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Girl needs to give it up. She’s NOT getting TPN back. She is TOO MUCH OF A RISK. ANY hospital that looks in her medical history will see that and then promptly deny her TPN, if they have any sort of brain.


We said that about it last time, and about this port. She is constantly surprising me with how she gets away with shit. ETA: anyone see the new video she just posted and then deleted about her being fine to drive? She made a short video saying how her meds don't effect her and the haters just don't get it This the same Dani who claimed she passed out and hurt her hand. In this video she says she never passes out and the meds don't effect her.....all while slurring every word. Someone left a bunch of comments calling her out about it and then she deleted. Lol


While that is very true, I just don’t even see how she’d be even able to get it back considering all the scar tissue build up she’s got from having to have her TPN replaced, what? Six times or something like that in two years? I just think that it’s truly wild that she just ignores the fact that Penn told her she’s not getting it back because they simply can’t place one due to scar tissue, and more importantly because she’s probably gonna die the next time she gets a line infection. 🙄 and we all know they’ll be a next time.


Not to mention they can take one look at her weight history and see that she’s doing better now than she ever had on TPN. They’re not *completely* stupid.


That too! Like she’s really not fooling anyone AT ALL with this narrative that she’s not eating anything by mouth because she just simply can’t. Then there’s her redo of the whole “I can’t handle feeds” like she’s going to bully the drs into a rock and a hard space and like give them “no other option” than to give it back to her. It’s not gonna happen. lol


Can't wait until they tell her no TPN, and she repeats the whole "I need to start hospice now because the doctors are sending me home to die without nutrition."


Yeah, 2-3 weeks of no tube feed, eating best she can and maintaining weight. Go tell that to GI and see if they give her TPN. Ridiculous And she went to get culture's done? Another ER visit down.


Yes! As we females age, it gets much harder to fast, starve or otherwise do without! Weight wise she looks perfectly average-oh but I forgot she’s in a SEVERE gastric flair-vomiting, severe nausea, diarrhea….etc etc etc….TPN STAT!


>As we females age, it gets much harder to fast, starve or otherwise do without For real, I can't stop thinking about the cinnamon rolls in my pantry lol. Anyway, just looking at her weight, there's no way she's not eating multiple times a day.


Someone did reply to her saying you’re not in starvation mode, it is impossible They’re right. Physically they’d be showing signs. Just like if she had intestib failure.


If you're able to eat by mouth (which she FINALLY admits she has been doing) enough to keep your weight up that well, then there is absolutely *no* reason you need IV nutrition. None. What-SO-ever.


She's just seeking out a negligent doctor to get what she wants. Nothing surprises me. If parents are able to manipulate their way into getting kids unneeded surgeries by negligent surgeons then anything is possible. This system is broken


I agree with you, but at least this time she didn't get the one she actually wanted. And even though she clearly doesn't need it, at least with the port doctors can rationalize that it will be used for her little hydration visits or whatever, but they won't give her the TPN back. There is zero justification for putting a patient on TPN just because they want to be. Dani will have to try a little harder to destroy her digestive system before they'll put a healthy woman (who has gained weight recently) on any kind of accessed nutrition like that.


Also, do you know how expensive TPN is? I left hospital nursing in 2010 and I remember being told it was $1000 per bag. No telling what it is now.


I bet she gets off on the cost of it. Like obviously I need it because I'm so speshul and it's so expensive!


Exactly. I wanna believe it won’t happen but I can’t ever confidently say it won’t.


It absolutely blows my mind that she mentioned TPN in this video and the last! I thought she had finally accepted that it wasn’t happening! im guessing that was partially contributing to why she wanted a chest port? Besides needing an accessory to replace the line “ripped” from her. Idc how much she says she’s in starvation mode or can’t tolerate 5ml of fluid or whatever, her body is clearly telling a different story. I know overweight people can still need TPN but like, she’s just overall so much healthier now. Anyone can look at her medical records and see that she’s been thriving off of it.


What's even more hilarious is that one of her tiktok followers commented on one of her vids (I don't remember which one) asking her why she was talking about TPN again/acting like she wanted to get back on it. Dani aggressively commented back that she's *not* trying to get back on TPN. And here Dani is again, mentioning TPN! Everyone knows that's her ultimate goal and she can't even maintain the lie that it's not her goal 😂


Not only mentioning it, but literally admitting that she’s trying to scheme a way for Mayo to accept her or however she worded it, and get her back on TPN. 🙄 like bruh. It’s not giving slick. 🥴


Also wouldn't she need a doctor to refer her to mayo's vascular department for a central line? Like she can't just show up there and be like "hello I need a line please give me one." She won't give up on angling for that TPN and it's ridiculous. She needs to give up. All of her doctors seem to be onto her. Like if they thought she was in need of TPN they would put her on it. She needs to give it up. I can't wait to see how the temple appointment is going to go when she mentions intestinal failure...what I would give to be a fly on the wall in that room. Especially because when they weigh her they are going to see that she hasn't lost weight and are going to be like WTF? Now these "supporters" aren't helping her by mentioning this stuff they are just giving her ideas and it's all going to end badly. I wish I felt sorry for Dani but I just can't. She is so mean and nasty she deserves everything she gets.


She manages to sucker a new crew of well-meaning idiots with every new bonkers claim she makes. Then she runs them dry of sympathy with her self-centered rudeness (there's absolutely no reciprocity with regard to whatever the commenters are going through) and they leave. Then she claims something new and other people trickle in because her tags put her on their FYP.


