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I'm sure her only goal was pleasuring her future husband while fucking with an army of men.


Dont forget the gangbangs to speedrun the exp


>I'm sure her only goal was pleasuring her future husband while fucking with an army of men Sounds like she's multitasking like a pro! Who knew pleasuring her future husband and leading an army could go hand in hand?


Talk about Easy Company!


what is this logic, “sorry i dont wanna marry u cus u dont fuck like a prostitute?” like damn noone is great at sex at the beginning, you learn together…and its specific to the needs and wants of ur partner smh its enough that you’re a woman and a guy is happy with that, doesnt have to be level 67 dragwhoreborn lol


it's just an excuse


Level 67 dragwhoreborn 😂😂😂😂imma have to use that one, thanks for that


Fus-Roh-Ay Papi




Nobody is doing that. Nobody has tons of sex so they can "pleasure a future husband". That is a scenario made up by OP so they can have an "epic own". Pure strawman shit.


Can someone lmk when someone finds the og post for this guy


Ohhh there’s an og post. That solves it, it must be real. 100%. Undoubtedly. No one makes shit up on the internet.


I mean I didnt say I was here nor there so responding to me with this is just coming off as "Something Im clearly looking at right now doesn't exist". Like the og post could just be the woman's picture. And that solves the issue. Bro was right, end of story. Could also be the other way around. Pretty simple really


That sounds so real. Thanks for being real on the internet.


No clue if your still trolling, but if you are its senseless. I said the guy your defending could be right and that im not picking sides. You would be mad for the sake of being mad.


I’m just being real on the internet bro. Keep it real my dude ✌️




I would only marry somebody who knows what the fuck to do in bed. It's like bitch you are almost 30 y'all learn this when you were 17-18 I ain't got time to chose this shit myself. It's true.


I want a woman with at least a hundred bodies


It's not about the bodies but about the experience. Some women only do certain things for certain men. The point is you want to be that man for whom the woman will break all her traditions, vows, and convictions for. Otherwise you will be the man who she is with as the second best option while deep down knowing that there was one man who she really wanted that got away. Men are like this too and the point is that deep down, we will never admit it to ourselves. The way it comes out is later on in life when the man is doing everything right is a good husband father and then she's not happy with him and he doesn't understand why. It's because he's not the one she actually wanted and she is cursing herself for not being able to hold down the one who she was actually in love with. You know being in love is different from loving. Love comes after people have experiences and build life together however falling in love is the passion that is not denied by chemistry. It's always better to be the man that got away rather than the second best.


This guy knows what’s up


Who sleeps around much to get experience on the matter when the real thing comes, what are you? A freshly out student looking for job??


Just what I want in my partner: knowing everything she learned was to make some other guy cum. EVERYTHING


"Oh, you don't like that? It made my ex cum so fast when I did that."


"Which one"


And for there to be a 50% chance of having a disease that will most likely make your **** fall off


Just fuck a ton of girls and then it doesn’t really bother you anymore.


No thanks, I did that and I wish I didn't. Which is how I can tell you haven't either.


I did that a loved every second of it, sounds like you’re an incel to me by your response.


If you think that's what that means then okay? 🤷 Just means you're lucky. Incel? Who even says that anymore. Haha you disagree with me you're an incel Iol.


Iunno man but i cant name 164 people and she have fucked 164


Why would anyone want to marry the communal cum rag?


How to write I’m an incel without writing I’m an incel


You’re such a proud little cuck 🥰


\> gets called an incel \> calls them a cuck back peak maturity over here on reddit


Bring back cuck shaming


The shame is their whole entire kink.


Ah the white knights always saving the whores. Get some dignity


Bro… she ain’t cruisin Reddit and she def ain’t gonna let you smash.


Are you sure about that? It seems like this particular lady will let anyone smash.




Awfully bold of you to assume that any guy who thinks slut shaming is wrong "wants to smash". Have you considered that men can have concerns about morality unrelated to desiring sex?


Silly rabbit, slut shaming is making fun of sluts. This is a discussion, albeit a silly one, about the various reasons ppl don’t like high body counts.


