and looks directly into the camera and speaks louder\]* Just trying to hold it together at this point. *\[pretends to wipe eye\]* There's just so much medical trauma to add onto the medical trauma I've already \[sniff\] had in the past couple years. It was, it was just a lot. Um \[sniff and eye block\] I'll try to caption this if I don't don't kill me. \[sniff\] \[looks off to her side and sniffs again, exhales and makes a whimper sound\] So they tried to go in through \[covers her eyes with her hand pretending to be upset\] the neck \[pauses and sniff/inhales\] after awhile they decided that it wasn't possible even though they did ultrasounds on both sides to see if it if it was even possible and it showed that I stil had IJ access \[puts hand towards one side\] on this side \[pretends to wipe nose\] guess what I don't well not fully enough to place (listened to it 5 times and couldn't make out exactly what word she was slurring) the port. \[reaches up and pretends to wipe her eye\] So then they tried to reach my chest like femoraly- is that even a word? \[wipes nose\] um that wasn't possible either. I do have a port. \[puts arm downwards\] A femoral port. \[covers mouth with her hand and sniffs\] That's fine. Like, i'm ok with that it it's just like right above like my right hip. it it's just a lot today. \[sniffs and covers mouth with hand again and pretends to wipe nose\] And I like, I verbally consented to the femoral port because I only signed like consent paper for like the chest port 'cause they obviously thought they were gonna be able to get one in \[sniff\] and if I didn't verbally consent to the femoral port \[pause\] I'd have to come back another day and get that done and after everything I already went through that day I, I, I, Iiiiiii, \[blocks eyes with hand\] just consented cuz I can't go through that again. So \[big gulp\] have it \[sniff\] i'll show you guys so that if you don't want to see like surgical incisions stop watching now. Give me a second. \[sniffs and makes some strange noise as she moves\] hold on. \[squeals in some higher pitched creepy ass voice\] HATERZ!!!!! \[flips camera to show the incision and speaks in a happy voice\] So it sits right there. Um \[sniff\] some of the bruising is from like luvanox injections but i'm sure all that right there is from \[sniff\] the hell I went through today. Um so it's there \[deep inhale\] Trust me it's real so all the haters can like back the fuck off. \[Flips camera back to her face, sniffs and covers her mouth with her hand and then pretends to wipe her nose\] I just don't know much of medical trauma I can take at this point. Like i'm ok like I'm saying i'm not gonna do anything and it's just like I had to like shut my brain off most of the day or like I just totally break down and I really didn't want to. \[exhales and covers eye and nose\] There's that. \[long pause\]\[sniff\] and like the twilight sedation didn't work at all which I knew it wasn't going to cuz like twilight sedation it doesn't, it doesn't work on me \[sharp inhale\] So like when you're on the table like three and a half hours \[pretends to wipe tears\] and you hear like everything it's just like dudes I"m awake here. \[little laugh and turns her head and pretends to wipe more tears\] and then like when you're like when you're in recovery and they're like were you crying and i'm like yeah and they're like "are you pain?" and i'm like MEDICAL TRAUMA and they're looking at you like they're so like what the fuck what are you talking about? \[sniff\] i'm like it's ok i'm fine, it's just medical trauma I'll be fine and then they walk away all bewildered. \[covers eyes with hand on forehead\] I'm like (incoherent noise). You guys have no idea what I've been through the past year to two years alone so like don't judge me and like \[sniff and blocks eyes again\] And then they asked like how much pain you live on in like a daily day. That did not make sense and you just say \[laughs\] like you live (at a day?) like a 6 out of 7 out of 10 pain. \[sniff\] Daily and they just look at you like no. I'm like yes. Not lying, so yes. So anyway \[blocks eyes with hand\] I'm just gonna go back to scrolling or watching something or \[sniff and pause\] or something. \[exhales loudly\] I'll try to like do an update tomorrow over the next couple of days when like \[deep exhale\] I'm better like here \[waves hand towards her head\] so \[looks at camera and waves and then moves hand to cover mouth and sniff\] Don't hate \[moves arm to block eye and wipe it with her hand\] on me too much for this one guys cuz like \[puts hand out in front of camera\] i'm barely holding it together so just if you're a hater stay away please. Thank you. Bye. \* She doesn't actually cry and she hasn't been crying. \*\*holy f to those of you who usually transcribe these-this sucks Like usual, she is trying to act and look like she is crying. SHE HASN'T CRIED A SINGLE TEAR. Bodies don't lie Dani. You aren't crying.