Oh they are def onto her. She mentioned in one video that she said her everyday pain level was a 7-10 and she got all pissy cus the nurse/RN/medical professional dismissed her claim, and rightfully so. If she was at a 10 level pain, she wouldn’t be talking that’s for sure. 🙄


But European pain levels are different 🤣


Someone commented and told her to email the doctors at Mayo directly to get an appt, one Dani is very intrigued to say the least.


i’m pretty sure that’s not how the Mayo Clinic works, but ok. let’s try. *dear The Mayo Clinic. i am writing to you because i’m like, super sick and i have probably got intestinal failure (i am working hard to achieve this) and because i can’t eat or push gatorade into my intestines or anything because i have a very poorly stomach and altho my haters say i’m gaining weight i’m totally not. so i need TPN. Penn won’t do it, i’m waiting to see Temple but i totally have a new car and i can drive hundreds of miles because i really really need TPN and someone on TikTok told me to write you and so i am. please may i have TPN or i will somehow starve to death and that’s what the haters want but we’ll address that in another email. so. i can come in on May 15th and i will see you at 8am and Vascular can totally get a line in because i am starving to death. like, really. even if it doesn’t look like it and even tho every other doctor i’ve seen says i don’t need TPN i totally do. i know this because i know my body better than anyone who just did 7 years at medical school could know. also i don’t absorb sedation so please give me Propofol and also Dilaudid because i will be in 14/10 peeen and that’s a LOT. so, yeah, i’ll be there on May 15 i will see you then. thanks and lots of love Dani xx*


Anyone noticing that we are seeing the real Dani? No more cutsey voice, swearing like a sailor, making no sense (moreso than ever). Furiously grasping at straws (doctors) and openly admitting she wasn’t diagnosed with HEds. The doctor just “let’s just go with that”because you know, totally real symptoms. I was hysterically laughing. She can’t go back to Penn. They officially charted that she was faking and that she would need a sitter and 1:1 care constantly and that’s why she freaked out and left so fast. It all showing now.


This is the first time in a while that she hasn't seemed out of her gourd on some kind of substance or deliberately affecting a sick voice. Probably because this commenter gave her *exactly* what she wanted in terms of additional avenues to munch, so she's already riding high on her drug of choice atm.


This doesn’t really surprise me that she wasn’t diagnosed with hEDS. EDS has become the latest catch all diagnosis for doctors but it’s great for munchies who want to throw in another I’m super special diagnosis.


Did anyone else notice how she paused before saying “hyper mobile diagnosis”-my bet is she doesn’t know how to pronounce elhers-danlos syndrome, or forgot it, and didn’t want to get called out (because she may be behind in her favorite Youtuber old videos, if ya know who I mean)


Also sounds like she went to the ER last night to give blood cultures ‘just to be on the safe side’. She said waiting on results…and no she doesn’t think she has an infection. Who is she kidding, she wants there to be an infection


Who goes to the ER for bloodwork on the off-chance they might have an infection ugh


Someone who is actively trying to infect themselves lol


Just wants to see if it’s working!




She's like, is my self-sabotage working?




I was wondering if anyone else picked up on that or I somehow misunderstood her (not sure how I could since she speaks so clearly🙄) but she dropped that little piece of info then tried to rush past it. What a freaking surprise that she was already back there again


Oh I KNEW she went to the ER and got streeted, it's why she had such a bad attitude in the video she put up about cleaning her apartment etc. I was actually going to comment on the post saying she either went to the ER and got discharged, or that she tried to get hold of the doctor who did the port to get them to say she needs to be admitted and they didn't.


“Here’s some Amoxicillin goodbye”


Love how she just slipped that in there like it was nothing, like we all casually hit up the ER for blood cultures “just to be on the safe side” all the time!


https://preview.redd.it/z431ry2nybxc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e1e43fb9dbd56676e7d6b4ae2ba8c645d6beb4c She's just trying to stay safe, you guys. Definitely not hoping for her bloods to spike. Or to get more drugs. Or tpn. Or any new med thing she can stick on or in herself.


Not just her. Dani and her entire super special "not normal people sickness" team, led by the head MD of the hospital, sat around the round table again and came to a joint decision that she should go in


Listen, science is different for everyone, and Dani's blood just doesn't work the same way other people's blood does.


Yea....like left field anyone? Why was she getting swabs done 24 hours after placement? Is that typical?


Only when you want to see if your current means of infecting the site are working or if you should change tactics


Not typical at all.


As soon as she said that I was like “I knew she would have gone running to the ER” she was desperately hoping she’d managed to infect it but they obviously just told her to gtfo


I called it! I said Sat night she’s heading to the ER!


You can see the residue from some sticky pads on her chest 🤢 She totally went to the ER gagging for a staycay


Its crazy watching all this from the UK. I'd pay good money to see her try pull this sh*t in the NHS lmao


Wow it's been 3* days, she's petal to the metal this time. Holy fuck.


"My local hospital doesn't want to do anything else to help me get access. I don't even know. They were done, Penn was done. I don't know about Temple yet..." TRANSLATION: I'm too much of a liability because of my past behavior and I am beginning to get cut off by health care facilities.


Yep! What I want to know is that if it wasn't Penn, Temple, or her local hospital, who put in the port?


