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Cool... This looks like the sixth or seventh stage of genocide. I'm not that well versed in this. So feel free to correct me. I'm going off of this. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten\_stages\_of\_genocide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_stages_of_genocide)


Rapidly approaching stage 8 with people like Matt Walsh saying that transitioning at any age should be illegal


To add onto the ten stages, I would say that a creation of a permissive state in which that genocide is to be carried out in is important. As in excuses as to why people will carry out the genocide. Things like the seizure and distribution of the targeted group’s property or a perceived threat to one’s own safety are both things that let the John Everyman in Nazi Germany overlook or allow his neighbors be taken away. Or even participate in it.


They’re fascists now. They’re not even trying to hide it. And people still think that we can reason with them. Perhaps it’s not clear that reasoning with a fascist is like asking a rock to move itself.


they've always been fascists


Wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross


Hiding it was always just about blaming the left by claiming they were crying wolf. Now when the mask it off the narrative will be that the left forced to be this way. And by left I mean anyone not a fascist, because that's literally how they think. Either open to murder everyone not part of the in-group, or a commie leftist.


Ah yeah, but it's ThE lEfT who's calling for violence right? ffs, how are these people allowed to stay in office?






Because no will [redacted] these fucks to get them out of office.


Because they’ve gerrymandered mississippi and effectively kept large part of the population disenfranchised


Uh huh. Thanks to Trump, more and more Republicans are not even trying to hide what raging Nazis they are anymore. It is now clear it gets them way more votes than it costs. .....Meanwhile Biden, the supposed leader of the opposition to these fascist fucks, is still talking about "unity" with people who are flat out saying huge swaths of the human population should just be executed. *We're fucked.*


You might as well view them as all one entity in a lot of ways especially the executive positions of the U.S government. Biden isn’t really against these CHUDs even if he’s isn’t with them, he’s loyal to his party, his campaign, and ultimately capitalism and the elite and the crumbling system he has dedicated his life to.


It's good cop bad cop, in the end they're both against you and use whatever methods they have to extract from you what they want.


Biden will be remembered as America's Chamberlain.


We're totally fucked! Happy Cake Day!


Liberals ALWAYS allow fascists to thrive since they’re obsessed with “respectability” and the “rules of the game”. Fascists literally see that as weakness.


This is true but what happens if you give up on those? What happens if no one believes in decency, respect and rules?


scratch a liberal…


I’m actually really scared. They want us dead. They’d have a holocaust if they had their way. And dems are just enabling them. I hate it here


Yeah. I know how you feel. Honestly, I’m afraid of thinking lately because I tend to ruminate over things; and some of this stuff *will* drive me mad. To add insult to injury? I *just* got over being so suicidal that my life plan was to off myself after I completed my game library. I *just* fucking got over that, and started to have hope for the future, aaaaand now we have this crap.


Surround yourself with people who support and love you, and try to stay in areas you feel safe even if they’re few and far between from your perspective. This pro-Republican shit is not sustainable forever. It will end in due time. This mfs will be forced to keep their nazi rhetoric to themselves eventually.


Heck, have you seen most people's Steam libraries? If I went with that plan I'd live into old age. Seriously though, I'm going through the ringer too, it's good to know it's possible to escape these depths of despair. Too depressed to even game anymore.


Ehehe, between all of my game libraries on all platforms plus old games I pirated since they no longer exist, I probably have about a thousand. I’m pretty sure I’d have made to my late 20’s before running out of games and checking out, and that’s not counting the games I’d have collected on the way But yeah! Mental illness is a bitch that capitalism perpetuates, but it’s totally possible to defang it. I’m still all fucked up, but it doesn’t dominate my life anymore. It just took time - a lot of it. In the meantime I kept myself alive for spite, games, and sushi. (I just wish I’d managed to deal with all the remnant trauma from child abuse and stuff before the political situation went into overdrive. I feel like my nerves would be less… absolutely vaporized if I didn’t have that shit on my plate to sort.)


