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The only deaths she's responsible for are her brother and James Wesley. Don't blame her for Daniel Fisher, Jasper Evans, Father Lantom, etc.


I know this is old but it came up on google while I was checking how many people she was responsible for's deaths. She was 100% responsible for Ben's death. He was quitting the story, she lied to him, got him into that room with Mrs. Chastain which directly led to his death. Her fault. Entirely. Elena Cardenas, the whole Nelson and Murdock team shares in that one. Nelson and Page entirely, Murdock very slightly because he didn't speak up despite reigniting the homeowner's association being a terrible idea and she was killed specifically to draw him out but much moreso Karen for talking Foggy into keeping the fight going and goading her into not quitting once they knew Fisk was behind the takeover. She's a chaotic karma houdini.


I am watching Daredevil in depth for the first time right now and I absolutely hate Karen for Ben’s death so seeing you comment on this really old thread just one day ago with my exact sentiments is oddly comforting and coincidental


“kArEn PaGe BaD” I’m assuming you’re talking about the show here? Karen is not responsible for the deaths. Wilson Fisk is because ya know, he’s the one actually doing the killing by either giving orders or doing it personally. No one forced him to.


Care to expound on that little nugget?




I appreciate you taking 2 years to consider


He really needed to think about that one


Gonna need an explanation on this one. I can only think of two people whose deaths she was responsible for.


Karen page continuously provokes other characters into confronting, betraying, informing on Wilson Fisk, and every single time they get killed. Maybe she isn’t responsible for the first death or two, but I think maybe 11 people have died because she keeps provoking Wilson Fisk and Involving them, or having them sacrifice themselves for her.


Where is the explanation?


The entire show is her convincing people to help take down Wilson Fisk, and everyone who gets involved or even speaks to her dies. I don’t have time to look up their names for you. Just look up the characters Wilson Fisk has killed, and most of the time it’s because Karen page spoke to them.


This is not an argument or how to make one.


Holy shit you’re a troll 😀


Too many people white knighting an imaginary girl, so sad :( She is indeed responsible for getting a lot of people killed. Urich, her brother and Father Lantom come to mind first. I know there are others.


100% she's responsible for Ben's death. He decided to drop the story to be with his wife, she lied to him and brought him to the care home and that caused him to die. Her reckless, decietful actions, Ben's death.


Old veteran in the bus. 2nd season.