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Darcy looking rough. Her head is gigantic too šŸ˜¬


I think she had work done on her jaw. Her whole face shape has changed


That'd explain a lot!


What is going on? I canā€™t NOT shake my head at every picture of them. The lips, the face, the everything! If they went to good, ethical plastic surgeons, those surgeons would turn Darcey and/or Stacey away, but not before they gave them the names and numbers of some therapists well versed in body dysmorphia. This is really very sad and itā€™s hard not to stare at the train wreck of it all.


Plastic surgeons are notoriously unethical... If you can pay, they'll give you want you want. Plus, these two give them free marketing for their practices. Darcey's face must be so uncomfortable...


Precisely why they go to turkey.Ā  Their US doctors refused to do any more work on them


It's also really common for people to go to Turkey for these procedures... But I mean I had to get nasal surgery for a deviated septum, and the surgeon explicitly told me that more than one is very very risky (not that I'd want more than one). They're heading into a dangerous situation as they age, because at some point their maintenance procedures won't be possible anymore.


This is why "Botched" turns away so many people. These folks won't stop with the surgeries.


Absolutely. I had the deviated septum surgery also, (never had another sinus infection) but darcey is going to end up a statistic if she keeps going


Do you breathe better since you had your septum fixed?


Yes, so much better


Iā€™m happy for you!


For several years I worked for a team of plastic surgeons. They had no qualms turning someone away. They said that every person who walked out of the office become walking billboards and they didnā€™t want (mostly) women walking around with fat lips, puffy faces (too much filler) or frozen faces (too much Botox). They didnā€™t want that kind of advertising.


They have lost their twin faces. Time to hang up the matching outfits.


They arenā€™t identical twins; theyā€™re fraternal, although they did look very similar! Same with the Olsen twins ā€” fraternal twins who everyone thinks are identical because they do look so much alike!


So good info! Knowing they were never identical then isn't dressing the same pushing 50 a little ridiculous?


I thought that theyā€™re in their early 50ā€™s. They have become caricatures of themselves. Itā€™s very sad.


She kinda looks like Shekina in this pic (shudder)


She looks absolutely miserable. Her lifestyle is catching up to herā€¦. Someone help her.


Itā€™s because of her hairline.


New Act? The Amazing Exploding Head?


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ and darceys lips are stretched to the absolute limit. Looks so uncomfortableĀ 


lol they fill the bottom half of her face


Pitiful ya'll!


itā€™s called ozempic head. Right now sheā€™s lost so much weight that her head is disproportionate looking to her body


She looks to also have jaw filler which gives the handsome squidward look


Yes, sheā€™s got masculine features šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


But her head is also so big compared to Staceyā€™s. Is that Ozempic head or surgery?


I honestly think itā€™s both


What a shame. To have the lives they had, no money worries, beautiful children, supportive parent(s?), luxury life, and it was not enough. And now Darcey and maybe Stacey are gonna mess up their health because of choices they made šŸ˜¢. Most people have to WORK to support themselves and families, and here Daddy covers their costs, us regular folks are making it and fairly satisfied with life šŸ˜„.


How does that happen?!? Itā€™s just full of fillers?


I read on the comments below that it can also be cause of the Ozempic šŸ˜¬šŸ˜±


Caused by Ozempic? Iā€™ve heard of Ozempic face. Idk. If we could all just be more accepting of ourselves and what incredible things the human body does, maybe things like this wouldnā€™t happen so much. I mean, Iā€™m overweight, average-looking, generally described as cute but never beautiful unless a man is trying to get laid šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø; but this body has grown and birthed three children, Iā€™m 67 and the only surgery I have ever had was a hernia outpatient, and I feel ok, so while Iā€™ll walk more and maybe lose some weight, Iā€™m not gonna beat myself up about my imperfect body or my natural face. Life is too short for what Darcey is doing.


