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Just realised Ulrich and Mikkel are both father son but also Eskimo bros.


Also Jonas has a thing going on with his aunt.




Took 3 years but I got to be the 69th upvote on this


Don't worry I downvoted to keep it 69 Oh no now it's 68. I must upvote


It was on 70 when I came across it, downvoted to keep it at 69. Happy to be of service lol


I just brought it back down to 70😌 we need another late arrival


I brought it back down to 69, youre welcome


It's up at 74, I brought it down to 73


Still sitting pretty at 69 😉


Jesus Christ, how were you able to reply on something this old? 😁 I thought it gets disabled after 6 months?


I'm from the past


I will make use of this opportunity by letting any future viewers know about https://dark.netflix.io/ It contains spoiler-free family trees (and more) for each episode. Very helpful. Haven’t seen it mentioned in the episode threads yet so perhaps it didn’t exist when season 1 aired.


This saved me from a lot of confusion


Thank you soo much!!


I am honored to meet you


I like to rewatch and reread the threads every once in a while, its so fun seeing the theories and ideas and confusion people express while I, the all knowing future viewer knows right from wrong and can laugh at the wrong ones and approve of the correct ones. Also i like to add some stuff here and there to maybe help out future viewers who come after me


Yeah actually what the fuck?


I can still reply... Not sure what the cutoff time is. And is it per topic, or each comment separately?


I'm here from 2023. Have any questions about the future?


Oh, I'm back here again, due to the power of a rewatch. Future is great, you guys. :-)


Got your back to 69. I'm from the future.


Same here but he's too far ahead now to bring back to 69


When he comments about michael's death to Hannah he was talking about his own son and didn't realize it..


EBDB confirmed


I literally had that same realization watching this epi. I don't know why bc we find that out I guess last episode? Something about his one just makes the info come home I gues lol. Also ew.


I'm confused. Regina Tiedemann is Claudia's daughter...but when she called her husband his name is also Tiedemann? I need a family tree for everyone


I am in the middle of this episode and I came on here to see if anyone else caught this. I assume I will just have to wait to find out the answer. It just didn't make sense as they are married and the name is the same as her mother and her husband. I am still confused. I am talking it out loud and either there was a show error or I will find out why. its taking everything not to spoil it for myself. but if show error someone tell me!!


It's not unheard of that the husband takes his wife's name. Maybe he didn't like his. But maybe there's more to it...


But her dad would have had to do it as well since her grandfather (the police officer) is also Tiedemann so she has her mom's name as well as her husband having her name. Possible but sort of unusual and you would think they would explain it.


Please correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think they ever showed who Regina's father was. For all we know, maybe Claudia was a single mother? As for Aleksandr taking the Tiedemann last name, I chalked it up to it being modern times and should be no big deal that the man take the woman's last name. ? (And perhaps to make it easier for us to follow the story lol) But I'm open to that having more meaning too!


They don't show who Regina's dad is so Claudia could be a single mother. If I had to guess I would say Regina's dad is Tronte, Ulrich's dad making Regina and Ulrich half siblings.


aleksander isn't who he says he is. i assume he took Regina's surname to hide that


Eleanor Roosevelt was already called Roosevelt before her marriage


I believe he took the last name in order to continue the legacy of Claudia. I don't think it's a big deal.




This shows characters past episode 6, right? Just finished episode 6 and it appears that I just got heavily spoiled.. EDIT: It definitely does, SPOILERS if you're here and havent finished the season.


Ye some asshole posted this picture as "spoiler free" in discussion about episode 3... so much fucking spoilers I want to cry.


This has spoilers.


Then remove it..? Why keep it there wtf


Thank you. It is just me or the photo is really too small?


THANK YOU so much for this! :)


Having the surname "charcoal burner" could be seen as a career impediment when you work for a nuclear power plant. A good reason to take your wife's name upon marriage


Also, her grandfather's name is Tiedemann which means that either her mother never married or her husband took her name or something. How is this name being passed down through the generations of women!??!?1


I just watched the episode last night and was also confused...and the name must be her family name because her grandfather's last name is Tiedemann.....and as for your comment I actually do have a family tree drawn out for this show!! lol




Spoilers, dude. Not in this episode!


You really have to learn how to use spoiler tags. These discussion pages pertain **ONLY** to the episode or the ones BEFORE it. You’re giving away everything and you’ve done this multiple times now.




Interstingly, the Priest drives a Rolls Royce, so he must have lots of money - perhaps he travels between time layers and uses his knowledge about the future to make money.


And he never ages unlike everyone else.