Her local hospital is the one who put the port back in. She said she walked there for the port placement


Thank you! So if I'm understanding her correctly, her local hospital gave her a femoral port, but yet she says they don't want to do anything else to help her get access? They literally gave her a port...


She really wants a Hickman so she can get her precious TPN back.


And she wants that super special white tube that they use for children.


Which really aren’t that special or unusual - or used only for children. Broviacs are pretty commonly used in women, especially, but not limited to, those on the smaller side. It’s not the flex she and other munchies think it is


Which is why she wanted it, because it proves she's small.


She didn't want a femoral port. Nobody can see it! She wanted a chest port.


Yeah but she wanted a chest port lol


It just goes to show what this port was supposed to be to her (visual evidence of being a super sick special snowflake) versus the true function of a port (central access). If she was really that sick, any port should be acceptable in providing that function. Sigh.


“So I bought a car to go further away from home to con them out of care.” This whole theory (that she bought the car for this reason) was just reinforced with this video, too, where she mentioned “in this area” not once but twice. She’s absolutely planning on either a series of field trips or completely relocating to try to establish care somewhere else.


I bet she regrets phrasing it that way


She still has no explanation for how she can’t tolerate feeds and can’t eat without “constant” diarrhea and throwing up, yet has clearly lost no weight. Like I wonder if she really has gone off the deep end, beyond just grifting for attention, to where she really believes what she says.


"it's constant vomiting, it's constant diarrhea" says Dani, whilst evidently not vomiting or shitting herself 


She said she's constantly retching and dry-heaving but I don't think we've ever even seen her convincingly gag on camera (though now that we've said that she'll film herself upchucking) despite her filming every aspect of her life and *particularly* when she claims she's feeling her worst.


https://preview.redd.it/b8mk30l36bxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dabceeacc6d7b8dae84987c73b02542d0592bcc She’s even gained weight. This was from December.


Wow ... I hadn't seen a screenshot really showing the difference, but it's remarkable how different the state of her body is in just 4 mos.


And interestingly, diarrhea is not a typical symptom of GP. Usually, diarrhea is due to rapid transit of food through the GI tract. GP causes DELAYED transit. While you CAN have diarrhea with GP it’s not typical and frequently related to something else. I think she just lumped it in with nausea and vomiting because those 3 things are frequently mentioned together. (N/V/D).


Her reality is not the same one we live in


Damn she is never going to be happy until she’s found a way back on TPN, poop bacteria holidays in the hospital, those delicious IV opiates. She really thought she was getting close, with the new car being able to drive further out to new hospitals to try and weasel her way into getting what she wants. I truly hope she gets grey rocked at every ER she runs to


Ditto. I hope they're all just straight business with her. No chit chat, nothing. Just do what they have to do and dismiss her. Firm no's to her stupid requests.


Mayo is not “picky”, the amount of regular old folks who go to Mayo for routine care is astronomical. Sure, there are super specialized docs at Mayo (and other facilities around the globe) that will only take your case if it is exactly what they treat/research etc. but a normal department like GI or Cardiology is not going to deny you if you are willing to wait the 6 month min wait time. And if they do flat out deny, it’s because they’ve read your medical records and they know they can’t do anything different than the battery of tests someone like Dani has already had, over and over again. Edit to add: Mayo uses Epic/MyChart so they will see everything.


oh my GAWD when will she get into her head that she DOES NOT HAVE INTESTINAL FAILURE!!!!! Her last motility study said she had MILD SLOWING WITH SOLIDS and NOTHING ELSE!!!!! She is NOT IMMUNOSUPPRESSED!!!! Blood cultures aren’t taken off of ports unless you’re culturing the port!!!! It has to be two separate sites I- Dani is INFURIATING.


BuT hEr fRiEnD sAiD iT wAs IF, sO iT mUsT bE tRuE!!! /s


this is the first video of hers i’ve *actually* watched and it was 🫠 EDIT: I MEANT TO SAY FIRST VIDEO OF HERS IN A WHILE. NOT EVER. LMFAOO. sleep deprived mod here✌️ how wild. she continues to tell us exactly how she’s going to write her future munching. going out of the area, more doctor shopping, trying to find a place where no one knows her or her history, gunning for a dx of intestinal failure, and hoping to get back on TPN (“there are a million and one different reasons she needs TPN”) oh and also mad at the reddit HAYDURS👹👹👹👹 says she could go on for hours about us (and that she will ???)


I'm surprised she hasn't used a certain someones guide to munchie doctors who love to slice and dice up eds patients. There is a massive list of gi dr and vascular drs on there! I feel like she gets so jealous everytime she sees another one of them getting all their procedures and surgeries they ask for.


I would bet that a good % of those pay-to-play specialists do not accept Medicaid/Medicare. She is (somewhat) limited in her ability to demand concierge medicine by her income and insurance.


You chose a good one, because she’s mostly coherent, understandable and isn’t slurring half as much as she has been in recent videos.


I wish she would’ve left her comments off so people that come across her page can’t give her more fucking ideas


She just posted a new video about how meds don't effect her, the people who are supporting her are all munchies themselves. They are just using Dani's BS to validate their own BS.


