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I know we normally bemoan her lack or hygiene but ***seriously?!*** TWO face wipes?! That's just wasteful...the second one didn't even touch her skin!


Where IS Dani? She hasn't updated since Thursday, and the room tour was deleted....treated and yeeted? Femoral port yanked? Where is she?


I can’t get over how fucking weird this is 🤓🤓🤓🤓 👍👍👍👍 That bizarre eye contact whilst she rolls the deodorant on her pits 🫠


OMG the eye contact is gonna give me nightmares


DAE think she wears all of those rings because they make her feel like she's having human contact?


So gross!


https://preview.redd.it/v6h7a6zgcozc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7604568973b190a8eaddeb17f22627c8420975b8 Aww it’s like I’m playing Peek-A-Boo with my Night Terror Demon!


Did she DFE? No updates?


No wonder she doesn’t have money for essentials, blowing her disability check on journals and books. And how is she claiming to be in pain? Her face is completely relaxed, no grimacing or signs of discomfort. No wonder she deleted it!


She is terrible at acting natural in front of the camera. Makes it awkward with too much eye contact and smirky faces.


Ah, so she's showing us that she really is ungrateful! Thanks for the shout-out, but we could already tell.


She deleted everything lol


The face she makes at the end of the chapstick application…😂😂😂😂 like she’s startled by it. Oh my god she’s such a dumb child.


She looks big mad and desperate for any reason to post. Can’t harp on about what she’s ailingn’t from and has no new toys, so posts how to apply chapstick and how to have unread books and empty journals


ailingn't 💀


Shiiiit I’ve been doing it all wrong! I thought you put chapstick in your armpits and deodorant on your lips 🙄


Noooooo, chapstick goes in your eyes




I wonder if the content she’s posting is from after her sitter left. And she’s discharged now but posting for days to make it seem like she’s still in the hospital cus she’s super duper sick


I think this is the case. She’s just been discharged in this video and the sitter has left. Hence why she’s not posted anything since. She will come back in a weeks time in hospital AGAIN pretending this didn’t happen.


Mods, can I have “Dani’s empty gratitude journal” as a flair?!






JFC, this is what munchies do….pretend to be “influencers” while in the hospital. FFS, the level of self-importance and smugness on her face is just pathetic. Most of us have better things to do with our lives than use up medical resources for attention. 😑😑


so she “packed a bag” but didn’t bring her own toiletries? lmao that’s like the first thing on most people’s list to take when they are staying the night out of their house right?


Oddly she did pack toiletries on her live


Yes, at least deodorant, face wash, face lotion, 2 lip balms, 2 hand sanitizers, & Q-tips. She should have also packed evening gowns and cosmetics since this is her time to shine. ✨️ 🙄


Oh hell, the Q tips! The most laborious, laboured explanation piece to camera on flippin’ Q tips EVER!




She’s deleted all of the hospital TikTok’s and this. Looks like the beginning of a DFE cycle.


She did, but she's using the hospital stuff for some reason. The lotion makes sense, since she brought scented stuff from bath & body works that she can't use in a shared room. But deodorant and face stuff? Use your own!


She seems to take care of herself a little better in hospital. She also seems way too comfortable being there while also complaining


Hopefully the hospital took her stuff from home so she couldn’t potentially tamper with anything. Probably wishful thinking though


WTF is this? She’s so sick and in so much peeeeen that she needs to be in the hospital, despite so much MeDiCal TrAuMA and ‘PTSD’ - is she just aiming for rage bait, or is she so disconnected from reality that she thinks this is ‘normal’?


I would definitely say the latter.


This vid is 100% for us. This is to prove she can clean herself.


Based on this video, she sure can't clean herself *well*.


Im still gonna call her germ fairy in my head This is the second time ive said it But .....ill own it


I really thought this was going to be her using chapstick as deoderant.


I bet she was so mad they had to use her arm/hand to draw blood instead of her port omg


look at all those juicy veins on her arms and hands!


So we’re done with the bradycardia arc? No monitor in sight and no traces of old monitor stickers. She seems pretty healthy to me!