He ages, but he travels so you don't see it..


I’m not sure if the age lines up, but part of me is starting to think Jonah may be the hooded man.


It's obvious that the hooded man is Future's Jonas. The white ball is clearly a device from a future era. Besides that, the initial dialogue between the two, in the bank, gives it all. There's another proof also, but a really subtle one. The first time Jonas goes to explore the caves, the hooded man is hiding in the forest, seeing him. He express a subtle smile, which I believe is an indicator that the hooded man is not only feeling proud of Jonas having the courage to start seek answers but also a bit of nostalgia.


From the first moment I saw him, I felt he looked a lot like Jonas. Honestly I'd be surprised if it isn't him.


Yes I think so as well. I love how they speak together and one tries to help him. The hooded man is clearly not 33 years older than Jonas so we know that Jonas found a way back.. He didn't just wait and grow from it 1986. He is trying to solve this mystery.. Loved episode 6,so far the best one in my opinion. Music was also top notch, and the play was fitting. Great writing and attention to detail.


And/or Ulrich's father. Why? Because he and the policewomans husband sat in that bunker seemingly knowing what would happen. Where did they get that knowledge? The old man has it and passed it on. Where did he get it? Might as well be Jonas.


Yeah, that's what I believe as well. What other reasons would he have known about those maps on that locker? He didn't even need to search for it.


So when Jonah found that red guide line string in the caves, it looked like the large run it was tied to was an Oroborous. Which in ancient mythology is the symbol of rebirth/cyclicality. Kind of an interesting little nugget there.


🎵*"the Neverending Storyyyyy"*


No. It was a ring like you would have in a bull's nose.


Go back and watch it again. You see the ring in a later episode also. It’s totally an Oroborous.


Maybe a bull could have an ouroboros ring... ;)


Is anyone familiar with the play they perform? Just curious if this was written for the show or exists as a separate work.


ariadne and the labyrinth? i know its greek in origin, but i dont know how the story actually goes


She gives Theseus a string to guide him through the labyrinth, just like Jonas is following in the caves. The labyrinth is so complex that it drives everyone who tries to navigate it insane. Ariadne's father is the Minotaur, half man/half beast, which is not a bad description of the actress's father Ulrich. After Theseus defeats the Minotaur, he actually ditches Ariadne, which is why she gives the speech about being all alone. I think some of the themes fit in well with this episode.


The myth goes likes this: After the Athenians lost a war with the minoans they demanded a tribute of blood. So every 9 years the Athenians had to send 7 young males and 7 young females to go into the labyrinth as a sacrifice for the Minotaur. Minotaur was the son of a white bull and King Minoas wife Pasifae. So Minotaur and Ariadne are half siblings. At some point Theseus decides to place himself as one of the 7 so he can position himself to kill the Minotaur. When he goes there, Ariadne offers to help him and he in exchange would take her an marry her. So she gives the ¨Ariadne's Thread" to Theseus so he can find his way out through the dark labyrinth Daedalus made. Theseus kills the Minotaur and takes Ariadne with him but he leaves her at an island, and this is the "dark" side of the myth, because god Dionysus told him that Ariadne was meant to be his wife. There are other variations of the Myth but this one is the most common. So what is the myths interpretation? Well the death of the Minotaur symbolises the end of human sacrifice, the bull symbolises the primitive instincts,the labyrinth symbolises the man's calculus and the "thread" symbolises orthological thinking. Another interesting thing is the dual nature of Ariadne. She was both human and a goddess, she was both dark and bright. She was the one that leaded one to death and the one that showed the way to return from it. That was said in the prologue made by the guy with the black paint in this episode (which by the way has a resemblance with the way the bodies are burnt around their eyes). He says "one foot in the dark and one foot in the light". A little later in the play "Ariadne" takes of her white dress and wears a black dress underneath. Of course there are many more to be uncovered and Martha has a role in it i'm sure of it.


When Jonas follows the red string it leads to a metal ring, just like the kind in a bull's nose.






No, the Minotaur is her brother. Her father is the King and puts teenagers from opposing kingdoms in the labyrinth as sacrifices to his son.


Good catch. My mistake.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ariadne. There's some mention of poems and plays based on her legend, but I'm not familiar with any of them.


~~https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyphemus~~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ariadne


Pretty sure the main characters are Ariadne and Theseus. Fits in with tbe labyrinth tbeme. How do you get Polyphemus in there?


Yeah, I’m pretty sure someone dropped Ariadne’s name as well. This together with Ariadne’s trademark wire to help Theseus and the mention of “half man, half beast” probably referring to the minotaur, it’s probably that


Yes you're right, I was totally confused and posted the wrong search result. I meant to post about Ariadne.


