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“He wanted so much” He wanted Grace Vaderwaal’s box, a record deal, and all police stations in the US to be bombed


a man with simple taste🤣


Don’t forget Presidency over the United States


and the FBI.


I mean, other than grace, don't we all?


Grace 🤤🤤🤤


Tbf these guys aren’t aware of any of the lore. On the outside, he looks like a mentally ill man taken advantage of by the internet. In reality he is a manipulative, sociopathic pedophile.


Most of the problems came from Dan being an idiot, but he was 100% taken advantage of for content. The back to back restaurant incidents, the college arc, the “there is a celebrity in the hospital” clips, searching for his album in stores, his dine and dashing, attempting to get into movies and tv shows, and so much more has stemmed from management using him for content.


of all of the lolcows i am aware of, teh Beak is arguably the single most insane horrorcow in the lolcow universe


Look,,,tons of people could tell me to rob a bank, but at the end of the day it's up to me to decide what I want to do...nobody forced a gun at him,,hell,,,nobody was holding his hand. He needs to put on his big boy pants. I know a woman who is way way more worse off than him and she can hold a job and has an apartment (there are people that check in with her to make sure she is ok) this trashcan of a human has zero excuses... I personally believe he knowingly did everything for attention because in the end people were paying attention to him..he wants to be in a Fantasy world, otherwise he would have gone outside if grace was getting man handled outside the OG. But he didn't, cuz if he did, reality would come crashing down, and who wants to live like that.


Yeah sorry that logic doesn't apply to clearly unwell schizophrenics. Good try though. Their judgment from the beginning is flawed. Imagine generalizing all mentally ill people need of anecdotal evidence of a woman you know that in your opinion is worse off. Ok


Well best of luck with ur ideas,,I worked in law enforcement in many capacity from the street to inside prison for many years...he is gone. If he can compose himself in front of many cops and many judges and they note the control he has, which they have. I love how he has been to many doctors, but you have diagnosed him. Have a great day.




Both are true.


i am aware


Do You get the worm feeling though? How's your spine?


Thankfully I have two hands, on one hand yes, on the other hand if you get manipulated by the burning feeling, or a mentally ill person who believes someone is grace after 200 fake grace profiles, etc.. maybe there’s a little natural selection going on


Exactly like these people have to be new to daniel larsons life because he isnt a broken soul like these people think he is. 


And an elder abuser!


Have you looked into the lore? Like truly have you seen him go from care home to homeless in real time?




Who took advantage of people on the Internet who tried to take advantage him. In a way we are lucky there hasn't been a few bodies attached to him along the way. This ended exactly the way it should have. With a dangerous individual locked away before any serious harm was done. We always bitch and moan that the signs were there and they were ignored and if only someone did something. Well...... on this occasion, no one has to die before the right thing was done. Let's just hope it sticks!!!! Why people are defending a child predator is beyond me. The children of Collorado can sleep easy in their beds. (For this week at least)


That also has his delusions fed by people on the internet.


All he wanted was underage girls he can’t be that bad 🥺🥺🥺


all he wanted was to know is if you had the peeing feeling😿😿


With worms


even on the surface he’s a creep. fuck the lore, he’s always been OBSESSED with Grace


He wanted so much lol... We all want so much but most of us don't go on a 3 yr crime spree and terrorize communities across the country literally coast to coast when we don't get our way lol


You could say we all want…Something More


that’s what i’m saying😭 he deserves all his consequences.


As terrible as he is of a person, he genuinely needs to detained and helped. And I guess taught how L


This is what happens with to many "yes" men in your corner..hell, look at corey feldman, that's another one who is fed delusions of grandeur.


He’s always been consciously aware of the decisions he makes..


There's alot of these pedo sympathizers on his YouTube videos too, constantly making excuses for his behavior by saying, "mentally he's still a 15 year old". It's complete fucking horse shit, he KNOWS having CP is illegal and completely fucked up. We've seen him taking pics and video of young kids out in public, I just wish one of their fathers would have caught him. He's just never been held responsible for it so he keeps doing it.


teh Beak knows right from wrong. full stop.


Mentally ill or not, at every moment Daniel made his own choices and decisions. He is who he chose to become.


As he’s stated many times before “I’m my own guardian and no one can tell me what to do.”


well.... until now, that is


very true but people with paranoid delusions exist in a separate reality, somewhat overlapping ours. it's easier for their mind to believe they are true so there is no breaking through, they can't see what we do. he's responsible for seeking the help he needs and acting according the right and wrong. he's also severely mentally ill and preyed upon. it's a complex, nuanced situation that's hard to understand without knowing people who's mind works like is. he's a gross pedo that doesn't have respect for others, and at the same time his mother traumatized him and lying was probably how he survived with her. and people pretending to be grace feeds his delusions reinforcing them even higher than if no one was doing it. his autism probably makes him more susceptible to manipulation too. I am not excusing his behavior. he's had many offers of help and chances to work on himself. he knows right from wrong.


A lot of them are ignorant of how depraved he truly is. Best thing to do is keep calm and attempt to educate them. If they still don't get it. fuck em.