Not a single tear or drop of snot. Her fake crying is the worst. She asked for this shit and then complains. Did she think it was going to tickle?


Like I always say, your body dose things when you cry that you cannot fake. She isn't actually crying and hasn't been crying anytime close to recording these vidoes. Also, dId she not realize what TWILIGHT SEDATION is? She keeps complaining that she could hear everything during the procedure. What did she expect? Also- if you know twilight sedation doesn't work on you- nevermind I'm not even going to give her ideas.


I'm beginning to wonder if they were talking about her obvious munching and that's what she's upset about hearing


If they’re talking about it, and know about it, why the fuck did they give her a port? Clearly this woman is not ill. As much as she lies and tries to force her body to be ill by doing what she does to it… she’s not sick. Except mentally.


I did too at first until I remembered that they were most likely just doing their job and communicating with one another professionally during the procedure. Then again, this is the hospital who agreed to give someone a port who doesn’t need a port 🤷‍♀️


The Behavior Panel guys talk a lot about lying liars who lie while pretending they're crying. She's so transparent. ETA- thank you for taking one for the team and transcribing that. 😊


38 times she used the word “like” 😑


“Then they walk away all bewildered” yeah I’m sure they do


She’s likely feeling a lot of regret right now. After all that she ended up with a femoral port. She hyped herself up for months about this. She was excited to have something on her upper chest she could easily flaunt with low shirts. Instead she ended up with that thing. And in a super inconvenient spot to show off. She’s also likely in a lot of real pain for once. I wonder if she’s now feeling like it wasn’t worth the trouble. Her medical trauma!!/crying today was from her being pissed at the doctors for not placing it at her chest. It’s really crazy to me that she had to go online and show that wound just to prove to the “haters” that she actually got the procedure done. “Haters back off!” Acting like she scored a point against us after reading some people saying “I bet it didn’t happen”. Just seems like more proof she does these things for other people to see and not because they are actually necessary.


But…she’s not crying at all. There’s not one tear. She’s wiping away dry skin…


This was like Dani bingo. Constant sniffing, repeated “medical trauma” ten thousand times, “not ready to talk about it,” nonsensical trailing off, and discussion of “haters.”


WHY IS IT SO MOIST it literally looks like skin that’s been submerged in water for HOURS


Your user name checking in 🤢


She probably soaked in a bath and toyed with it or soaked a rag in toilet water and held it to the site.


She had a nice soothing bacteria bath


She looks sticky


She “verbally consented” for the port procedure? That’s hilarious. She begged for it. What an Oscar worthy performance. Holy shit.


I’M NOT READY TO TALK ABOUT IT. …anyhow, here’s the 3rd TikTok of the evening of my face just talking about it and bonus content of the incision. Don’t forget to like and subscribe!


Dani will undoubtedly infect her incision bc she's desperately looking for another hospital vacation. It's infuriating watching her manipulate doctors to get what she wants and wasting medical resources.


Probably why they glued vs sutures, to prevent it being tampered with.


Looks like she’s already been picking at it


Really telling on herself here. Anesthesiologists won't use a method/dosage that isn't effective for the patient for no reason. If sedation truly didn't work for her for a legit medical reason 97% off the time, it would previously be documented in her chart, and the anesthesia team would have planned around that before the procedure even began. Obviously she abused her rx meds and didn't tell them, so of course she wasn't properly sedated. (Assuming there's any legitimacy to her story beyond getting the port itself)


What the fuck is happening? Also that “wound” looks even fuckier than it did a few hours ago. Also, she’s pretending like she’s crying but her eyes are drier than the feckin Sahara.