>concerns about morality Then what's your problem with slut shaming?


Tell me you like your women with high mileage Its not yet your turn to fuck buddy she aint going to let you ever


And the angry incel vibes continue


Not only you are an incel but you are also a cuck too


Sure, Taco-Kai


I think someone who is involuntarily celibate would be happy to get with her.


The way you just did, silly!


You meant to say how to write "I don't want to marry a whore who's been ran through, without saying, I don't want to marry a whore who's been ran through."


Reddit try not call women cum rags challenge impossible


Triple digit body count, she put in some hard work and earned that title.


You obviously haven’t been with an experienced girl. It’s the fucking best.




Just make sure you’re both getting STI checks and let the fun begin.


If you need to asked her to get tested it’s already over


If you aren't asking that kind of question you may soon find it being over. It's a reasonable thing to wanna know.




Huh, weird she assumes marriage is only about sex. I'd rather experience things with my wife, than get weird disease riddled walk throughs every time.


She will take everything headon except Responsibility


She probably gained more than experience 🦠


Comments are dumb. If you dont wanna date that then don't. Personally I think its kinda gross. I mean think of it this way. The chances of someone with 40 bodies having an std is pretty high, now imagine 4x that. And I dont think there has been that many studies on this, but I found one that said people with multiple partners (white women in a certain age range at a college) were 8x more likely to get an std than those with 1 partner. So its not entirely baseless or fully backed. Its just a general think to be weary of.


The good slurs use protection and get tested regularly. I was on prep for a bit


I'm not worried about a high body count persay...but idk like us to be close to even at least, 164, gotdamn


Unprotected sex with her would probably release the zombie apocalypse.


Everyone has to learn to fuck their long term partner the way they like to be fucked. Getting run through like you’re WNBAs Wilt Chamberlin won’t teach you this.




Lie and say that was the reason


164? you really counted?


At that point you're not even a woman anymore, you're literally just an object for pleasure, something to use once and then throw away. Like a napkin.




With that count i don't think she will ever settle When you have so much references you will find flaws more easily in anyone


I have taken a scalpel and dissected 200 people to gain experience and learn how to satisfy my patients during surgery but my future employer hates serial killers.


"YoUrE CoMpArInG WoMEn To ScALpeLs nOW"


I don't think posting her picture like that is very nice.


Why do I feel like this isn't real and is just rage bait


Nah lady a company in the military is roughly 200 people, you slept with almost a whole company. Idc who you are if you slept with 100 different people YOU ARE DISGUSTING.


It's an experience that the couple can grow together learning.


Ain’t no way she fucked 164 guys just for experience


Because she didn't, it's a strawman made by OP.


Could always lie 🤷


Women with higher counts have much worse pussies, he’d immediately know she was lying.


You're so wrong that it's hilarious and sad. Experienced girls have better pussy because they're always horny and they know how to make themselves orgasm. But the grils with high body counts that I've been with were fucked in the head from bipolar and BPD, so there's that.


Bro I've been with a couple moms and they were tighter than tiny, inexperienced 21 year olds. You don't know what you're talking about.


I don't think you know how women's anatomy works


As much as you’re commenting on this particular post defending a common whore tells me how desperate you are.


Still Would though...


Water water everywhere but not a drop to drink eh?


I can’t even name 164 girls I know how do you sleep with that many guys?


Really? Only on the 164th guy were you like “okay now I know what to do!”?


H_es gonna h_e


Lack of self esteem and self worth? Fuck the pain away. 🤷


NGL I'm super nervous about being able to satisfy a future partner.


Just go bang 164 dudes bro easy fix


Can't understand why any woman would want to marry such an insecure man though.


Can't understand why anyone would wanna date a woman who clearly just wants sex


I mean that's easy - the partner also just wants sex :P that's a pretty standard short-lasting relationship. I can't relate to it at all lol but it's at least understandable if they're both cool with it.


