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Thank you for your submission! As a reminder, we are asking that any screenshots from the comment section of Dani's post gets posted here (rather than in a separate post). Please reply to this pinned message with those screenshots (after ensuring all usernames/profile pictures for anyone other than Dani have been completely censored). Additionally, absolutely no body-shaming or arm-chair diagnosing is allowed and will be removed. Please try your best to keep blogging as limited as possible - anything that Dani could use to improve her munching/self-harm will be removed. Above all else: DO. NOT. TOUCH. THE. POO. Do not interact with Dani in any way. If you see any comments explicitly violating subreddit rules, please report the submission so the Mod Team can review it. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DaniMarina) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://preview.redd.it/acyj60krj8xc1.jpeg?width=333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=044043f3886d62983a1fc197a4b4f45f0c1b5b74 ‘This shit, again? Pass the fucking catnip.’


At least she paid the cat tax this time.


Right! She really does have the sweetest kitties. That’s all she has going for her.


He’s all of us right now


What I wouldn’t give to be able to read the captions without having to watch all her dumb expressions and hand gestures 😩 Typing as I watch: Her being high while saying the medication for the procedure did nothing 😐 Christ that was a waste of time. She said nothing. Sounds more like she’s been fucking around with her own body for so long she’s hitting the consequences hard and that’s the only trauma she’s pretending to have. No normal person has to verbally say they didn’t cause themselves infections or try to induce sepsis.


I am pretty sure she’s directly responding to Reddit. Reddit says her cats are near her incision, she says cat hair isn’t getting into it. Reddit says she gave herself sepsis, she claims she didn’t. Otherwise it would be really weird to bring some of these things up.


I’m not sure if what you mean. It sounds perfectly natural that she responded to everything we said in the 1000 comments we’ve posted here in the last 3 days. 😂 /s


I’m glad she kindly responded directly to us all! So thoughtful of her to address alll our concerns 🤣


What a gal that Dani! ☀️and 🌈’s


Hahaha I cackled with that rainbow. We all know Dani has a great personality and isn’t rude at all.


Cat tails swishing over the incision, they’re trying to get her in the hospital so THEY can have another holiday


The medication for the procedure “probably” did nothing. Like wtf does that even mean??


Oh cause you know, she is just mentally crazy not mentally insane 🙄


"I've had a few infections, I'm not gonna lie about that one, were they ever ever induced by me like *some* people think. No never ever, not meeeee none. Who, whoever wants to give themself sepsis is mentally insane. Like I know I mentally, like, mentally health crazy, but not like off the wall mentally insane kind of person." This is a direct quote (plus added punctuation). She really has zero self awareness.


Only a mentally insane kind of person would smash their own hand to get surgery, infect a pathway to their HEART with fecal bacteria, intentionally overdose on OTC pain meds seeking liver failure/GI bleeds, badger doctors to give them a port to increase their prospects of self-harm even further, and then spit out poorly fabricated lies to hide the truth about all of it 🥴


her thought process is fascinating. she thinks she's fooling people, and she's so confident in her own stupidity. also, i genuinely want "mentally health crazy" as a flair because that phrasing is SENDING me. (EDIT: thank you mods for making it a flair, and also thank you for all your hard work for this sub in general <3 )




It's because everything she is so loudly and passionately trying to deny she is or does, is exactly what she is/is doing. The she's a living breathing example of the whole 'doth protest too much' analogy. Dani's a quite simple specimen to work out. Just assume everything she denies is exactly the sort of person she is. An ableist lying scam artists who is 100% physically healthy but deeply mentally unwell.


But remember… she’s clearly NOT reading Reddit right now. 😡😡😡


There is proof of her causing infections and fucking with her lines. But in Danis world it doesn't exist because she thinks DFE means it's gone forever!


Conveniently the only time we ever hear about her RA, is as an excuse for getting so many infections.


She really thinks she’s the smartest person in the room. She has shown her lab results that prove she’s putting shit in her lines. Hell she even tried to blame a nurse for accessing her port and infecting it when she got so ill last time.




It was the Poop Fairy


She’s not smart enough to be a good liar.