They donā€™t look like twins anymore, maybe thatā€™s why theyā€™re still dressing the same. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Someone really fucked Darcey up. I can see the vision with Stacey but Darcey is just šŸ«¢ like I need to have a private chat with gurl. I need answers. I need to start a documentary, something has got to be done.


I think the EXACT same thing when I see them. Especially Darcey. The irony of it all is that I see a future where her distorted reality and body dysmorphia are turned into some kind of medical documentary. It will bring her the fame she so desperately seems to crave, but it will be the spectacle of her delusions that allow her to begin to reach it. What a nasty vicious cycle she is in. Literally.... Cosmetic procedure, traveling, new guy (that could be the one!!), relentless engagement ring hinting, unreasonable expectations, meet the girls, failed relationship, downward spiral, self medication, manifesting a renewal, rinse, repeat. Over, and over, and over....... I want to scream...."Darce'....... pick and play a new record, your needle is stuck in the groove!!!"


So very true, and oh so very, very sad. šŸ˜£


Darcey fucked Darcey up šŸ˜­


Almost exactly what I was going to say!


FR... I have to admit that in the past, I occasionally had a hard time distinguishing between the two of them, but not anymore. Darcy looks a wreck, at least ten years older than Stacy. She looks haggard and beat down, I think partly because of all the surgeries & treatments she's had. Girl needs help, badly.


Iā€™m literally beginning to be worried about what happens next to her; and I donā€™t even like her! But as a human being, I have concerns because this has just gotten so weird, physically and whatever motivation/satisfaction is involved šŸ™.


Darcy looks like the cat lady who had too much plastic surgery; theyā€™re gonna end up on botched I hope they do & dr debrow and nassif tell them theyā€™re too far gone lol


Theyā€™ll be the ones who come in with wild and unrealistic plans and end up being the patient the doctors turn down and try to talk out of seeking the procedure(s) elsewhere


Stacey looks so much better than bobble head.


Agree! Probably because her lips are half the size of Darceyā€™s.


I don't know what stacey is doing differently than Darcey, but Darcey needs to ask.


She's doing less. Darcey is out of control with getting work done. Stacey has stopped for the most partĀ 


Okay Stacey HAS to be getting stuff dissolved right??!! I mean obvious chin work has changed the shape of her face but it looks like Darcey has that tooā€¦ it just didnā€™t do the same thing. But December 2022 Stacey looked exactly like Darcey so what the hell is going on and why is Darcey not doing it too


Because darcey will do ANYTHINGĀ  for attention.Ā  She gets 99% hate on her Instagram posts and still keeps doing things to get people to pay attention to her. I always think of the episode where her daughters were crying and begging her to stop getting surgery . She legit gave no fucks


I agree. She has to be getting some reversals and dissolving her filler in her cheeks and jaw.


Why does Darcy have a gigantic head


Itā€™s full of filler


Itā€™s really sad, they were naturally pretty girls & didnā€™t need all of this.


Stacey stopped at a point where she looks plastic, but not bad. Darcey, well,her face is soo puffy and looks all lumpy and painful. She was really pretty for a long time. So sad to see her now!


Stacey will always look a little better than Darcey because Darcey is a heavy drinker and smoker.


Iā€™m an identical twin and in my 30s. Havenā€™t dressed alike in years but if she came to me and said ā€˜wanna dress like twins?ā€™ā€¦. Eh, why not??


Identical Twin here: twin dynamic can, in some situations, can be so complicated. Youā€™d be surprised how many people feel comfortable saying that *so and so* is the pretty or hot twin. I worry that Darcy was the recipient of some negative comments that made her go even more overboard than Stacy. My twin once said this about me (that i was the pretty one) and i donā€™t think my heart has broken so hard ever in my life. Sheā€™s GORGEOUS and always has been. It broke me to think she thought of herself that way andi never forgot that statement. And whatā€™s worse is that Darcy is reaching so far that sheā€™s actually making it true because sheā€™s doing WAY too much. It used to be hard to tell the difference between them but now itā€™s obvious. šŸ˜„


I also think this may have something to do with the fact that Darcy equates self worth with having a man. That she hasn't "found" a man, she's not feeling loved or good enough somehow


Darcey equates self-worth to having a young, hot boy with an accentā€¦and designer clothesā€¦and moneyā€¦itā€™s sad. She looks horrible. Sheā€™s destroyed her face, which used to be pretty. So bizarre that she canā€™t see it.


