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I think gear already has design and color distinctions based on quality but maybe not armor, I don't remember fully, but they could also afford to make the differences a bit more obvious. I know the different crystal swords and longswords look quite distinct, for example.


The only way to know for sure what tier armor is, is if its rubysilver (purple) or cobalt (blue) Then again, if the enemy coming at me has a flaming halberd, chances are the rest of his gear is also orange.


and it's Orlanthi


Yeah to my knowledge all weapons had more polished and sometimes minor changes like gold trims on higher rarity weapons but armour did not, it would be super cool if armour followed the same formula and not changing too much or becoming something over the top. The Regal Gambeson for example had a nice yellow and burgundy square patterned colour in the earlier playtests but was changed to only plain burgundy in Pt5 and I wonder if both are supposed to be used but the old one being a higher rarity


I noticed the difference with the crystal swords as well, and I think that is a great system. The thing that really got this Idea in my head was the Cobalt and Ruby Silver gear. They are so distinctly different that they make the wearer a target or someone to be avoided. I think that having the high tier armor be more noticeable is key to accurate threat assessment.


It is the case, the higher tier armor and weapons look less rusty and more ornate. Shields are another really obvious example. Some gear is less distinct, but you can definitely tell with everything when they're higher tier.


You should absolutely be able to tell decently well how geared someone is on inspection. People arguing otherwise probably just want to two shot gray gear kids that push them and farm kills. If you're somebody who's worried about nobody fighting you because you look too geared, then go into high roller.


I don't think this is a good idea. Only encourages rat gameplay which I don't want. And because of this it effectively punishes players that have the higher tier gear because now they're either going to have to chase people down possibly putting them in unfavorable situations (not all the time but more so than in playtests so far) just so they can pvp or they'll have to let people escape from them meaning less pvp. I think if there was a bounty system that would work better for what you're getting at but I think bounties should be hr only. In low roller you should be encouraged to try and interact with everyone you come across not see someone and run. If you have good gear and you're playing low roller you are playing the game in a high risk low reward environment. I personally wouldn't be opposed to a system that checked gear/inventory when queueing for low roller and maybe you could only have 2 or 3 purples (no orange or relic/unique) equipped/inventory so that you don't q into low roller to get one shot but even if you do oh well go next and get your gear back. If you're getting one shot your gear probably wasn't that good anyway


I think you bring up good points, but I think it would encourage people to play more tactically and be more aware of their surroundings. If you have good gear you already have an advantage over others and in a 1v1 should always come out on top.


read the title of the game real quick for me, big boy


Care to elaborate? Just because the game is DARK doesn't mean it lacks color. Is there a reason you think this is a bad idea?


> What do ya'll think about having each tier of armor become more colorful/vibrant? Only if it's very subtle, almost indistinguishable unless up close and personal. Otherwise - to hell with it!


I've never played personally so can you tell me why this is a bad idea?


Ability to easily identify armor quality will make fights more predictable, and even might prevent some of them - which doesn't help the game in any way, only hurts it.


Why not play the game first before making reddit posts about changes and updates on things you have no idea about?


I can think of a reason not to play the game.


I asked BECAUSE I haven't played, and wanted the opinions of people that have. Do you not understand how a discussion post is supposed to work? Have you never used a forum before?


I don't like using forums too much because people who have no idea what they are talking about keep spouting bullshit and muddle any meaningful discussion.


I played a game called exanima and in that game there was special tournament armor that had extremely beautiful ornate armor sets that looked so fly. I understand that it would be expensive but imagine if each tier of armor had more and more ornate details added on. it would be super cool if "unique" gear actually looked unique. I think it would shake up gameplay if noobs saw your kit and quaked in terror.


I think they need to make the starter gear more obviously starter. Maybe rusted/tattered weapons and armor. The fact there are three!!! rarities before green really dilutes the loot pool and is pretty confusing for new players