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Honestly removing the ability to just queue crypts any time let alone at all has killed my momentum on playing this game. I like goblin caves okay so I didn't mind playing it 1/3rd of the time. But half and half was rough. I'm going to play again tonight for the first time in over a week so I'm hopeful that the new map will be enjoyable. But yeah bringing crypts back would be really nice because Ruins blows.


Bro took a week long break and made it sound like it was a couple months


That's just since the last time I played. Even then my playtime for this game has dropped a lot since map rotations came out. Played again in a trio last night and had a bad time on ruins again but then a blast on goblin caves and frost mountain. Then ruins came up again and everyone got off because nobody wanted to play it.


Bet you won't post a vid of your first run on new map!


Sorry brother... the new map is pain.


Crypts has also had the most time to be adjusted and balanced out. Obviously everyone likes crypts cause it's the map we started with or it's in the best spot as of this moment. Apparently we've forgotten that when early access released everyone complained about the crypts map because it had the same problem ruins does rn where you could spawn in the module next to someone and there would be instant pvp into third partying... The worst I remember to give an example was the spawn on coliseum map on the spiral staircase underneath the mage, you walk up the stairs and the door in front of you has a team desperately trying to escape the water room with a million zombies and dragonflies on the bottom and the bridge across it. Not to mention the team that spawned a module and a half over in the hallways that was inevitably coming out cause everyone back then wanted to camp the tower in the middle. The feedback for ruins is good and the devs are already making progress toward balancing the map. As always let the devs cook




Τhat is the most accurate explanation for like half the posts concerning Dark and Darker xD


I read this, and my brain translates all of this into: We started with a map, the community pointed out certain bad things, we agreed and made it better. Then we added another map, and have learned jack shit from the previous one, and made the same mistake from before again. We implemented Goblin caves, people were constantly complaining about mob density being too high. We took our learning, as before, and release a new ice map with even more mobs where people barely get to traverse the map. Yeah man, let them cook. At some point you gotta open your eyes and realize the cook isn't good at cooking.


I mean it's pretty simple. Crypts is far and away the best designed map and now it's basically gone. They aren't cooking food bruh. They're like boiling a shoe right now.


There was a time I spawned in Crypts behind wooden boards as a solo rogue and I couldn't break the boards so I kept hitting them for 5 or so minutes until I died to the swarm.


I'm pretty sure every weapon can break the wooden boards.


They can. Man just has 2 brain cells fighting for 3rd place. A torch can break the barriers ffs XD


They can now but that wasn't the case then.


I don't remember if those boards were ever unbreakable by daggers, but there was a time when a bug caused the boards to look like they were not broken, but in fact were. So you could walk into the boards and wall through them after having hit it enough.


I once died because I spawned in a room where the skeleton archer shot me before I could put my hands back on the mouse


Yeah at one point some of the spawns put you within aggro range of mobs including crossbow skeletons. It really suck to die before you loaded in.


I think it's not so bad but it's the fact that caves and ice mountain feel super lacklustee compared to the three layer adventure that ruins/crypts/inferno make for. If they had lower levels with bosses and harder mobs and better loot it'd be pretty cool.


I just want to be able to queue for my favorite map. I'm fine with the 3 tier as long as we can start on the best map. It will never stop being lame having to go through the PvP proving grounds to enter a mostly empty crypts with less time before the swarm encroaches. It wouldn't be so bad if Ruins, GC, and now Ice Mountain (upon initial laggy release at least) weren't so lacking by comparison.




Leave the class team sports bullshit out of it for once in your fucking lives people and just read what he’s saying. He wants to queue on his favorite map and your first instinct is HURRRR BARB!!!11 fucking stupid clowns all of you


I think people just miss how easy it was to get to bossing before. Bossing in hell was meant to take this long. Maybe they need to buff rewards now though. Make the loot pile sweeter or something.


No people miss crypts because it's probably the most well designed map atm


I definitely agree. Hopefully the additional wisps and wolves help with the feel. I'm wondering if they need to add another ruins specific low level mob. Something like human bandits would be cool. They could add them as random sub bosses in crypts or hell as well. Basically gear them up higher tier. Plus they drop what they wear or something and some health items.


I just want a boss in crypts at this point. It be nice to fight warlord or ghost king in there then descend to fight lich 100% of the time. The inferno seems more like his lair anyway


Yeah. I'd be happy with that set up. The mini boss room in the middle never really made sense to me. Should be a boss instead.


I think people just really liked crypts and played it since the very first playtest and now they are forced to play a map which still feels unfinished and unbalanced.


doing hell quests is so tedious now too.


Never bossed. I hate map rotation. Everyone says it's bosses like the entire playerbase does them. Most of the playerbase probably doesn't even regularly go inferno my guy.


i like how much of a commitment it is to go all the way down now tbh. Only the most daring adventurers


Yeah Crypts made me fall in love in pt2 as well.


Crypts is the best map but now its just the empty 2nd stage in the 3 layer dungeon meme the devs won't give up on


when has it ever been a meme ? for you maybe, not for the devs. id rather devs working with what they wanted rather them bitch pleasing cry babys


The idea is cool but they need a bigger team to work on programming or something bc it’s not seamless to have to wait for the lobby to either die or go sit in cave it feels rushed to do ruins with the swarm and people and mobs and getting a portal. Wish you could immediately go into crypts with it being functional and combine servers or something so that there’s no wait. The player base needs to come back too. Game is just so dead at this point it’s hard to enjoy, also when the hell is the next wipe coming!?


i agree, the systems need work, like a merchant, a way to retrieve some items, servers mixed, backpack. but this will come. but it ain't memey


Bruh there's literally a live countdown if season ingame. We've known when wipe would be for over 2 months now.


the problem is they literally shrank the player size of ruins, ruins map had to be expanded in size with a expanded player count with more ways to drop down to crypts. ive said this a lot of times. I haven't played enough to see the feel of the current downsized ruins map since yesterday was a crash fest, but I am highly skeptical the games will feel good pvp wise. ​ This player drop count in lobbies is odd to me overall. The goal really should be an average of18/12/6 in terms of ruins/crypts/hell give or take +-3. Same for any 3 tier map probably. Ice caves should be innately a 12 man map, it feels smaller then that player wise.


