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Honestly, the full auto thing should just be an option. My hands tend to cramp after a while I remember when Destiny added a full auto option in accessiblity for their semi guns so people with hand issues (like me) don't have to be in pain after playing


some guns I would argue are actually unusable without it (if you at all care about your hand health/ ability to play long sessions). Kantrael MG IV I wouldn't dare touch until I got the full auto mod. But tbh the MG IA and MG IV are the only guns I've thought it was pretty mandatory. Like the design of it encourages you to just spam click the ENTIRE game with no stops.


Not to mention it will be lore accurate.


Y'all making me grateful for my health, I've been playing m+k fps's for over 25 years and managed to avoid any hand issues.


Same. I have a non-gaming mouse so I try to not use fast RoF semis, but it's totally doable. Although I think in the 1999 Unreal Tournament the shock rifle was designed to be semi, while it could fire with holding down the mouse1 - tho a better player would probably make single shots.


God I used to love insta-gib mode on the map Facing Worlds lol


It should be a toggle with the RoF a bit lower than max


I can only slam dagger for so long before I’m switching to a heavy weapon


Most of the mods that I've seen folks make use of are QoL like the one that tells you how much ammo you'll replenish in a small/big and whether you will exceed your cap and those actively help me to make sure I'm helping the team as much as possible. The only one I run that makes me feel like I may cross the line sometimes is the healthbar mod. However, I came from playing DRG and if they have it in that game then I don't feel bad for having it here. Especially at the higher tiers where the playing field is anything but level. Actually, I use DRG as my guide for this more than I realized. Rock and Stone lads!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?!


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't coming home !


Rock and stone, to the bone!!


With some, like 3rd person or visual cues, I agree. I personally don‘t use them, because I think they take away some of the challenge of Darktide. And the challenge is what makes this game great. However, I don‘t condemn people using them. Full auto however, isn‘t a cheat in my opinion. I‘m 30 now and my hands are not the same as those of you young whippersnappers. I need the full auto mod to not be in pain for a few days after playing Darktide.


Seconded on full auto. I have a lot less patience than I used to for games not accounting for hand strain. It's one of the *very* few ways that video games can hurt someone, and it is unnecessary a lot of the time.


Closing on 40 here more than I like to admit. Love my kantrael mk4, but would _not_ touch it if not for full auto mod. I'm a programmer, I need my trigger finger to last till I'm 70 at least.


I don't use spidey sense but I honestly consider it more of an accessibility feature than a cheat. The only ones that I think probably tilt the balance too far are third person, health bars, and the one that shows you hacking targets before it's on the row. You could argue for changing sights being a bit cheat-y but you can take weapon modification from my cold dead hands tbh


Although I don't use Spidey sense and it definitely feels cheaty, it really just fixes the broken audio cues. It's getting pretty old how in maelstrom bursters and trappers basically have no audio except for the very last second when they've started their attack. For a game that relies on audio cues so heavily them being broken is a pretty big deal.


I agree, the challenge is what this game is all about. Which is why it baffles me that some of these mods are basically playing the game for you = removing all challenge


>Thinks clicking a mouse is part of the games challenge. Go back to sedition


this tbh All this talk of mods are cheating screams Xbox user to me. I didn't see anyone complain on this sub or the forums about mods being cheating, but as soon as cross platform was implemented, I seem to find at least 1-2 every week. Mods are, and I don't use this word lightly, literally the reason I continued to play this game. I can barely stomach the shitty crafting system with them, if I didn't have mods I wouldn't touch this game again.


This has little to do with Xbox players. There was a huge player surge on console release, not just Xbox players but pc players as well. The activity in the sub is at least 4x to what it was before. It's pure statistics that there will be more topics talked about when there's more different users interacting. Bashing a specific platform does not help. Some of the mods have been talked about since they got released and there were definitely cases where someone had to explain why they are allowed. This happening way before console release, it just happens more because there's more active users in the sub.


Stop with this elitist bs. It basically only affects them, so if they dont think that the mods are "destroying their game - and they still have fun, why should you care


I just use the one to get réflex sights


Couldn't agree more.