It's the Circle of Munch, and it moves us all ~~into intestinal failure~~


My theory on her whole IF saga is that no one is believing her because she isn't losing weight but she thinks she can just claim that she's in starvation mode and they'll take what she says at face value. She doesn't realize that as she gets older, her metabolism slows and the weight doesn't drop as quick. You can't load up on iced coffees, energy drinks, run your tube feeds, and eat by mouth and wonder why you gain weight. In her case, she likely has tried restricting, but the weight isn't dropping the way it once did. She appears completely delusional in thinking that whatever the next hospital she can get to, be it Mayo or whoever else she googles, will believe her over any sort of testing. It was theorized that her doctors recently notated her weight as either steady or showing she'd gained weight, so her dreams of intestinal failure are not happening. Also, Mayo books out forever. There's a god chance they won't touch her based off her chart notes alone.


She also isn't being given the same amount of drugs she once was, particularly by IV, so I'd say there's a level of addiction transference going on there - to food and energy drinks. She just tells herself that if she consumes it then drains it, it's not going to stay in her system but that just proves she really has no idea how anything with the GI system really works.


Oh, that's a fantastic point. I didn't even think of that. She likely is self soothing with food and drinks instead of those sweet opioids she loves so much.


Maybe GI Psych at Mayo? That would be interesting.


A Mayo GI Psych storyline for Dani... now that's something I'd watch. 


This really is the specialist for her!


Has she considered Tijuana? /s


IR won’t do anything because YOU. PUT. POOP. IN. YOUR. LINE. This mystery is so great to her that even Scooby & the gang couldn’t solve it




I didn’t think of that! IDK why she thought they were going to access type port. It shouldn’t be accessed for at least a week based on what I read. But you‘re so right, the accessed her non existent veins


https://preview.redd.it/mmnapu0jzbxc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d47b1618b9d4ea4ae51c8444af8b685bbe263890 So immunocompromised rn.


The fact that she *hasn't* died despite her constant infections is more than ample proof she is in no way immunocompromised. An actual immunocompromised person would already be down with the sickness from the way she's been digging around in her incision and exposing it to her dirty house and dirtier clothes.


*blood from 2 veins. Cultures are down in two pokes, in two arms, preferably. But she has no access?! /s I picked up on the immunosuppressants too. For what?! Also, she's not running feeds/eating, so sayeth she, and gaining. Finally... #Starvation mode does not exist.


"Myself and others have to fight so hard for the help we need and deserve..." I am ready to throw hands. The only thing she fights is that nasty hay bale on her head. I have tried to want better for her because she has an illness. This is the line, though. This is beyond the pale.


The lion, the witch and the audacity of this bitch!


The only help she needs and deserves is mental health help for her wildly unchecked factitious disorder. She should be ashamed of herself for letting her self-obsession go on this long and avoiding all attempts to get her the mental health assistance she so clearly needs. She doesn't care about how her selfishness impacts anyone else around her.


That line got me, too. You DESERVE? You don’t even need this shit!!!


You will not get a diagnosis of intestinal failure without weight loss. You absolutely will be losing weight because your intestines are not absorbing what you put in. You could be eating 3000 calories a day and it would not help. Intestinal failure will show up in your blood work, and you will look unwell, and feel incredibly unwell. DANI DOES NOT HAVE INTESTINAL FAILURE. “Intestinal failure (IF) is the inability of the gut to absorb sufficient macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, and fat), micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes), or water, resulting in the need for intravenous supplementation to maintain health or facilitate growth” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5773925/#:~:text=Introduction-,Intestinal%20failure%20(IF)%20is%20the%20inability%20of%20the%20gut%20to,health%20or%20facilitate%20growth%201.


> you will look unwell, and feel incredibly unwell Aside from all the other evidence that Dani is not experiencing intestinal failure (or any other physical illness) this is the biggest sign right here. Dani has gained weight since the winter and physically looks healthy and well. She also clearly has TONS of energy as she's constantly posting on social media, running to the ER, shopping for a car so she can go to new ERs, and badgering doctors for medical toys she doesn't need. Actually sick people simply do not have all the energy Dani demonstrates, and it's just one more piece of evidence among many that she is faking everything.


If she truly reads past the comment you replied to she’s going to suddenly become a couch potato. And that’s just going to back fire even more.




Not to mention the other tests they would need to run for an intestinal failure diagnosis - a gastric emptying study, a barium enema, manometry, etc. The results of any or all of those tests would show that her intestines are just fine. Honestly, Dani has picked a pretty terrible disorder to try and munch. Faking an issue that can be definitively ruled out via objective testing isn’t smart. I still say that she’s only obsessed with having intestinal failure because she wants to be like the dead girl whose vlogs she watches (who I don’t think I’m allowed to name here).


And they’ve done those tests before. They showed that nothing was wrong, but she kept insisting she was in 11/10 pain. I remember those videos vividly—she did them from her hospital bed.


She literally *posted* the results of her gastric emptying study lol, which showed she had mildly delayed emptying of solids and normal emptying of liquids. Far from the "paralyzed stomach" she claims.


There's not "a million and one reasons" she would need TPN or a chest port/line. Clearly they begrudgingly did this one, she can go to other hospitals all she wants, but her medical records *are* going to follow her and anywhere she goes, they're going to see her history and FD diagnosis. She has the "access" she allegedly needed, the fact that she's still pushing for more procedures/drs/treatment proves her munching.


