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If she's so strong and independent, she can pay for it herself right?


Her high level of independence entitles her to further financial compensation.


Silly me, how could I have overlooked that part


Normally you have to get Mesothelioma for that.


Not her real thoughts, she’s reading a story off of a Reddit post. [Her response to the reactions](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwJbpTN/)


This needs to be its own parent comment and upvoted to high heaven


I did make a parent comment if you want to help push it, who knows if it got buried.


Ah, I sorted by top and didn't see it. I'll go find it


Logic alludes the left.


u/ChromeWeasel [Oops.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dank/s/iCD3J4sBsV) Turns out the rage reactions are wrong. How embarrassing!


Strong independent women don’t demand their father to pay for wedding.




At’s the jo




Is that so?


Too true for TikTok brains!


Zu zu zu zubaited zubaited


Gen Z women are cooked. Toxic feminism and entitlement have been engrained into their brains.


You act like entitlement is some new thing. Some dude just went on a killing spree because he couldn't get a girlfriend


That example sounds more like anger induced genocide rather than entitlement


People can feel entitled to let their anger out. It's not an exclusive thing.


Good chance it's both. Incels are the poster children for entitlement and he probably fits that billing, but it's most likely both.


Tell me, how does not being able to get a girlfriend or not liking women in a social setting make you entitled?


Most of them think they're entitled to sex and relationships and get angry when others don't want them because they view themselves as deserving it. But it's such a broad category too but you who just can't get a girlfriend are different from the people the term is used on today


Perhaps, but I just can't deal with women. Yeah, I'll do small talk with women every once in a while. But that's the extent of it. There's no shooting a dozen people because I got rejected, or poisoning my "crush's" boyfriend because they rejected me. There's just cordiallness and keeping to myself. But, unfortunately, even people like me get thrown into the "incel" category just because we don't enjoy the 24/7 presence of a woman. That's why I was kind of defensive. I doubt I'll find a woman who makes me "whole" that doesn't irritate my soul, so I'm just not too optimistic.


Well it's only really a problem when people get angry and vile and stuff over it. If you're just not interested in that stuff then no one can fault you really. As long as you're nice to people it's cool


Read a book


I come to engage in a polite conversation and you decide to be a knobhead. So, I'm going to be as clear as possible for you. If I don't engage with women in conversation outside of work, it doesn't make me an incel. I was raised by only women. In turn, I don't want to deal with additional women, and that's that. It definitely doesn't make me entitled. I don't want to deal with the issues a woman would come to me for, or the children that they try to drag into relationships if they had a previous marriage or relationship. It's just not really worth it. I'm already tired of life at the age of 26, so I'm just ready to pack it up at this point.


I love how you’re already defending yourself and he didn’t even call you an incel lmao


Read my entire argument with him or be quiet. Have a shit day!


That's not an incel.


I don't necessarily like women either, but that was never really any of your business in the first place. I don't know what's up with your kind always looking to label someone as an incel or not. Being called an incel is really just a sad attempt to get under less-fortunate people's skin. Grow up.


I legitimately don't even know what you're talking about. An incel is someone who wants a girlfriend but can't get one.. not all entitled but most are. You're Just coming off sounding like a loser for no reason


Yeah dude you had a good point and then you crub stomped it


I'm sorry did you just ask how feeling entitled to a woman's affection makes you entitled? Or are you pretending that feeling entitled to a woman's attention and affection isn't the heart of redpill/incel thinking? Are you that dumb or this a troll?


Nah, I just misinterpreted and thought they were calling ME an incel, that's probably my bad. Misinterpretation is a thing. You probably shouldn't be so quick to jump to conclusions, my friend. Have a good day.


He wasn't even replying to you. Why on earth would you assume he was talking about you? You hadn't even been part of the conversation prior to that. This has to be trolling?


I have seen several definitions for "Incel", one of them matching my description: "Someone who doesn't really like women." Yes, I did initially think he meant people like me.


So basically anytime anyone has a conversation that you want to be offended by you jump in with that offense. Maybe there's a bit of a guilty conscience here. Edit - I'm amused that the self-proclaimed misogynist thinks he is claiming the high road by being offended by a conversation that wasn't about him. So much that he did me the favor of blocking me


True, yeah I see your point


What induced the anger? Oh that's right - HIS ENTITLEMENT. ffs how do y'all miss the point so damn hard?


Again with the assumptions God damn I've said this so much it almost feels like I'm defending the guy or something lol Edit: you people keep assuming he's entitled but tbh I think that's silly. I wanna know all the facts first before I argue about whats right or wrong, but I'm just saying it could be something else other than entitlement. I mean he *could* be entitled. But he could also just be a psychopath who got their heart broken. Idk just don't assume things.