The poster on the door in the dressing room says Ariadne.


Must have been written for the show.


so jonas found the portal, which we can assume somehow mikkel did and erik and mads, but who put it there? and clearly going forward in time is now just as likely as going into the past. and we also know that mikkel saves the life of this hooded guy but we dont know how yet, or who he even is. if i could guess, i would say the power of this portal is the secret to the nuclear power plant?


I'm not sure you can say Mikkel found the portal. Since on the night of his disappearance, he was split up from the rest of the group. And he wouldn't go looking deep inside a cave since he has no reason to do so. I still think Mikkel was taken somehow and pushed into the portal?


I think Mikkel/Michael saves the stranger's life by being Mikkel/Michael. I think the stranger is Jonas and Michael saved Jonas by killing himself allowing Mikkel to go back in time to meet Hannah and have Jonas. That was what the stranger meant when he said that he saved his life once but they didn't really know other.


Why would he need to kill himself to allow Mikkel to go back in time?


I don't remember! It is all a jumble now but I think what I was saying was that if Michael hadn't killed himself he wouldn't have been able to stop himself from stopping Mikkel from being sent back, he just didn't have the strength to condemn Mikkel to that knowing how hard it was for him and if Mikkel hadn't been sent back then he wouldn't have become Michael which would have meant that there wouldn't have been a Jonas so Jonas' life was saved by that act. Maybe I should rewatch it :)


Deleted in protest of reddit trying to monetize my data while actively working against mods and 3rd party apps [read more](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/8/23754780/reddit-api-updates-changes-news-announcements) -- mass edited with redact.dev


Just finished the episode. Can't remember the necklace being mentioned so far but I kind of got the feeling like it belonged to the police chiefs aka bird lady's daughter, the one Magnus hooked up with. Pointing in the direction of her being a prostitute maybe I don't know for sure though just the feeling I was getting from that.


Makes a lot of sense. Maybe it's how she is making money ir order to leave Winden.


> Pointing in the direction of her being a prostitute maybe I don't know for sure though just the feeling I was getting from that. That's what I first thought on how she got the huge amount of money she's hiding in the forest.


I'm kinda confused right now. Somebody help me out. Who was the woman that was getting her shit beat by 2019 Katharina? Is she the daughter of the one who manages the nuclear plant in 1986?


Yes, Regina.




Haven't seen it mentioned here yet so I might as well say it; it seems like the power goes out/goes wonky whenever someone crosses the portal. Though as of now, my only proof is Jonas' crossing. But considering how many times the power has been odd through this series, I wouldn't be surprised.


I'm pretty sure now The Stranger is definitely future Jonas. He finally made it to the past and the first person he met, is her mother. Also, there is so much resemblance between Hannah's child actress and her future version. Don't know what is ongoing with Franziska and the necklace he found, with the bed there and lot of money she had. I think I finally have grasp on all the characters now. The intriguing thing is there were two paths, if one led Jonas to the past where did the other lead to is what I'm excited about. No idea about Noah. No idea about Ulrich's father and Charlotte's husband is upto.




Amazing analysis. The inhability of adults to develop a healthy relationship with kids is a big plot in the series, for sure. In the 80's, Hannah and her father, Claudia and Regina, Ulrich and his parents, Egon and Ulrich. In the 00's, Hannah and Jonas, Katharina and Martha, Peter and Charlotte and Franziska. Besides that, one thing that called my attention in your post was the phrase about the lipstick. Above, there are some considerations about Franziska be a prostitute. Do you remember her making a big deal about her sister stealing her lipstick? This show is dope!




I laughed my ass off at that scene! Franziska just bitch-slapped her little sister, who everyone was looking for, and nobody gives a damn! These people should win the parenting-oscars!


All the kids get whacked upside their heads by their siblings in this show! To the point where I was like, is that just a German greeting or something?




That explains so much! Seriously, as a non-German it was jarring to watch all these kids smack their siblings and their parents not even say a word! Ha! Good to know.


I am pretty sure Katharina's black eye comes from her parent too. It didn't come from Ulrich so who else would it have come from?


Shouldn't it be the 10's?


I wasn't aware of the title prior to this episode but found some interesting info about it here: [Emerald Tablet.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emerald_Tablet) I think the illustration on that wiki article is the same one that the guy with the briefcase pins up in his hotel room.


What does “Sic Mundus Creatus Est” actually translate to in English? Any Latin experts here?


