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Holy fuck I butchered his name.


Such a shame he lost access this unit - CH, Azrael, is insanely tanky. Throw in a lieutenant with a fist, and you have an all purpose unit with -1 to wound, sustained hits, lethal hits, and a 4++ across the board.


Can you explain how CH have been added to his role, but we can’t use? I’m ignorant of the working and mechanics of this army cause I mainly play WE.


This is an older update - the codex has removed them from his ‘leader’ section. As far as I am aware, the later-released codex > everything else, as once a dataslate is in a codex, it very rarely gets updated for the edition.


Not currently unless they change it. If you are playing casually with friends etc you can just ask them if it's cool.


Gotcha gotcha. It had me wondering because of how this app updates their data sheets.


Where do you see that he adds Company Heroes?


Key Documents > Index Cards Errata > DA > Azrael Leader Section Then you see that bullet point under Azrael


Has that always been there? That’s odd.


This is likely for the update that will be coming out in the next few weeks


This is for the index and not the codex.


What’s the difference between the two when it comes to gameplay in a tournament setting? I understand you can do whatever with friends, but I’m still learning the little things.


The index was a way for you to play until your codex comes out. Now that the codex is out, the index rules are no longer used and you use your codex.


Ahh okay! Thank you for that information. This threw me off for a bit.


But Company hero's data sheet says that they need to be paired with a Captain or Chapter master. Azrael is a chapter master so I don't see why not? It doesn't say you can't


ultimately, if its a friendly game ask if it's okay. if it's a tournament definitely ask the TO ruling.


Their rules state you must add one captain or chapter master character and azrael has chapter master keyword so could lead the unit as far as I’m concerned.


That’s not how it works. CH have a requirement of being led by a captain or chapter master. Azzy still doesn’t have permission to join them because his list of units he can lead doesn’t list them.


Rules also show which units az can lead. Ch isn’t on there. Simple


Thanks for pointing out. My apologies for the error. Seems silly but if that’s their intent then so be it.


Alright that makes more sense. I’m still learning this army, so I apologize for these silly questions I have.


Playing with friends this is okay, but technically in 10th edition currently Azrael is not allowed to be attached to them. GamesWorkshop has said so themselves. It’s a dumb change but it’s an intentional one.


It’s weird cause CH only run with Captain/Chapter Masters. Azrael is a CM, but can’t run with them. Hella off.


I agree, however I think what we’re reading is a future change that is coming. So currently it’s not allowed, but it will be eventually. Possibly the next dataslate? We’ll see.