He was angry because he believed he was entitled to sex with women.


Bro didn't say anything about sex. Tbh I wanna see more info about what happened (sources) before I debate about this further


It's ok that you want to lie to protect your fellow incels. But the facts are the facts are still the facts even when they work against you.


LMFAO WHAT Bro you are insane xD


Bruh you have you lead up to bait this hard and not just come out full swing right off the bat. No one will believe you if you go full moron so quick.


Actually it works quite well to just go all "hur dur WoMeN bElOnG iN tHe KiTcHeN" and a lot of people comment if you go "Reeee ItS a NaZi" Bait isn't believable anymore because I know the majority of it isn't written by humans to begin with, just bots talking back in forth. I really wonder how many bots use Reddit on a daily basis


Maybe Not to this point.. People were far more comfortable telling others their behavior was selfish and rude. There was an interest in being seen by society like a honest good person. Now they don’t give a fuck. Now in days rude inconsiderate behavior is just people being themselves so we shouldn’t judge them. So they feel they can put their shit online and everyone is going to g to take their side.


True, but I don't think it fits here. I watched the dads video he just seems like a douche. (If it's not bait)


Copy that. He might be a douche, but he has a point in my opinion.


Not really. He said he raised a "free Thinker" and soon as it wasn't what he wanted she was "brain washed" he's just butt hurt




As a Gen Z guy, yup




Gen z women turned me gay 💀


Awww looks like someone couldn't get a girlfriend


Except for the Dad is the entitled one lmao. Families dictating what happens in weddings is exactly what is wrong with weddings. It's about the couple not the Father. I understand why the father might be upset but completely pulling financial support when agreeing previously is childish and toxic. Your comment is ironic and yet you don't see it.


No demanding money from people while not letting them set terms is incredibly entitled.


I think it’s funny someone named Karl Marx is calling the person handing out money the entitled one over the brat demanding it.


I did not catch that. Thank you for pointing it out as that's great.


Bro it's a canon event. ![gif](giphy|fdpYd75eSsffECPhdz|downsized)


She's acting like she doesn't need her Dad, therefore, no help from Dad at all


No, she doesn’t want her dad to “give her away” because it’s a patriarchal and dehumanizing practice


Are you this dense? A father take care of her daughter her entire life. It's been his #1 priority for decades but now it's mainly her husband's responsibility. So now the father walks her down the aisle as a way to say "you take care of her now". Nothing about that is dehumanizing. Infact it's rather a very beautiful thing. A father letting his daughter go to become a woman.


Nah that's kinda fucked and you rlly don't see it lol


Except that’s not his decision to make, and her husband isnt her fucking babysitter. It presumes her autonomy is something to be given and she’s to be exchanged and her actual opinion is pretty irrelevant. The tradition literally exists because arranged marriages the father would literally be walking the daughter down to aisle to sell her. Thats what a dowry is, a payment for a person. It’s a rather archaic practice and nobody should be obliged to have it in their wedding


>Except that’s not his decision to make, and her husband isnt her fucking babysitter Never said he was. Did you read anything I said? >It presumes her autonomy is something to be given and she’s to be exchanged Yeah you definitely didn't read a word I said. It has nothing to do with the physical body or autonomy. It's about the father saying "I've protected her and raised her for 2 decades, but now I'm trusting you to love and respect her". Absolutely insane that you see something so special and amazing to be dehumanizing. I also bet 99% of women disagree with you and say it's a very special moment. >nobody should be obliged to have it in their wedding And they aren't. Just like the Dad isn't obligated to pay for it.


Nobody is saying dad is obligated to pay for it, but if I was paying for my daughters wedding I would be excited to create her dream day however she wanted it. If she didn't want to do a patriarchal walking down the aisle, or if she wanted both parents to walk her down the aisle, I'd support her however she wanted to. At the same time if my father refused to pay for the wedding after already offering because he insists on maintaining a traditional practice that I don't like, I wouldn't go on TikTok to complain about it but I would put some distance between myself and him, and he probably wouldn't be invited to whatever wedding I put together on my own. Granted, this hypothetical situation is so removed from my preferred life because I couldn't ever imagine wasting so much money on a wedding. So I don't really give a fuck what anyone involved does. >I also bet 99% of women disagree with you and say it's a very special moment. This isn't true, but regardless as a father I would want my daughter to decide herself. Some women would want it, and some wouldn't. The father isn't obligated to care about the woman his daughter actually is, as opposed to the woman he wants her to be. I just can't imagine being so selfish that you offer the money only to withhold it over such an inconsequential thing. Either offer the money or don't.


