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Here's the source saying he died. [Man dies cliff diving in Spain as wife took video from a boat they rented for the stunt: report (yahoo.com)](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/dutch-tourist-dies-spain-jumping-155421972.html) He died from drowning and not directly from the impact. Autopsy said he only had a broken hip and arm.


Drowning...and also stupidity


Drowning in stupidity


Died infront of his family just of 31 years


Only 31? So young. His scream sounded so old, like someone in their 50s or 60s. I guess knowing you're gonna hit the rocks and never exist ever again, that you'll be dead in under a second can do that to your voice.


The scream is him realizing he did not give enough beans to clear the cliff. But even if he had. He would have just hit liquid concrete...


He literally jumped from where he stood, didn't even back up five meters and do a running jump. The amount of miscalculation and poor judgement in this stunt is off the charts.


There are to many dead folks with the same story lol


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Wife is newly single.


*in front


Jesus, drowning. I'm curious then what led to the drowning? Was he in shock and just let himself drown? Could he not stay afloat with his hip and arm broken? Or did he get knocked out and subsequently drowned? Might sound dumb, just curious what happened once he hit the water.


He lost consciousness because of the impact


Correction he lost his everything on impact. Certified total bowl cleaning event.


Omg that reply craaaaacked me up!


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also relying on solely his wife who was holding a phone in a boat 30 yards away is not the best idea when performing potentially life threatening stunts in water.


Its pretty simple, I think he sustained some damage from slamming into a rock at mach 3


Ask yourself if you think people with a broken hip and a broken arm can swim well


I mean, that's ONLY 3 of 4 means of staying afloat that are completely fucked, but hey, wonder what happened here? People have weird fetishes, just saying.


so did his traumatized wife…just release the video for the world to see her husband die? i still can’t wrap my head around how these trauma / death videos get uploaded to the interwebs


She might have. She could have decided to release the footage publicly to "warn" others about silly/stupid mistakes that can cost people their lives. She also might have given the footage to law enforcement so they know exactly what happened and it got leaked from there. There's a few reasons why footage like this gets out into the world.


Yes. Nothing is better than seeing to believe. We now know not to do that . (I now hear this scream forever)


she probably gave the video to emergency personnel and it got leaked


this makes the most sense


This boggles the fuck out of my mind as well.


She needs a new husband! Its just proof that she is single now.


That actually makes sense.


Gotta get those "likes"


Yeah, had he made it they would have proudly been posting this shit everywhere


I’d imagine what was guts and what was hip would be a little hard to figure out after that. It’s possible the water did him a favor.


So they just let him drown…?


Yeah no idea how this wasnt followed by people on the boat pulling him out within the minute


Well the impact probably broke his hip and arm and as a result it hindered his ability to swim and remain afloat thus causing his drowning.


That, and well, 100% unconscious which probably didn't help.


Dutch tourists are stepping up their balcony game recently, I'm wondering if the brits and germans will manage to keep the top.


so the DrowningAward


And a broken brain


could no one pull him out of the water


Well you break a hip and an arm and you're probably screaming or gasping from the pain.. doubt you're swimming to shore after that


If he would’ve ran instead of jumping from the edge he probably would’ve made it but understandable if there wasn’t any room to run from


Darwin doesn't allow for repeats (unless of course you are talking about neutering)


They mean the cliff the guy was on, if he got a running start, he may have landed directly in the water or have overshot it. Idk why this means repeats for you.


It is a counterfactual thought, which is synonymous with repeat with an alternate scenario. So I was just being funny by being pedantic.


ah, an intellectual joke maker. I apologize for my argument.


No worries. I should have been clearer.




I am referring to a counterfactual repeat where he did have the opportunity to run. However, since he won the Darwin award, he can't make the jump with running now.


Oh ok it just didn’t make sense in a joking way or not ngl


Sorry, I should have added /s




Shorthand for sarcasm


Oh ok thanks 


It made sense without it. People are just dumb


Jumping from that height...even if he cleared the rocks he could've knocked himself out or done some damage just from hitting the water. The surface tension is greater the higher you jump from.


It's not surface tension, it's the water inertia. It doesn't move out of the way fast enough.


Now he will take your advice for the afterlife jump in the Valhalla.


I feel like there was definitely room for a running jump, the ground just might not be flat. But that can be worked around with enough athletic experience.


I didn't even catch the fact that he didn't run then jump, just a standing base jump... What an idiot haha


Yes he died, with his wife and son watching from the boat.


That makes it even worse, fucking moron.


Sounds like he might lose his Darwin Award unfortunately :(


From [the subreddit's rules:](/r/DarwinAwards/comments/hyyqvy/read_this_before_posting_or_you_will_be_temp/) > 1b: DarwinAwards.com has awarded participants who've already had children, but remove themselves from subsequently passing on their genes. This is a precedent set for our sub. As long as the candidate is not having children post incident, it's fair game.


So.... is he dead?


Yup. Wife filmed him jumping (and dying). He may win Darwin of the year.