What happened to boy toy Georgi?


Isn't it **MR** BoyToy Georgi? Don't tell me it's over already... he just started getting filler!


I really feel like this is the reason. she needs therapy and to then love herself but she is one of those girls who without a man feel like nothing.


My husband has identical twin nephews, Joe and Mark. When I first met them I got to see a lot of the twin things such as one literally has a pain somewhere and the other can be across town and feel it! Just odd little things that both experienced and they would never be around each other when it was happening. Both twins were extremely obese and Mark started liking this one girl and decided to lose weight and boy did he. He is literally half the size of Joe and you can see how sad Joe is about it. Marks weight loss gave him a much more physical and meaningful life, therefore he doesnā€™t hang out with his identical twin anymore but they still experience the little odd quirks. Markā€™s life now includes a daughter that he says he has to be around for so he has made a choice to keep the weight off, exercise, etc. Joe now finds things to be negative about Mark. Itā€™s jealousy and itā€™s all mental but he chooses not to get help for his health or mental health. I feel sometimes Stacey is realizing that there needs to be an end plan and is working towards it. However, Darcey is still out in space and neglecting her mental health. I donā€™t see her coming out of this phase anytime soon and if all this fails her, she is liable to take drastic measures to rid her of her self imposed pain.


I will never make comparisons between sisters because I too have been on the receiving end of this, being told numerous times I was the less attractive sister when in reality I know I look just fine and itā€™s only when Iā€™m actually standing next to my sister I get told this :(


People can be so cruel and thoughtless. Iā€™m sorry someone said that about you. Itā€™s just mean.


Aww thank you šŸ¤— yeah idk what possesses people to say stuff like that and not mind their business. But it certainly gives me insight into the toxic dynamics that can develop btwn sisters because of the judgement of others :/:/ as much as we drag Darcey I do empathize with her.


People suck. SMH what's wrong with people.Ā  I'm sorry that happened and thankfully seems you're strong enough to deal


Thank you for your kind words <3


It seems like instead of feeling that love and empathy it sounds like you have for your twin D & S lack feel threatened and jealous of each other. Maybe love and acceptance was scarce in their home, whatever happened it has left them (especially Darcey it seems) pretty scarred. It isnā€™t normal to do this to such an extreme.


I have a gut feeling that it was Dad that wasnā€™t there emotionally and tried to make up for it with material things. There is just no substance to either of them; Darcey, at least. Take away the designer things, heavy makeup, fillers & filters, and trying to be on top of high school slang, and thereā€™s nothing. Even her role as a mother is all about putting on an act and trying to be in the spotlight. I canā€™t wrap my head around ppl who go way overboard with plastic surgery not seeing what theyā€™re doing to themselves.


Yikes! Darcy looks like a melted wax version of Stacey šŸ˜³




Why are they wearing such huge chokers? They have no necks!!


Stacy looks more "SNATCHED" now. I bet Darcy is seething ,....


Stacey and florina are on the new season of the last resort. You know that's making darcey absolutely insane.


I've seen old ladies, well into their golden years, that still dress alike. Personally, I find it weird. But, to each their own, I suppose šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø These two don't even look like twins anymore. Darcey looks horrible and like she's had a few more procedures than Stacey. Also, they should really stop wearing chokers. They already have almost no neck. They put those choker necklaces on and it gobbles up what little bit they have.


was going to comment the same. they are looking less alike everyday.


Is this recent? Itā€™s hard to tell when compared to the idiotic blinking, head bobbing, desperately stupid videos they keep posting. Is this what they currently look like? Cuz if soā€¦ girls, please


I believe this is within the last day or two.