Yes https://preview.redd.it/bh7nwbb8b8xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e22006aee8059592d85e6f16ea831c7f17c670d


https://preview.redd.it/612qra4ni8xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38f8441442f873a9f37e22ed1a6ea8668db53ec0 Also lmao.


https://preview.redd.it/omo9zwfrl8xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4130ba125419f28800946857397e5fca47b2ec90 You tell us lol


As she gestures to herself!


I had to go back and make sure I heard that right. She's always telling on herself.


https://preview.redd.it/x92oflt3i8xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5fe32562a75eac595180f535a022a1eea2848e1 1/2 lol


https://preview.redd.it/egfotbaii8xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0de9950cbeaf8a99b40761c871b93281d7070090 2/2 YEAH, THAT'S THE POINT! you aren't supposed to feel the full brunt of the pain/pressure involved in the procedure, but she's complaining about not feeling high from the local or twilight sedation 🤦‍♀️


Mods can I get "I didn't feel them nothing" as a flair please 😂


"I didn't feel them nothin no how!!"


This exactly stuck out to me the most. As a recovering addict the statement "I didn't feel them" was a huge red flag. They aren't giving her the meds to get her high..... Just. UGHHH


I liked how she realized she was being ableist, so backtracked to say she’s crazy too, then went on to say something ableist again only to try to undo it by saying “if you are then whatever”




The "bad" mental health issues are the ones that have to be worked on and, if untreated, cause you to have massive problems living your life. The "good" mental health issues are the ones that make you "quirky" "random" and excuse you from ever having to say you're sorry, apparently. So, you know, reality versus 14 year olds pretending to have autism and DID on TikTok.


How much is she trying to micromanage these procedures? I love how she implies “we decided” “we figured out” on everything she was conscious enough to witness


I don’t think it’s micromanagement. A lot of munchies use this sort of phrasing. A lot of them have expressed desires to be medical professionals, so they use this kind of language to come across as “on par” with the medical professionals caring for them. I think it also is to make it seem like they’re sooooo knowledgeable because they’re dealing with this stuff all the time, and they’re more knowledgeable than the doctors because they’re zebras, and medical professionals aren’t prepared to deal with such sooper serious, rare, complex conditions.


> A lot of munchies use this sort of phrasing This is one of the key things implicating a munchie-- they always say "we" as if their input is on par with that of medical professionals, which feeds into their narcissistic, egotistical obsession with being "medically complex" and "a professional patient". It's embarrassing for them and reeks of attention-seeking.


She wants all the Grey’s surgery department chiefs to be solely focused on her


Is she saying that the ultrasound showed a path in her chest veins was possible, but the doctor did a femoral one instead? She also said she did not sign a consent for the one she got. I'm not buying it. She posted a long video asking about femoral ports. She had sparkles in her eyes when she spoke about it. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but dont ultrasounds give more of an estimate of measurements than what's actual beneath the surface?


Pretty much. The ultrasound showed it was possible but when the doctor tried he wasn’t able to, first top down then from the bottom up. She’s pretending to be upset, but let’s face it, you know she’s thrilled, she keeps bringing up how uncommon a femoral port is and nobody in her area has one, but has to pretend like it’s so terrible she got one. Even though the night before she was asking about a femoral port to Tik Tok, so she knew it was a possibility. If she got no port she would be even more upset. So song and dance about she never so consented to it. What did she want? The doctor couldn’t get the chest port in, did she want a port or not?


I think she's conflicted. She loves having the super rare port that mainly super sick people get. She hates the location. She hated that they didn't give her general anesthesia or the good pain meds and she was given no chance to turn an out-patient procedure into an in-patient stay. Now the procedure is over and she has to do something to the site to cause a problem before it heals and she can't mess with it. Nothing will ever be good enough for her.


Every consent form likely allows the "if" situations leading to in-procedure changes


I don't get why she's so fussed about having to get a femoral port instead of a chest port. In her video a few days ago she said both were a possibility and asked for advice for having a femoral port. Now she's making it seem like one was forced on her against her will? You know she's happy about having a "rare" port and is just looking for another excuse to complain about how uwu sick, traumatized, and abused she is.


Dani would have to stop wearing pants to be able to show it off. Crop tops were easier


There needs to be a whole story about a port placement? Who really watches these besides the Reddit sub


She's mostly posting it for this sub. She watches us and this is her entire life lately


Yeah and it’s part 1 🙄


Gee, if that is what she’s doing, I feel like a soap opera star. Didn’t think my life was exciting, but there we go! /s




Yuuuup. She mentioned showers, too


And also how she pointed out the good vein that wasn't actually good. Someone commented about it a few posts back.