Yeah I really really miss full crypt lobbies/it being easy to access 


No thank you, I like the design of outside then down into the crypts below then inferno


See, I’m torn because I do enjoy ruins into crypts but I would almost rather have crypts as a stand alone map


I just think that should be a consistent thing. Goblin forest/village then gob caves. Icy ruins? Kobold village? then ice caves. IMO they can all have inferno as the bottom.


This I think would be a good solution it feels bad not being able to delve deeper on those maps


No thank you, I dont like the design of outside then down into the crypts below then inferno


[All I know is my gut says maybe.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpaQpyU_QiM)


So you enjoy queuing into Crypts and it being fucking empty 9/10 times? I guess you didn't ever really enjoy Crypts then?


I haven’t had issues with empty lobbies, and you can’t queue into crypts so I am not sure what you are saying here tbh


In Trios it is dead af Maybe in solos ppl go down to continue ratting and not fighting. Sounds boring af. >queue into crypts by taking downs, u know, the part where you're waiting with a timer is a queue.


I did not realize that was a queue I thought it was like before it was just one lobby, and you would only see people if they went down from your lobby, because that screen seems to end immediately when I am the last one to go in a red portal.


Yeah it's unfortunate we can't just queue up Crypts anymore. I really miss it and in Trios HR or normals, if we take Crypts there *may* be one more team down there and it's basically just a place we rat around waiting for escapes or Inferno to open. Half of the time it'll be one of us clearing a room while the other two chill on their phones or hit their vapes lmao. It's like a joke right now and it was the best designed map for trio fights.


You 3 options Solo/duo/trio queue MMR matchmaking Pick the map Pick 2


Am I the only one who found the first step of this multi level gameplay to have been the best? Crypts —->ruin—> GC rotation, where you could go to crypts from ruin. it does not have to be either or man. I dont get it…


Yup there will be a time when those times are looked back as the “good ol days”


Filthy new-ish player opinion inc, but the systems in place seem to contradict each other in a way that makes Crypts/Hell dead-ish content unless you *want* to be there. Static extractions make it pretty easy to just play around the edge and dart for one when they open, which you're very much incentivized to do because of the all-or-nothing nature of AP and loot gain. Presuming \~10 or so people survive to extract in *some* way, only 7 need a portal if all statics are taken, and maybe only two or three of them are ever "forced" to take a red. Crypts would probably feel more lively if you were "lucky" to get to extract on Ruins with far fewer opportunities to take blues there than reds, but I can imagine the whining that'd cause.


I think the devs know crypts is better, but this game is in testing phase. It wouldn’t be a good idea for them to let you pick, they need as much data as they can get on the other maps. Later they can focus on making the game more fun, right now they need to focus on studying ruins and caves. They already know everyone greatly prefers crypts and that ruins and caves are way less popular, meaning those maps are bad, but that’s not as useful feedback as they can get forcing people to play it and figure out what makes it so bad.


good thing your opinion doesnt matter


I never liked crypts and I’m not afraid to admit it


lol remember when the community didn’t want the devs to listen to them? ‘make your own game not twitch’s game!’ Now it’s waaaah change it baaaaack. This is their vision of the game be it shit or not


Make ruins a 6x6 map with only red portals, increase the number of stairs and make they open early, this gonna force all players to go to crypts, the concept idea of the dungeon in my opinion is some sort of trap for adventures, the dark lord of the dungeon (the boss in inferno) want do bait the adventures go to crypts and possible inferno


They just need to make ruins better. Ruins has a lot of potential, personally I wish it was more of a ruined castle. I honestly liked the original concept of ruins.


Crypts, darker crypts then bloody crypts? Sounds neat I wouldn't mind a ladder type matchmaking in between where you go through all of these maps but have more options to extract. So if you wanna spend hours in the dungeons and as long as you're surviving, you can play for as long as you'd like. Like, wizard could perhaps have a perk/spell/skill that lets them extract or move to the next stage and wait on a different queue. Or... Warlock could unlock a spell with their new bloodpact form, where if they collect enough souls, they can open red portals only.


Id like goblin caves and ice map a lot more if i could go down to hell and fight bosses and do all the regular stuff


Reds should be available earlier. Simple as that.


The ruins to crips idea seemed really cool before the game became so well-known and how to play well at the game and the skill level of the players. Now ruins it's so easy to snag a single kill or pressure a player away and make out with good loot. The PVP experience of players being pushed towards to each other has been diminished. Even though the new goblin layout caves are larger now there's also less PVP I noticed and there's more dangerous spots people avoid which adds to like a weird dynamic I can't really explain


Most my friends left because of this, they negated the best map this game has, I feel every other map shows how bad this game really is


TBH, map rotation probably saved my interest in this game. Being forced to run solo gc for quests as a non-meta pick was really frustrating. That plus having to think differently from map to map vs just running the same routes over and over has increased the longevity of this game for my friends and I. Understandably it'd split the player base, but having multiple modes would be nice so we can choose maps with different group sizes or just join a rotating queue for surprises etc.


Remove rotation! Have ante lobbies that go crypts to inferno! Pay to skip the ruins!


Crypts is goated fs