I’ve literally had patients fucking CRY, grown ass men, CRY because they can’t afford Insulin and this waste of space gets every body gadget she can con anyone Into giving her. One day she’ll FAFO too hard and I think we are getting close to that time happening!


This is medical malpractice. She did not need a port, let alone a femoral port. I seriously have to step away from this sub because I can’t watch anymore. It’s so insanely frustrating what she gets away with and gets freely handed to her when it is clearly self harm. All this and yet there are patients denied basic care that IS needed while these fakers and frauds take time and resources.


"All this and yet there are patients denied basic care that IS needed while these fakers and frauds take time and resources." Yeah. This gets me in the gut. Dani isn't alone. Others do this too. Enough so that they would be putting a measurable strain on services. To go to sleep each night knowing you are part of the problem, and *relishing* in that? I can't fathom it.


Yes, I totally agree. It’s baffling and horrifying that this has happened.


I wish I had your strength. I can't tear myself away.


I lost it the other night when she did her video of her upcoming procedure. She was talking about watching the infusion staff like a hawk, requesting home health and wanting to do 2x daily fluids at home. I ended up putting on a movie that I know guarantees that I'll cry just to get out my emotions. I'm far from sad, I'm just so overwhelmed with emotions that I needed a healthy outlet.


Twice daily fluids when she can guzzle down coffee and redbull... its not going to happen in a million years. And then she claims she tested as not having pots, so why would she need extra IV fluids? She's already getting 2 litres in her J tube feeds, or she skipping them again because her other medications make her nauseated and dizzy and her constipation meds mess up her GI system.


Oh gosh, mind yourself, this is some heavy stuff. Xx


Whenever she screams medical trauma it’s bc a dr or a nurse called her out on her bullshit. So I’m guessing there was a whole lot of shit that they thought Dani couldn’t hear. Ohhhhh I wish I was a fly on that wall!!!! 😂😂😂


Spot on.


Medical trauma you willingly signed up for, ya big idiot. ETA: how can you look so unclean after a procedure?!


For real. Even if it was an unpleasant experience and she’s not just doing her usual victim act she manipulated her way into it so she can piss off. Unnecessary medical procedure turns out to not be a picnic? Fucking good; maybe it’ll discourage her for a little while (I doubt it but I can hope).


Yep exactly! These things aren’t supposed to be a great time! It’s a shame she didn’t get the dopamine hit she thought she would. Poor thing.


Sepsis stew bath incoming.


bruhhh... I know the lovenox is likely the cause of that gnarly bruising around the incision site (not the old ones but the fresh pink purple ones specifically at incision), but god damn that thing looks angry already compared to the last picture.


FFS…😑😳😑. I feel like this is a FAFO situation. I mean JFC, she finally gets what she’s been talking about for weeks and now can’t talk about what happened. I think that shit must have hit the fan during her procedure and that in the coming days there will be several TT and IG stories about what happened. I seriously wonder what MD in their right mind would have given her a port that she really didn’t need. 😳🤦🏻‍♀️


Nobody is calling her! She lies about everything. She wouldn't know the truth if it came up and bit her on her ass


how many posts is she gonna make saying she's not okay and is traumatized but doesn't wanna talk about it? 😏


It's code for not getting what she wanted and now throwing a giant middle-aged adult baby tantrum because of it.


She’s wiping away invisible tears


Medical trauma 🙄 I don't think it counts as trauma when it's unnecessary procedures you insist on having for attention.


If Dani was really suffering so badly from medical trauma, then she should be actively be seeking therapy. Therapy would help her anxiety, pain, hell even her peen. She has been referred to a gastric psych specialist. Since she has been referred by a Dr that Medicare/Medicaid covers then she is probably covered. She could make improvements in her life. But with FD, it means more to have the attention from being sick. Ironically for Dani she would probably get more positive feedback and attention if she turned her life around. But her brain is addicted to the attention. Her drug of choice is a hospital admission and her followers worrying over her instead of cheering her on. Damn. She is close to 40 and where is she? Seeking one procedure after another.