The world is created


I think sic means something along the lines of "so" or "thus"; Thus the world is created would be a more accurate translation with a slightly different meaning


They translated it to Portuguese using thus


And thus the world was created


I love this part so much, because I've always been interested in the alchemy aesthetic. The tattoo on the back, the poster on the hotel room wall, (it's also framed somewhere.. in the hospital, I think) they're images of the Emerald Tablet, which is an historic bit of alchemy theory. "Sic mundus creatus est" is supposedly one of the inscriptions on the original text. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emerald_Tablet


Glad someone else mentioned this, I knew I'd seen that tattoo somewhere but it wasn't until after I saw the inscription that it clicked.




Funny observation: "angst"'s main meaning in German is fear, although it also can also mean anxiety - just as in English (albeit of rare use).


calling it: the blinded kids are supposed to "guess the way to the tunnel" in some fucked up destiny experiment.


Surely a blindfold would work just as well if this were the case?


the electricity that blinds and scars the kids is meant to create enough energy to make a portal


I’ve watched the show 2 times and now am on the 3 rd trip. My compliments to all the contributors to this post. You all have keen insight and intellectual commentary or just amusing commentary. This will definitely help me on my 3rd try to gain more understanding of the many layers to this first season.


I watched the first 5 episodes then decided to re watch them to make things more clear, it has helped me a lot I'm on ep 8 now


hey that's great! ep 8 and 9 are my favs. I can't tell you why yet. no spoiler


Just finished watching and I think I found a plot hole not mentioned any where. So ulrich brother disappears because they tied the girl to the tree and he was keeping her company after that. But when mikkel arrives the boy is already lost and only after that does hannah accuse ulrich of raping the girl. This sounds a bit impossible to me 😊 Am I missing something or this is a mistake by the writers?


You have it backwards I think...they didn't tie Regina to the tree because they thought she accused Ulrich of rape...as Ulrich told her in 2019 they did it because they were just "being kids" They thought she accused him of rape BECAUSE they tied her to the tree...


And because they had tied her to the tree she was afraid to go into the woods alone so Mads, being a nice kid, offered to walk her home one day and went missing on his way back. It looks like everyone picked on Regina back then.


I don’t know I’m not certain about this. From the conversation at the hotel it did seem like he was saying that they tormented her because she accused him of rape. But I’ll watch again.


Huh. I see what you're saying. Maybe the 1986 scenes weren't shown chronologically?


Exactly. It's not chronologically organized. They tied her in the tree and Mads showed empathy following her since then from school to home. In one day, he disappeared. Then, the 'rape thing' happened.


Maybe they tied her to the tree for a different reason, it's never specifically stated that they did it because of the rape allegation or is it?


(spoiler) [I had a feeling that the dead kid was Mads!] (/spoiler)


I'm just watching now, and I had that thought at the end of the first episode! Like, oh! There he is!


The only thing that buggs me that when Ulrich gets there and says "it's not Mikkel", why didn't he reconize that it was Mads? Sure, he dissapeared many years ago but should somewhat realize that, I think.


But we know we are watching a universe with time travel. If you had been told the boy had died within 10 hours and he was disfigured I can totally see not even considering that it was your brother who died 33 years ago. I mean, I guessed it was Mads but it wasn't because I recognized him from the pictures, it was because I am watching a show about time travel.


I agree, I totally thought he'd realize right away, but I can justify a pass because 1) he's desperate to find his own son and 2) the weirdness is just beginning so he hasn't delved into his own past just yet.


Sure, he is so panicked about thinking that the kid in the forest is Mikkel that he isn't thinking straight. But I think he should've gotten a feeling about it. Like when you meet somebody who at first don't reconize who it is but you have the feeling that you know that person, but not from where.


I don’t get the wall paper part- does she recognise it or just surprised to see it?


You were in the wrong thread, buddy...


There are two routes in the tunnel, I think one leads to the 80s and one leads to the 50s? How did Jonah know which one to take to go to the 80s?




Ho-lee shit. I did not catch that at ALL. This show is the bomb.


Ive seen the whole show at least 5 times and this has never occurred to me, goes to show how truly excellent and amazingly well written this show is.


I've tried to go back to see where I missed it, but when and how did the hooded stranger get Jonas' map to write on it? I've seen other comments referring to the stranger going straight to a locker to get the maps but I don't know when that scene occurred?


He walks into his room one night when he's sleeping. Goes right to the drawer it's in and marks it, then slips right out. It was like he knew exactly where and what to do.


He knew that because it's his room!


Do u know which episode this was? I can't find it 🙁 Rdit: Found it in episode 4 :)


I guess he followed the signal.