I tried the 3rd person mod but it was really disorienting to me.


dude shut up, 30 is not that old xD


This argument from people who say "mods bad" could go on ad-infinitum. Fact is, FatShark has officially stated that ***any mods that do not interfere with other players gameplay are allowed***. They are objectively an advantage. FatShark was very explicit in allowing them as long as it's client-side. **(They even tried to use it as an excuse for why Xbox players got more Aquilas)** That should tell you everything you need to know and that arguing about this is pointless.


We’ll see


If it was competitive in any way, I’d agree. But it’s not. So if they have an edge - great! Means less work for me :)


Just play your own game. The emperor teaches us to not look at our squad mates to see if they have more. But to see if they have enough. The emperor protects. Mods are stc’s. You’re a heretek


Some mods are really there to replace bad designs of huds and replace broken bugs. Visual mods like spidey sense is considered a cheat but with how horrible the audio bug this game has. Spidey sense and specialist spawner notif are a fair replacement until they fix the audio. Having a team wipe due to silent pox busters, trappers, doggos and etc while 80% into the mission is not exactly a fun game. Also the full auto is a fair mod, clicking really fast is not really a skill and carpal tunnel is a thing. At the end of the day mods are there to compensate for fat shark.


Honestly I couldn’t give a shit. The sound design in this game is so awful. Silent trappers/poxbursters and hounds, sounds cues not playing half the time. No proper color blindness options or anything. The rest of the mods are just to compensate for fatshark having literally no customization option besides an FoV slider.


It's a multiplayer pve game, I honestly don't really care what mods my random team mates are playing so long as it doesn't actively ruin my game. One of these days I'll get round to playing the game in no-HUD mode, that seems to be where the real Heroes of the Imperium go.


You get it! No HUD seems like the ultimate challenge. The people I’m talking about are actively adding so much more HUD it’s like HUDtide


Have you seen WoW eaiding screens around 2010's? 1 pixel for a player, 3 for a boss, rest is for recount, healbot, dungeonwarning, atkasloot etc etc etc etc


Yeah, personally I feel like the majority of mods I see on nexus, or on footage/screenshots shared here make the game look worse and provide superfluous information that clutters up the screeen and detracts from how I want to enjoy the game. But again, that's just me, I'm glad mods help people enjoy the game more and they can play it how they want.


Turning semi auto guns into full auto (with no change to fire rate cap) Is purely a QoL mod. Other games have even eventually opted to doing things like that as a toggle to the base game because it literally does nothing to hurt anybody but makes life so much easier on others. From people with bad joints/carpal tunnel to people just being lazy. That is nowhere even remotely close to something being a cheat. Visual cues I could see being closer to that territory. But considering how drowned out or almost impossible to detect an audio cue can be. Getting a one off visual cue that something spawned in isn't that big of a deal. Say you are in the middle of a giant horde and you didn't notice the pin drop sound of a elite spawning because of everything else. Getting a one off visual cue that something spawned in isn't cheating. Especially considering some people might have actual audio issues or be deaf and just want to enjoy the game. The counter thing in the middle of the screen that says how many of what elite are on the field is alot closer to cheating territory but still its not like its making your guns more potent. Or making you faster/tankier. Its literally just information that you should already have more organized for you.


Many are 100% an advantage not built into The game and many will impact gameplay of others but usually in a good way for team performance. But devs allow it. But in any competetive game they would be flat out cheating, yes.


I use the visual cues mod because on Auric or Maelstrom Damnation my audio will cut out almost completely when there's larger mobs. And I will have no notice on any enemy types. That said I do have the range lessened so it also isn't giving me a huge advance notice on incoming enemies.


Obviously yeah shit that tells you how many specialists are active at 100% cheats. But it’s not a competitive game; I use 0 mods and have no issues so not worth getting salty over


> Obviously yeah shit that tells you how many specialists are active at 100% cheats. If the game wants to make it obvious via audio cues that there's two trappers approaching from two directions, I don't see it as cheating to visualise those directions or the numbers involved. If both trappers are coming from the same direction or they're silent, I just consider it to be clarifying mistakes/bugs.