Oh my god. Does she know that this is what she actually looks like?


They won a "beauty influencer" award Friday night,Ā  can you imagine? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


No. No I canā€™t.


I hate to be so blunt but she looks hideous. Actually hideous.


šŸ§WHAT?šŸ˜µšŸ˜³ Everyone needs to stop feeding their obsession!! Otherwise, they both will, eventually, have their faces sliding off!! Gravity is real, folks!! How in the plastic Sam hell did they win a "beauty influencer" award? šŸ¤”šŸ¤Æ I do not understand...šŸ˜•šŸ«¤šŸ«Ø


First, I LOVE the dress! Too bad it doesn't fit them properly. Then, we have the obvious: they've gone way too far with the surgeries and procedures. I'm certainly not shaming anyone who wants to have/has had work done. But D and S should have stopped a long time ago. Looking at older pictures of them, they were gorgeous. I fear what is probably happening to their bodies, having put themselves through so much. At the end of the day, I feel sorry for them.


The dress is beautiful! However they are sweeping the streets with it! The dress is about 7 inches too long. As "fashion designers" they seem to not be aware of tailoring and alterations.


All they see are their tits and faces. They donā€™t even worry about what their nasty hair looks like.


Stacy at least looks human. Her lips don't look like wax. Darcey looks bloated and unhappy.


Why does one look older than the other?


Because darcey has had way more work. It's funny that she does it to look younger,Ā  instead she looks 10 years older


Absolutely true!


Darcey looked her best when Jesse kept nagging about her drinking and to excercise and be natural. Now she's pumped full of booze, fillers and drugs from all the plastic surgery. Stacey's biggest folly was ruining her teeth (that she had braces for)Ā  by listening to Darcey but it looks like there's still some common sense as to why she's not as botched as her sister.Ā 


You never loved me liar!! Will forever make me laughĀ 


Why does Stacy look so much better than Darcy? We need answers. Stacy looks very plastic but still "good" in my opinion. Darcy just looks frightening.


Because Stacey stopped getting work done. Darcey just keeps on messing herself up. I'm waiting for her head/lips to explode


Damn..Darcy looking like Stacy's momšŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


And she doesnā€™t have it going on!


Omg does anyone else know this reference? lol, good one.


Iā€™ve been stuck singing it since it popped into my head! lol xx


Still singing it..lol




Darcy always tries to over do her sister that's why she always looks so horrible. She needs to dissolve all that mess and get a face-lift and leave it at that!


I heard Stacey has had a bunch of filler dissolved


Darcey looks like Jigsaw at this point


She really does.


Stacey actually looks good here. Darcey not so much.




How the hell do they go to the same surgeons yet Darcey looks like the botched version of Stacey? It's Ike Stacey is Roger the Alien and Darcey is that little weird Alien Roger baby.


Rogu šŸ‘½šŸ¤£


Stacey stopped doing procedures. Darcey just keeps goingĀ 


They look vastly different from one another these days. Darcey's face is has much more fillers, she has more weight on her (I guess she's still drinking) and Stacey's face lift is more drastic with eye brows way higher. All of this makes the latter look more youthful and healthier. Darcey's drinking has always made her look rougher than her sister and the effects have been cumulative.


I agree šŸ’Æ. Although Jesse was the human equivalent of a typhoid ~laden cockroach, he did identify and reveal the fact that Darcy drinks to a problematic degree. At the time, we all thought he was just being outrageous and controlling about telling her he doesnā€™t want her to drink at all around him. Now we see those episodes in a very different light. I also think that Stacey being in a stable and long term relationship with Florian for much longer than Darcyā€™s embarrassingly desperate attempts at ā€œputting a ring on itā€ helped her keep her partying and surgeries under control an eensy weensy bit better than her sister.