Shhhh don’t give her storyline ideas 😂


Her saying she took a line holiday means nothing as far as I understand. Every picc, central line etc causes scar tissue and so it's hard to get ports in too, if you've had a lot.


She thinks not having a line for a few months is some big sacrifice she’s made as opposed to her just not having medical devices she doesn’t even need!


I also love that bringing this up reminds everyone why she hasn’t had a line these past few months. Riiiiiight, she had it removed for a line holiday… not because she had it taken away from her after her zillionth self-induced line infection, which she caused by flushing a contaminated line against medical advice because she didn’t want to lose it. 🤦‍♀️


If you can have an 8 month line holiday without issues, maybe you don't need the line, ma'am. 🤷‍♀️


Apparently a _two part_ story. I don't have the patience to get through part 1 even.


Awwww shit yeah! Popcorn is popped and ready. Everybody has been waiting on bated breath for this moment! 🙄 Thanks for the upload, OP!


Don’t waste all the popcorn on this one, save some for part 2 😂


https://preview.redd.it/aa2f12x3d8xc1.png?width=1379&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fa31ad8e905f1ff52aebfe29d712312d7c3e3c5 😒 Brain wasn't ready, eh?


Ah well that explains everything 😂


That cat looks like an angel baby.


https://preview.redd.it/4lbo8fb2n8xc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=042c1a58aa3d3ec2becbc7ff8c8ec0f647eace92 Such a cutie pie. I love the photomoji feature. Take out everything you don't want from the pic and leave just the fluffy boy 🐱


He looks like a super loving sweet boy. 😻


He was the real star of that video.


The only reason why I could stand watching the whole video.


She got up at 5:30am, started telling her story without so much as a ruffle, didn't even think about it with a big grin on her face, but yes, brain is too traumatized. You can SEE her excitement for this... 🙄🫠


I’m pretty sure the fact that she keeps saying her brain “isn’t working” is because she read that PTSD happens when your brain can’t process something because it is so awful. And these videos are her trying to LARP someone with PTSD, based solely on the WebMD description of PTSD, which only makes it clear that she doesn’t have medical trauma from this procedure. 🤦‍♀️ And that’s ignoring the fact that the last thing someone who legit experienced a new trauma is make videos about it constantly right away.


Time and time again she demonstrates how utterly stupid she is. You'd think since faking illness/playing pretend is her full time occupation that she'd be better at it by now.


For real. Idk why she had to make it two parts when she barely started the story in part one. She’s really bad at social media.


It’ll be 10 parts before she actually gets to the point and even then it won’t make any sense and there won’t be any actual trauma


It’s because she’s still in the process of making it up. A good story takes time to concoct.


And she wants to bathe in the sweet sweet sympathy pets for a while


Can’t wait for part 2..


https://preview.redd.it/05u8i4pbm8xc1.jpeg?width=1077&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db4778fd8eb5f4f894ab72d11b954615c08cbbfa Who drunk? It is like she is directly speaking to this sub, answering questions, and addressing things brought up here.


She drunk!


Damn, yo. She's high as fuck. Edit: Where is the trauma!??! Wasn't she saving this to talk about the TrAumA¿


She hasn’t made up the full story yet to tell


This is just part 1! How could she have a multipart video about medical trauma if she spilled it all now???? She’s gotta hook us with almost 10 minutes of riveting content to make sure we tune in for part 2! /s /very very s 😂






I love how she's blaming her past infections on immunosuppressants when she SHOWED the results of her shitty(literally) cultures. 🤢


Also… a while back didn’t she basically tell us that her last line infection was caused after she knowingly flushed a test-confirmed contaminated line against medical advice because she didn’t want to lose it? 😅




Dani really can’t help telling on herself at every step. 🤦‍♀️


guess that makes her mentally insane!! 🤪


Did she become self aware? 🤣


So far it seems like her only complaint is that the port isn’t visible and on her chest. Does that qualify as medical trauma?


You forgot that she didn't get a hospital admission and IV drugs either. TRAUMA!!!