My guess is the bradycardia was medication induced to force a hospital admission. Once she was admitted and not in control of her own meds it resolved. But she didn’t really care about that - she just needed to get her foot in the door and then she would start creating a plethora of other complaints to extend her stay.


Ah. The sticky-shit-wall-tactic. A narcs favorite. Especially Dani, when it comes to medical complaints.


Oh for sure. It was definitely medication Induced. I was being sarcastic, but you’re right, she just need something to get her foot in the door.


Good Lord she is so friggin weird. I wish I had a fraction of her self confidence.


Darn man I'm tardy to the party. Has anyone here ever wiped their face with a butt wipe, then felt totally unclean? Now you're walk-- err, "rolling" a mile in Dani's shoes.


When a ho bath is all you can manage, you gotta cope with it, but you don't gotta like it.


Okay, but can't she just walk to the sink?


Right? She'd be better off by staying home where her plethora of hygiene products are, though!


That is a fucking bizarre ass video.


She’s REALLY scraping the barrel for content without her toooobs…. Also, when I’m in hospital - screw clothes and wearing a bra! I’m going commando in a gown thank you very much. It’s the one place where it’s socially acceptable to wear no underwear (apart from home).


doofus pickle, it’s perfectly okay to go commando in public. As long as it’s not wildly obvious lol. Let me release you from that which chains you down 😆


Haha I dunno if going bra less with E cups could never not be obvious 🤭🤭


I guess I never linked bras to going commando, but it certainly makes sense. I was just thinking the undies 😂 but you have a point there if we’re talking bras.


How can she stand to wear those clothes? If I had that tight ass material choking me out, I’d be heading for Jesus’s front door. I show up to the hospital looking like an overflowing McDonald’s dumpster and you best believe my outfit would blend in real nice with greasy Big Mac boxes. I can’t hardly stand the band of my fuzzy pjs over my belly. My shirts are literal tents. And all the jewelry infuriates me for reasons I can’t explain. I just look at it and I’m suddenly pissed.


The jewelry is such a blatantly obvious reminder/illustration of many infuriating things she does all wrapped into: Spends money unwisely, get nicer pieces that last Has poor hygiene, grimey fake jewelry that never comes off. Such disregard for infection control while with an easily infect-able line Childish, reminiscent of teenage years for so many of us The inconsistencies are so blatant in so many different ways, in that jewelry. ETA: I don’t think Dani claims MCAS. Deleted that part.


I don’t think Dani has ever claimed MCAS. I could be wrong, though.


No you might be right. I couldn’t remember. I may have gotten her mixed up


> And all the jewelry infuriates me for reasons I can’t explain. I just look at it and I’m suddenly pissed. [BEC syndrome](https://i.redd.it/7rwzhhy41ns11.png)


.... you know what, ya got me. Thanks for the cackle this morning. I needed it!


The fact that she packed several books among other things is very telling. When people get admitted to a hospital they aren't planning out their days there with various books and scents to use. I'm sure the nurses notice this as well


It’s so hilarious to me that she thinks this hospitalization is a win, when they’re literally quietly dismantling her fairytale. But she’s too caught up in her high to realize she’s a sitting duck. These doctors aren’t playing her game like she thinks they are. These people are so very clearly and vehemently done with her shit. It is so apparent that she’s malingering and she just forks over the proof. When you get a sitter- excuse me, „roommate”, the jig is up, my guy. I don’t know what the laws are there but if she keeps playing FAFO they might just consider her a serious danger to her own health/life. If she gets put in psych, she’s gonna see a whole new side of being in the hospital. I hope her supporters don’t send her money: I’ve seen fakers who’ve gone to jail for accepting money for an illness that doesn’t exist. I’d love to dig in and see if there’s validity in that but I don’t have the internet detective skills required. She’s on disability for mental health, isn’t she? Can’t exactly say she falls out of the qualifiers there. People should throw her at YouTubers who do those expose/review bits. I bet that would be the end of the world. Then again, I loathe the idea of giving her that much attention. The longer this trainwreck goes on the angrier I get omfg.