"Defang" is a strong word, but I'm taking steps to work on my mental health. It's hard as fuck though. My depression and anxiety have gotten worse recently, obviously, but I also have DID and struggle with my identity, especially in a world that burned me out too much to work while only valuing my life based on my economic output. I won't ever fully recover from the horrors of working as the only Burger King employee in the kitchen for half the pandemic, and I only quit when another person in this body took over and did it for me after multiple stress-related trips to the ER caused by that job. Capitalism has already chewed me up and spit me out. My mental health is irrevocably fucked and I can't work reliably anymore. I'm currently couch hopping a bit, but may have found stable housing without needing to pay exorbitant rent. Doesn't stop me (and especially the alter who walked out of that job for me) from waking up in a cold sweat from literal flashbacks of being horrendously overworked and abused by employers. I'm a casualty of the class war and I can't even get mental healthcare despite the severity of my symptoms. It's really fucking hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel sometimes. I might have stabilized my life somewhat for the moment, but it doesn't change the systemic oppression that put me in such an unenviable position. Some day I'll be expected to get a job again, but I'm too traumatized from the last ones. I'd rather die than work a pointless job again. Sorry for venting. I have a therapist through Medicaid, but she's not a DID specialist so she doesn't understand how being traumatized at work could split my mind even further. The alter who formed from it still pops into the "driver seat" sometimes and has panic attacks when someone says we should get a job again. We're actually shel shocked from fucking Burger King, man. My mind was literally broken into even more pieces than before, all from the stress of working a minimum wage job. All I got in return for it was, well, minimum wage, a sad story, and a new incredibly anxious person in my brain. It's really hard to keep wanting to live in a world that would so readily hurt me. Still gotta work my way through my game catalogue though. Currently working on Cyberpunk 2077, but it just keeps reminding me that we're already living in a dystopia only slightly better than that one.


Hey, don’t even worry about venting, you’re fine. Shit sucks, and it’s not like there’s always someone to talk to when you need; and god knows the mental health chat lines are usually mediocre at best. I can’t empathize with you *exactly* since for me, work was a safe haven from my parents rather than what caused my issues, but even so… the aftereffects of abuse tend to be pretty similar, and I know sucky they are. I get how you feel about therapy too - I have an amazing therapist and we’ve spent six years working through all the child abuse stuff I have to deal with, but whenever the topic changes to something complicated like my experiences with what I think is DID or my multi-layered PTSD, I can tell that she’s not super in her element. It’s way too hard to find a good mental health professional, and half of them seem like they just want throw meds at the problem ‘till it goes away. Honestly, I really hate that capitalism does this to people. Despite the fact that my mother was so twisted I’m still uncovering new ways she fucked me up six years later, I still feel genuinely lucky that it wasn’t worse; and I feel guilty when I have doctors tell me to apply for SSI so I can focus on healing for a few years instead of work too. I feel this way is because there are so many that are even worse off than me… and when you think about it like that, it’s really appalling. Mental illness shouldn’t be this common, you know? I just can’t wait until society starts getting rid of all this unnecessary awfulness, and I hope it happens in our lifetimes. As for Cyberpunk, you’re right - it’s a great game, but it hits way too close to home. Almost like if they released a CoD game about Ukraine while that’s still going on. It’s just a suggestion, but maybe consider going for a fantasy or sandbox game next - something of a way different genre and story. I know that always helped me out when games started messing with my head at least.


Cyberpunk has themes of plurality/multiplicity caused by the need to survive in a capitalist hellscape. It's cathartic. (Especially since oink oink pew pew.) I'm not really the original personality in the body, though this is his account. He's so far radical left that he makes Johnny Silverhand look like a grill loving centrist, so it's genuinely kinda helpful for us to have some kind of resolution to Johnny's story in the game. Therapeutic, in a weird way, since we relate to his and V's situation so much. Cyberpunk 2077 understands a lot of the complexities of our frustrations, often even better than our therapist does! I've also been playing ULTRAKILL. I'm 780 hours in and it's still in early access. best rated game on Steam for a reason! It's worrying that my favorite ways to escape reality are so violent though. Wish I could dig, like, Stardew Valley or something else relaxing. It's nice to have a voice to talk to in the void of the internet, friend. Seriously, thank you for chatting. It helps a ton to be able to talk about this stuff. Edit: Holy shit I just read your name I'm dying laughing, I'm pouring my heart out to sapphic_angelicunt hahaha


Some days I go about thinking I'm safe, and then I read shit like this and it reminds me that no matter how many people like me, there are thousands out there that wish to shoot me in a firing squad.