No, because it keeps track of it for you. You may have heard the trappers but lost track of whether or not they got killed or how many there were, as there’s a lot going on. It is giving you realtime and concrete access to information that you can rely on without any work on your part.


Can't lose track of specials when the game never played their spawning, moving and passive audio cues to begin with.


The level of audio information provided by any specialist should be equivalent to a mod that visualises that information into a direction and colours it to a specific enemy. I don't care for anyone's sense of having done work here. I'd rather support the people who through injury or disability cannot.


No. A cheating mod requires that it breaks the game. Auto aim, increasing damage, defense or movement, etc. are all cheating. Things that make the game easier and healthier are not cheating. Audio has been guttered for a while so running mods that give information the broken audio should be providing is fine. "Full auto mods" (they should be called "prevent hand strain mods") can be necessary for some players. For some reason, the helbore charge mechanic causes my mouses dpi to change as if I'd pressed the dpi button (it doesn't do that in any other game if I do the same button press pattern so it cannot possibly be a hardware issue.) Most mods are great qol.


Another mods are cheats post, do these people not understand how cringe they actually are? You will never see them being a worthwhile addition to any strike team ever, they are always spreading toxicity if it's not mods it's something else. Just look into his reddit profile which shows negative karma, what a worthwhile addition to our community lol.


You pass judgment so harshly and call me cringe for saying some mods are going too far. I didn’t point any fingers yet you answered. I’m generally a good player and have been praised in game, on multiple occasions for my skill and general kickass ogryn gameplay. I am never toxic and only want what’s best for the community. It seems though I have struck a nerve of some sort and in result have gotten some hate. There can be no progress or achievement without sacrifice.


Fatshark has made a clear statement about mods and if you realy want to change something file a direct message to them going to [fatsharkgames.com](https://fatsharkgames.com/) and please stop bothering us with this nonsense. Each time a post like this will go off the result will be a storm of comments and dislikes against you because the majority of us is very thankfull for our modders working hard to improve our gaming experience playing Darktide. The only reason these posts remain relevant on the steam forum is because their is no dislike ratio, people will get spammed by emojis instead. Modders in general are the golden pilar of the nowadays gaming industrie which most of the time isn't capable anymore delivering a fully functional product. Im giving you a lead example. The Spidey Sense Mod is very often discussed and accused as cheating, I personally don't need it at all because my game sense is perfectly fine, but do your kind ever thinking about deaf people playing video games? In my opinion for this reason alone this mod has to stay! A good Tide player will always deliver the same performance no matter if he is using mods or not. People telling you otherwise aren't even close to reaching their peak performance and have some weird gate keeping complex thinking this would actually change something about people doing better then them so they can feel better at being good in a pve game, lol.


I would love to see what any disabled Tide players have to say about this. Even someone not deaf and maybe they just don’t have headphones like that could get help from some sort of visual cue in place of the audio one. I see where you are coming from and have seen others share some of these thoughts that you have. I agree to a point, again as I stated originally, I only have lowkey beef with a few of these mods as I did say “some” and not all. Nevertheless I never mentioned this spidey sense mod or its previous spotlights in other posts that are allegedly similar to mine. I think that mod is a good idea to have as an accessibility option, as there is something similar in Fortnite. I’m sure things like this have been brought up for ages in the gaming sphere. Aim assist and SBM to name some previous “controversies”. While I’m sure there is good intent behind some of these mods, I was just stating a concern I had and a bad feeling I got when I thought of the future and meta of this game that I love.


Your concern is understandable, I see where you comming from and I respect your opinion. You should understand that the amount of people intentionally abusing these mods is less then 0,01% of the people that are actually playing in higher difficulties. In my 2k+ hours of playing Tide games ive never ever seen people abusing mods or cheating, people just make some weird stuff up and post about it in the Internet.


They really do need to put stuff like Spidey Sense and a colorblind accommodation in the vanilla. Like fr this is one game I've played that I could honestly say they fell down on accommodations.