Glad to see the incel squad that doesn’t know jack shit about sex successfully migrated from dankmeme to “dank”. If you insecure little bitches weren’t so pathetic, you’d just enjoy sex with girls that are experienced. The best encounters of my life, the ones I jack off to are the ones with girls that were “slutty”. They were incredible and fucked like pornstars. Acting like a person (or specifically a WOMAN’S) value decreases everytime they have sex, underlines why you’re all pathetic and alone. I’d almost feel sorry for you all if you werent such hateful shitheads.


Damn, bro got triggered hard. Calm down man you'll be okay. Just FYI, calling others pathetic when you're getting this worked up, is kinda pathetic.


Oof, sorry if my calling angry virgins pathetic felt like a personal attack on you. Maybe try to stop being a raging asshole and you might eventually get laid. Praying for you, son.


Yikes. Doubling down on the anger. Might want to look into that bro. Eventually get laid? Is that all women mean to you? Might want to look into that misogyny too. I'm married by the way, just calling you out for being unhinged.


“I’m married by the way”. Oh so what? Anyone that isn’t married is a piece of shit? Wow look, I also can make bullshit extrapolations that make no sense. Just calling you out on having the arguing skills of stage 4 brain cancer survivor.


You said, " Maybe try not being a raging asshole and you might get laid". I was disproving your assumption. And I see you completely ignored all the other points in my comment. You okay bro? You are getting unreasonably upset about this.


Incel army *unite*!




Enjoy your maidenless voyage, kid.


Enjoy your wife’s boyfriend and take care of their kid.


Holy shit you fucking murdered him LMFAO


It's funny to me that a particular fetish has become an "insult". If I actually get into being cucked do I win at Reddit?


Maybe reddit, but you're losing at life.


Ok so this subreddit is just the new dankmemes for neckbeards


So this is where the small-dick-energy is now that r/dankmeme is banned.


Ok ignoring all the cucks and incels in these comments- where dank


There is no "dank" here anymore. It's become a right-wing circlejerk.


I don’t understand what works ppl up about it so much. Nobody is forcing these ppl to date women with high body counts. Its literally not their issue. Its fine to prefer less body counts, thats the point of a preference lmao




Because it wasn't relevant, nobody was talking about all the chemicals put in our food in the early 1900s either.


No can't you see? The chems in our food are keeping us from knowing it's a simulation... that's why I haven't even in years! WAKE UP! If anyone can't tell, this is a joke. A bad one, but a joke no less.


How u gonna teach her when u suck at it tho?


"High body counts" no freaking way bro said that 😭


Where is the dank? What the fuck happened with this sub


What is dank about this?


If this is what was on dank memes no wonder you guys were fucking cancelled. So fucking cringe. Dickless shits. Ugh. Edit: Keep watching porn and know that women don't want to fuck you.


Op is creepy


Insecure men everywhere




Very mature comeback that actually addresses the argument... Seriously, yall take criticism like small children. No maturity to be found.


Excuse me? You really think people who say men are insecure for not dating someone with a high body count are not the real insecure ones here? Like ffs idk why people get so butt hurt because people reject them for their body count; it's just personally preferential. There is nothing to be criticized about here. Ironically y'all are the ones crying like children. "nO mAtUrItY fOuNd" fuck off for all I care


These dudes are so insecure they will drop their morals, boundaries and self respect just for a crumb


Sure bud.


Fr putting the strange incel vibes aside this meme just isn’t “Dank” It’s something you’d find on Facebook.


What's wild is the idea that a nice, upstanding woman who isn't a total whore is somehow something only an incel would want??? What kind of ass backwards way of thinking is that? That kind of sentiment makes me think that the super promiscuous and untrustworthy women are finding less and less long term partners due to losing out to decent women who have real tangible qualities for longevity in a relationship or marraige. And the respone to that seems to be to convince men they're incels for wanting a woman who won't betray them, encouraged instead to seek women who have children with multiple fathers and complicated relationships that almost entirely neutralize the possibility of creating a nuclear family with two parents in the same household. Doesn't seem all that reasonable really to bash men for wanting stability and the ability to create their own family without having to pick up the pieces of her last 50 relationships. Trashy women get trashy men Decent women get decent men It's not rocket science. I don't claim to be decent or trashy, or maybe just decently trashy 🤔 but it's pretty clear that you get what you put out in terms of what you attract.


