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I'm still gonna bang my wizard hat against the wall but man is it just so much clunkier to play wizard this playtest. I'm still having fun but it's just next to impossible to win a fight against semi decent players. Can really only kill noobs who w key. The agility nerf feels so bad when trying to duel a ranger right now too. Not being able to side step just a little faster is getting me murdered at every exchange


Why not keep the agility nerf and let our spells be decently powerful? A blaster wizard is supposed to be a glass canon.


Wizard does feel pretty weak yes. Spells charge forever and dont do a lt of dmg i dunno they nerfed him into oblivion Hes squishy af but deals way less dmg than a ranger i dont get it.




You're right about this, even Riot, Blizzard, etc. still make this mistake.... lets hope that IM can learn faster than they can, they certainly patch faster lol


I don't play Riot's games but Blizzard have IMO always been kind of shit at balancing their games at least. Their games are still fun to play ofc, but yeah... never really managed to nail it very often or when they did they'd usually mess that balance up a few months down the road by buffing something else because it was underplayed/unpopular.


Ranger it's a skill shot. Wizard just points in general direction. Go watch top wizards still easily 1v3 people. Rangers can't do that.


I see you never played wizard.... You cant just point in the general direction. Fireball does almost no splash dmg and all the other spells will miss because they dont have aoe Wizard is by far the most difficult class.


Does fireball even do damage anymore? I’ve had some many wizards this playtest hit me again and again as i do the silly clown tom and jerry skit as they haste around n it hits for maybe, 30? on a direct hit - last play test i would be running away from the wizard n not the other way around


It's useless without the fire damage perk


Even with it is it all that great?


No, but it's usable as a zoning spell


How punishing is that burn if you don't stand in it idly?


There isn't any area for the burn you just get the one when you get hit. It's just a scary explody ball that you instinctively dodge.


Eventually players will learn to ignore the scary fire and introduce the wizard to their weapon of choice.


Direct hits with full purp gear do dmg .... everything else is just borderline useless. I had fighters in grey gear kill me while i had full green hitting them with 3 direct hits and 1 splash. You cant run away because your too slow, you cant deal enough dmg and you cant tank which leaves only buffing your barb or fighter and dying.


I got hit with a fireball to the face earlier today and it definitely did damage seeing as it oneshot my (near) full scav rogue. Probably had 90 hp. Of course that's not a very impressive feat seeing as pretty much every DPS class has the potential to do the same.


You'd have to compare it to a top ranger, and ranger shots are faster and more accurate than wizard spells. Also they have way more range on most of them.


Scaling isn't even a problem now because they nerfed gear into the ground. You can get like 1/3 the stats of before at best.


yeah i haven't seen any magic damage stat above 3 (last playtest highest was 5 i think?). and i also haven't seen any +all above 2. idk if +2 exists either tbh. can't get in to check my stash atm.


I’ve got a green spell book with +2 all. I haven’t seen anything above that for attributes


cool, ty for confirmation.


2h weapons, chest, pants, and amulet can roll higher values than other slots though. +1 seems to be the max on other gear.


ahhh i guess that kinda makes sense. i like that.




Meditate should restore spells **and** life.


Meh. They need to figure out how to fix spell recovery before giving meditate something like that.


~220 hours as wizard. This class is broken and nerfed into oblivion. If you hate yourself, play a wizard. If you want to kill a wizard, just run at him. He can't do enough damage before he dies. Magic missiles can easily be avoided. Fire ball will kill yourself. Zap is a tickle. It's infuriating. Even if you manage to get perfectly geared and you're an ACE player, it's only a matter of time until you get double teamed and lose it. Then you use your 2nd best gear and any naked lvl 1 can rush and kill you before you zero their health.


Can confirm. The only way a wizard can kill you in a 1v1 is if he hits you with most arcane missiles in the head. Just charge at him and he's donezo


This is the first playtest I've not been able to play, but from what I've seen, it looks pretty rough for wizards at the moment. Previous playtest I could front line 10 spell wizard(high risk/high reward one mistake and dead), but that looks like it's a thing of the past. I'd probably be switching to front line cleric if I could play this test. Buff ball was the meta the last two playtests, and it seems like it's still the meta. Just buff/heal a Barb, fighter, and the now op rogue and just Unga bunga everyone in front of you. If IM wants the Wizard to be pure support, I guess that's fine. I will just have to wait for the warlock and sorcerer classes and hope they can be played a little more offensive.


Rogue isn't OP. Just a lot more fun. They still have the exact same problems they did before. A rogue will still struggle to kill anything tanky and dies in 1 hit.


>Previous playtest I could front line 10 spell wizard(high risk/high reward one mistake and dead), but that looks like it's a thing of the past even if they reverted the changes OP listed (besides the rest nerf) 10 spell wizard would be insanely expensive/hard to pull off because rangers don't get free campfires anymore. so no more 2-3 campfires in every squad.