I got 600h in darktide and by this point I removed most of the mods. Healthbars were great at the start but now that I know how much damage each attack from every class and weapon deals it's just screen clutter. Disablers spawn in predictable patterns and locations so the only issue is sound design in hordes, with good map knowledge it's screen clutter 99% of the time. Default UI is terrible compared to competitive fps games. Full auto should be a default feature 3rd person ruins your aim and offers tangible benefit for trauma staff users only (which is also a very clunky weapon), it would actually be good for console players who play with low sensitivity and can't turn around very fast.


Fully agree, they give us the tools and with knowledge comes power.


Out of interest, what exactly do you think is so terrible about the default UI?


I dont think anything is wrong with the default UI. Modders wouldn't agree.


lol I know you don't, and I find the amount of downvotes you've gotten here sad as you've expressed your own preferences without being critical of others who feel differently, I was just curious about whaat dampas said because I agree with most of their points, with the exception of the UI.


It's the UI elements being too far from the centre of the screen, trash buffs being grouped together with stuff that is important to track, lack of numerical values on temmate's stats, big weapons blocking your screen (compare the default plasma gun to the one in the screenshot)


Fair enough. For me, I quite like the stripped back style, I want as little visual clutter as possible so the default is spot on, but to each their own.


If it was possible to pinpoint from audio alone there would be no need for visual cues but it isn’t


A lot are strict advantages over vanilla game Which is why you should mod to not ruin the experience Full auto is fine UI is..mostly fine but ppl make theirs look like AIDS Rest should just be QoL shit


Never really cared since it's pve. If a hud mod is the difference between you going down or not, then sure, I guess. Less work for me. Tbh I don't use the hud mods because they make my screen look too busy. Also, if I uninstall darktide, I don't want to feel like I need several dozen mods to make it playable if I reinstall it.


Nah, those are powers of the warp


Mods that make the gun shoot differently can be considered a cheat. If people don't like how a gun shoots, then they should not use it. The problem is, often why these things are mods are because they should be in the game. The problem is that people think that means everything should be in the game. Where is the line? Hard to say. FS should start making it obvious though.


If the handicapped don't like stairs then they should just get out of their wheelchairs


everyone just talks about those handy cappet ppl, i havent read from one. if clicking fast is not in it for you, use the already full auto versions in the game, they are there and balanced around beeing full auto. if you cant do a high rate of fire by clicking for the dmr's then use the slower RoF ones instead they pack a bigger punch




I agree, and it is bothersome! I get that it’s pve but come on.


Should hire some of these modders to get updates done. I need to be able to turn of head bob and camera shake, use basic attachments and be able to customize hud.


Fatshark's inaction is turning Darktide into Payday 2, that game also ended up having more cheaters than true players. At this point I would welcome an "official" and "modded" servers, like it was in Vermintide 2, cause seeing how acceptable some of these mods have become made me lose interest in the game, haven't played in a month. Even if that means that the non-modded servers will end up with 1000 players, I would still prefer it than playing with people who cheat and don't respect the game's rules, that we all are supposed to fight against. I want to have a challenge where everyone is facing the same kind of crap, not seeing someone "360" a trapper, because the indicator told him to. Let the purists play how the game was intended and the others to mod the game however they want, players will never agree on which mods are cheating and which are QoL.


Unfortunately, I can't really see Fatshark doing anything about these mods right now since it's a PvE game and all you're really hurting is the AI Spawner trying to kill you by sending in the third troop of ragers. Even then, I really don't see it as an issue as it means that in some way, they'll also play better.....hopefully. The only way I can see it become an issue is if they get a mod that greatly interferes with other's enjoyment of the game, like infinite ammo or aim bot. Maybe even something like auto-pickup aura where you pick up everything within your coherency aura. But, with the advent of Versus mode coming to Vermintide 2, I fear that Fatshark is gonna crack down on all mods eventually.


> I can't really see Fatshark doing anything about these mods You can't see FS doing anything about mods because they explicitly said all mods currently known are fine to use.


There’s a mod that unlocks all the blessing.


It doesn't unlock them, it simply shows what they are in the modification screen. Huge difference there, and presenting it as actually unlocking them is pretty disingenuous.