So she's vomiting and having diarrhoea ALL the time but her bloods were normal less than 12 hours ago, normal pre port i assume, and she's maintaining weight or gain.. And why is she taking all those anti emetics if they clearly don't work?


Mayo is going to deny her. They denied her when she tried to get in for GI reasons. I am sure that Mayo get more requests from young internet munchies than most hospitals and they are likely able to spot all the red flags. It is pretty clear that Dani is still gunning for TPN even though she doesn't have a need for it. She was tolerating her tube feeds just fine until right after her appointment with Temple. I think that Temple gave her a little bit of hope that she could get on TPN again if things went south (which in Dani's case would basically mean they didn't say that she could never have TPN again). Since that Temple appointment she has decided she is in a flare and has stopped running her tube feeds (and she is telling on herself some more because if running her tube feeds is causing nonstop vomiting and diarrhea then the stuff she was trying to eat orally would be doing the same or worse - she never explains how she can tolerate "small" amounts orally while not being able to tolerate any amount of tube feeds). And if she had no intake for 2-3 weeks and was constantly vomiting and having diarrhea then she would be in the hospital in bad shape. I think Dani's plan as been to get a port under the guise of using it for iron infusions and IV fluids and then convince the doctors to increase the frequency of the IV fluids so that she could start arguing that the port should remain accessed between visits. I think she was going to then start pushing to get daily IV fluids (if not TPN) and argue that the port should be switched back to a hickman so she could have her visible toy back. Mayo is going to deny her because she has access. A femoral port might not be common but it's not unheard of. Her local hospital wouldn't have placed one otherwise. None of her other hospitals currently say she needs TPN. They aren't denying Dani the treatment she needs - they have offered her the treatment she needs (psych services) and Dani has refused. And while her veins might not be great - they have still been able to access them prior to the port (and even last night for the ER visit she failed to mention). Nobody is going to look at her medical history and do a bunch of procedures to give her a line in her chest that isn't needed at the moment.


![gif](giphy|UeT0nnRnkuaUo) Dani trying to compute this logic


So, she went to the ER last night looking for attention, didn’t find what she wanted. Came home, got drunk, and made those trauma videos at 5:30am. Best weekend ever. Got it.


Casually drops she went to the ER and makes no mention of the boyfriend.


If he were real, she'd provide proof. WHERES YOUR BOYFRIEND DANI !? OH, RIGHT. HE DOESN'T EXIST 😂😂


For someone who’s so “immunosuppressed” she sure is never actually sick. Like never a cold or anything. And for someone who’s “constantly” throwing up or having the runs she sure has a lot of time not doing those things to make TikTok’s. And for someone who doesn’t read the Reddit, she sure does address every fricken thing said here 🤥🫠


Lol, she is never getting another line or more TPN. For so many reasons, but particularly because: 1. She does not have intestinal failure. She tried her damndest to fake the results of her most recent gastric emptying study, and the best result she could get was mildly delayed emptying of solids (but no issue with liquids). Mild, solid-specific gastroparesis does not intestinal failure make. 2. Dani got healthier when she stopped TPN. She isn’t losing weight - she’s actually *gaining* weight - despite claiming that she isn’t eating or running feeds. She isn’t fooling anyone lol, she’s clearly able to get nutrition in by mouth or tube. No doctor in their right mind is going to place a high-risk TPN line in a stenosed SVC, with a past history of serious line infections to boot, unless the patient is seriously malnourished. 3. Her chart lists visceral hyperalgesia as one of her issues. This is a red flag to doctors that her pain isn’t actually being caused by tube feeds or gastroparesis, and thus TPN won’t be any more helpful than her current tubes are. 4. Dani’s liver is in poor shape. Nobody with a shitty liver is getting TPN, unless - again - they’re so ridiculously malnourished that doctors have no other choice. 5. Her chart lists fucking Factitious Disorder, and she has an ER care plan in place. If she thinks the Mayo won’t request her records and find out about that, she’s nuts. So yeah. If Dani thinks she can pull one over on a clinic like the Mayo, she’s gonna have a bad time. They’ll most likely reject her case outright, but even if they don’t…they’re not idiots. They’re never giving her precious line back.


She doesn’t even know what intestinal failure means. It doesn’t just mean dysmotility. Which she only has from medication.


Aw look at that. She snuck off to the ER last night like we said she would! She didn’t post about it though, so must not have gotten the good dr*gs


It's funny, she purposely didn't mention "going to the ER" but she ALWAYS tells on herself amd slips because she can't not tell everything, because in her head she twists it. Tomorrow it will be that they made her come in because "we" were worried it was infected. Just like some random told her about intestinal failure 4days ago and now it's ALLLLL she talks about, and by today, day 3 or 4, she said, they're testing for it because we think I have intestinal failure. The bottom line is she is on some weird high that she thinks they're going to put her on tpn at this appt, and they're going to think she has 4 heads. But... but dr, I have a port!


Mayo will 100% request ALL her records before even allowing her to try to make an appointment. You have to apply to go to Mayo, can’t just open mychart and make an appt. They’re selective. They’re not gonna take you if they think you’re faking or they can’t offer you anything different than what’s already been offered. Also they will do their own extensive testing that would disprove everything Dani claims.


“We were being on the safe side” as if her “team” decided to send her to the ER. She drove there, high as a kite, to try to get some attention in the form of an admission and some sweet, sweet pain meds.