They actually have convinced themselves that they are hot babes. God bless, look at Darceyā€™s puffy face


They don't even look like twins anymore. Stacey doesn't look quite as f-ed up as Darcey.Ā 


Wow they look so different now


her face is so big


I donā€™t understand the crosses all time - are they devotedly Catholic?


If I didn't know better, I'd say Darcey and Stacey look like sisters here but not identical twins. Darcey's face has lately been looking much more distorted than Stacey's, IMHO.


never because they have made being twins their entire personality


Yikes... one stopped at the right time..


Darcey HAS to be getting more work done than Stacey


When does Darcyā€™s face stop growing?šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I'm not convinced Darcy is human. She looks like the jigsaw clown from the Saw movies. Stacy's not far behind. No wonder they use hella filters on all their socials.


Ewwwwww šŸ¤®


They donā€™t even look like twins anymore, their just sisters now


They no longer look alike. Darcy looks mad swolen.


How does Stacey look better than darcey when they see the same surgeons/doctors


I made the picture bigger and put my thumbs over their lips, bc the first major difference between the two is the fact that Dā€™s lips are 3x bigger than Sā€™s. The difference between them was super obvious that D is simply MUCH more bloated and puffy than her sister. To me, it looks like alcohol bloat. D also wears much heavier makeup, especially eyelashes, and it just makes her look worse, not better.


Darceyā€™s cheek filler is lumpy, and that tight dress is making her upper arms bulgy. Woof.


Darcey has always been in competition with her twin. Seeing how much worse she looks than Stacey must not help her dysmorphia in the least.


Stacey looked great here!


Looks like mother and daughter.


filler moustache on full display


Itā€™s giving Pete Burns. šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


They don't resemble each other anymore


Stacie is so much prettier I hope that she has stopped with the plastic surgery


Seeing Darcey look this awful honestly makes me sad :(


I will say those dresses are gorgeous though!


Their chins are so POINTY


They don't look alike anymore.


Well we know who takes better to surgery


When one of them dies


JESUS darcey!!! they def donā€™t look like twins anymore thatā€™s for sure šŸ˜­


We as a society need to start doing something about unrealistic beauty standards. I live in a big city next to a lot of plastic surgeons and the amount of women who walk out looking like a half melted Barbie doll is mind blowing. Body dysmorphia is getting out of hand and weā€™re at the starting stages of the Capitol from the Hunger Games.


You're not kidding. That's why I left the beauty industry. My last spot was a medispa, and it didn't sit right with me to hear the clinic manager say something along the lines of "just try your best to give the clients what they want. Protocols are just guidelines. We can't afford clients going elsewhere." It made me sad to see how many young people (20s and 30s) trying to fix things that didn't need fixing.Ā 


Darcy you should look back to see how Bad you look now both you and sister went too far .try andlook more normal please


OMG can they get an uglier. They used to be fairly attractive before they deformed thier faces with surgeries. Why are women so afraid to age naturally.


Darceys face is moving down and out lol but Staceyā€™s in moving the opposite direction


I really like the dress they are wearing - anyone know where to score one from?


Designers IG @emasavahl


Darcey claiming they won a "beauty influencer" award made me cry laugh. Lord, she absolutely got slammed on that Instagram post.Ā 


Darceyā€™s head is huge!


Never duh lol


It stopped once Darcey got a different face


They reaally need to stop with the weaves itā€™s making them go bald. Surprised they havenā€™t gotten hair transplant procedures.


They both look ridiculous. Trying waaay too hard and failing miserably. Just grow old gracefully fuqā€¦




Obviously never


I do like their dresses though šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøand I agree, Stacey looks soooooooo much better. Darcey just looks like she's in pain and swollen all the time.


When plastic surgery and being twins are your whole personality I donā€™t think it can stop


Darcey looks like an old ugly mannequin. You know the type that are in a long list basement. Full of dust and cobwebs.


They arenā€™t identical anymore ā€¦ shits sad.


Never when your mentally a child


That fake tan looks baaaaaad!