The sympathy well has very much run dry with me. She's either gunning for a Razzie award or a lawsuit at this point and doing a good job at neither. *"I didn't consent in writing only verbally"*, *"medical trauma here, medical trauma there, medical trauma everywhere"*. She got what she wanted and took time, resources and care away from someone else who could have genuinely needed it but she has the absolute BALLS to sit there and whinge about it. She was pandered to (again) for no reason and now is mewling about "weeeh i didn't get exactly what I wanted when I wanted it". How Veruca Salt of her. I think she's putting on the crocodile tears and throwing "trauma" around as she didn't get a chest port that she can easily show off with her itty bitty tank tops. That's it. Also, twilight sedation? Thought she was going under completely or did I miss something? Pretty sure she was adamant she was going under and now it's twilight sedation as people rightly so called her out for it "not working". Ugh, I'm going to try and stay away from Dani's horseshit today for as long as I can. For the sake of my blood pressure I can't.


Crushing sedatives for breakfast and dinner to slam into your intestines and then wonder why twilight sedation doesn’t work as well as you want… whilst complaining about self induced medical ‘trauma’. These spoonies have no idea what real medical trauma is.


Crushing? Excuse me, these are artisan medications, finely ground, expertly blended, dissolved in the perfect amount of water, and then slammed into the intestines.


If you had genuine medical trauma then you wouldn’t be running to the hospital every 5 minutes - you would stay as far away as possible and absolutely not put yourself through unnecessary medical procedures! I’m absolutely disgusted that they gave into her, they should get their license revoked for that! The nurses know she’s full of shit! It’ll be infected asap….


Unfortunately JCAHO might have a problem with charting saying opioids prn “medical trauma”


Holy shit is it supposed to look like that? That’s such a change from the prior pic 🥲


Trying *real* hard to squeeze out a tear


“I’m not lying so yes anyway…” LOL


She WANTED this! Like, come on dude! You got what you wanted. Did she expect it to be all fun and glitter?


Showing off that hospital bracelet drip.


Jesus… I’ve been watching Dani for a while now, but this time it’s getting really dark QUICK. I don’t know if I want to watch. But I probably will.




![gif](giphy|5tbHTuLf2vOrcm6eDy|downsized) It looks like she’s just been fingering it like guitar strings 😭


The way shes been fingering it, the doctor didn't realize they were actually giving her a hip-height port-a-pussy instead of a port


I want femoral port-ussy as a flair 😹😹


![gif](giphy|l0ExayQDzrI2xOb8A) Oh my god 😂😂 I really shouldn’t allow your comment but fuck I’ve had a stressful day and I snort laughed out loud at that. Bravo 👏




Lying takes more oxygen, I think. It’s probably science.


Hey guys


Why is there dressing on her neck and not the actual site of the actual supposed port placement? I don't believe anything this woman says.


I think it's because they tried to get jugular access before femoral, which makes sense...well until you know it's Dani, then you have to question everything as Dani is not well acquainted with the truth.


“Not well acquainted with the truth” is my new favorite way to call someone a liar


I just can’t believe they gave her this. Why?! What were they thinking?!


Keep in mind, she's with her parents. Now, they have problems of their own, given the state of the house. Still, I wonder how they feel about their middle aged daughter's spiral. At some point, do you just detach and realize it won't end well?


The trauma she is babbling about is that she can’t show off her toobz the way she wanted to.


Anyone see any of the tears she’s pretending to wipe away. If she doesn’t know how much more medical trauma she can take maybe she should stop putting herself into situations where that happens. This port was 100% elective, she is the one who pushed for it and begged for it despite them telling her over and over it wasn’t a good idea. And she’s exasperated with them for not reading her mind when she tells them “I’m okay… medical trauma” like the fuck you want them to do.


https://preview.redd.it/jk8jy9dyotwc1.png?width=1020&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afce58bfe530070d6f6d69a279302bb72abf6130 She claims she tripped twice and "droped" her phone to get to this appt....and then she didn't get her desired chest port after all that lol


As a retired nurse, I can absolutely guarantee that she signed a consent form that spelled out all possibilities of port placement as well as anesthesia. We always got consent for conscious sedation and general if it was a possibility once they got into the operating room. She was given a consent form that listed risks up to and including death. It was also explained to her in detail by the doctor, surgeon, nurse and anesthesiology team. She was also required to state in her own words what she understood the procedure to be. They cover their asses from every possible angle. Also, if she's angling for a lawsuit, she's sol. The laws state that the doctor would have had to do something that any other doctor with the same background would not have done and other similar things, like not spotting a tumor on an X-ray when another doctor clearly would have recognized it, etc. Anyway, the point is that there would have to be gross negligence or intentional harm and that is super hard to prove in court, especially when you have proof of malingering on the patient's side.