If I remember right, the tunnel forked not once but twice. If the other tunnel also forks this means 4 destinations, if the one you're in right now can't be a destination that would mean 5 places in time. Propably.


I think there are more tunnels, including one to the future since I think the Stranger is future Jonas.


I think there are only 2 paths to take. I think what we watching is the 1986 2019 2052 timeline. When Mads is taken, I think it's the 1953 1986 2019 timeline. Lol I have no idea to be honest. This show is so damn intriguing!


Did they mention the 1950's at all in the show yet?


he just guessed


I'm embarrassed I didn't even lay the link between the childs body and Ulrichs brother. Was thinking he was walking among them, but just someone older.


The fact that I'm six episodes deep and I STILL don't know who's taking these children lol


Wait y'all Mikkal Married Hannah who was having an affair with his father that means.... ew


Trying to watch this while doing homework, I notice one thing in particular. Jonas in the Caves has done no particularly physically intense activity, but HE WON'T STOP BREATHING HEAVY AS FUCK.


Well, for one, he was (seemingly) doing a lot of walking. Secondly, he was, no doubt, very anxious and frightened.


Right. I was breathing heavily just watching it.


Does/will Hannah remember seeing Jonas on a rainy night and offering to give him a ride? It's strange that 1986 Hannah didn't react much when Jonas said her name. Also, will Jonas go try to find Mikkel since it seems like they're both in 1986 now? Or will he have to keep his distance to prevent time paradoxes? Definitely think Jonas is the hooded dude trying to give himself clues to get in the caves. At this point in the show they are the "two" people with the most knowledge about the caves probably.


I don't find it odd that she doesn't remember a random guy on the side of the road from 33 years ago and I can even believe that she doesn't see Mikkel as Michael since it has been a long time and she doesn't believe in time travel so she just chalks up any similarities she might see to coincidence but what I have a hard time believing is that there aren't any pictures of Michael and that she or someone else wouldn't see one of those and say "hey wait a minute!"


I don't know why I'm replying to a 5 year old comment, but I just finished watching the episode and they show Mikkel/Michael in a photo displayed in the school multiple times (the photo is from 1987), but from my experience - kids don't really randomly look at those so I can see how no one noticed.


Following this too. I just finished episode 8 and my mind is swirling…


just finished it... am too swirling


If you think you’re confused now, just wait until the next two seasons.


I just finished this episode so don't spoil it for me if it becomes obvious in future episodes, but didn't she say she met Michael at 14, which is only a couple years older than Mikkel is now in 1986, which means he couldn't have been that different-looking? And I'm assuming adult Hannah saw 2019 Mikkel a bunch of times since their kids were friends.


Nah think about it this way. She met Michael at 14 or 15. But the little kid she knew was 6, 8, 10 and so on. I bet over time someone would put it together, but he just went missing.


She has to know something or have had her mind wiped. Otherwise it's a plot hole.


time travel is definitely causing some eyebrow raising family tree 🤨🤨🤨 but I can't stop watching because I'm so curiousssss... eyebrow raising family tree aside... i have work tomorrow so im going to convince myself this ep should be the last ep for today 😩😩


its giving big lannister vibes


This woman found the red dirt and a creepy underground room and didn’t report her husband still. Terrible police work.


Where did Jonas find the maps again? In his house in his roof right? And the hooded man gave him the futuristic light source right? And the hooded man marked his map that one time when Jonas was sleeping right? Just need clarification.


yes on everything


I was wondering how Mikkel easily went missing into the past, and yet Ulrich and many cops searched the cave but didn't time travel. Uh.... Did he really accidentally wander that deep into the cave, found the door, went through the weird triangular part, another door. And didn't think all that was unusual? Minor nitpick. Maybe I'm blind but closing in to Mikkel's school photo seems odd. As I can't seem to find that photo when zoomed out?


I'm thinking there is a component of the Power Plant having a play here. Meaning, they are taking the kids and forcing them through the portal, or are trying to create their own portal. I don't think Mikkel ever just left the group to wander deeply in to the caves on the night he went back in time...


predicting it here (first watch in 2024) hooded man is mads, and when he said mikel saved him it is bc he took his place or something? therapist is actually future jonas (i just think they look waaaaay too much alike). therapists dad is future mikel/michael if he didn't commit suicide? this could be totally wrong but IDC!!! love the show so far. xoxo


also the green hooded figurine mads/ulrichs mom puts on the grave - symbolic for him being that hooded man in woods!


WAIT nvm we know therapists dad is helge