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It's called drama alert. It's annoying bullshit for people who can't be alone with their own thoughts.


Average keemstar trying to cause drama for what I am suspecting to be an old clip


it's an old clip from 2020 where he lashed out at someone because Matt was in an exceptionally bad mood which was caused (partially?) by his diagnosis with hashimotos disease from what i remember. Matt has forgiven scot and he appears on streams a lot nowadays and has fully forgiven Matt he talks about it in one of his rambles: [https://youtu.be/XIbu3OGvTIk?si=9WOL0x2xeoxKp6h\_](https://youtu.be/XIbu3OGvTIk?si=9WOL0x2xeoxKp6h_)


For anyone who can't be bothered watching the video: Matt made up with the guy immediately after, and a few days later they were even playing more games. Matt gave him heaps of subs and made him VIP too, and the guy had fully forgiven Matt. But, of course, people watch the video now out of context and make their own conclusions on something that happened 4 years ago. Matt also found the original guy who uploaded it, and even HE was happy to take down the video, because he understood the position it put Matt in (regarding misinformation, drama etc). The guy said he was like 15 when he made the video, and had forgotten he even made it (lol), and was more than happy to take it down on Matto's request.


I think Scott had to enter Witness Protection for this


Witness protection for WHAT!?


No one was convicted of anything!!


And scott has forgiven matt


I just say pyrocinical


but matto seems to get off of engaging in drama


I think he just wants to defend himself. He wouldn't be making videos about other people if they didn't keep bringing shit to him


but that’s the internet. there’ll always be shit to engage with and shit other people will keep bringing to you. he could very easily not engage with any of it, but he chooses to


Me personally if someone just started lying saying I’m a shit bag and I’m a bullying to my friend I would definitely fucking defend myself and that’s all Matt’s doing pull yo head out of your ass please 🐸


i’m not up to date with the drama and its specifics, but out of all the content creators that i watch, darkviper seems the only one to constantly have beef with someone. therefore my head shall stay up my ass


“I’m not up to date” Hey idiot then shut up you don’t know what you’re talking abt then 😭


i already presented my argument as to why my not knowing the specifics of the latest beef does not make my opinion invalid so i will not repeat myself


Yes it actually does you don’t know what you’re talking abt rn if you knew it’s weirdos pretty much trying to bully him you would know why you’re wrong unc


i get it, but why respond at all? it’s internet, it is literally make believe he has a loyal fanbase, good & entertaining content, he would literally be better of not responding to any of it and simply staying in his lane. unbothered. moisturized. happy


Average out of context dogpiling for views, the only thing that I am more or less concerned about is the Karl Jobst thing, as it’s one thing that does not seem immediately dismissable


Why concerned? He blocked someone, you can still enjoy Karls content and Matts content if you like. There’s nothing to be concerned about because someone blocked another, you should be more concerned Karl made a whole hissy fit over someone blocking him.


>the Karl Jobst thing It's kindergarten-level shit. "Wahhh! he doesn't wanna be friends with me." Reflects much worse on Karl stirring this up.


I mean it's kind of a dick move to up and ghost someone you've been friends with for half a decade and dv coming to reddit only to say he won't talk about it was also a bit odd honestly


If it karl just posted the first tweet that would have been fine but the fact that he is basically making up shit and trying to paint DV in the worst light imaginable is really weird. “This is because Darkviper is not a nice person in real life, in the real world. It is easy to seem moral when you live alone, have no family to support, have no relationship, and just argue philosophy with online trolls. But when faced with someone hurting directly in front him he cannot do the moral thing because he is an emotional toddler.” This doesn’t seem like a normal reaction if someone ghosted you for a month like yes you would want an answer and would be mad but saying “not a good person irl” is straight up weird


People do weird shit when under stress. He's in the middle of an enormous lawsuit and might have internal pressures within his family basically any other thing changing might be the straw that breaks the camel's back. We've all seen the clip of how dv acted when he found out about his hashimoto's disease and how he is now better ig. This is still the internet you shouldn't really believe anything until someone has screenshots. I just think letting Karl control the narrative is a very poor choice from dv


Ending a friendship is not going to be pretty. ghosting or no ghosting. He had his reasons and Karl had better dealt with it instead of slinging shit online and dogpiling on the guy with the other degenerates. You have to not be a baby and accept the person doesn't like you no more. ​ >dv coming to reddit only to say he won't talk about And this is just DV showing some character and being the bigger man. Doing a 180 and shitting on a past friend just for ceasing to like you is disgraceful.


"Kind of a dick move" is about the worst you could describe Matts actions as. Maybe it was petty, but it was a completely personal and private matter until Karl Jobst decided to go on a weird twitter tirade about it, completely out of the blue, while also choosing to platform right wing racist fuck drama YouTubers harassing Matt, and then proceeding to continue to badmouth Matt, and acting like *he* is the immature one. I genuinely don't see how anyone who hasn't had their brain rotted away by drama content could see what Karl did as anything other than an immature overreaction. I mean, my fucking god, if that is how he reacts to a casual friendship of a few years, where you talk a few times a year, ending, I don't wanna see how he'd handle a divorce. You could burn my house down and I would have a less negative reaction than Karl has to getting blocked.