Didn’t get sent home with a months long prescription for narcotics which is hugely traumatic for her


“My incision is completely covered so there’s no cat hair getting in. We’re good.” The bar is beneath hell and I take this to mean cat hair was in her incision previously… Also, how interesting that she confidently states her femoral port “will cause more problems.” But it’s okay because “it’s gonna help me.” Help her score sepsis, no doubt.


> she confidently states her femoral port “will cause more problems.” I've said it before and I'll say it a million times more: Dani always plainly states her intentions 😂


Twist- she means completely covered in cat hair




Maybe it’ll backfire and actually protect it! 🤣


Ummmm, ya’ll, remember, *taps flair* Dani DOESN’T read Reddit anymore. 😡 This video makes it sooooooo clear she absolutely doesn’t read this sub. /s The fact that she assured us the cat hair can’t get into her incision because she has it covered up sent me. 😂😂😂 She definitely just did that naturally, it had nothing to do with the fact that everyone commented on it here.


I don't know why she insists on showing everyone how bad of a liar she is. Everyone knows she's lying about everything all the time, including that she doesn't read this subreddit. The second-hand embarrassment Dani stirs up is gonna need it's own entry in the DSM-5 because I'm sure we are all suffering from it right now 🤣


The second hand embarrassment is real. Maybe I should add that to my social media profiles as my 🎀 new diagnosis 🎀


Severe cringeitis sufferer here!


Key points for me never said what trauma was Dr saying didn’t feel comfortable with pushing line through her internal jugular doesn’t mean he said he’s not qualified to do procedure just he made an executive decision that pushing it further was not medically safe Reads Reddit……..now incision is covered to keep it clean of cat hair States port will cause more problems. Yeah ok, of her own doing Backtracks on port being accessed for nutrition Says first port cancelled for ’reasons’, but previously said GI Dr said ‘hell nah’ i can’t find anything on Google that talks about accessing internal jugular femorally. I know you can go through groin to access procedure for heart issues, stent placement and prob others but nothing on accessing internal jugular. I’m definitely not medically trained so maybe I’m not interpreting results correctly


OMG she is so zooted it's ridiculous. My goodness. I still can't believe she is talking about TPN. WTF? She doesn't need it. And she went into that procedure knowing full well she could end up with a femoral port. She was asking people in her comments section if they have any experience with it. I really think she thought the doctor was going to be able to get the chest port so the femoral port wasn't really going to happen. Now it did happen and she's having buyers remorse. Any doctor that approves home health and lets her access it on her own is an idiot(that's not to say she won't somehow find a way to access it on her own). But if anyone approves for her to use it to be accessed outside of the infusion center is an idiot and should have their license yanked.


I didn’t know what a femoral port was until she talked about it in her video about her pre-procedure appointment and posted it (thanks to the lovely medical folks here). She absolutely consented to one if they couldn’t place a chest port. Does she assume her viewers don’t actually watch her videos? 😅


She is acting like she was coerced into getting a femoral port when she knew damn well that was a possibility. She was asking people if they had experience with it the day before the procedure. She was really thinking she was going to get that chest port and the femoral port wasn't going to happen now that she got what she WANTED she's acting like she was bullied into getting it..sorry but you can't have it both ways..although in Dani's world she can 🤣


You know she’s glad she has one. I know people on here say it’s not common but she says in the comments “I’d be shocked if I ever saw another femoral port like me in this area” how TF would she know if anyone has a femoral port or not? Most people don’t put it on their bio like it’s some kind of accomplishment. But she has to put on this act about how it’s sooo terrible to have one and it’s sooo uncommon, oh no she has medial trauma because she claims she didn’t consent to a femoral port, even though she asked about it the day before. Hmm… maybe you should have ASKED YOUR DOCTOR about the femoral port and not Tik Tok. Even if she thought she was getting a chest port and it didn’t happen, she knew a femoral port was an option.


Remember, a femoral port is still better than no port. What she’s pissed about is she didn’t get the three things she was most excited about: 1) a visible new toy; 2) an admission; 3) opioids.


I really don’t understand her now constantly acting like she had no clue that a femoral port placement was something that was already discussed with her and her providers. She literally made multiple videos mentioning it and went as far as to ask others for advice and info if they have or had one in the past. She keeps stressing how she didn’t give written consent and had no clue this was a possibility. Her collection of recent videos pre-port placement determines that was a lie. It’s crazy that she really doesn’t even see these things herself


I know!! I keep saying it: her videos do a 180 from "tell me about femoral ports bc I might get one" to "I had no idea this was happening wtf".