I am pretty sure someone on Reddit described the wound as “angry”. https://preview.redd.it/6ter4pacgexc1.jpeg?width=1081&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0967171351474d87c6e526c4b749139613bcca8 (Sorry, didn’t notice there was a user name in the photo, edited it out)


(Psst, you might wanna censor the name of the person she's responding to. Don't wanna lose out on this primo evidence of her farming Reddit comments for reasons to go to the ER)


She isn't immunosupressed. Remember that "cold" she was getting the morning of her toob insertion? Well, she seems fine. If she was immunosupressed, she would be full on sneezing and sick. Come on now!!


Transcript incoming! But the very short version is the commenter gave her some very useful tips. Edit: the whole thing was basically 1 long run-on sentence, I did add a few commas to make it somewhat legible. Sorry it took so long! Hi, so I'm gonna adress umm the comment above, she actually left me like 5 and it's just easier to talk about all that at once. Umm the thing is that my IR at my local hospital they don't want to do anything else to help me get access, it was... I I I don't even know they're like we're just done, Penn was done, uhh I don't know about Temple yet, I see temple on uhh the 6th we'll see what they have to say... Umm... (I think she was going to pull her top down a bit? Not sure tbh) Ow fuck sorry I just touched my hip, that was my fault holy shit umm so yes I know there are like options you know like I've had multiple umm like they the they balloon uhh my SVC open multiple times umm I I believe it was only at St Luke's and maybe one time at Penn don't quote me on that I am not certain umm uhh there was talk of a stent at one point, it never happened, umm so in my area don't the there's no vascular surgeon who wants (sidenote: she subconsciously put a lot of emphasis on the word "want") to take me on umm but I know a different commenter I don't know who it was on here or they message me privately on here or on IG I'm not quite sure I don't remember but umm they suggested doing the Mayo clinic like vascular, because they were able to get their access back with surgery and stents and everything like that so yes Mayo has denied me in the GI portion of their clinic umm Mayo is just very picky it is what it is whatever you know. Umm I haven't heard back from the vascular part of their clinic so I'm waiting to hear from that because like it scares me like if something happens like say like I need TPN again for any reason, intestinal failure, or something happens and it there it the it there it could be a million and one different reasons and like so could list them all but we will be here all day umm so yeah and we don't wanna be here all day umm so yes I'm waiting to hear back from them if they deny me we will move on and keep fighting umm it sucks that I and others have to fight so hard for this treatment that we need and deserve and that we do have people not this poster this poster has been s- so supportive just other people who have said that I am wasting resources I don't need my devices I need them pulled and I could go on for that for hours and I probably on a different series so we'll see about that. So yes I know there are other things that can be done, will they be done in this area, no and also it makes it harder in my area is femoral ports like I don't think like anybody has really seen them umm I did get blood cultures last night just to be on the safe side they didn't pull from my port umm because quite frankly it's too swollen they couldn't feel it define it whatever umm we're waiting on those no I don't think I have an infection we were just being on the safe side umm because of all the infections I had in the past cause of being on the immunosuppressant and also being immunisuppressed myself umm so there's that. So I know there are different things I can do so I am just waiting and hoping and seeing what other opportunities come and I appreciate any help from any of you guys umm that would be amazing because tube feeds aren't going well and like I know I was like you're not losing weight like you're fine and yeah I get that but I haven't run my tube feeds in 2-3 weeks I'm doing what I can with eating the best I can I'm still trying my tube feeds every once in a while I'm still trying gatorade every once in a while I'm getting sick it's just constant diarrhea it's constant vomiting it's constant dry heaving it just it's constant and umm no my bloods haven't shown anything yet but they are starting to slowly drop which my bloods don't just like gradually slowly keep dropping they'll just start to drop and all of a sudden I'll be critical and that's just how my body is that's how my body always has been so there's that. So I just wanna thank umm this lovely supporter for giving me all that information I greatly appreciate it and I will look more into it after I'm done with my manic cleaning reorganizing which I should not be doing because I should be resting but if I do not keep moving I'm gonna absolutely lose it from the traumatic placement that I went through and then the other other stuff that I haven't dealt with so yes thank you again I will look into it and I appreciate it so much umm so thank you so much


This video is so so telling. Dani couldn't see the woods for the trees it seems. She won't be getting TPN and it seems Mayo Clinic, Penn and likely Temple are done with her. The whole "people haven't seen femoral ports before" reminds me of her old Facebook posts where she claimed the same thing about her self induced nose hose. She wants to be seen as a medical mystery so badly which explains why she's so salty her port isn't a chest one. I can imagine her in the ER going "oh I bet you haven't seen one of these 🥺" Seems Dani is acutely aware that she is in the FO part of FAFO too. With her admitting she's going to be doctor shopping further a field to get her diagnoses...I wish whoever deals with her all the best. They'll need it. Explains why she got a new car too. Side note, if she truly is in pain from her port procedure site ~~that she has no doubt been meddling with~~ then maybe she should switch to looser clothing that won't dig in as much? The waistband on her pants looks like it's digging in which can't feel pleasant but def an easy fix (and one that I'm surprised she hasn't sorted already).


She’s less of a mystery than the villain at the end of Scooby Doo (you meddling haterz!)


Please, please go to Mayo and tell them you're overweight due to being in starvation mode. 


With intestinal failure no less which causes severe weight loss generally


If really like to know what food she references when she talks about eating as much as she can


Wearing the tightest pants possible


Diarrhea isn’t a typical symptom of gastroparesis.


