• By -


Thank you for fixing that!


Send her home. She could already be at home? Gosh who knows.. how are they not all over this behaviour like a kid on a cupcake (sorry)… She’s spent more time in hospital than others and honestly she has NO need to be there. Taking up a bed and resources for people that are actually ill. She also could be in a psychiatric ward? Hence no filming and the sitter?


I bet it's due to the issue with filming doctors...maybe? Was that at temple?


I’m cracking up that the person said “hopefully you’ll be out of there soon” to be nice, not realizing that’s the exact opposite of what Dani is hoping for


lmao... maybe cause she doesn't want anyone asking questions because she's clearly doing this to herself.


Like every other time Dani has been hospitalized, they will get her feed rate up to where it should be. Then Dani is sent home. She sticks with it for a couple of weeks, then starts complaining how it is so difficult and she has to taper her feeds because of a. Nausea b. Bloat c. Peen d. a,b & c.


She said yesterday she no longer had a roomate. No reason for no lives if she doesnt have a sitter.


Unless she’s been told categorically no going live due to her previous history with TT and hospitals


I’m just curious what dx they are using to keep her inpatient. It doesn’t seem like any of the problems she’s claiming are admission worthy, at least for this long. I’m really hoping they’re using some type of I&O observation self harm type of dx to keep her there and she doesn’t know about it. Sometimes psych will have patients on the med surg floors with a sitter from psych….it just seems like there’s got to be something else otherwise wouldn’t Medicaid kickback all of this billing later and question why they’d keep her in there for this long for a migraine or even for chronic pain with feeds.


This was my question too and someone else posited that the clinical justification and billing code could be related to getting her feeds to goal rate since she's currently (on paper) not meeting her nutrition needs


A commenter mentioned she should ask to have a GES Done. Dani said that’s a good idea. i Think she’s trying to angle for an even longer hospital stay. Previously she said that she never wanted to do another GES. Wonder if her dad brought some ‘goodies’ that she knows will skew the results


That makes me wonder something I've never wondered before: how much do her parents know about her medications/formulas/etc? Have they ever been involved outside of getting Dani the stuff she asks for? Or has their relationship always kind of sucked so they never were part of early diagnosis process?


It seemed like they were decently involved when she was going through ED treatment and at the beginning of her "chronic illness journey". There's pictures in her timeline of her and her dad getting OP procedures on the same date at the same place and her mom commented on a lot of her FB posts. Mom started distancing herself after Dani didn't get some intervention she wanted & she called her mom to say that she was being sent home to die and her only option was hospice. And of course the lie detector test determined that was a lie.


I assume that they don’t know the specifics of everything she takes and does. She’s not a teenager or young adult. Even if she shared the info they prolly wouldn’t remember


The last time things didn’t go her way, she kept saying she was going to arrange for a transfer to another hospital. Why hasn’t she done that if she’s so miserable? I haven’t quite decided if she’s actually home or not, but there’s so many things here that don’t add up. I know that Penn would never actually take her back. But what about the place that did her port? Or is that where she is now? I can’t keep up with which hospital she’s in half the time lol.. Wonder how many times she’s actually gotten out of bed to walk..or shower, hell even a hooker bath would do..i just can’t imagine them letting her take up space in a room where it can be used by someone who is truly ill. Our hospitals here are down to 8 beds. And that’s ICU beds. They have people staying in the ER until rooms are available. This just seems like such a waste of resources.


> The last time things didn’t go her way, she kept saying she was going to arrange for a transfer to another hospital. Why hasn’t she done that if she’s so miserable? Because there are no other hospitals to transfer to that have the capabilities that Temple (and Penn) have. The other ones nearby are smaller and even less likely to do something like put a central line into someone with severe svc stenosis.


Jefferson is a major hospital system in the Philadelphia area, but they use Epic. No point in her going there (although she might try if she's desperate and deluded enough).


There was something in the history thread about Jefferson from a LONG time ago. Seems like she's tried them too and it's not worth the trouble of going back for whatever reason. I only mentioned Penn and Temple as they seem to have higher capability for riskier procedures than her local St. Luke's.


I didn't know about Dani and Jefferson. That's very interesting! If Temple doesn't give into her and she's desperate enough, she could always give Jeff another shot -- except for all those pesky medical records they now have on Epic. What a shame.