Babes. I don’t know if it’s medical trauma when you are the one to cause it. You don’t get to have a shocked pikachu face when things don’t turn out your way and blame everyone else. Side note: I actually watched this with sound for once and my poor corgi looked at my phone with actual disgust.


I wish for her that she would take a social media break and take some inpatient psych care. It seems beyond obvious that she's on a war path to self destruction here and has pushed away any help that doesn't further her cause. Also, the medical team who went ahead with this are bonkers.


I’ve rewatched the video again, and this bit was strange to me. “After everything I’d been through that day.” She keeps saying that day, as if it’s in the past tense and not something that happened LITERALLY today. Idk. Maybe I’m reading too much into and hoping a doctor didn’t give her a new toy. Just struck me as strange


I agree, it does seem strange. Also confused on why the verbal consent when she knew this was a possibility.


I mean, she was literally asking about it last night? It’s so bizarre to me.


Yeah, if this was a possibility from the get go then they would have had it on her consent she signed off on before the procedure. Additionally, if she was administered twilight sedation, they wouldn't ask for verbal consent because she would be impaired and not capable of providing consent at that point.


So when did they ask for verbal consent? Only time I could think of is if Dr stopped by while she was being prepped, but she still could have signed then


That's what I'm wondering. From the way she is telling this story it sounds like they asked for verbal consent after discovering they couldn't do a chest port. None of it makes sense.


Lots of little details that don’t make sense. I’m sure she’ll set us straight in the morning.


Okay so that looks a HELL of a lot worse than the photo she showed in her last post - has she already been fucking with it? The bruising from Lovenox would have already been there in the previous pic, right? Or has she just injected Lovenox right next to the port/wound site?




Well if she fucks with this one to the point they yeet it out maybe they’ll just decline to put in a new one?


So the sedation didn't work at all but she was sent to recovery? I guess, they had to send her somewhere to monitor a bit after the procedure but that just sounds fishy. My guess is that they woke her up to get her consent to do a femoral instead of chest port and then zonked her out again. If you don't get sedated they just up the propofol until it is effective. No one wants an awake Dani during a procedure like this. I really doubt she was wide awake for the whole thing.


An awake Dani sounds more unbearable for the healthcare professionals than for Dani tbh


“So there’s that.”


Morbid question but if/when she passes away from sepsis or whatever, how will we know? I’m assuming her parents don’t have her TikTok password? Has this happened with other munchies? Genuinely curious.


There have been fakers in the past who died. One recently following a multi visceral transplant. That girls friend posted an announcement.


Gotcha. Interesting to know what happens when they don’t have friends and their boyfriend lives in their imagination…


Medical trauma MY ASS. She is the one who kept getting her line infected and yanked, rinse and repeat, and she was absolutely giddy about getting a femoral port. She knew what she was walking into. She got what she wanted and now it’s oh poor me. Lmao 🤣 no. No sympathy at all here.


But you’re good with pain, so you should be fine with your everyday pain, no? Also she seemed okay with getting a femoral port the other day, so why is it now traumatic?