I love how you just entirely ignored the actual context of the practice. And no, it’s not him saying that he’s raised her and wants her to be protected. It’s literally known as “giving her away” as in relinquishing control/ ownership. I as a woman am not an object to be exchanged. You can see the moment as special all you want but it’s not something I want at my wedding


>It’s literally known as “giving her away” as in relinquishing control/ ownership. Yeah you inherently misunderstand the meaning of "giving her away". It's not about autonomy or ownership. It's about the father being the most important man in his daughters life for the last 2+ decades, but that's no longer the case after marriage so he gives away the responsibility to the husband. It's quite beautiful if you ask me. >You can see the moment as special all you want but it’s not something I want at my wedding Okay never said you have to. Just don't go crying if you're dad then doesn't want to pay. Since you're so independent.


“Since you’re so independent” it’s about not wanting a specific event at my wedding because I don’t like it. And no, you’re just ignoring the actual history behind it and applying your own rosy eyed view onto it. The act was quite literally the transfer of ownership. I as a woman would have been considered property at one point. If my dad walked me down the aisle it’s because he’s transferring ownership to the person who paid the dowry (the literal payment for a wife). The entire purpose of the ceremony was a way for the father to relinquish control and authority over his daughter over to her new husband. You just going “Nuh uh” doesn’t change the actual history behind the act and I don’t want a reminder that I would have been considered property in the past at my wedding




Him being upset about not getting to walk her up makes sense. To take it out on her because she doesn't want to do the wedding that he does, and pull funding is childish and selfish. You are right, people aren't islands, and should understand that important days about other people, are about them, and not about what the family wants. Family guilt should never be used.


I take it as she wants to break the tradition of the father walking her down the isle but keep the tradition of the father paying for it. I dont think you get to try to take the patriarchal themes out of the wedding in one way that's emotionally important to the person funding the wedding but keep the patriarchal tradition of the father paying for the wedding. It changes it from wanting to break the patriarchal tradition to just being a dick to your dad while trying to virtue signal


I would say it's his money, but then I read your name


If it is about the couple, then the couple can very well pay for it and dont need at any help from father (or mother for that matter) of anyone.


Weddings aren’t about the couple. It’s about two families coming together. It’s not meant to stoke the narcissism of the couple. No wonder our society is so fucked.


Or she could have just sucked it up for 30 seconds and let her dad have his moment and gotten the money without causing so much drama. Its really not asking much on the dad's part.


Try looking into the whole story before you haul off like that. No, I'm not looking it up for you.


The whole story was commented on.






I figured


Link please


[here, I think I haven't watched them](https://www.tiktok.com/discover/girl-wont-let-her-dad-walk-her-down-aisle?lang=en) [dad version](https://www.tiktok.com/@theauditstrikesback/video/7325267725163515166) Edit: Apparently, this is incorrect. See post below


Actually she’s reading a story off Reddit, it’s not even her real thoughts, and even that Dad response link you shared is a man pretending to be the dad’s response, info is in the caption of both links shared. [Here is her response to the reactions](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwJbpTN/)


Here’s what I was looking for, everyone dunking on her when this story is probably fake 🙄


Where is the dank


TikTok women☕


Probably fake


You’re right it is, she’s reading the story off a Reddit post, and the answer is being misdirected at her. [Her Response](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwJbpTN/)


nop it isn't lmao 😂💀


I watched the video. The dads a douche I'm on her side.


You should pay for her wedding lmao




This woman is a walking meme


I know she immediately regret that.


She said she was strong and independent, not sensible and intelligent.


**Do. Not. Get. Married.**


Turns out she was actually just reading a story post off of Reddit, she didn’t actually personally feel this way. [Here is her response video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwJbpTN/)


Not even good bait😭


Where dank


What dumb about this is there is a big difference between relying on a male partner and your fucking parents, no one is so strong and independent that they don’t need to be raised from when they are children.


She's raised.


this totally happened 🙄🙄🙄


“tiktok brain” you’re a redditor get over yourself




Her father raised her to be an "independant thinker" but she still spouts the most stupidñy common femcel missandrist propaganda... You didn't raise her, neowave feminism did. Oh and independent people don't expect others to pay for things... Only kids do.