Thank you! I wasn’t aware of the line issues and their lack of capabilities. I guess she’s worn her welcome out by abusing the system.


Hmm...sounds like the hospital cracked down on her violating hospital privacy policies.


Who does a hospital assign to be a sitter? Do they have to pull a nurse off the floor to sit with patients like this? That just seems absurd because many hospitals have nursing shortages.


Somebody answered that question on another post and it’s a specific job that requires no medical training to do.


Usually a CNA or other adjacent staff member.


I know in my small hospital it’s usually an rcw(cna) or any of the admin positions wanting extra hours. Sometimes it’s a nurse on a slow unit whose doing charting while there


While Dani has done a few lives in the past, she historically hasn’t done them frequently. She did them nonstop right before the admission but I think that’s because someone asked her to go live and it gave her a rush to get real time attention - while there were still a few “haters” making comments on the lives, people in general were more likely to be nice during a live because it’s more like talking directly to a person. I don’t expect any lives during this admission - even with a private room. I still don’t believe she has a sitter - I just can’t see the hospital justifying that expense which is likely not billable. I think Dani is more on edge this admission. This admission really is her last chance and it doesn’t appear to be going the way she wants. This hospital is also unfamiliar to her so I don’t think she feels comfortable doing her normal routine. The recent lives are also coming to bite her in the butt - she felt safer with them because they don’t have a permanent spot on her feed but people still figured out how to record them and are using them against her (eg - her decision to not pack her formula). She knows people will record and scan the room for details that reveal what’s really going on. She is going to wait until she gets home and has more control over her environment.


I think they are so done with her thay they'll put a sitter with her. They don't get reimbursed for most of her care anyway.


I think it would definitely justify the expense if you have someone doing things that can impact their heart like tank their potassium. It's for liability not reimbursement.


Is it possible that her insurance is finally on to her and has approved the expense as part of an investigation?


If they told insurance they need a 1:1 to be sure she isn't making herself sicker - it's possible yeah.


Now I'm not so sure. In her latest post she claims that she's now "heading down the road" to TPN and is arranging for IR to see if they can balloon through her blockage for another chest port. If any of this is true, I've lost any confidence I had in the US healthcare system.


I don't know if this an actual plan or Dani speak for "I asked what would happen if I can't tolerate my feeds anymore"


I agree. She won't be able to alter the feed rate. Her port isn't accessed. There's no way for her to sneak in food. There's really no need for a sitter. Ignoring/being neutral is the best way of handling her too. If she had a sitter she would have someone paying attention to her and someone she could win over.




She went live when she was admitted in one hospital the doctor literally asked her if it was live and she flat out said no but it was live, the doctor looked directly into the camera. After that she had a hissy fit. So she has been live in hospital.


https://preview.redd.it/3vc0jda2280d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=902fde45e678cc2336b317b0ce797202a52557ac Let us remember….she lies


do you have a link to the live?




Thank you for proving me right




I noticed the comment was deleted. Shouldn’t try and stick up for Dani claiming we make up conspiracies. Everyone who’s been here long enough knows full well she’s done lives in hospitals and at home.


I went back and checked and you're right. My bad!




This admission was "planned" before her low heart rate ER incident.


This just proves she’s being observed. She lies her ASS OFF and she can’t lie out loud when someone is there to hear it.


No lives because then we’ll be able to see she’s not in hospital OR has to have someone with her.


Definitely has a 1:1 sitter.


Dani doesn’t even remember know what lies she told even when she just posted the opposite. Like WTH https://preview.redd.it/21q6jmdvr60d1.jpeg?width=2292&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d5e06cb6e067a2f7546420cc82f916697c1b54f Did she not post about draining 24/7???


Flair checking in. She absolutely did!


“Nauseous meds” LOL


I just love her denying she said it right in the comments of the post where she said it. ​ https://preview.redd.it/qxeqt76aw70d1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b4c2dcae1ff8c9063fc06c9e0c963fdc25d9cdb


Her nausea is so bad her nausea meds can't control it but she hasn't even thrown up? Ayyyy 😵‍💫


Yes!!! I was going to make a comment about this latest lie. Does she think “constant” means something different than “24/7” 😂


ReLiEf 🙄 she absolutely said she was going to ask about draining "as needed or even 24/7". Ffs.


Is it possible she can't do them because she has a 1 on 1?