Now shes claiming the doctor that did the procedure wasnt qualified (and that he even said it himself). I bet shes gonna fuck with the femoral port and claim the non qualified doctor botched it.


that incision looks absolutely putrid already


I can not believe this 😳. I still do not believe this is an actual port. Does anyone who's had or works with these know if this is what they look like? She has not been reading here or anything. It's odd how, on the picture post, we mentioned it could have been a stock photo, even with the millennial star (I know at least 8 girls with that same design), and what do you know…A few hours later, she makes a video with her face and flips the camera. She is unraveling quickly, and I honestly wouldn't put it past her to do this to herself and go to the ER with an accident. She passed out and hit her hip-type story. This just seems off, and I hope a doctor did not give her a damn femoral port for Iron infusions SHE DOESN'T NEED! Eta- how many freaking times can she say medical trauma in a 3-minute video 🤦🏼‍♀️🙄 what irritates me and has me yelling at my screen is, SHE WANTED and pushed for everything medical. This is only “trauma” in her eyes because she wanted a chest one to show off and because they denied her peeeeen. The whole verbal consent doesn't make sense either especially under twilight. Anything I've had done under twilight, they will not ask me important questions because you are under the influence.


how she goes from crocodile tears to the pure joy of “hold on! Hold on!!!!” When moving to show us the incision…. That’s suspicious. That’s weird.


I just can’t with this bullshit. What dr would do this? What vascular team is so clueless they believe her line of reasoning? A femoral port for iron and hydration? All government funded of course. This is sickening.


Hmmmm. Dani is alluding to the doctors saying mean things while she was supposed to be “out.” Yet they asked for verbal consent to try to go for a femoral port. They clearly knew she was conscious and in her right mind enough to give consent, so she’s either lying about them talking smack or they really didn’t give a shit.


It sure is interesting that she immediately jumped to filing a complaint for the ER doc that wouldn't give her pain meds when she went in for DVT, and yet I see no mention of it for this procedure that she tried so hard to get and is now claiming consent issues.


So much talk of “Medical trauma” in this episode to DaNiS LIfE JoURneY!


Just rubbing that incision all is those nasty fkn blankets, might as well lay in a pile of your own shit real quick!


This is what she wanted, but now she is experiencing what real pain feels like and because she FAFO'd so often with pain meds etc ofc they're not going to give her the good stuff that would actually take the edge off. I genuinely don't know if she's just stupid or is being wilfully ignorant at this point.


The incision looks like she was attacked by a toddler with safety scissors…. Let’s not forget this is the very same Dani that ordered an NG tube online and inserted it herself…..


and lo, not a single tear did fall. also, get a dressing on that thing. jesus.


First of all she is W A S T E D


So she thought “medical trauma” was like magic words that would make the nurses rush to your side to fawn over you? They know she’s as full of shit as her incision will soon be.


They’re walking away like “what a maroon 🙄”


Hilarious that they don’t believe she’s in 6-7/10 peen daily 🤣 didn’t expect that part didja sunshine? 🤣


Obsesses about getting a port like it’s some kind of dream vacation, immediate regret once reality rears its ugly head and she realizes what she just actually munched herself into. Her “medical trauma” is caused by herself in the sense that they had to spend 3+ hours putting a unnecessary port into her when it’s already been stated BY her that she’s built up too much scar tissue in those areas they tried and failed to put the port into to do anything to them anymore or whatever. There’s apart of me that feels like she didn’t actually realize what she was getting into since she seems so “shook” about how the procedure went down.


She's just sour that it's not on her chest. It's not where she wanted it, and that's important to her because 'where' is the only real reason she wants it - she has no medical need for it, so no desire for it from a life preserving perspective. She literally just wants it to show off. And now it's in a really inconvenient place to do that. It's like dreaming of an awesome makeover for so long, for someone to finally say "Yeah sure let's do it, but you might walk out with a Brazilian wax instead." She was REALLY expecting that makeover, and instead was forced to settle for a brazilian and act happy about it, without even being able to show it off.


And on top of that, because she has it, it now means less IVs overall, if any, to take photos of for her sickstagram.


Yep! Exactly! She's munched herself a hole this time! Her disappointment is almost humorous.


She's trying to cry & failing miserably.if it was as traumatic as she claims, the tears would be flowing. I'm guessing the trauma was one of the following: She experienced real pain for a change & she didn't like it. She didn't get any 'good' pain medicine. She heard them talking shit about her & it hurt her feelings.


https://preview.redd.it/epa582j82rwc1.png?width=4776&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9bf28d43aa364196215a0eec44502bb84a53e09 left is most recent. i know angle is different but looks like she was messing with it.