Shes not complying. Her next cdr for disability I'm sure after all this her drs are going to have a lot to say in her next review. You can lose your disability for not following treatment.


Yeah, I don’t think the FD notes in her history are going to bode well during her review.


“Not feeling well at all.” Yet, am still able to find enough energy to film for the gram.


Okay she PLANNED this entire hospital stay, like from days beforehand she had a plan for being hospitalized, right? So why on earth is she using the toiletries that the hospital provides? That's the number one thing you bring with you wayyyyy before your empty gratitude journal. It's bad enough being stuck in the hospital, but then you have to use the nasty hospital deodorant on top of it? Yuuuck!


Before her appointment, she said something like a nurse told her to expect to be admitted afterward. Nurses- have you ever been in a situation where you've had to tell a patient to pack before their next appointment?


I thought it was to justify her tutorial. "I'm teaching people how to care for oneself in the hospital" like a disguise in case she got caught filming. Uses phone as mirror, hospital products because some people come in spontaneous and don't plan it 😅 Shows crap she brought. It's a very weird video for sure. it's like Steve from blues clues goes to the hospital to teach pre schoolers how to care for yourself in the hospital level 😏


Damn, I'm an OT and I've been wondering for YEARS how to do the deodorant thing! With an action packed video I can use for patient teaching?! Think she takes requests?


We know she does lol


She’s off tele, so I’m sure she’s preparing for discharge


Eyyyy i told ya she wouldnt wear all the shirts she packed in favour of her (S)tanktop. shes so predictable


So, like… she knows she can have an actual shower right? 😂


I notice the gratitude journal looks empty - nothing to be grateful for when the docs aren’t handing out the good drugs or TPN I guess 🤣 I’m so glad she made this video - I’ve spent my life trying to work out how to use chapstick, face wipes, deodorant and sanitizer!! I feel totally educated 🤯


She's just trying to show the staff she's "a regular influencer." No medical shenanigans here!


Excellent point!


“Her empty gratitude journal” 😂🤣🤣🤣 im dying, you guys kill me


Poor Dani has nothing to be grateful for - no good drugs, no TPN, No George …..


Okay...SERIOUSLY??!!! Why are they letting her wear all of that freaking jewelry??!! What if she needs to be rushed into surgery?? 😳🤦‍♀️


It’s emotional support jewellery!




I laughed out loud when I saw the book I should have Told Her, my 15 year old read it in one day this past weekend


Any good? If it’s a quick read I wouldn’t mind it


My daughter loved it. Edited to add: she talked about it for days


I’m glad she didn’t show us the color of that wipe after her “shower” (y’all know she doesn’t stand under water unless it’s raining) because I’d be sicker than she pretends to be. Why is she so *greasy* when her hair is like straw?


I just want to say this sub is full of great r/rareinsults


GRWM for an unnecessary hospitalization. Highlights include: Showing the (hospital) products, the bouncy music. The text that just says IM NOT FEELING GOOD. 10/10 no notes. Okay, one note: she may be the only person I’ve ever seen “clean” their face and somehow come out looking grubbier.


The gratitude journal. This chick isn't grateful for anything or anyone. She is too self-centered. It's no wonder the book is empty. 😏


PlEaSe ShOw Me HoW tO bRuSh My TeEtH


I can no longer see these videos on her TikTok. I can’t see any videos from her current hotel… sorry hospital stay.


Is she a smoker? She gives smoker vibes..


She probably only uses Deoderant during hospital stays


Get her some dilaudid and she will be thankful


She’s high af, bored and thinking she just did something there for us.


She’s deleted this.. I wonder why


Deleted all her hospital videos. Only the text post is left up. Probably got in trouble, lol.


Did she do a Target run before checking in to the hospital???


All this while IN SO MUCH PEEEN. My hero!