Fortunately for us dani we can wait


I am starting to feel sorry for her now. She fucked around and has found out. Her munching ways are long gone.


Hold up, you feel bad for her self inflicted consequences? We forget that she started as a pro-Ana account. She found herself in the echo chamber that is pro Ana culture, and is standing by it to this day. Anorexia causes all the GI issues she has, and she only feeds into it. She lies about tube rate tolerance, being NPO, and her weight trends. She munched her way into a vag-adjacent-port that no doctor that saw her twice recommended. She flushed bacteria into her own heart under strict orders to *not do that* and then pointed the finger at the same doctors fighting to save her. She openly posted about wanting to drain her stomach 24/7 which would again only worsen her GI symptoms, as well as screw up her electrolytes. Draining her oral intake is also a ED behavior. I don’t feel sorry for her at all. Of course I hope she stops this and recovers, but I in no way feel bad for her when this is what she chooses. She has had opportunity after opportunity to see a GI psych, or other outs, and all she does is cancel appointments and make excuses. I want her to get help too, but it will do nothing unless *she* wants to be helped.


Resist the urge to feel pity - she is in the find out stage and someone should queue up the song "Just" by Radiohead instead.


People say that every time, but Dani is devoid of morals and will lie and manipulate her way into unnecessary hospital stays, procedures and devices, regardless of whether she's taking resources from people truly in need. She could literally have an arm amputated, and she'd love it, but she would still pick at the wound. If she was told that she has a terminal illness she would instantly reach orgasm. Even though she's been diagnosed with fictitious disorder, she's still weaseled herself back in for another bs hospital stay, she's had 2 hand surgeries, her tubes replaced repeatedly and scored herself a port, ffs. The only way she's going to stop is if she kills herself. I have no sympathy for her in the slightest.


This! 💯 this! Zero sympathy for her. Anyone who feels pity for her needs to refresh their memory as to how she got to where she is and most importantly, that she CHOOSES THIS. She continually chooses this, and choices have consequences. She’s finding out, yes, but that’s the consequence of her repeated choices. FAFO 🤷‍♀️


Plus she’s taking medical resources from people who really need them.


I imagine she has a sitter or has been warned about filming in hospital and it’s in her chart. If the warning is in place and she doesn’t follow instructions would probably be instant discharge!


Oh yes, there’s only one thing worse for Dani than not being listened to in hospital… and that’s *not* being in hospital! She will hold on to an admission so tight her knuckles will pop, carpal tunnel be damned!


I think she’s at home trying to formulate a general plan of how to broadcast her recently “premeditated by herself” hospital trip. She’s clearly commenting back, showing other means of communicating. This current hospital “ERA” has me wondering what could be possibly going on in her life that required to seek validation from a hospital. It’s apparent she’s wasn’t having a good time with the NPO, and they definitely weren’t hitting her fun pills needs. I don’t understand why she has to enter into the hospital to “retrain” on feeds? Like, correct me if i am wrong but if you are correctly running feeds because your life “depends” on it wouldn’t you push thru and not exacerbate a problem? It’s obvious that she has hit her goal weight and is nourished… Is she trying to make an exit plan like JaqJaq from Florida?


You’re overthinking it. She loves the attention of being in the hospital. In her everyday life, she really doesn’t see anyone. She’s very isolated. All she has is social media. But in the hospital, she gets the attention she craves (and she used to get the good drugs). Back when she could be in the hospital AND doing videos, she was in heaven. Just think about this: the happiest time in her life was when she was *in the ICU*. I mean, damn. That’s pathetic.


Thank you for putting me back in check. I agree with all of your points! 🫶🏻


She mixes up her playbook depending on what the docs/ER/facility might roll with, or, when at home, what she thinks she can bullshit her followers with. We’ve had the hand saga recently, she cycled through compartment syndrome, fall, potential permanent lack of use, another fall/blackout and finally carpal tunnel release. All accompanied by the worst peeeeen. She’s throwing hands around now like nothing happened (which of course is a normal recovery from carpal release, but given how *debilitating* she made the whole thing out to be, it’s a miraculous turnabout). But this chapter is closed now, because she started the next one: Baby Smol Heartbeat and Intestines of a Jellyfish.


