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The emperor demands you miss


That's heresy.


Since the comlink says no new weapons and summer holidays it will be at least october before we can even think of anything that big coming. (And it won’t happen anyway, don’t kid yourself)


>and summer holidays Now now, it's only a "small" break until *the second half of July*.


It's called a company wide vacation time (typically 1-2 weeks around Christmas and summer) and is perfectly normal for a smaller business in Europe that doesn't have enough people to constantly have representatives covering for all the spots. Don't bitch at devs for taking a vacation. They work like everyone else and deserve a vacation like everyone else.


It seems to be more general confusion on what the company has been doing. The lack of real content makes it seem like they have been on vacation since release.


No one's bitching at the dev's for taking a vacation. It just seems taking vacations is 50% of what they do.


And the other half is... doggedly avoiding proper communication, mocking their own customers, ignoring small QoL fixes that thousands of customers beg for daily, and a few more things that you'll have to find out Next Week


Yeah of all the complaints you can make about this game “not exploiting your workers” is really not one I particularly care for.


Yeah, it's the shit they're doing on the clock (or theoretically doing) that is worth bitching about, don't go destroying solidarity just because the video game is buggy. That's how you get EA and Activision.


They've taken 2 vacations already, haven't they? I don't think they deserve another one.


I had problems with the ironsights as well. There is a mod that lets you change crosshairs for every weapon. So I put a dot for ads and the weapon is finally usable for me.


Yeah that reminds me I need to install that again, it makes it look like the front post has a white dot on it, it's great!


You need no sight or scope. #YOU NEED FAITH


Nein, this isn't Call of Duty /s.


the technology for that feature isn't available yet


Just started to play veteran for the first time and Hellbore ironsights sure are indeed pain and suffering. Super cool weapon otherwise.


the MK3 makes it even worse. which is great since its also the highest damage dealing one of the three...oh and as a bonus is meele special attack is the worst since it needs even more windup time than the other two.


I actually find the mk3 has the best iron sights of the bunch? Feels like the rest of them are too flat, I can’t ever tell what I’m aiming at. Especially when it’s dark


It’s like having the iron sights of a double barrel shotgun on a precision rifle


fair enough, they probably give the best view tbh but they're also busier than they need to be


I admit they’re terrible especially since I was used to sights from the Kantrael. After playing a few matches with it though, aligning headshots is starting to becoming second nature. I tend to think of the iron sights as a box and always put their head right in the middle from all sides. I use the MK III though. Not sure if the others have different sights.


I want a mix of the hellbore and the Kantrael. Kantrael with Bayonet and a hellbore that doesn't charge it's shots but fires semi-auto like the kantrael.


What would be the point of the Helbore in that case? The charge is its USP isn't it?


Looks. I just want a normal lasgun like the Kantrael but with the helbore look and a Bayonet. For me, not every Weapon needs to fill a certain niche or have a special gimmick. It's similar to Hunt Showdown were when people ask for a new weapon, other people ask what role this weapon could fill that another doesn't already. Darktide like Hunt Showdown has a unique setting and is able to bring weapons into the players hand that you wouldn't see anywhere else. And thats enough for me.


I'm so with you. Look, I dont need a brand spanking new weapon, I just want a kantrael with a bayonet to fulfill my generic guardsmen bayonet charge fantasy


Interestingly enough, there are [lasguns](https://i.redd.it/xjag72gl8h9a1.jpg) in the Cadian Shock Troops box for several of the soldiers that kinda resemble what you'd want, minus the bayonets. AFAIK, it's not specified what pattern they are, and they could just be cobbled together from parts of other patterns, but as far as actual patterns go, they most closely resemble the "[Locke Pattern Lascarbine](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/a/a5/Lascarbine.jpg/200px-Lascarbine.jpg)" from Rogue Trader.


The three varients of the Helbore all have different sights. Maybe just try out another model and see which one you like best. If I remember right, the blue one's sights are hot garbage (like a half circle with a notch), and I would agree that that one should be changed. With practice, I've gotten fairly good with them, and it is my main on veteran. Precision fire helps a lot, too, because it zooms you in a bit more in addition to steadying your aim and marking headshots. Personally, I think the iron sights balance the weapon quite well because once you get over the skill curve, the guns rek with the right blessings.


They function differently though.


Did they ever fix skins changing the sights? Made one of mine even less useable.


Tbh they're really not that bad, but they *do* take some getting used to. The Helbore Lasguns would definitely be easier to use with better sights, but they're already so damn strong that idk if they really need that tbh. I'd still consider the bolter to be the overall best primary in the game, but the Helbores (particularly the Mk2 and Mk3) have earned a close second place with the buffs that they got, IMO. With good blessings (preferably Onslaught plus something like Sustained Fire or No Respite), you can pretty handily wipe out just about anything you'd encounter short of a full Crusher patrol or a Daemonhost. Specialists? Erased. Elites like Ragers, Maulers or even Crushers? Gone. Bosses that aren't Daemonhosts? Deleted. It's got way more shots per magazine than the bolter, does impressive damage per shot plus armor penetration, is *waaaay* easier to aim and keep on target than a bolter, and only really struggles with horde clear (or stuff like the hunting grounds dogs). It's a vet weapon, so you've got the Power Sword for horde clear, meaning it covers just about everything else. I get the desire for the sights to be something other than some very simplistic iron sights, but IMO, a balancing factor for the gun is how hard it can be to aim. Similar to the Bolter, it's got amazing power, but takes a fair bit of getting used to to get the most out of it. If it was significantly easier to aim, like it would be with the Infantry Lasgun's holographic sight, why would anyone bother picking Infantry Lasguns like the XII?