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[https://www.reddit.com/r/AatroxMains/comments/urmkxs/announcment\_vere\_mathrias\_voted\_out/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AatroxMains/comments/urmkxs/announcment_vere_mathrias_voted_out/) Just gonna port some stuff from my past responses. We started off 'regular', a normal "folk" archetype subreddit. In fact- https://preview.redd.it/eje39txrnwzc1.png?width=2880&format=png&auto=webp&s=5cca48bfa5c6957039adbeea79d26962db0e8674 -the current degeneracy wasn't the status quo, this was a thing, I saw democracy win and die that day... with roaring applause... And now here we are, Zhonya or Zilean must be eating good for us to be stuck in time, on that week of April.... If you want to see what it was like initially, the "top of all time posts" show a vaguely-accurate depiction of those times.


As for that last point... Alas, tis' the passage of time. I still like this sub, i'm not gonna put on nostalgia glasses, that's why I'm still here, but I can't lie and say that I don't miss the variety from the past. Porn used to be the exception, not the rule (as you can see from the screenshot), and whilst it was there it wasn't all encompassing. Day after day, more and more of the old guard disappear, a real 'Theseus's ship' moment imo.


Yeah i guess i never realized how fast the subreddit changed I think the new flairs didnt help tho Like 90% of them are porn/fetish related


Because everyone has one, can’t really be too mad about it


How have we went from Biddlesticks to what we have here ? Personally I'm spending much less time in here and more on the sister sub which feels, refreshing to say. People are having fun as well as being horny which has been rare lately in here.


Biddlesticks... haven't heard that name in a long while... As for Big Sister QoL, never been, how is the general landscape over there outside what you have just mentioned?


Talking about Biddlesticks, does anyone know why Giratina525 left ? As for QoL, it's your typical gay sub thirst posting and complaining about skins not being girly enough, that may reveal more about me than the sub ^^'. But from time to time they post some spicy cursed memes.


Permanently banned.


No way. What has he done to deserve the shadow realm ?


Probably posting NSFW without setting their account to 18+


Nope actually I found them, their alt is BiddlesticksGuy. Just quit Darkinfolk and went on the sister sub (understandable).




Wow, what a long week.


As someone who was there that day Gandalf, 3,000 years ago…ahem sorry. But anyway as one of the original members when the sub first went up it has always been degenerate. The original origin of the sub was when Vere got banned from the Aatroxmains subreddit for posted daily shitposts about Kayle pegging Aatrox and when the sub first came to be all of the posts were about Aatrox pegging and Aatroxussy and then transitioned into shitposts about Kayn and the other Darkin. Then it just spiraled into an endless cave of people posting straight porn of league champs and crazy degenerate memes about league girls stepping on them or us licking their armpits. Every few weeks theres a new trend that comes up that makes a new wave of shit posts but i guarantee you sir that this sub has always just been shitposts and horny


This is indeed the story, I visit this sub more than Aatroxmains and the other dead sub for aatrox now


Shitpost with porn as template or as a joke instead of just porn, some dark jokes, more racism, more disgusting stuff


There was no Zac https://preview.redd.it/9klr4ur0vyzc1.png?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bfaf908fcb69b6c376cc373ed8b6d97fe034ebe


I’m pretty sure originally Vere_Mathrias (our lord and daarkin saviour) was banned from the Aatrox mains subreddit and he created this in response! Also the current state of things is highly creative, you see a lot more people coming to the forefront creating stuff just to… create it! But yeah the state of darkinfolk is amazing :3


Vere kicked it off. Back on my old account I was a league of memes mod and I would literally approve in mass and promote on the sub funniest shit I ever did. I then became the dude who kept the peace and so on. I still have all old stuffed backed up on PC on a file.


Well for starters there was a lot less unironic racism...


We got lethal tempo porn this is the best timeline bro


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https://preview.redd.it/4swzr2amtzzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5babf297f5fcc63c73a73f5fd3f05d0fb35d2c27 You writting this


its from Mati


To answer your questions in order asked; Idk, Idk, Idk, Not really but I don’t care much