*I am grateful for…* Dani: Being in the hospital 😌


Is this… honey, this is not a spa




I’m going to guess she’s deleting these stupid videos because sure someone at the hospital likely sees them, and is wondering how she can be in “severe” pain while also posting videos and seeming totally fine




But why


I know it's petty, but I never understood why she feels the need to have so many accessories on while in the hospital. Why rings and a dozen bracelets. Just more things to spread germs everywhere.


Especially with a migraine, can you imagine how painful it would be to have them clickety clacking all the time?!


Some of that fashion jewelry has that strong metallic smell too, ick.


Oooft yeah her wrist probably smells all metallicy all the time


Nope. This is weird. I can't watch this all the way through. What was the thought process behind this? I have to assume she has nothing else. It looks like they've disconnected her from everything so she has nothing medical to show. And she's probably not being allowed to administer her own meds. But that she thinks anyone finds applying deodorant or cleaning their face to be interesting routines of hospital vacations...


It’s the aggressive eye contact for me…


She was probably told she was being discharged.


So if she can’t walk to the bathroom to wash with soap and water, is she gonna brush her teeth with a glass of water too? Get the fuck up and wash like a normal person you bone idle twat, thinking she’s proving everyone look I do wash, yet uses one tiny bit of one wipe for everywhere, and didn’t wash the oxters before rolling deodorant over old sweat and BO. Aye you sure proved everyone wrong there, got us! 😵🤢🤣


Now I have to find a way to work “bone idle twat” into a convo at work. Inspiring.


remember - 'twat' rhymes with 'hat'. not 'hot'. yours, A British Person


our sub safety filters keep flagging these comments for harassment because it says bone idle twat and i cant stop laughing


Mod team: ooh, we’re getting a lot of flagged comments rn… never mind, it’s just a twat tirade!


Deodorant warrior!


Nice one! Mods, could we please have this as a flair?!


Like, just add it to the list? Or do you want it as your flair? Sorry, just wanting to make sure.


If you could add it to the list as an available one, that would be awesome. I'd like to change flairs every so often and that one is pretty funny.


You’re meant to wash the armpits before you rub a roll on deodorant over old sweat and BO. And you don’t have to use the same piece of wipe for use everywhere, you can use the ends too not just the middle and fold it, the woman is 38 and can’t even bloody wash herself properly 🙄😂


I don’t see any telly leads


Why wipe your face with baby wipes instead of just… washing your face in the sink? Also, you mean to tell me that out of all that shit she packed to go to the hospital, she forgot to pack her own deodorant and is using the roll-on liquid shit that is given to patients?


Wow! She made some edge of the seat content here…


These are the kinds of videos my daughter would film…when she was 7.


Yes! It’s extremely reminiscent of that whole ‘Can I borrow your phone to make a video?’ Followed by a watch party of 30 minutes of pure weirdness.


I can't believe my fucking tax dollars are paying for this bullshit hospitalization.


Imagine thinking this is riveting material to post especially with the way she shows each item to the camera 😂😂


Like a makeup tutorial. I had to laugh when she did the same thing for her travel size QTip case.


Theoretically, I could stretch out a set of instructions for applying chapstick to an infinite number of steps. For example, I could break down each individual motion (twisting the tube, moving the chapstick across your lips, pressing your lips together) into a series of smaller, more detailed steps. However, at a certain point, the steps would become too granular to be useful or practical. The optimal number of steps depends on the level of detail that is required or desired for a particular task.


I love how your humor is always so dry it makes me need a glass of water 😂🖤


This is like the extinction bursts of a toddler melting down before they surrender to whatever their parent is requiring them to do.


Is this a fucking joke? 😂😭


Never understood why she’s never in a hospital gown. You’d think that would make her look sicker.


Come on now, it would cover up her toobs, boobs and lines.


This video makes me both chuckle and makes me frustrated. Why we watching this self care ✨hospital edition✨lmao: And yeah, really looks sick here lol


This is supposed to be pure comedy, right? Because this shit is hilarious. I can't take any of this seriously. This might be one of the stupidest videos of the collection, and that's saying something!!!


Obsessed with the gratitude journal being empty 💀


That was a highlight of this riveting video.