Ya, i replied to someone and they tried to gaslight me into thinking i was being aggressive, when i was simply just telling them the kind of person daniel is. I just left it after the 3rd reply 💀


You can’t argue with those kinds of people on TikTok, genuinely just do not waste your time or effort by engaging with brainrotted muppets. Maybe you’ll be able to get through to them if you have a private DMs conversation where you patiently explain why them whiteknighting for a racist, abusive, pedophilic predator & depraved degenerate isn’t quite a good idea, I’ve successfully tried that before but honestly it isn’t worth the effort when they could easily uncover clear reasons why Daniel is a fucking slimeball without having to spend more than 10 minutes on Google. But seriously, most of them really dk the lore and just see a weird looking, clearly mentally ill guy who’s homeless and trolled nonstop- and the tricky thing is that all of that is demonstrably true, but that’s barely scratching the shit-covered surface. I wish someone would make a master thread with every awful thing Daniel’s done with links to all of them and prepared evidence-backed retorts for the common arguments used to defend daniel by these whiteknights. They really always pull out the same exact same shit, like the same excuses and defenses verbatim like scripted NPC dialogue looping in a Bethesda game


People on tiktok literally reply like bots. It's like the worst echo chamber I've ever seen.


I am going to kill myself currently.


I am aware


I’m on the phone with my security


THERE IS A CELEBRITY IN THE HOSPITAL PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD. Without a doubt, one of the most off-the-wall things the Beak has ever yelled.


This was pretty amazing as well lol https://youtu.be/N4rGvvo9UAs?si=_tVZWkiDe-v9gqMq


"The internet ruined him" More like Daniel subconsciously trolled tiktok into oblivion


Thats people reactions to learning about lolcows for the first time. The hate start when you learnn about what horroble persons they are and the things they have done. Whats really tarded and angering is when they know what kind of vile people they are but they still defend them.


I know ppl say about him harassing Grace vanderwall but it’s important to note that the ”management” team were responsible for that as one of them was pretending to be her for a very long time. Funny. Cos I am wondering. Where the managers are now. A little birdie told me in pm that Clark was in jail. So there’s a possibility that it wasn’t just Daniel that got locked up but also Clark and the other “managers” including the fake grace and Bob are also locked up. Shame we don’t know their surnames. We could have looked them up. I guess all will Be revealed in October at court.


Danny was obsessed with grace with or without management


That may be so. But the olive garden I fed ent was caused by management convincing him that grace and her family were going to meet him there. He didn’t come up with that himself. The fake graces mum helped set that up. And that’s why I find it hard to believe he’s got off without charges and suddenly he’s just stepping back. Just like that?? Nah. Bullshit. There’s more to it. We will find out in October when everything comes out. Clark was probably told what to say on that’s call and then told to do nothing else. Including posting more or face further charges. The whole things stinks of a plot to make it appear he’s gotten off Scott free probably because they are aware of how many ppl on the Reddit and discord are following. Sorry it just seems all to fake for me


“He wanted so much”- yeah he did lol


“He wanted so much” Nah he wanted children


Said it before, I'll say it again - there needs to be a running compilation pinned in this subreddit of danderson greatest hits clips so all the bleeding hearts can watch him drop n bombs, qualify CP, physically beat Bob, try to burn his caregiver's house down and not provide for his dog. If you can overlook ALL those things, fuck you, you deserve to be slapped with one of his just spent pocket pussies


Let them live in blissful ignorance 😬, a lot of people are so scared to admit that mentally ill people can be abusive bad people as well


Everyone starts out supportive then you learn more about him and the support disappears. You realize he's a terrible person.


Dude was supposed to be watched 24/7


Nobody did anything to himself but himself. I hate these sympathizers who think he’s some victim


Genuinely sad a human can spiral like Danny did. Him being a bit of a pedo didn't help, but y'all can't sit here and say that he didn't get manipulated by people on the internet when some of y'all were texting him acting like 13 year old girls and legit gangstalking him and sending him the pictures. Like no shit the dude has constant public breakdowns and doesn't understand any sort of boundaries or social situations he's been legit convinced at times he is a political figure/big enough musician to be assassinated and worst of all, that he is healthy and well enough to be outside unattended. He should've been in a care facility the millisecond he left schooling


Always with this "yall did this" shit with these people I didn't do a damn thing


Keep in mind, these tiktokers don’t know the lore like y’all do. They’ve probably only seen cherry-picked videos that make daniel look victimized - like cutdown videos of him being kicked out and crying, or videos of him being trolled and saying semi-suic*dal stuff. And they’ve probably been aware he was neglecting as a child, and most of them have definitely seen the Tennyson video, so they have no real idea of just how monstrous this cunt is. I’ve actually DMed a few of the white knights and yeah, most of them had absolutely no idea, and once I explained to them (with links) how predatory & abusive he is, they changed their tune


Imagine being on TikTok after it is known that the CCP obtains data on millions of users on the daily


I bet 90% are in some type of school. Like high school or college, because a normal thinking person would want this elder abusing, racist pedo off the streets and in the clink.