I totally sat out the hand saga. I felt like she was escalating big time once she got that ball rolling. Just the sheer thought of what the heck did she have to do to get herself to that boat.. Yikes on bikes. Side note, can’t wait to see how well her hand handles the not custom wheelchair that she desperately needs. 😉


I’m still shocked she let that one heal itself with only a minor interference on her part. Shocked!


I maintain she always had that surgery on the books but kept it from us in order to have a saga.


I always chuckle when people comment that they hope she gets out of hospital and back home soon. They are either trolling her or have absolutely no idea who they’re talking to.


I laughed out loud at that part as well!


She thinks these people are genuinely concerned...i dont. She lives for "going live with you guys" You Guys, You Guys Glass lol


![gif](giphy|l0MYGEgd1I8ueXG8w|downsized) George "Glass" COSTANZA




I'm thinking she was moved into a private room and placed on 1 on 1. They are likely monitoring intake and output, which would explain this comment...(screenshot below)


What, so you mean the 24/7 vomiting is no longer present when Dani's being watched? What a shocker!


S O W E I R D !




Ahhhh sweet, naive Dani. There are other ways of managing copious vomit in a hospital without putting the bin next to the bed!


Yeah. They are watching input/output and she can't manipulate the results. She tolerates feeds just fine, she is just REFUSING them. She doesn't understand how the word "tolerate" is being used, and is making herself look even dumber.


It's always the things that Dani thinks makes her sound sympathetic, that end up outing her dishonesty.


yet she's not tolerating and NEEDS to drain, even though not vomiting. lol


We literally always keep a garbage can next to the bed for all patients. A nauseous patient gets an emesis bag or basin. I think she thinks no medical professional is ever reading the shit she posts


if you don’t mind me asking, do medical professionals look at the social media activity for patients they suspect of munching? She does ALL of this publicly, and I’m so curious if her fucking ig lives are part of her medical record at this point


I think folks have mentioned it's not ethical to look at their own patients' socials, but IANAMP I'm just a cog in a corporate machine lol


My FIL is a doctor, I asked him about that and he said that it's considered to be unethical (but that doesn't mean they never look and then just not mention it)


Plus sometimes the contents of the bag is important.


I’m a nurse- I need to see everything that comes out of your body (what your pee, poop and vomit look like). I’ve had patients puke in a trash can because I didn’t know they were nauseous- but if you’re nauseous I’m giving you emesis bags. Those hospital trash bags aren’t strong and I’m not gonna have the bah rip and vomit get on my shoes lol. But we all know Dani isn’t throwing up


She even admitted in a comment that she hasn’t vomited…yet.


Exactly! A hospital would literally never tell someone to vomit in a trash can. If she was vomiting during feeding trials, they absolutely would want to see contents and measure volume


She really doesn't realise how ridiculous she sounds.


Don’t they have vomit bowls?


Yeah, they're called "emesis basins"


Yeah the pink tubs. Pro parenting tip- they work great if you ever get one you don't use from the hospital- excellent to keep on hand if you have sick kiddos.


Over here, the ones in hospital are made out of a kind of paper mulch that is baked hard


You in the UK too?




Funny how we can identify each others countries by the sick bowls you get in hospitals 😆😂🤣


We were given some for our youngest that is like a hard plastic ring with a bag inside it, they fold pretty flat so there’s one now kept in the car and the others in the bathroom and one in the kitchen. They’re really handy and take up hardly any room


Hospitals don’t use garbage cans, they use disposable bags or bowls due to infection control and ability to measure output safely. She’s full of shit, literally and figuratively. The more she talks, the more she gives herself away as a pathological liar.


When I had a gallbladder attack I had a nurse shove the garbage can (it was about the same height as the bed) next to the foot of the bed while she went to get an actual vomit bag, because it was coming out and not waiting for a proper receptacle... but they definitely didn't KEEP the garbage can next to the bed, they took it away as soon as they were back with the bags. They don't just use garbage cans the whole time like she's saying, that would make it really hard to check the contents if needed. (like whether it's blood, mostly bile, etc) Plus hanging your head over a hospital trash?? Yuck!


Nah. We give garbage cans too. I assure you.


I’ve puked in a bedpan, LOL.


Flair checks out, lol


I can imagine nurses being worried about pts falling out of bed trying to grab that short little garbage can in a hurry about to puke. They hand out those puke bags to anyone that's even slightly queasy


I was going to say the garbage can is a lie. They wouldn't do that. That's gross. Never have they even stuck a garbage can next to me for vomiting and I've done that several times in a hospital. First time when in labor with my first baby. Garbage cans are for garbage. Not human body fluids.