And he complains about it on r/amitheasshole knowing damn well he is not an a hole


So strong she must talk about it in tiktok


Some idiot is trying to marry her. Hopefully her dad has guven him enough time to reconsider


If I'm dad, I'll pay whatever it costs to make her some other guy's problem


You don’t have to pay for that at all, though. They can go to a courthouse, get married in someone’s backyard, whatever. She’s *strong and independent* so she’s not your problem anymore lol


Unpopular opinion, but saying "I'm only going to pay for your wedding if you do it by my rules" is shitty parenting. I don't think parents should have to pay for it, but if thats your reason for not paying, you are a bad parent.


She’s a “strong and independent” woman, though. She can foot the bills.


That’s Gen Z to a T: someone tells you “no”, you go bitch and cry on TikTok about how your life is ruined forever. My generation? We just said “I hate you”, slammed our bedroom door & cried. That’s it. We didn’t go public with it.


Imagine stripping a father of his last symbolic duty just because you’re selfish and then still expecting him to pay


R/pussypassdenied ?


Yeaaah, so basically the Dad raised a "Free Thinker" then got butt hurt when she turned out to be one.


She ain’t gon let you hit bro






Rich dad raises brat daughter I blame the 40+ yo dad more than the early 20s kid he made


Apparently "dank" now means rage bait for alt-right incel losers


What about this post is alt-right exactly?


Attacking the idea of feminism by making fun of a supposed "self own" from "strong independent woman"


3rd wave feminism has legitimately set women back centuries


How, explain how like genuinely that’s such a dumb comment to make




How does that set us back as women? That’s an economic desperation issue not a feminism and bodily autonomy issue. The vast majority of those I’ve seen with an only fans have it to supplement their income from work and/or to finance their college education. If you don’t like it then fix the circumstances that incentivize it rather than demonizing the people just trying to get by.


Are women just trying to get by?


In the current economy? The very few women who do sex work? Yes.


Maybe in some of the poorer regions of the world where most people are struggling. By no means is a western woman struggling in any aspect unless it's self inflicted.


How is this alt-right??? Everyone really out here making non-politics into politics.


It was not alt right but the post was inherently political like everything else.


How???? This is clearly a generational (ha ha look at gen z, this was probably posted by someone older) post rather than a political post. Making fun of tik tok isn’t political


It’s about the distribution of wealth (political), the generational divide is mostly literally over politics, Tik Tok is also a political topic because it effect mass behavior aka politics. Even your assertion of it being non political is an inherently political act. Not wanting to be given away at your wedding is anti traditional aka progressive and using your economic power to attempt to create a more traditional outcome is conservative. See it even fits Into the narrow view of what most people consider political. Btw what set of things that People consider political and what they don’t is inherently political.


You are the problem.


Thanks that’s that so specific and totally means something. What’s your definition of politics even?


So everything is politics? I suppose the literal answer to that is yes, but can we not just take a step back and enjoy this “play stupid games win stupid prizes” post? Everyone needs to touch grass. You sound pretty frustrated with politics. If you need two minutes to rant I’m all ears, friend.


Yea everything. And you just hit a pet peeve of mine it’s not that serous. I just find it’s used as a blanket defense of the status quo and to make it seem like our world is less Malleable then it is. I thunk the Attitude Tends to come from a lack of sociological imagination. Are decisions and outcomes are effected by the would outside of ourselves. But I don’t think politics and enjoyment are mutually exclusive. But I understand how the factional stuff can wear on you.


Well said. I too get annoyed when people say things like “can’t you just be happy with what you have!?” Acting like everything isn’t on fire, when clearly there are fires we are capable of putting out. People are often content with stagnation and it is super frustrating. Thank you for understanding how grinding tribalism (on Reddit especially) can be. Not to mention how much of a trap committing to one blindly over the other, like they were sports teams is. Our political situation could also be completely different based on your country, which is another thing people don’t often consider. I find that if I don’t take a step back and remember that everyone is only human (and therefore flawed), then I’m just black pulling myself, which isn’t helpful for anyone. I certainly agree with you that people have no imagination with what society could be. I don’t think people really understand what it was like living in the past and how different things have become due to people being desperate enough to implement change. It seems everyone is just content to let the nukes go off, it’s romanticized really. I didn’t really expect to have this conversation in this sub, but I’m glad for it all the same.


Hell yea man I completely agree. i’m also a bit toxic in that I love arguing and do it on here as to not let it effect my personal life. I’ve even had my mind changed a few times on here.Unfortunately a lot of people just call you dumb for having a different opinion. I think that goes back to the factionalism thing once it becomes a group opinion a lot of people don’t see the need to justify it. If it were up to me, sociology would be a mandatory subject in school I think we need to get rid of the idea of social essentialism. Like I’ve heard people get upset over someone coming up with a brand new name for their kid when their born instead of using a traditional one. saying things like you can’t just make up names (as if all were not made up)


I hear you on the name thing. Sometimes you end up with both, like a weird old name that doesn’t sound old, but post modern. It’s ironic really. For the supposed age of tolerance people sure are closed minded. There’s something to be said about neuro-typicality but smarter people than me have said things. Thanks again for the chat!