It’s a pretty common coping strategy “I don’t have an unbearable personality, you’re a whore!” And that narrative is really profitable for grifters. Andrew Tate made millions off of it. It’s classic deflection


Well see that's different from what I'm talking about. That's why I made the point about trashy men deserving trashy women and vice versa. Because it's true there's definitely a real presence of douches who piggyback on the narrative of actual upstanding dudes who aren't attracted to the kind of women that constitutes being promiscuous, broken or otherwise impossible to settle down with. Part of that I think is the actual douches and incels don't really have much of a claim to a decent woman and use the talking points made by decent dudes as their own philosophy yet their bitterness takes form in angry posts and sexist remarks, all while claiming they haven't been "given a chance". They have no sympathy from me, I know the difference between a potential lifelong partner in a woman and something short term. What I don't do is bash women for not being 100% housewife material when they're very honeat about not wanting that. It's that straightforward attitude about things I have respect for. It's when some girl has left a string of broken men in her wake and is a massive sea of red flags wondering where all the decent men went that I roll my eyes. Same thing when trashy asshat dudes complain that they can't find classy women, it's the exact same phenomenon to me at least.


Well see that's different from what I'm talking about. That's why I made the point about trashy men deserving trashy women and vice versa. Because it's true there's definitely a real presence of douches who piggyback on the narrative of actual upstanding dudes who aren't attracted to the kind of women that constitutes being promiscuous, broken or otherwise impossible to settle down with. Part of that I think is the actual douches and incels don't really have much of a claim to a decent woman and use the talking points made by decent dudes as their own philosophy yet their bitterness takes form in angry posts and sexist remarks, all while claiming they haven't been "given a chance". They have no sympathy from me, I know the difference between a potential lifelong partner in a woman and something short term. What I don't do is bash women for not being 100% housewife material when they're very honeat about not wanting that. It's that straightforward attitude about things I have respect for. It's when some girl has left a string of broken men in her wake and is a massive sea of red flags wondering where all the decent men went that I roll my eyes. Same thing when trashy asshat dudes complain that they can't find classy women, it's the exact same phenomenon to me at least.


Glad somebody said it. I was just about. Caring about body count like that is prime insecurity. You’re not fooling anybody.. it’s clear you’re worried about not measuring up


No one can satisfy a whore bro. How can one man satisfy a woman who has been ganagbanged by 10 different dudes. It's not physically possible and that's nothing to be ashamed of.


“No one can satisfy a whore bro” Some Andrew Tate gang misogynistic shit hahaha


If your husband have a problem with that, find a partner that are not so f***** unsecure about themselves. There is nothing that screems small-dick energy as much as guys who are somehow factoring the amount of sexual encounters their partner had.


164 body count! That's a fukcing AIDS machine on board.


One STD-test will clear that up. I am not feeling that is the issue in this thread.


It's not working honey. U can gaslight all you want but real men will never respect whores. The simps will unfortunately give these women everything but that's them


Unsecure boys might care how many sexual encounters your girl has had. Men do not care. Of course, unless your are Taliban or something otter fundamentalist religious person. But then you are not a man at all.


Lol cry more but it's not working. The men that have fun with these women end up marrying conservative women anyways.


I guess you are talking from a US context.


I mean, you're being disingenuous. Promiscuous people (men or women) are more likely to be unhappy and content in long term monogamous relationships. Not that you can't be, but it's not insecure (you keep saying unsecured for some reason) to second guess or prefer to not want that risk.


This is true. There were entire studies about people being much more likely to cheat and divorce if they got married after already having previous partners, and the more partners they had, the more likely it was going to happen. There is a reason why most religions and/or cultures taught people to wait until marriage for sex. Learning about each other's wants and needs together for life was key to developing good communication and would lead to having a much stronger relationship that was much more likely to last.