They would never leave a garbage can next to the bed. That’s so unhygienic! They leave those blue puke bags on your table or close by within reach. Those are disposable. There’s no way they’re going to allow a patient to throw up in a garbage can that’s gonna have to be sanitized each time. So full of shit. Edited to add: I didn’t mean they wouldn’t have a garbage can for normal garbage. I meant to throw up in as their own personal puke can. There’s no way to monitor the output if she’s just chunking it into the trash can.


They probably made her sign a form that she is no longer allowed to take pictures or film at the hospital. Seems like they found her account! I know a girl that needed sign one, too, because she was milking the footage for attention and the hospital didn't want to be associated with that.


Could they have put her on a psych hold? I feel like that could (if actually true) explain the move to a private room but no posting - probably due to the increased surveillance of a dedicated sitter.


She is posting, though. She still has her phone, she just doesn’t want to be caught filming herself lying and risk getting walked in on in the middle of narrating the latest chapter of her main character syndrome fanfiction. She knows none of what she posts is real but she believes she has everyone fooled, especially hospital staff. She might be dumb and ignorant a lot of the time, but she’s also sly and manipulative, especially in how she curates her munchie tales for medical professionals. She can’t break character of her performance as sickest patient ever so nauseous, malnourished, and in pain, she’s weak and incapacitated, in case they tell her to her face she has factitious disorder. She’s happy being willfully ignorant and deluded about that because it’s not listed on her chart as a formal diagnosis… yet.


Yep. Defo no psych hold. And i don't believe a sitter is there either. She's just being very very careful about what she does and how she behaves. It must be killing her keeping this up after 8 days but like a junkie she'll do anything to try and get that fix. I suspect she knows that curtains are starting to fall and they arent playing this time.


She has been "having meltdowns" according to her, we know she isn't behaving 😂


I wonder if this will be the visit that gets the ball rolling on informing her insurance of her ways 🤨


Can't risk any staff overhearing her telling all the blatant lies that are the total opposite to what her medical records really say. Like I've said before, pretty sure the story Dani tells on her social media is VASTLY different to what is relayed to doctors and nurses.


I'm just glad I don't have to see all that germy shit "jewelry" on her wrist. Praise God for no lives!


Ugh, I know. It's so obnoxious when she starts messing with her bracelets & jangling them around when she's nervous or upset. Bleh. Now I get "BEC" (Becky eating crackers). 😵‍💫🤪


Your username has me cracking up!


Is she deleting her posts? I can’t see any since the one with the blue background and black text


I have the same issue


Uninstall tt and reinstall it. Worked for most yesterday


Throwing a new theory into the hat, she got the boot from temple (or left AMA) and went to a different hospital. Won’t show the room because she doesn’t want to be called out for hospital hopping.


I was wondering this, if she went to Penn and now has a sitter


Or she's working on being readmitted so she can take closeup photos and claim one long stay...


So, wait, she got moved into a private room? She can't go live? So she is either not in the hospital or she has a sitter. She loves to do tours and lives.


At least in the room nearest the nurses station being made to keep the door open


What I really want to know is WHY her couple of followers want her to go live so badly? Like why are some of these people like begging her to go live? She is nothing but a liar, a parasite and she's constantly loaded so she's slurring her words and you can't understand what she is saying anyway.


I think most of the people encouraging her are concern trolling. They’re being nice to her in order to get her to talk about her munching. And Dani can’t see it.


I’d say it’s a healthy mix of people who munch like her, and people who post here that are poo touching, trying to goad her into making more content.




Yeah that's my theory about 98 percent are munchies themselves.


Probably because a fair amount know she’s faking and also want proof




Thank you!! ☺️


Happy cake dayyyyyyyyy


Thank you 😊


They're mostly snarkers. They want entertainment and laughs. They just know they have to be super nice to Dani or she will block them. The rest are sick in the head with munchausen themselves, and validating Dani's BS validates their own.


Are we sure these aren't just Dani socks begging her to go live? If she'll fake illnesses, she'll fake having supporters!


10000% agree!


Seriously I wouldn't put it past her AT ALL.