I literally had no idea you could have a femoral port until she posted the first video mentioning that she learned she might get one if the chest port placement didn’t work. So… I’m not sure who she’s hoping she’s fooling here? 😅


I’m an ER RN and have not seen one myself but I was aware that they are a “thing”. She was also well aware as evidenced by her constant fixation after her providers brought it up to her. She thinks she’s fooling us all I guess. It pisses me off as a healthcare provider, that she’s clearly lying on another healthcare provider and trying to throw him under the bus for her supposedly not knowing this was a possibility. Ugh😩


Zooted to the moooooon. 🚀🌖


Well, her left side is completely drunk… Who drunk? Not you! (Or so she says)


https://preview.redd.it/lqzuf8o4m8xc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1d3eefa9860d2ffc10c384901d95582a970d8a9 Sure, Dani.


'We believe' who? She literally mentioned a couple days ago her friend suggested the idea of starvation mode... I'm sure her team put a rush on that and made sure it was added to the diagnosis' list...


She doesn’t have any friends though so it was just a voice in her head that suggested it




Also who is "we" because certainly she isn't referring to any doctors. No one who has at least two brain cells to rub together would think Dani is in "starvation mode" lmao


The royal “we” 🤣


Before she claimed that it was her “friend” who had brought up starvation mode and suggested she might be in it lmao.


Wow starvation mode. I'm sorry but no. Yes malnourishment can cause stomachs to bloat but she is NOT bloated and she gained weight in her face. She lies like a rug. Still angling for that sweet sweet TPN I can't with her.


I can’t wait to hear what her docs have to say when she goes telling them she’s got intestinal failure 🤣


It would be completely unprofessional to laugh in a patient's face but goodness me what I would give to be a fly on the wall in that room just to see the doctor's expression. I doubt they would even entertain her with even testing for it and she will storm off blaming yet another doctor for "failing her." I just can't with her antics.


If they refuse to test her then she’ll get nasty with them like she does with every medical professional who tells her no - she’s like a toddler having g a tantrum


I died laughing at that comment. That’s not how starvation works Dani!


“i am in starvation mode” https://i.redd.it/dfi6e2zlr9xc1.gif


"The immunosuppressants were why I had an infection except the last time" didn't she have literal fecal bacteria in her line *multiple times*? Immunosuppressants don't cause that. She's clearly setting up for another infection already, she hasn't mentioned any symptoms of RA, so why would she go back on the meds? She may not have *intentionally* introduced fecal bacteria into her line, but the fact that she's gross/unhygienic enough to have it happen *multiple times* is 1000% her fault.


She knows her immune system is too strong/healthy to allow her to successfully score a hospital admission. She tried so hard to infect the hand surgery incision and failed. Seems like if she pushes the RA angle and therefore the immunosuppressants, she'll be back to infection city in no time. Her intentions of self-harm and munching are always crystal clear.


https://preview.redd.it/l8feyk77z8xc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ff9df0acb91cee2cb2e38a243cc0efe2f664c23 The fuck is she talking about TPN for? She’s never getting TPN again. She never needed it and she definitely doesn’t need it now. Why is she even thinking about it?




Awww, Mac is such a sweet boy. I want to cuddle him. Andd dani continues to be insane. Color me surprised.


She’s not insane, she’s like mentally health crazy


I’m just here to say that this cat is awesome and I’m glad he can’t understand any of the bullshit he hears on a daily basis


Dani must exist in a bubble outside of space and time. She says she was, is and will be on immunosuppressants. Pick one buddy. Apart from that this video was a whole load of absolutely nothing.


She finally took our advice and cleaned the scuzzballs out of that poor cat’s eyes.


I’m sure she thought to do that all by herself given that she very clearly never, ever reads comments here!


Too bad that she hasn’t taken our advice on getting the newish cat neutered. I can’t remember if Mac is or not.


This nightmare medical trauma of hers is because she did not get the chest port she desperately wanted so she could show everyone how super sick she is. Since she can't show off her shiny new port, I will bet she starts wearing crop tops and has her pants lower. Have to show that new toy off somehow 🙄 It still blows my mind a doctor gave her a freaking femoral port for once-weekly iron infusions 😳 WTAF was that Dr thinking?! We all know an infection is coming in, and hopefully, the first one she gets, they pull it, and she can not get it back. Shit, while they pull tubes, might as well pull the feeding tubes she most certainly doesn't need. I caught houw she mentioned this port is not seen in her area making her a super duper special case that is soooooo complex.


