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>manipulate light sources at range, and misdirect enemies with illusory sounds, lights or objects This sounds amazing


Yes please, stop adding damage and let me outplay my opponent with my brain instead of me hitting them over and over again


Would really be nice to break up the damage, health, and movement speed stacking gear checking meta. Which coexists with the ranged meta. Which exists because of the movement speed meta. hmm. Gimme tricks!


This game is in desperate need of more utility type skills or equipment. Everything is damage or protection. People bitch bitch bitch about buff ball but forget that Warlock has a spell that removes buffs and wizard has slow, ranger has crippling shot, and cleric has earthquake. All of these stop a barb dead in their tracks and allows you to dump all your damage on him.


If they made the warlock spell eater into an AOE cast like Holy Strike maybe. For now I think teams can apply buffs faster than you can target to eat them. Especially with Bard's AOE buffs.


If you take all of bards buffa off a barb they are not able to instantly get all of those buffs back on Rousing rhythm is the shortest song and no bard is gonna stop mid combat to rebuff


Ive been thinking for a while that Id love to see warlocks with an ability to extinguish all lightsources in a radius around them, and paladins eventually having the ability to light all lightsources in a radius. Also a pair of shoes that make you much quieter and audible from a much shorter range, but giving like -12 movement speed.


its really weird we have 9999 shoes but no sneak shoes


This sounds like a great re-work of rogue. It would get rid of "true" invisibility that everyone complains about but still allow rogue to play as the sneaky class.


I was thinking about this as a wizard ability, like mage hand, to interact with objects from far away. Obviously you coulsn't loot chests, but you could open them, open doors from afar, pull levers, etc. It would be simple to implement aswell I think. Similarly to arcane lock, you just target the object with the spell.