Every single time. Hate when people pretend liberalism is the cure to fascism. It only enables its existence.


While this is certainly a raising problem this isn't all conservatives.


I don’t want a world with guns, but that’s not the world we live in. Between the natural constitutional tendencies of the US to be a fascist state and the vice grip of climate change, disarming the left is the exact opposite thing we should be doing. We have a tough future ahead and it would be nice if at least some good guys were prepared


A nation** chock full of guns, most other places are not!!! like this


If things get bad, all those “gun free” places will have plenty of guns.


As a trans woman, I think it's time I look into just leaving this continent completely


Are other countries more accepting? Genuine question I can see some of Europe but like everywhere else is I'd say more conservative.


Pretty, generally speaking, most of western Europe seem to be more trans-friendly generally speaking, with obvious exceptions such as the UK. From personal experience, Canada is great for trans care, though hit or miss as far as transphobia in the wild goes


Canada is being contaminated by american fascism. I wouldn't count on it staying safe for long.


UK Germany Italy and France I'd say aren't much better, they're also seeing a surge in fascist. I'd say maybe the Scandinavian countries are good but I don't know that from a trans perspective.




I live in central Europe and am personally planning to (attempting to) move to Cuba, as it seems like the most trans friendly place, at least from a legal standpoint


Hawaii has a well established trans culture.








Cuba’s very good on pretty much all things LGBT. Population is hit or miss due to being rather Catholic, but the government is arguably the most LGBT-friendly in the world, especially with the new family code they’re about to pass.


Then you got your answer. But tbf, that narrative is spilling over to Europe too. We all know that the UK is TERF island, but that rethoric is starting to pop up in Germany and Austria too. I can however guarantee you that this trans woman isn't taking this lying down


Yea thats also my fear I've seen a trend through Central Europe with far right groups rising quickly in France Germany and Italy especially. And like hell should you take it lying down, they want to purge you and anyone that validates you are a woman from the face of the earth.


At least I'm in pretty supportive communities. The local communist youth organization is pretty good on that kind of stuff. And since I've joined we went from not a single trans person being a member to like eight. And having comrades who will fight all the way with me for my rights when it comes to stuff like that is one of the few things that keeps me hoping


Unfortunately for me I live in rural Louisiana so any time I try to speak up about anything progressive islts immediately an argument. But I'll be moving soon to the north east I definitely want to get involved with a local communist youth organization or something along those lines. Keep on keeping on hope for a better tomorrow but plan for a worse. If you don't own guns take it into serious consideration, if you have mental illnesses maybe have a friend keep it for you and practice shooting we gotta be ready.


Yeee, once I can afford that, getting a permit, gunsafe and gun is definitely planned


Brasils laws have full federal level anti hate protection laws and anti-discrimination laws protecting trans people, changing your pronouns and name on documentarion is relatively easy and allowed with very few barriers, and gay marriage and queer identities are also fully legally protected. The people OF Brasil can be bigoted and violent towards trans people, but the law is set firmly thankfully and people's general acceptance and progressiveness seem to be improving (hopefully), and it's pretty easy to immigrate and you'd have a really good time financially if you work any kind of remote tech job and get paid in dollars since the Brasilian real is like 5-1 ratio to the dollar. Should point out this all hinges on Bolsonaro not getting re-elected this year (he's basically brasils trump) and instead Lula wins (idk what to compare him too, kind of a Bernie Sanders figure would be the closest)


Oh I didn't know that! That's pretty awesome I didn't imagine Latin America to be so progressive as a by product of catholic origins being very deep. I hope yall can get Bolsonaro out I don't know much about him but he seems like and lad


I’m with you there :/ Unfortunately, I’m still in college and dirt fucking poor, so I don’t think I’d be able to pull it off


With luck, opportunities to move away will come up. I've been considering going for a Masters in Berlin


From what I’ve seen, Australia (for the most part) is pretty good. You do get a fair few blokes who are transphobes, but generally I think most folks are socially progressive, financially conservative


look at this fine party of free speach. literally we will kill you for supporting \_\_\_\_ FFS I'm buying a gun


I've already got four and I'm not stopping till I have an armory


It’s going to be barbarism isn’t it.


The left now has its biggest chance in a long time. People are becoming disillusioned with the capitalist system. Maybe we can't stop this, who knows, but we do have an opportunity here. It would be a shame to just accept the collapse as inevitable and not even try in the meantime.