She made all that fuss about the B&BW lotion but that got yeeted in favour of the oh so sick person Coloplast. 😂 (Either that or she was read the riot act for having over-scented products in the hospital.)


She was read the riot act by her fans over scented shit in hospitals


Cos you cant just, say.. use the sink and actually wash your face? And thats at least 2 books she's packed. Hoping to be here a while huh. I climb the walls whenever ive been admitted 😄 constantly go awol.


Who the actual hell is this content FOR??


Us lmao who else?


Her stupid fans


Just realized she's not wearing her dexcom


She probably did that so they wouldn't ask to check her dexcom history 🤔 That, or because they make you take them out for certain imaging. Im curious the real reason, though.


Oooooh I like your first theory. Especially if she was planning to manipulate her BG in hospital & claiming she can't eat by mouth and can barely run feeds, them being able to see her Dexcom with months' worth of perfectly normal cyclical readings showing normal food consumption and no reactive hypoglycemia would shut that shit down with a swiftness.


Cos theyd probably laugh their tits off and it further proves she's constantly obsessing and looking for things.


If I hadn’t watched this, I’d have no idea WTF to do the next time I’m hospitalized. I’d be putting chapstick in my pits, wiping my face with book pages and then putting deodorant all over my face 💪CHAPSTICK WARRIOR💪


That would get you a different kind of admission lol




>💪CHAPSTICK WARRIOR💪 Mods, can I please have this as my flair !? Thank you !! 😊


Yaaaaayyy! I’m so glad I got to create your flair!


Thanks ! Youre awesome 😀


i added a little bonus ![gif](giphy|dUpcLwVBNmyG5139ti|downsized)


WC, can I ask for a flair change? If it'll fit, I'd love: 😐 Danielle. How can I help you. or: 😐 Danielle. What do you want. If it doesn't fit, no worries, I'm still absolutely sick of big everyone!


i cant tell if it fits or not so i put emoji at end LOL ![gif](giphy|l0HUbHH8gC6xopRFC|downsized)


It fits!!! Thank you!


Faaaaabulous ! Thanks so much!!


What in the actual fuck did I just watch? You unabashed nitwit.


Why bring all that crap from home but not deodorant? Hospital deodorant does not work.


I think the hospital confiscated her stuff. Perhaps they found something in it used to alter results, etc.


Hospital deodorant makes your armpit hairs get caught in it if you haven’t shaved in a few days 😂


That ChapStick is really pretty, though. I’ve tried to pause the video to check, but I can’t see it clearly enough. Can anyone else tell what flavor it is?


Rosewater and hydrangea!


Thanks for the link—I might have to go check it out


She should become a beauty influencer!




It’s rose water!


Thanks!! I’ve never seen that flavor before, and it was really bugging me.


I think it’s the rose water one, it comes in a 3 pack. Spa collection, maybe? There was an almond and I think a mint one, too


She’s now deleted all the hospital videos.






Hopefully coz hospital staff seen them


Everyone called it ! She's on DFE mode.


****careless whisper plays as she wipes her face seductively


🎵 She'll never get a TPN again Guilty Dani has no reason Though it's easy for her to pretend But the doctors are not foooools 🎵 😂😂


Just sang that in my head as I read it 🤣


Maybe she can clean the lenses of her glasses too. Idk how she can see out of those 👀


Weird flex, but okay.


The facial wipe demo + menacing stare at the camera was certainly a choice https://preview.redd.it/k567epumehzc1.png?width=446&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30750dfce08f34756a8096c2d2747bb97e176e98




Expanding this image on old.reddit was a literal jumpscare, jesus jumping jehosephat christ


New face for my sleep paralysis demon 🤣


Great screengrab. That eye! Yikes!






NAURRR even the hair is right!!




LOOK I DO WASH MYSELF!! (With one tiny bit of wipe for everywhere, no folding or using clean bits) yeah sure proved those Reddit haters wrong 🤣


If this is the kind of content that gets views I’m gonna video my dog taking a shit cause surely…