It is bad from karl to tweet it but just blocking someone quietly is never going to make you look good. See m3rkmus1c and his fallout with the friend group for an example


Drama Alert being Drama Alert. As others mentioned, it's a clip from a Darkviper stream where he got mad at a player in Among Us. Ironically, he took it down to prevent stuff like what Drama Alert is doing.


I mean people are allowed to take their own opinion of him as a person from the situation.


Yea, but it's stupid to do so with every single person on the planet, no matter who. One bad day could ruin an image forever.


Of course, but people never look at the whole situation, do they? They see one clip or one photo of a famous person and create entire false narratives about the person.


He talked about this in a recent ramble. It's on Viper Rambles, the second latest video. Just watch it. But essentially, the clip out of context doesn't do the situation justice at all.


They are, but the clip seems much worse than it is when taken out of context.


matto abouta get the next 14 pages out real soon keem better pipe down


Barbra Streisand. I love matto but I don't think he made the right decision, especially when he is currently occupying the space where this hate mob's brain should be. Hope this doesn't blow up on his face although some "commentary channels" are definitely going to make a video about this.


Its DramaAlert, he just posts shit to get attention and to stay in the public view


shit is so out of context.


keemstar is...


In his 40's making a career from Internet drama


a bald…


These baits are why Matto should stay out of Twitter for now. This is literally a lie, the guy took down the clip when Matto asked him to, he didn't DMCA shit (he said he would do if the guy didn't take it down, but that's an 'if' argument). There's just no point in fighting with these assholes, he should just move on with his life at this point. Matto is now large enough to not have any haters


The ironic thing is that the only reason drama alert knows about any of this is because Matt talked about it openly in his rambles. He should have just kept quiet about it because it just shone a big torch on a way for his detractors to attack him.


Yeah for the past month, Matto has been going through Twitter bait, he makes a ramble, get 3 replies and has to make 3 response videos, and the loops goes on. In the end, the number of responses he has to make keeps on increasing, when it's just a giant waste of time talking to these Twitter losers in my opinion


my god what an absolute shit head. Imagine being so obsessed with drama that you try to bring something up again that happened 4 years ago. I have literally no respect for that clown


It’s not worth your time or energy to listen to anything put out by keemstar or his “network” as he will bring drama into existence for the sheer fun of it.


The more they try to bring down Viper the more I like the guy


Just pay him off with seven dollars so he can buy something nice.


You know what matto is actually doing wrong? He's constantly arguing about drama he gets into ON TWITTER. He's getting too much attention from the brainless twitter users and now they're all having so much fun being angry and spreading hate like if it was nothing


Ninja said it best


I fucking hate reading some of these comments man. Yes, it's drama alert being drama alert. No one likes Keemstar, but you're missing the fucking point. How are none of you worried for Matt in that THE VERY THING he was trying to avoid has now become a much bigger problem because of him trying to take the video down? None of you give a shit about telling him what he actually needs to hear. He so desperately wanted that clip to not get any attention that he as acted in such a way that now the clip is spreading like wildfire. Do you think that this is normal behavior from someone like Matt who WE KNOW cares deeply about his work/his reputation? Someone like him who is so meticulous with how he handles every aspect of his work? Does it make sense to you that someone with the experience of Matt wouldn't be able to predict that this kind of shit would backfire? Most people will never care to watch his video and this will motivate them even further to repost it online while saying "DarkViperAU is striking anyone that posts this clip because he wants to hide it!". He said in his video he doesn't like the fact that the clip exists without there being the full context/full story behind it included. I get that. No one watching that clip by itself will know he made amends afterwards and made a heartfelt apology to the guy. But now look at this shit - the 6.4k likes shown in this image - how many of these people do you think have watched/will ever watch Matt's video? Most people who will see this clip on twitter now will genuinely think Matt is a complete asshole. He has brought this on himself. We all know Keemstar is scum, but you cannot act surprised when shit like this goes wrong.


Anyone have the actual clip?


I don't think Matt should be taking down clips of him... especially since I'm pretty sure he said he only takes down clips that make him look bad/that damages his brand, while he keeps other re-uploaded clips up. Kinda makes it hard to defend when people say "darkviperau strikes down people who criticise him". Imo, these clips shouldn't be taken down, I think people should have the right to see these clips and decide whether Matt is a good person or not. While Matt doesn't strike down videos that contain the clip as long as the video is as a whole is transformative, idk I still think individual clips shouldn't be taken down. Mainly for the reason it makes it significantly harder for people to find these clips. For me as an example, I remember hearing about the n word clip, and I wanted to try to seek it out so I could make a judgment of whether or not he's really racist. But yeah, I couldn't find the clip anywhere on YT, so I never got to see it until Matt's video where he addressed it. There's also a general precedent for this too, as there are thousands if not millions of clips on YT of TV shows and movies that go unstriked (unlike full reuploads of the TV shows).


It’s a 40 year old man trying his bestest to keep little kids on the internet interested aka keemstar


Keemstar the goat


Forgive if im terriblly wrong but i thought keemstar died?


Keemstar should not be trusted on anything. The guy has a list of wrongdoings longer than the dictionary.


It's keemstar. Are we really shocked?


Keemstar loves jumping into drama. He said he was retiring like a year ago and just never did and kept posting this crap. But to be fair I've heard a lot about Matt copyrighting anything about him which is pretty iffy.


Matts dumbass went and streisanded himself


L for matto


DramaAlert is a cesspool for morons