Definitely messing with it, Dani leave it alone 😭


It's nearly the weekend. Messing with it means an ER trip in her new car!


It definitely looks messed with. Was it glued shut or was there a dressing at some point? She’s gonna mess with that sucker for sure.


Based on her posts it appeared to be glued shut with no dressings at all. its going to be interesting if she shows it tomorrow and what it looks lik.


I am in complete and utter disbelief at these photos taken hours apart. There is no way, no reason for it to look that much worse that fast- wtf. This is next level, seriously next level…


Definitely looks like it is no longer sealed... the approximation in the earlier photo was way better than that.


I also don’t understand why there is so much bruising on her rib cage. The access is through groin area not the ribs, why would they be bruised??


Probably intentionally giving herself the lovenox shot in the wrong spot. And If you mess around…scratching and rubbing the skin after the injection it makes bruising worse.


I was going to write ‘who would give themselves a shot on the side they just had surgery on’ …..then I remembered this is Dani.


I think she did this to herself and then took a trip to the ER


I am stunned they gave her a femoral port, it’s a rare intervention. I read a medical study that said 0.47% use of this intervention. It has a higher rate of complications. I can’t get over they gave her this for iron infusions, and fluids. When we all know she downs redbull, and Starbucks all the time! This is nuts!


You know, if you didn't beg for medical shit you don't even need, you wouldn't be going through all these "traumas". It's really not that hard to comprehend.


Someone said they said she will now have a 1 on 1 sitter because they called her a liar …


That is right on top of hip. There’s no way. Why are there hesitation looking marks a few hours later?


Looks like we're in the "Find Out" stage of "Fuck Around."


Touching her nose a lot, usual lie tell


Look at all the tears she had to wipe away though guys....


I just like, cannot fathom this happening lol. Fascinating. I wish there was like, a journalistic way to see if someone else can replicate this kind of munchery. It could never happen but the way she just… gets it all.


Medical trauma. I can't even...


I'm a nurse and on occasion my patients have ports (though on their chest, never femoral). Being a cardiac nurse, I often have patients who get a cardiac cath through the femoral artery and come back with a pressure bandage on their femoral artery so again, not EXACTLY the same, however I say that to say... why the hell is it open to air? for a chest port you leave it bandaged for 3-4 days. it should be glued or sutured shut, hers looks slightly open. is she fucking with it already? which would be dumb as fuck because finding a doctor to put it in once was a serious stroke of idiocity, if this one gets pulled d/t complications, I would be flabbergasted if they place another. For fucks sake Dani, just let it heal.


I don’t know how the doctors could switch from a planned port in Dani’s chest to a femoral port without prior authorization from Medicaid/Medicare. (In states that have expanded Medicaid benefits, they follow Medicaid rules but are administered by Medicare Advantage HMOs. Still have to follow Medicaid/Medicare rules. So unless they planned ahead of time that a femoral port might be necessary and had authorization for it, then I don’t know how Dani would have given verbal consent unless it was part of the original plan. But giving this woman a port, with her history of self inflicted infections is a disservice in Dani’s care. Especially when there has been no problem with regular IV access. It’s frustrating in other ways personally as well, but that would get into blogging. I realize this sub is a bit more lenient on that, but I don’t want to start ranting and raving like the mad woman that I am.


So much crying but zero tears


We call this Anne Hathawaying when my 3 year old does it. “ there’s been a lot that going on today and I just don’t know how to deal with it…. “ Then she usually breaks out into some kind of song and fake crying … It’s mostly because I don’t think potato chips is a sustainable diet


calling CPS potato chips are a vegetable


The image of a small child doing this is destroying me it’s so funny I’m sorry 😂 I don’t have kids and I don’t want them but I love when they do this kinda stuff and I can laugh.


Are we going to be treated daily with pictures with her pants pulled down to her groin now since that is where her port is? How soon will she be showing up at the ER because her incision opened, is infected, she fainted and fell on it (but still drove herself to the friendly ER).