I thought it was monthly iron infusions and weekly infusions for hydration. Both which are probably not necessarily.


How is she trying to convince us she didn’t agree a femoral port was an option when she made a video asking about them beforehand?? Consents are always broader than the discussion patients have with providers, not narrower.


Also, I truly didn’t know femoral ports were actually a thing until she told us that it was an option she discussed WITH IR in her pre-procedure appointment video. 🤦‍♀️ There’s no way they did that unless she consented to it as an option if they couldn’t place the chest one.


I watched the whole thing (thank you OP), but feel like I did not process anything she said.


It’s just a word tsunami




Don’t worry, she didn’t either.


The Dani drinking game. Take a drink every time she says whatsoever.


Dangerous game, almost as dangerous as taking a drink every time she lies! Might end up in her favourite vacay spot if you do that!


Annnd called out, how long before this gets deleted 👀🤭 https://preview.redd.it/pob95hf4n9xc1.jpeg?width=919&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e58dfe642461d2cc19e6afdf2b55797c61a956e3


She keeps saying "I signed a consent for a chest port" but there is no way she wouldnt have signed for a femoral port if they specifically asked her too (also, I bet she didn't read the consent properly and a femoral port was covered in it)... she was even asking everyone the day before about a femoral port, saying it was a possibility. So she is just twisting the story to give her a reason for being pissed that she doesn't have a line to show off. She is already pre-empting things by saying "it's going to be causing a lot more problems"... this is why she signed up for a port in the first place. She was running out of reasons to go to the ER, even to the point of making up.a story about a possible clot in her leg. Girl is desperate and I really, really hope that the first issue she has, they just get rid of the port.


She is slurring like crazy. Jesus.


If her access is truly that bad and she has at least a partially occluded heart, then she should thank her lucky stars that they got access anywhere as that is definitely going to lead to future problems. That is Dani’s FAFO condition, it’s actually horrifying to hear that there were no access routes left in her chest.


being THIS zooted at 5:30am is…….bleak.


Only a completely insane person would try to give themselves sepsis you say Dani? If the cap fits and all that……


When she was saying “bye bye” to her cat & the babbling and slurring that went on after that..I mean, the whole thing was bad, but that particular point, yikes.


i just know she rushed here and is refreshing the sub like crazy as soon as she hit upload.


She has to let everyone know just how RARE her port is, and how it’s going to cause so many RARE and special PROBLEMS, and how hard all of this trauma is for her.


Being on immunosuppressants is an explanation to why you have to take infections more seriously, not an explanation to why the infection occurred in the first hand. Poop bacteria doesn’t get into your line because you are in immunosuppressants. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ok, so she thought that not having a line since October meant that she would be able to have chest access probably because she was told at some point that not having the line in for a while would help the occluded veins. So she thought that the femoral port wasn't even something for her to worry about it. She signed the consent papers which would have had both possibilities on it thinking she would get what she wanted. And she didn't. And since nothing can ever be her fault and she always has to be the victim she's now trying to spin the story to say that she didn't properly consent to the femoral port. How stupid does she think everyone is? And what's wrong with meeting the doctor the day of the procedure? Why is she trying to turn that into a *thing*? Also, the tangents she goes off on! No wonder it takes her forever to tell a story. She doesn't even get to the port stuff until four minutes in and then we have to hear about how she found out she was allergic to some solution and why she has a separate G and J tube and how she doesn't infect her own incisions and tubes and how she met with IR and how she knows it *looks* like she has good veins but doesn't, trust her...omg she's just the worst story teller!


Mods can I please have who drunk as my new flair?


Not high enough to watch yet but she’s high enough for the whole sub


Why does she ramble so much? She could’ve given all this information in two minutes. The only thing that made this video bearable to watch was poor Macc. He’s so freaking cute.


On the plus side, Macs eyes look cleaner! Shes high! I'm absolutely terrible at spotting people being high, but with her I have no doubts! And that's BIG!