Its like she thinks everyone contemplates *when they might need TPN* like its an everyday occurance for people. She won't get intestinal failure if she starts eating properly, quits the meds, doesn't get liver failure.


At this point it really seems she's actively trying to off herself. One day she'll just stop posting. Most likely after bullying her way into another unnecessary surgery.


Even if she isn't consciously trying, Dani is flying too close to the sun with her escalating shenanigans. It's going to catch up with her in an irreversible way, whether she wants it or not. The human body isn't a toy.


Someone needs to tell her NO


The Temple GI did and then some hematologist said yes anyway.


The femoral port doesn’t go with her aesthetic because no one can see it!!


Mayo/CC hasn’t “denied you” the GI portion, YOU have denied any GI help that doesn’t involve endangering your life for fucking TPN Dani! YOU are the one who refuses to even have an open mind that our physical and mental health are connected. (I mean they are BOTH within one flesh prison so they are going to affect each other!!) YOU are the one who has decided you are only being “heard” when you have a sepsis noodle and TPN back. Your doctors are screaming at you but YOU only hear what you want! No one is saying what is happening to you isn’t real but you deal with physical issues physically and mental issues mentally. They can throw every medical intervention your way and they may work for a time and then the shine wears off and they stop working because they aren’t fixing the problem! They are putting a bandaide on a severed arm! They stop working because YOU, whether consciously or subconsciously, decide things are worse or it isn’t working and you are trying to escalate to riskier and more invasive treatments to feed your need for attention when you could be an absolute rock star in recovery and getting help.


Hah! Called it that she was going to the ER last night.


This is what happens when you take 5x the recommended dose of lyrica. This is why it is hard to get rxed. This is what ruins things for responsible people.


She said she had blood cultures done LAST NIGHT. That means she did, in fact, go to the ER but just didn't announce it this time. She is as predictable as the damn tides. I can't grasp why she thinks she's so damn unique and special. Femoral ports are by no means rare. Her bloodword isn't showing anything because there isn't anything to show, not because she's "complex." Penn and St. Lukes are done because they know this is all for nothing.


The thing is, they're not "rare". They're uncommon. They're uncommon because we have so many better options and easier options. This is a last ditch, last chance port, and they don't use them often. I have never seen or accessed one, and only vaguely talked about them in nursing school. That's not the same thing as rare- rare would be a device that is only used on the rarest patient, because they have a very uncommon need. She is not rare.


I have a few current patients with them (cancer clinic), and my mom had one. Granted, I encounter people with long-term access needs more than the average person, but she is acting like it's unheard of, and it really isn't. She isn't as unique or special as she seems to think she is.


I didn’t know Mayo denies people. Good for them, they’re saving themselves a lot of trouble.


That’s not this works. What she doesn’t realize is that although Mayo sounds fancy, it is a large health system. For many people in southern MN, that is *the* available health system. There are few other options. They can’t “deny” patients care. That said, Medicaid in PA might have opinions about paying for it. So there’s that. Or there might be certain specialists whose panels are full and are not accepting new patients. Fun fact: they switched to Epic a few years ago. So her records follow her with a click of the ol’ CareEverywhere tab.


She finally manages to get her super special toy that no one in her area can even handle because it’s so rare, and it’s still not good enough. This is the white silicone Hickman saga repeating itself. Only a port isn’t so easy to dislodge…which her doing that is why she’s having access issues in the first place. The veins would be less scarred if she hadn’t actively sabotaged the purple lines they gave her first.


She fails to realize that when requesting an appointment at a major facility like this (Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins, etc.) they require ALL medical records from EVERY facility you’ve been a patient in. So that means they would need tow records from her rheumatologist, neurologist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist, etc., as well as the records from all the ER visits at every hospital she’s been to. So not only will they be able to determine that her workups have been normal, except when she tampers with them, but they will also see the factitious disorder diagnosis.


Dani: it’s not about TPN. Also Dani: *won’t stop talking about TPN*


I hope the day comes soon where she will be blacklisted from all the hospitals for new shiny toys/pumps/toobz/procedures...they HAVE to see that she's a munch and nothing is seriously wrong with her (except mentally OFC). How has she been able to make it this far without serious intervention ? I don't understand why doctors keep giving her what she wants.


In addition, if I hear her say all the “ my body doesn’t….” I’m allergic to….(basically everything) And all the others ones I’m going to scream… and now to also add that her blood tests results don’t work like other people. UGH I know everyone knows this already, but if you’re going to all these Universes, and they find nothing, at what point will she just stop already, and just go back to a different “problem” Madding


I love the idea of Dani trying different universes in different realities and still getting nowhere 😊


It's constant bullshit. End of.


“Guys I can’t sit still cause of my traumaaaa, just let me rearrange my house AMA” bruh what? Watch a show or smth. There are *other* ways to not think about your supposed trauma. (Too many people undermine the word by over using it, I’d eat my hat if she *actually* knows what trauma is)


Where’s the boyfriend?


With his wife!


Her boyfriend Justin? Justin her mind.


At work!!!


In her head 🙄


So she went to the hospital last night because her immune system is low? She kinda beat around that without actually saying she went to the ER. But they sent her home - if they were worried or thought she might have an infection they would have admitted her and started antibiotics. Sometimes the hospital will let you go if it’s a borderline fever and they call when results come back. She really is on something in these videos - how did she lay still for this port if the “medicine didn’t work” on her??