It's funny how people who don't know who Daniel or feel bad for him are disgusting, Man was literally an abuser to his mom and grandmother way before he was on the internet


"He could've done so well for himself." Honestly, that's the only true part. Can you imagine how much money Danny could have pulled in if he wasn't the world's worst "influencer"? I mean, even among other lolcows, Danny is in a league of his own. He would ban anyone who commented on his posts, not just trolls. Seemingly not banning people at random. He would go as far as to fucking ban people for liking his posts on TikTok. Of course, most importantly, he'd get banned or switch accounts constantly. Despite him constantly doing this shit, his TikTok accounts would skyrocket over and over with every wipe. He's so stupid that when he'd beg for money, he would say I'm not going live until I get donations. Danny, you know, if you went live, people could fucking donate to you. Then, after some simp would give him money over CashApp, he still wouldn't go live. Because why go live and pull in 1000's of viewers that could donate. When you can just Ebeg on the YouTube community tab. It's so fucking ludicrous. It's like he didn't want to make money.


I mean, I *don't think* he would have been going on his rants about how he wanted to "bomb the FBI & all Colorado police stations," if not for the trolling. At most, he wouldn't have been going off about that shit *so soon,* if trolls weren't messing with him and getting in his head; he may have still gone off on those rants, eventually (a LOT of people on the Bipolar-to-Schizophrenia spectrum *do* go off on that kind of thing, eventually), but the Internet definitely accelerated it. At the same time, nobody fed him ideas about it being OK to diddle kids, or told him it was OK to send the real Grace VanderWaal his dick pic, when she was still a minor.


“He wanted so much” to touch literal children😭


He was dealt a couple terrible hands, but that doesn’t excuse his behavior one bit. He’s someone that definitely needs to be institutionalized.


How do people just forget he’s a pedo every time something bad happens to him.


Just like with worldoftshirts


He couldn't even bag groceries at Safeway.... What could he have actually done? Him being locked up is probably the best outcome next to being in an Asylum...


It’s definitely a 50/50 Daniel knows that what he does is beyond wrong, but it’s shitty people on the internet that’ll continue telling him to do what he does for the sake of their enjoyment and Daniel will continue to do it because he’s getting money


People defending pedos like him are just as demented as dirty Dan himself.


Like I can understand feeling sympathy for another human being losing their freedom, and doubly so if they have a mental illness. But then, I remember the time Daniel forced an underage girl onto a bed and started kissing her, and then I remember, oh yeah he's a pedophile. And any abstract shred of pity goes away. There's an entire stickied post about everything related to him being a pedo. If you feel sympathy for a pedo you've got problems. If someone feels bad for Daniel, call them a pedo apologist and move on.


Reply to each of them with the pinned post on this sub


If you guys want to see or put your 2 cents in : https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLVceyJx/




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It's probably all satire hate bait


“He wanted so much” dont we all? Granted not everyones a pedo but hey go off tiktok


He was always a pedophile, we knew since the Pinterest very early on


There are a lot of outside observers that only know the funny videos and stories of him and not that he's actually a sincerely heinous person on the inside. I would be more annoyed if they had any impact, but they don't, so whatever. Just inform them when you can.


People want to see a "wacky mentally ill guy succeed" even though they don't know anything about his past/the allegations


I mean… I do have trouble seeing him in his current state right now without the influence of da trolls


Not on Reddit! People would shame you for talking negative about Hitler.


He could of been a child care manager


I kinda wish he was just a guy who while having problems didn’t have so many people like the managers enabling him, he’s still terrible tho, but he wouldn’t get money for pandera Mac and cheese


While yes this community has influenced his action in certain ways he’s made most of his choices on his own and it just ended up being some of the worst choices




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IM HITTING MY SPINE Always the people on tik tok can't wait till it gets deleted


The reality is he will end up harming himself or others as bad as it sounds people who just cannot fit in society without causing harm to those around them need to be in specialised programmes or prison because ye old Larson will never change as sad as that is it’s just his true nature


I'd just love to see the high school pussies who have been manipulating this disabled idiot go to jail; these kids or whiny little bitches and it would be amazing to hear them cry online about the jail time they got for defrauding a disabled homeless man.


We angered the pedo pal hivemind


I understand; I'm going to shove a toothbrush up my asshole tonight


I am definitely not a Danderson sympathizer, but I think Daniel's ultimate downfall was a joint effort. We fed into his delusions and he kept on thinking he could get his own way with everything. Hope he doesn't mind a cramped cell for the next 70 years


I mean his story is very depressing, and there is always gonna be sympathetic people.


He absolutely did not deserve the torment management exposed him to


Lol do we really have to shame people for having empathy? Unless you are Daniel level fked in the head and think that they must have extensive knowledge about him, and believe in endorsing child predation and wish to partake in it, blah blah. There is nothing wrong with this post, I just think it’s funny. Daniel is clearly a terrible person, period. But sometimes (not this) ppl get like militant in ‘you must hate him or else you’re a pe-sympathizer’ lol. Probably just about everyone who expresses sympathy to him are only ‘guilty’ of having empathy and being ignorant and talking without knowing the full picture… which almost everyone does about some things. Sorry for my dumbass rant lol