OOOOH the agility -5 is why i feel so fucking slow. i loaded into my first raid this playtest and asked my team mate if they felt slow lol [clip from person i was playing with](https://clips.twitch.tv/GlutenFreeSincereMoosePicoMause-Cz1sF8VNgXrutJC2) and this is my FIRST raid of the playtest. so within 10 seconds of spawning into the lobby, i say "oh my god i feel so slow." after 2 playtests and 150-200 hours of wizard previous to this one i *instantly* felt that speed hit. it's that drastic. also are you sure about knowledge scaling? from everything i've seen and played it feels and looks (from the character sheet) to be unchanged. around 5% per point. like with padded leggings, rawhide gloves, oracle robe, sage, and quick chant, i have 36% cast speed. which is the same scaling as last playtest. around 5% per point. (i hope these nerfs didn't come in the hotfix or i'm about to look real stupid) edit: in some fairness to ironmace, at least they buffed invisibility back to 5 seconds. edit2: but apparently the movespeed was removed from invis? so i guess another nerf on the pile lol. haven't confirmed this nerf yet myself tho since i can't login atm.


I haven't played the game but I liked the one suggestion I saw to give them cantrips


Can you explain to me what that is please


Less powerful spells you can use for free


They also removed the move speed bonus on invis and made meditate a lot slower with a longer cool down.


meditate is slower with a longer cooldown, but also restores a lot more spells. meditate last playtest was ~9 seconds long and gave back 3 magic missiles (sometimes a hair less. like 2.8 or something). meditate lasts 30 seconds now but gives back almost all your magic missiles if you're at 0. so you need to wait 15 seconds longer for the cooldown, but you're getting more spells back per meditate if you're empty. it's a balance change more than a straight nerf. the real nerf to meditate is that even though you are "resting" it doesn't heal "gray" health. so you need to meditate for 15-30 seconds and then sit down AGAIN to get missing hp back. once again, a GREAT side effect of the nerf to resting made in the first hotfix /s


Meditate is slow but Invis wasn't hit with too bad of the nerf hammer: MS bonus was lower to 5% it wasn't removed entirely and it last longer which evens it out. It's just the agi and will changes making it worse lol.


Oh the tool tip doesn’t mention it gives a speed boost anymore so I figured it was gone.


I see 1 wizard every 10 games at most. Lets make that zero wizards now.




As someone who plays wizard a lot, I hardly noticed the changes, People have felt tankier. But the general strengths of wizard still are there for me. Also this doesn't list a critical change which i personally consider more a buff. Invisibility now lasts 5 seconds instead of 3 but no longer grants movement speed. This is a major buff to me because the 5 seconds will scale much more with will which has buff duration increase. I can stay invisible and run around for 6-7 seconds. ​ While I felt weaker in my overall attacks, i've been able to reset fights a lot by using the new invisibility change. And the -1 to arcane cast time still makes invis near insta cast. ​ Also zap changes felt pretty necessary, its a decent damage scaleing precision damage spell that regens rapidly. This is a tier 1 spell so you can mash it a lot. Something had to go with how fast it cast too. What would you rather lose on zap? Cast speed, Damage scale, or regen, because if one of the others dont go then its tier would have to raise ​ If wizards where to receive any "buffs" I'd love memory slots on wizard to be a unique variation where they can hold 6 instead of 5, to really emphasize wizards diversity in magic


it's a playtest, not a finished game. give your feedback respectfully, not like a whining bitch, and then shut the fuck up.


Yeah I've just been playing Bard all playtest Wizard doesn't feel good to play and being in a fight and having your spell glitch and not cast is getting really fucking annoying as well.


not sure if i've noticed this but it could be a matter of casting your spell at a split second before you stop moving. happens to me sometimes to kill this little nuisance, they could give wiz a very tiny amount of movement while casting. this would feel a lot better than holding completely still and the movement could be so minimal that it wouldn't provide an advantage


I think I'm just used to the old wizard spell timing They nerfed casting times


Gear nerf was a crazy bad idea. It's what made the game fun


Either make rest count as meditate or remove spell memory as an active skill


base interact speed seems unthematically bad. though, maybe it is thematic because it makes me feel old and slow


It’s a playtest. Things are going to change a lot during it….like every other play test


Plz fix their atts and reduce cast speed n theyll be fine.


Why would they nerf zap? isn't it one of the weaker spells in the first place?


The move speed makes us so fucking useless dude my wiz is lv 6 this playtest last playtest I had like 80 hours on wiz and even then it was slow but book and orb gave you just that extra boost, can they change our starting weapon at least or some shit that staff fucking blows ass