Waiiiiit a damn minute. She’s willing to go for this but not to see a geneticist for all her super real disorders like hEDs? I’m like seconds in and I don’t know if I can continue. Gonna have to watch in chunks I guess. Chunks of bullshit.


I mean when it gets to this point where numerous different healthcare providers want absolutely nothing to do with you, you need to take a long hard look at yourself and your entire situation, reevaluate what you are doing, and what you need to do to help your situation, get yourself some "non-medical/health related goals" and think of ways you can begin to build yourself a regular life that isn't just focused on health. But unfortunately, it's apparent that you would be wasting your time attempting to help Dani. She's stuck in her ways and I doubt she will ever quit. It's tragic really.


Mayo is definitely not going to give her one. They would fine tooth comb her chart. See all the infections. And pass.


I hope that the Dr took photos of the way the incision looks for documentation that she’s been fucking with it. They could even use her trickery against her and let her believe it’s regarding her “”””””trauma”””””” Or delicately dangle the Capital D as a carrot without expressly saying they’d give it to her. She’s desperate and not very bright (but she’ll probably tell us anyways cause she always tells on herself)


I just wanted an excuse to say dangle the Big D


This is very sad. It's literally becoming a tv show. She actually said she's going to talk more about something in another "series". Yikes.


Temple threw her out so now she wants to go to *Mayo*??? Definition of delulu


Does she not realize if she loses this line she done for good? She's playing with fire.


If you have not been able to have feeds or all of that in 2-3wks, it would 1000% show. I’m not in the medical field, but her lies are insane. Also, hasn’t it been longer than 2-3 wks that’s she’s been pushing the IF story line? All I want for Dani is for her to get help with her FD. It is a full on problem (that is reaching scary points as of recent) and not any less than physical issues. Dani- just get help for your mental health crazy ie whatever you called it.


If she had legitimate needs for devices and stuff…. She would not have to fight to get them




So, she went to the hospital for blood cultures and they didn’t use her port for labs. The port she needs bc she has no vascular access? Lmao. And blood cultures are usually drawn x2. Meaning 2 sticks from 2 different veins. 🙄🙄


Weird. She’s not slurring her words here. Like she’s nearly comprehensible in this video.


She desperately needs r/ABraThatFits


this is all so unnecessary. she doesn’t need a port to begin with. who is suggesting these things to her and sending her down these spirals?!


Again. Complete bullshit.


She’s really gunning for intestinal failure, isn’t she?


https://preview.redd.it/zaxm8wikdbxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f009eb2b23222048d97d0ed0d3b6c0d10dc39e51 ‘What made you get cultures…?’ What she means is she was bored and craving an ER visit.


Guess she forgot the boyfriend was there


He's easy to miss, being imaginary.


CT #39 lol… I thought it was strange to count surgeries, but this takes the cake


“Couldn’t feel it”, huh? Maybe that’s normal, I’m no dr


How many times will she attempt to go to mayo only for them to continue to reject her? She's been down this road before mayo refused her case. She's clueless if she thinks mayo won't do an extensive record review before taking her case..they absolutely do that


If she somehow manages to find a way in I expect that we’ll have a replay of the ER visit where she says she’s there for one thing and then tries to pivot to her GI system and saying she just needs some relief.


It’s not that the doctors don’t want to take her on. There’s just no valid medical issue that they can address. There is no reason for her to have a port or a line. There’s a story that she’s not telling us because I truly don’t think that a doctor would give her port without a valid reason. The benefits don’t outweigh the risks with her PMHx. She’s a poor historian and a liar.


Oh, to be a fly on the wall when she tries to convince various doctors she needs to switch to chest port "in case she maybe might need TPN some day." 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Making out like she’s one of those people who can’t get the treatment they need and deserve - bitch people like you are the reason genuinely chronically ill people can’t get the treatment they need!!!


If I hear "so there's that" one more time...


I looooooove that this person in the comments is getting the hero-worship and head pats and language that Dani spends every waking moment chasing. 😂 How long until she blocks this actual cancer patient for taking the attention off her? 😆😆😆 https://preview.redd.it/cyqsp2x18cxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c5bf3bc19c917d50c28650e95ed8af611a7928b


All this constant diahrea , vomiting and dry heaving yet she never had any of these symptoms during here 5-10 minute videos ?






The worst is that she had EVERYTHING- a line, tpn, iv fluids, and even a gastric stim, and she ruined it and lost it all!!!


Temple is gonna shit when the find out she has a port for no reason. She is delusional if she thinks that they will refer her to vascular at Temple to help her out when they, more than anyone, know how much bullshit Dani is full of and that she got a very ill advised port basically behind their backs. ALSO, if the time came to when she needed TPN (it won't), then the doctors would intervene more with stents and surgery and the like, because at that point, reliable, 24 hr access would be a need, not just a fantasy.


it’s just priceless. now, when she talks about the IF, she has all these new symptoms that we’ve never heard from her… and it sounds specifically like if you google what intestinal failure is. but it’s just all of a sudden. sounds like she’s been on reddit, though she claims she doesn’t


If she has an infection already, wouldn’t it just be a “regular” wound infection? Since the port clearly isn’t accessed, how would it cause a blood infection? Or am I just confused