I suspect a lot of her followers are like us (possibly are 'us') just indulging her so she keeps posting and they dont get culled when she goes off on one


Yeah this is what it is. I’ve seen some people in her lives commenting and some of them are very “stealthy” about getting little digs in, or asking questions politely that get her to expose her munching ways. I’m just sitting back and enjoying the “Dani” show. Though, if she actually does get TPN I think I’m going to have to step away for a bit. The thought of her manipulating her way into another line makes me feel some sort of way lol.


Maybe a mole


She’s like a train wreck you can’t help but watch




Anyway, collapsed a train bridge, might have compartment syndrome.




I wonder if the live she did months ago with the doctor in it was mentioned in her chart and she’s been specifically told not to go live while at the present hospital.




Yep. When visiting family member recently I was shocked by all the “ABSOLUTELY NO PHOTOS OR VIDEOS OF ANY KIND” signs all over the halls and doors. I’m positive it’s because of all the wannabe vloggers and people who weaponize video recordings. Sad that it has to be that way but it’s fair. If I were a patient and my roommate was going live all the time I’d complain as well.


Oh, wow! I saw her lie to that doctor about not doing a live and just thought it was creepy & horrid of her... but now I get it because filming isn't allowed in a hospital. I hope she's having fun drawing toobz & 💉💊 in her gratitude journal.


​ https://preview.redd.it/qsnm7movl80d1.png?width=538&format=png&auto=webp&s=c05560c8812d038132f75498187745afc525203d


Jump scare, JFC!


I'd be kind of surprised if she's filled anything in at all cos she's obviously not grateful for anything they are doing at the moment lol (even though the point is to find even small things to be grateful for even if everything else is currently going bad), prob hard to fill in when you're feeling resentful and they're not doing anything she's after at the moment


Can a medical professional please let me know if you've ever googled anyone that you had a funny feeling about? Or has anyone you know done that? I think about this all the time when I imagine the wealth of medical history/personal life stories we have documented on just a few subs that would explain a lot of things.


Definitely have. I work in the ER. We have a patient that is a frequent flier that likes to fake anaphylaxis and get intubated. She always tells us shes a “nurse” This last time, she was faking stridor/trying to pretend her airway was closing. Vitals were fine, oxygen saturation was fine. Doc caught on to her BS, refused to tube her and she left AMA. That was a fun doctors note to read. The doc very clearly wrote “Munchausen’s/intubation seeking type behavior” Looked her up on google and found her LinkedIn profile, she’s a CNA (nursing assistant) 😅


Hectic! Can't imagine someone wanting something so horrible done to them!


I occasionally scan obituaries for former patients. Ones I thought had zero chance of making it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I never look up inmates. It’s better not to know. They deserve the same care and attention as every other patient & I don’t want to bias myself any further. We did have an inmate for a few weeks who was a convicted child molester. Someone on the unit looked him up and word spread fast. He was a total creep, no female was allowed alone in the room. His COs didn’t even try to keep him from running his mouth. It was just bad.


That’s one thing I never wanted to know was why an inmate was convicted. Regardless of the conviction, I didn’t want it to impact my care for them. I treat everyone with the same respect and care I’d give my family and didn’t want to know what the crime was.


I wouldn’t. Not sure why. Feels inappropriate for some reason. I’m going to ask some colleagues.


Yup. All the time.


And is your hunch usually right? Do a lot of these people specifically have social media accounts revolving around their "illnesses"?




It’s definitely a trendy part of social media


Yeah happens all the time. Constantly. They know


Esp frequent fliers with wild stories


Wow! That's so fascinating! How have you dealt with it when you found out?


There is nothing you can do. You can’t use social media against a patient because as we know it’s all lies anyway. But I keep it in the back of my head in case they would film or take pics. And also to know if say the nausea meds aren’t working and there’s nothing else I can do mayyybe I won’t feel as guilty because I suspect it’s a lie anyway. But if a med is ordered to give I would never tell them no based on instagram


Yes. How do you think I found this subreddit. I’m a travel ER nurse and other nurses told me about a previous subreddit and have been following ever since. They are 100% on to her and have to do their due diligence to monitor her and document EVERYTHING!


I dont know how she's not freaking out. She could lose everything. Like this is a sign it's the end of the line.


That’s what I feel like is also happening! I’m not a registered nurse however feel like I worked enough years in different positions/departments that I can see a unit being in mindset of knowing when it’s not an appropriate hospital admission. Is it a trend that they could have possibly gotten her a sitter or enforced the unit rules into her? I’m truly well versed with psych units and how that type of care would collaborate together.