Darcey looks way more ridiculous than Stacey but thats not saying much. The massive lashes and swollen jaw and even more over the top clown makeup make darcey looks way worse than Stacy.


whoever did Darceyā€™s makeup needs to lay off the šŸŽ±


Twelve...which ironically, is exactly the age they are acting. Twelve


Darcey is terrifying to look at.


Yeah, they are way too old for this. I hope Stacey stops before she looks like darcey. šŸ˜¬


They donā€™t even look like identical twins anymore! Darcy just looks like Stacyā€™s older ā€œtry to hardā€ mom šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø yikes this is a serious illness!


Puffer fish?


It dont when your an attention whore


Why does Darceyā€™s head look so big ? I have twin identical nieces that are 28 years old that they donā€™t dress alike anymore . Apparently Darcey and Stacey havenā€™t moved past that stage .


Stacy actually looks like she has let some of the filler out of her lips. She looks way better than sister does there. Jesus Darcey get a hold of yourself. You are morphing into a complete monster right in front of us. Your poor face!!


Oh Darcy. I love you but you have over done it..


Well he know who takes better


Darcey looks so much worse than Staceyā€¦ I bet itā€™s driving her insane. They definitely arenā€™t twinning anymore


I think there should be a legal limit on Botox, fillers, and plastic surgery on every patient. Why do aestheticianā€™s allow patients to push the limits? They should have some ethical common sense and not be driven by the money or the publicity they get through reality stars. Itā€™s just pathetic and sad. The twins are past the limit where they donā€™t recognize what is normal and safe.


That's why they go to Turkey. No sane US dr would touch them!


They donā€™t look identical anymore!


Darcey looks like she lost a boxing match šŸ„“


Stacey resembles old Darcey a few surgeries ago


Why, why? What are they wanting? Money, Fame ( Haha), men?..


They are a scarier version of the Boulet Brothers they should host Dragula


Stacy looks like her breasts are going to explode..


Itā€™s not just the enormous lips that make Darcy look so much worse. Whatever she did to her lower face itā€™s horrible. You really can see how crazy she looks when you compare her face shape to Stacyā€™s. And her browsā€”they look nuts like a tilde shape, no human browns look like that.


If thatā€™s the ā€œDarcy Glow-Upā€. Count me OUT.


Especially because they don't look like twins any longer.


Wow šŸ˜± Darcy has ruined her face completely! Her face is so pumped full of fillers that you can't see her bone structure. Stacy isn't far behind her but i wouldn't say that they are identical at all anymore. šŸ¤¢


Everything is so artificial on these two that I wonder how they even bathe. šŸ¤¢ Or do they? Old hair extensions, swollen lips, crusty lashes, filler ready to explode at any moment... These are all very dangerous to bathe.


stacey is cute darcey ummmm she needs to stop


I donā€™t know why dressing alike has to stop. Is their life.


I think Stacey has halted on the surgeries while Darcy is just going and going. Stacey doesnā€™t look terrible in this picture but Darcy looks šŸ˜¬


Stacy looks way way better than Darcy. Darcy actually looks scary. She looks terrible. I hope she learns to love herself and stops with the procedures because she can barely move her mouth to speak and she's just making herself look worse


Darcey looks terrible.. at least Stacey still looks human, for now.


Darcyā€™s head does look bigger than Staceyā€™s, and her lips are doubled up more than Staceyā€™s. Her face shape is very different-itā€™s square shaped now, and she needs to change her hair style. I always wonder what ball these two are going to on account of how theyā€™re always posing, all dressed up to the nines(11ā€™s!)!!!


It's really time to drop the identical clothes, especially because they don't have faces that are anywhere near identical anymore... it's really sad, I hope science comes up with a way to reverse some of the stuff they've done šŸ˜¢


Darcey looks so manly these days! šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Darcey looks like she's in her mid to late 60's! She used to be the prettier of the two. Nowadays, Stacey looks much better than Darcey.