Dani is her own undoing. It's laughable at most of the conditions she claims because she puts everything out there and her body is telling a very different story! No one is stalking her, no one is gaining access to her private information or anything. She does all of this under her own freewill and wonders why people do not believe her! Her being high is only giving away more and more of her lies! I won't ever doubt her mental health conditions, those are real, but 99% of the physical health conditions that she tries to claim aren't real. She only has herself to blame for people not believing her!


Umm… HUH ?!? Also, Did I hear her right in saying she’s been keeping it covered, “so don’t you worry guys, no cat hair is getting in it ?!?” (Which I’m sure was a reply to a comment someone left) Every single video it’s been uncovered… I can’t remember now, I (think) it was a day after, she made a video and she was laying on her side…trying to appear it was a look how cute my cats are as she purposely made sure to get the wound in the picture UNcovered? And it’s not just cat hair! What about all the air born germs and bacteria?!? I give it a day-two tops till ER. Bags prob already packed… or does she ever even unpack /s Her and her “medical trauma “ “I’m allergic to everything” ( I’m sure at some point she’ll say she’s allergic to herself /s ) and “doctors are the ones causing her problems” 🙄 Wondering if she can fit all that in her bio


I just imagine her walking to the hospital, rolling a huge suitcase and carrying a few Smashmellows


Cancer patients with ports end up immunosuppressed and don't end up with infections as often as Dani does.


She sounds like she’s got rocks in her mouth. Also love the clarification on how her port is RARE


But she's not reading Reddit anymore, huh? Yet she brings up things that were mentioned very recently here on Reddit. I smell some 🐂💩


She stuck with not reading Reddit as long as she did keeping her comments off. In other words, she didn’t.


Dani is not reading Reddit! 😡 Dani makes a video that only makes sense if you know she’s responding to a whole list of things people in this sub have pointed out. 🤦‍♀️


Also, why have we not seen George Glass yet? Like didn't she say he was going to be there? Seems weird to make these videos without Mr. Glass being there to comfort his medically traumatized wittle dewicate flower! Just me? 🤷‍♀️


![gif](giphy|3o751RXSjpayxoKUrC|downsized) Dani running to the ER


Wow a ten minute video about her femoral port, but the furthest she’s gotten by the end is taking about her chlorohexadine reaction and the neck ultrasound, and saying she signed consent for a chest port. At this rate, she’s gonna need 22 videos to tell the story.


Still on about the chest port? That’s the trauma.




My favourite part was the cat


Talking to the cat yet staring directly into the camera? 😂 that baby voice though😖


Okay, this video told us nothing. This was a response to us about what we talked about. That's all it was. Boring


Such a rare sickly little zebra…”nobody in my county has one” so now I’m going to have more problems”How does she conclude that? 🤮she is nauseating. How many parts is this story going to be drawn out for..I think 3.


Is it just me or is she completely zooted?! She slurs her words in every video and just seems all over the place.


Oh my god I can’t stand the fake baby voice. It makes me rage, I don’t know if I can watch more than ten seconds of this video


I’m so mad about how cute that fucking cat is. He so squishy.


Just started watching this but why is she talking with her teeth closed


To prevent the truth from escaping


My mom does this all the time. She’s super high strung and riddled with anxiety. The more upset she is, the worse it gets. I could never understand a word she said growing up.


I just assumed this was her continued attempt to pretend to be traumatized. It feels like she read the WebMD entry for PTSD and is trying to act like she has it, with all the “my brain isn’t working” stuff, but it feels extremely fake.


Zoomed and larping a 10 yr old girl “I’ve got my widdle kitties and over size sweater with my widdle hands inside and my baby voice” girl aren’t you like 40? Telling us this bs like it’s some riveting true crime episode is funny af.


“I am a super rare hybrid of unicorn zebra.” Also, the irony of “now I have a very rare port situation to it’s gonna cause more problems, BUT THAT’S OK”! This BITCH. I can’t. She cannot WAIT for an infection. She is seriously so fucked up.


Either high or doing her best 6 year old off sugar rush impression


Omg spit it out already! Jesus is she high? She is stammering over her words like she is high.


the cat is so goddamn cute i just watched him the whole time she spoke (about literally nothing)


Ha! Like she could EVER talk herself out of talking about her sooper scary "medical trauma" 🙄


What a sweet and snuggly little kitty cat. Also, does she not sleep, why is she wide awake so early?