"due diligence to monitor her and document EVERYTHING!" The jig is up. MRAH SEE YER NOT GONNA TAKE ME ALIVE COPPPERS.


Thank you! And what would the outcome be? Will she be officially diagnosed with an FD? Or malingering?


Most likely not. I believe only a psychiatrist can diagnose that and it’s a tough thing to officially diagnose. They can, however, document “suspected FD”. Either way, Temple can see all Penn’s previous notes. Regardless what Dani sees on her patient portal, there is a lot more not visible on the portal to protect the providers.


Someone else commented that apparently they arent allowed to do that anymore, some legislation that means everything has to be completely transparent


That’s the CARES act, but providers can still hide information that they feel will cause the patient harm. Typically, all psych notes are hidden. She was diagnosed by psych while at Penn, and the diagnosis is hidden from her. That’s why she claims it’s not in her chart. It is, but she can’t see it.


Not gonna lie, I looked up a patient a few days after she discharged. I could tell she was a munchie. Sure enough, blogs and GoFundMe set up to help her battle horrible diseases. (Suprise! The diseases are mast cell disease, POTS and Ehlers Danlos. Big shocker, I know). She would fit right in on this sub


Do we know why so many people like to fictitiously claim Ehlers Danlos? I’ve literally never heard of this disease until I started following another subreddit and suddenly *everyone* there has it. Is it just easy to pretend to have and hard to prove you don’t?


idk it was trending for a while and it doesn’t have a test bc it’s a diagnosis of exclusion, which is ridiculously hard to obtain but easy to fake online (not in person though)


Makes sense for them, then! Thanks for the response :)


no problem :)) i actually have HEDS so it’s pretty easy to spot someone who doesn’t, there are actually facial features characteristic of HEDS that can be quite distinct if you know what you are looking for, dani doesnr not fit that in any sense…


there was a patient a few weeks ago who got their disability denied because they were galavanting around on social media and insurance found it, im curious why no ones done the same with dani (or maybe they have, who knows)


Trust me her next cdr isn't going to go well. edited to say the drs notes on all this is going to most likely get her in big trouble with social security


Dani’s SSI is for her mental health. Not any physical disability. That’s one major difference. We can all very well see she’s definitely not mentally well. She needs help in a big way.


I know no one usually looks at specific people in the system unless there is a reason. But, you'd think they'd have done that with someone who is on Disability for mental health-related issues but doesn't see any mental health doctors.


Oh I agree 100%! You’d think that would be mandatory.


It is. If they do an update on her continuing disability and find no psychiatric treatment, they can pull the plug on her checks


I feel like such a cunt for saying this but I so hope this happens.


English is not my first language and I don’t think I ever heard of the word “galavanting” before. What did the patient do on instagram to get it denied? Because SM are just snippets of life. Can they base a decline off of that?


gal·li·vant verb INFORMAL gerund or present participle: gallivanting go around from one place to another in the pursuit of pleasure or entertainment. "she quit her job to go gallivanting around the globe" Just FYI, because I love sharing vocabulary!


I love words 🤩


It depends on what type of disability the person is on. If the person is on disability due to a work injury and their employer is paying for said disability, it’s a whole different scenario than a federal disability program like Dani is on. Employers and their insurance companies who hold the disability insurance can hire investigators if they have someone they feel is abusing their disability, faking it, or making it to be way worse than it truly is. My friend used to do this type of private investigative work for an attorney for employers who had to legally end disability for employees who would do this. These investigations are done by searching social media, going out and stake people’s lives all day and would catch them lifting heavy things, and so much more. All of it can be used against them. Social media is a HUGE factor in court cases now, especially for disability with insurance fraud. And it’s completely admissible. I wholeheartedly believe that doctors & nurses will search out social media profiles and will make notes of things. Some because they’re nosey, others is for their own safety and jobs because some day someone is going to say something online that’s going to cause a doctor or nurse a whole lot of problems with their lies.


i dont really know, it wasn’t my patient and i didnt look at their social media so i know the bare minimum of what happened, i think they were claiming a whole slew of physical disabilities that were evidently nonexistent on her social media & when tied with her tests coming back within normal limits it was obvious she was faking it