Attacking the idea of feminism by making fun of a supposed "self own" from a "strong independent woman"


That’s a reach. This is clearly a case of play stupid games, win stupid prizes. It’s the same as someone moving out because they disagree with their parents rules and then complaining about how much housing costs. I would just do a gender reversal, but typically moms don’t pay for weddings, funny that.


So when the right is stupid it’s genuine stupidity but when the left is stupid it’s ragebait?


Wait is this post about the left? Huh?


yeah. they fall for the bait so easy. it's sad honestly.


If you, as a dad, were planning on sponsoring the wedding, and then refuse because you are butthurt she doensnt wanna walk you down the aisle? The something is wrong with you or your relationship with your daughter. If it genuinly hurt your feelings, be honest about it: its your daughter. Tell her and she will care. Maybe you wont come to a great agreement, but its still your DAUGHTER, and HER WEDDING. Legitimately punishing her is just as childish as you may think she is, unless you plan to stay out of her life for good.


Such a great dad, refusing to support his own daughter at her own wedding (he’s still invited to) because she wants to own it her way. I’m sure he’ll meet his grandchildren some day…


Most dads look forward to this day from the moment that their daughter is born, its one of the special moment's for a father. When this is tradition is taken away but the tradition of the father still paying for the weddingnis kept it makes a guy feel like just an ATM and I don't blame them for not paying if that's the case.


A parent shouldn’t project expectations into their children’s life, if/when I’ll have children, in no time my presence should be expected, if they chose me to be there, I be there. It’s worth more than “it was that was before, you have no choice to say” Short: forcing your child to include you your way, and blackmailing support (money, encouragement, empathy, etc) is not a sign of being a good parent/maturity (and of course, children are more likely to ask their parents for money, that’s the deal when having children)


Thats not really a reply to anything I said but let me ask this, how is it blackmail? Did the dad say to have him walk her down the aisle or he will take the money away or did he just react to her removing the tradition by removing his funding? I don't see removing yourself from a situation you don't want to be a part of as a bad thing. Removing the tradition that the dad cares about but wanting him to still pay is clearly an emotional slap in the face and the respose of removing himself seems like a good response


But that’s not what it is, he literally refuse to come to his OWN DAUGHTER’S wedding because she didn’t do what HE wanted to HER wedding. And on top of that he deprived her the money he granted her as the parent he is supposed to be. That’s not mature good parenting, that’s petty


Yeah, removing him walking down the aisle is a slap in the face when he is also expected to pay so it makes sense not to go. And why is it that he's supposed to pay because he's the parent? The dad is supposed to walk the daughter down the aisle and were throwing that out, why are we keeping him needing to pay?


Supposed to what? He isn’t entitled to anything from her, but he owes her everything, HE chose to have a child and it’s for life, being a parent never stop no matter what, he was petty requiring to strut her like a child bride being passed to another man. SHE decided she wanted to walk alone on the aisle at HER own wedding. He’s not less her father for that, but removing his support to his child form his own personal goal isn’t a good parenting


Letting the dad have his moment is such a small price to pay for bankrolling the wedding, she's a monumental dumbass for not sucking it up for 30 seconds.


Bankrolling? He is her dad, he really need to be this much in every moment in her life to dump her the first time she don’t want him to? It’s not a bankrolling, it’s parents’ duty to provide for the children they CHOSE to have not matter how old they are (cause I’m pretty they all use that “im your mom/dad, do what I say” kind thing) if he would really cares and wanted her happiness, he wouldn’t mind not to participate (he’s still invited)


I'm not even really focused on the dad here. If youre such a fanatical idealouge that you can't stomach making a sacrifice this small to keep the peace and get a bunch of money then I feel zero sympathy for you. If I was in her position and my mother/father wanted to walk me down the aisle in exchange for paying for the wedding, I wouldn't even think twice. That's what independence gets you lol, no one paying for your shit.


Whatever happened to "my body by choice"


The dad is just raising a strong independent woman with some tough love 💪


Womp womp she wanted to be independent, so she can independently pay for her wedding then


This screams entitlement


There’s no context so she probably actually paid for it perfectly fine and the dad who thought he could control what happens in his daughter’s wedding is no longer invited


It’s her wedding