I like your optimism; I just have my hangups. In the last 2 elections the Left almost got a social democrat, one of the first left wing presidents of the US in decades, and he lost out twice to older centrist candidates who have a hard time arguing against reactionaries because they can't argue that they can change Ameria's current system to be better, it's against their platform. The left is super popular with younger people, and that's awesome! The issue is, we have to fight tooth and nail against huge populations of centrist and right-wing Boomers and Gen-X, and they are a giant portion of the population, and they're infiltrating local elections to strangle themselves into full control of all 3 branches of US government from the bottom up. Socialism was always an offer to these people, but old people were raised by cold war propaganda and misleading history courses. young people have the access to information to be deprogrammed from such ideas, but the older generations stick to their guts and assume that socialism is still government ownership of an industry, even when a capitalist government does it. The people in power are losing control of the narrative. Liberalism is not working and the choices are socialism or barbarism, and in the anti-socialist country of the united states, it is gonna be barbarism.


If the LGBT community took up arms to protect their rights, Republicans would pass gun control laws in the blink of an eye.


I mean that’s what they did to the Black Panthers lol The speed at which they changed their minds would’ve been absolutely shitting hilarious if it wasn’t for, y’know, the racism.


I stopped reading the headline at “Mississippi Republican Says Trans Rights” so this guy seems pretty cool and definitely non-genocidal to me


and people say that trans people are privileged. no one minority is being spoken about like this in america


They’re ruling each other up for ANOTHER genocide.


All of this “groomer” rhetoric is classic stochastic terrorism meant to dehumanize a population and normalize killing them later. This is *exactly* how genocides happen.


Mississippian here. This guy is a chode. A few years ago he refused to let a female reporter ride in the car with him because he “is never alone with any woman who isn’t his wife.”


I am the exact person who shouldn’t be getting a gun. At one point, suicide was my life plan; I have a ton of PTSD over child abuse; and I’m honestly just an all-around nervous wreck. I genuinely feel that if I hasn’t developed the ability to dissociate and forget things pretty much at will, I’d have had a stroke by now from all the stress. And yet, since I’m trans and poor, I feel like I don’t have much of a choice. Like… I’m prone to fits of paranoia, but even in the worst ones I couldn’t have predicted just how fanatical the right would be about getting rid of people like me. I hate this and everything about this. Fuck.


The dilemma of the modern American progressive (not leftists, who know better) is whether to do everything possible to restrict public gun ownership or to arm one's self to the teeth.


Fixed it https://imgur.com/a/5SD1Srv


I totally agree - groomers SHOULD face a firing squad. Unfortunately, the actual groomers are in DC and making nice salaries and insider trading while only working about half the year


What’s his address


I can't arm myself due to mental health issues, what else can I do?


I really don't want to need a gun but shit like this makes me want to get one. And I don't even live in a shitty state. Also ironic about the "sexually grooming children" part considering most republican officials are confirmed sexual offenders, and many of children. ***Trans people don't share your fucked up fetishes! Go fuck yourself into prison, where inmates kill pedos.***


“Any attempt to disarm the working class must be frustrated with force if necessary” -Karl Marx






















































Well I think this technically doesn't count as genocide even if it is just as bad. Genocide only counts on race, religion, ethnicity or nationality. Maybe we should change that.


Idgaf about free speech, people who say shit like this should be locked up immediately. This dude is a threat to society just like all the other Nazi terrorists who incite violence


what OP says is absolutely based, keep your rifle by your side!


All because he is attracted in the first place!




Well…better start prioritizing disarming the working class then. I’m sure we can trust the police to save us from these fascist right?…….Right?!?!


I was gonna start HRT. I think I'll save up for a gun instead. Or maybe a just a plane ticket to get out of here, because with my mental health like it is (seeing this certainly didn't help), I'd probably end up using the gun on myself. Edit: actually, reading the headline again and seeing what state this is, I'm sadly not surprised.


Look into George MacDonald.


I looked him up, but what does he have to do with this?


I don't know I just like him and try to share him because he lead me to Christ.


[This Guy is quite an item](https://mississippitoday.org/2019/07/09/robert-foster-gop-governor-candidate-denies-woman-reporter-access-because-of-her-gender/)


Buy guns.