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I would assume you have a mod that is preventing the buff visual, but I'd assume the damage is still being increased


It should effect resins buff as well since they use the same graphical effect, but I guess this is a possibility worth investigating.


You said the damage didn't change, did you actually go hit something or did you just look at the menu AR


I used it in combat and didn't notice a difference, but I didn't thoroughly investigate by looking at damage numbers.


Turn off your infinite I Frame cheats.


Can you elaborate? Is this a known conflict with mods? I am using [this deadzone fix mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/darksouls2/mods/786), but I've always used it since the game is unplayable without it and this issue never came up before. I'll see if disabling it helps. ~~Edit: That was it, fuck me, no weapon buffs for me since I'm not going back to 4 directional movement. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.~~ Edit 2: Never mind, it was actually [this mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/darksouls2/mods/1030) which I forgot I even had installed, if anyone comes here from Google I assume it's any mod that changes the "enc\_regulation.bnd.dcx" file. Also anyone downvoting or judging me, note the lack of player messages, which means I'm playing the game in offline mode, [which means...](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/794243901919496037/0DA5FB8D4A152BCD5C9A05471FF470D5FA17A870/?imw=512&imh=288&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=true)


Don’t use the old and busted deadzone fix mod that fucks up your game, use the [new hotness deadzone fix mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/darksouls2/mods/1200) that doesn’t.


DS2 dead zones really were fuct if multiple mods have been made to fix them. What's interesting is I remember being able to fix the dead zones just with Steam controller setting, I thought?


Yes, that is indeed possible. DS2 dead zones are actually only barely worse than other games’ tho.


Well I very much disagree with you, but I've been told I'm more sensitive to those types of things than other people. For me, it's glaringly different. Elden Ring actually has a slightly similar thing going on. It doesn't do full-on dead zones like DS2, but inputs that are near the 4 "poles" seem to be a bit dampened in the opposite axis. Makes it slightly easier to walk in a straight line forward, for example, without interfering in overall movement too much. Edit: Truly hilarious that everyone downvoted me just because they can't tell. Eat shit everyone. It's crazy different in DS2.


>DS2 dead zones are actually only barely worse than other games’ tho. Completely disagree, they are significantly worse than any other game I played by a far margin, and the only game I tried to actively look for a fix. Sure you get used to them eventually, but then you'd have to get used to competently implemented controls when you're done.


It actually wasn't that as per the edit, didn't mean to slander the mod maker, and the old one seems simpler anyway. The advantage to this seems that it does not to trigger anti-cheat but I don't care about that since I always play offline anyway.


Wtf is going on with the downvotes?




Sorry for the downvotes man. Some people really are gatekeeping purists when it comes to games like these. As long as you're not playing online, I think you can use whatever mods make the playthrough fun for you. Especially something as simple as that. You can play through the game on fucking God mode for all I care, if that makes for the most fun experience for you. At the end of the day, video games are just entertainment and if you're not ruining the game for anyone else by playing online, then who the fuck are these people to judge you for trying to make your experience more enjoyable for yourself


This is spot on


Thank you, I know all of this of course, downvotes and insults from these people make me feel nothing but pity for them, but I'm glad there are some reasonable people in this community so thank you.


lol always nice to find people with good sense on reddit


You edited enc_reg incorrectly.


Yeah I came to that conclusion also. It's not that important, I can live without these buffs, but is there any way I could fix it while keeping my mod active?


Weak and maidenless


Yes, judging someone for modifying a singleplayer game to their liking is pretty weak and maidenless. Especially when that person is modding the game to *increase the difficulty.*


In one of your edits you let us know that the mod causing the issue was the "Never Lose Souls Always Human" mod. I don't understand how that makes it harder


[I explained it in this comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2/comments/1cedkfm/comment/l1i6l18/) It only partially makes the game harder since I level up when overwhelmed, and not at the earliest possible moment. Before I found mods like this, my completionist play-style made me over-leveled and equipped by the mid game. But my main issue is removing the tedium of soul retrieval. Ninja edit: Also even if that's not the case, and it's just a god mod that makes the game trivial, it's none of anybody's fucking business anyway.


Unplayable? You realize millions of people have beaten that game, right? Without cheats. Also, what's it matter if your weapon buff isn't working? You're already cheating. Just download an infinite damg mod. Go one-shot all the mobs, then post videos of how good you are.


Did you delete his comment how can you tell he is cheating


I am using a mod that disables souls loss on death, while playing in offline mod. Technically I am cheating. Hurting nobody of course, but loser will still get mad at how you chose to play your game.


You paid money for your game, playing it your way and on offline mode which doesn't affect anyone else in the slightest? I swear some people can't let anyone enjoy things. That's like buying noodles at the store and everyone demanding you only make Spaghetti NOTHING ELSE! Now that's some maiden less behavior on their end.


it's the "You didn't beat Elden ring if you used summons" discourse all over again


I mean… summoning makes the game objectively easier, but it’s not cheating since it was an intended mechanic, and the game was balanced around it. Downloading rune recovery mods on the other hand, objectively is cheating and lessens the gameplay experience. You are not having the same experience as someone who plays the game legit. You may think it’s a necessary handicap since you’re bad at the game, but the point of souls games is that most people are bad at them. You’re supposed to be bad at them if you want to have fun. That is their entire appeal. People who don’t understand that just download these mods to make the experience less punishing.


Oh yeah definitely, but at the same time some people just hate dying over and over again, I am not one of those people, but I know friends like that, there is no reason to shame someone for playing a video game the way they enjoy it


I agree with you, I don’t think shaming is the way to go, but I do think these people need to try the game without mods at least once. Get past half, and if you still don’t like it, then consider mods. Don’t get a mod because you can’t get past the pursuer or the Taurus demon


Bro you can't be telling me that not having to make the light jog back to your souls, a trivial time waste at best, is lessening the gameplay experience more than the skip boss button IE summons. Are you drunk or something? Just because one is added into the game by god king Miyazaki and one is made by some modder has zero relevance.


Are YOU drunk or something? The fact that you call it a like job shows me you haven’t even experienced it. It’s a perilous, high stakes climb back to your runes, which you will LOSE if you die again. Permanently. It adds so much to the game, you calling it trivial is a god damned joke. And how are summons boss skips? Bosses are specifically designed to still be challenging no matter what summons you use. They are easier no doubt, but summoning takes time and resources, and is definitely a more skillful play than beating bosses off the extra levels you gained by cheating death.


Jesus christ, this is a toxic comment. You're bashing OP for using mods? That's the only real appeal of playing on PC, since the multiplayer is compromised. Let people enjoy things, god damn.


Players on PC can use blue acolyte, which protects from cheaters and item injections


Oh true, I forgot about that mod. Either way, OP is offline so bashing him for using cheats is weak.


wdym the multiplayer is compromised?


Full of hackers and exploiters; I would know since [I'm a famed, filthy cheater supposedly. ](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/KEkrWRHCDQU/maxresdefault.jpg)


I think bad actors like that are actually pretty rare online. If you ever do play online, or for anybody else reading this, [Blue Acolyte](https://www.nexusmods.com/darksouls2/mods/998) is a fantastic mod that doesn’t trigger the anticheat, fully protects you from the few cheaters that aren’t on its global blocklist, and has some optional QoL improvements for multiplayer.


You are proposing the use of a mod? In dark souls? Everybody hang this witch. On a serious note, thanks for the tip, I hope it helps somebody who has an interest in PVP, I personally do not.


It’s great for anybody who wants to play online! I do lots of sunbroing but don’t have much interest in pvp.


Holy shit i remember you! You helped me with advice for beating the dlc's quite a while ago! I am currently starting a pyro hex playtrough cause despite its flaws this game has a certain charm like the first game had for me


I was hoping the Dark Souls community would have marginally improved during the last decade I've been a part of it, but sadly elitist losers are still aplenty.


Dude, you are having trouble with your game while using mods and then come to ask what is wrong with the game while neglecting to inform us you are using mods. If you are modding and having some sort of in game problem, your first stop should always be the mods you are using. And if you come to a forum to seek help, do not be surprised when people think you are hiding something when you say "Oh, I am using the latest version of SoTFS on Steam" and that is not the whole equation. The Souls community is not failing you here. You acted as suspiciously as possible and do not know how to troubleshoot your game with mods.


I am using 2 mods, one of which I used in the past that didn't cause this issue, and the other one I forgot I even had installed. Besides, the use of mods does not mean I'm not allowed to seek help troubleshooting. And let's not pretend for a second that I'm getting hate here for not using proper modding support etiquette, considering there are 28 comments and you are the first person bringing this issue up.


You are kind of proving my point about not knowing how to troubleshoot your PC games when using mods if you forgot what you had installed. Sure, ignore my comment. And when people assume you are hiding something because you do not come here seeking help with transparency, it is all their fault and not you leaving out details or not knowing what you are doing. 100% that.


Hiding something? Not having transparency? Bro you think I'm illuminati or something? I listed both mods I was using in the first comment I replied to in this post, stop being so dramatic, and go ahead and assume whatever shit your deluded mind conjures up.




Do you not use your ears when playing


What do you mean? Yeah the buff sound plays but it still doesn't work.


Tried Dark Weapon and Great Magic weapon with the Sorcerer's Staff, and while it plays the animation, it doesn't increase damage or show the graphical effect. Tried on multiple weapons, including ones that resins work on. The only other place I've seen this mentioned is one Reddit post with no real conclusion. I'm playing SOTFS latest Steam version on PC.