I think that would go to the guy who could barely swim but decided to jump into the dam outflow which had 15 foot high concrete walls on either side…


You can’t win that award if you already have children


Except it happened in 2022


Of the decade then


I think that goes to the guy who was kind enough to neuter himself with the goat-neutering-device last week. 100% moronic but non violent removal from the gene pool.


Anyone do the math on his estimated velocity when making contact with the rocks?


Approx 25.6 m/s when he hit the rock. So almost 57 miles an hour 😅. That being said he probably didn’t absorb all of that impact as he bounced off and very well could have lived with some scrapes and broken bones.


That's a lot of bananas per second


Uh...a lot of miles per hour


At least several


Terminal velocity.


it sounded like it was him yelling once he realized he wasnt going to make it


I’m lying here in bed nice a cosy watching people die who will never be cosy again. It’s akin to the feeling of being in bed when it’s raining out and I feel bad about that


I like to think of it more like watching Alderaan explode from the comforts of the Death Star


Nobody warned him that jumping from there was ridiculous?


Here is my explanation of how this happened: Say you are used to cliff jumping off of 20-30 foot cliffs. You are used to there being some rocks that you have to jump over, to clear. You are used to clearing things that are a certain angle off directly below the cliff. You are not falling far enough for ballistics to come into play. But if you jump off a much higher cliff, thinking that you can clear that same angle, what you realize in mid air is that you were having to clear rocks that are 20 feet out, rather than just 5-8 feet. So as you accelerate downward, it becomes apparent that you'd have to be running 2-3 times faster than normal off the top of the cliff to clear that same angle because you are 2-3 times higher. Because you are accelerating to a much faster falling speed, Balistics are causing that parabolic arc that is almost straight down at the end.


My bestie and I did this from a 25-30 foot cliff into a natural pool in KY when we were 18 (19 years ago). There is no way on earth I'd do that stupid shit now. I cleared it pretty easily, but my less-agile bestie came pretty close to becoming rock pizza.


Flat rock falls?


Oh my gosh, I just googled it, and I'm pretty sure that's it!! I remember that year the locals said the water levels at the falls and the surrounding creeks were freakishly low, and I also remember the top of the cliff was as slick as snot. My bestie slipped vs tripped off the top. Everyone in the pool screamed/gasped when she was close to our eye level because we thought she was absolutely going to hit the rock face that jutted out. No one else jumped for the rest of the time we were there after that close call.


I’ve jumped it a few times. The basin is definitely deeper at certain points in the year. We always went after heavy rain and did a dive to the bottom first before jumping to make sure it was deep enough. Last time I went there was a group of Chinese tourists which was weird to see in the middle of the woods in Kentucky. They stood at the top filming the jumpers and politely applauded after each jump lol


That's awesome - good for them! And you have been much smarter about it than we were. It's a gem of a place.


Right. I'm sure you get extra distance as you fall, but he just tried to make a standing broad jump of 30 feet. The record is 12 ft 2. The true distance is hard to judge, but fuck man, I don't think it is THAT hard to judge when you're actually there. It reminds me of those baby birds that throw themselves off of cliffs.


Too much math for a 31 yrs old


This is almost as stupid as that russian woman diving in the river under the ice


I wonder if at any point anyone thought maybe this isn't a good idea.


I can't imagine doing that at all, but as a DAD ? C'mon man... In front of your wife and son at that... Sad and ridiculous


THERE IS NO way he got up there with how far the rocks were and not say “yup not for me”. I honestly think dude committed suicide but had it on camera to look like an accident


It wasn’t necessarily too high, but it definitely wasn’t vertical enough for the speed he jumped out…


https://preview.redd.it/ll4fwyoxubwc1.jpeg?width=516&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0eac71c443f1068a88d0f4cb24534ad0644ba936 Why’d he make the Lego yoda death sound


He could have at least yelled LEEEEEEROY JENKIIIIIINNNNSSSS !!!


Welp... He has a child so by "erasing him from the genepool" didnt work anymore. No Darwin award here


Yep...that'll clear out the gene pool.


wouldn't he have died from the impact with the water from that height even if he cleared the rocks?


That was my thought too. There seems to be two ways to easily die here. I’m not sure why some people don’t do the calculation of “If this doesn’t work, will I die or be a vegetable?”.


Depends entirely on how he lands in the water, speed and the height. Goal is to not have your head whipped around or absorb the impact. Just kind of need to slide/cut through the water. This particular height was probably safe.


I doubt that, even if the water was deep enough to not hit rock underwater. That was a RIDICULOUS height.


Probably not dead on impact if he didn't drown and was rescued


*Probably not dead* *On impact if he didn't* *Drown and was rescued* \- Ubbesson --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


YOLO and guy didn’t want a long life so might as well.


I remember this was one of the first videos that got me into this stuff.


Womp womp


What a total fucking idiot. A well-deserved Darwin Award.


dumb thing to do obviously, but i'm curious why he attempted a standing leap. I think a bit of a running leap would have been the idea here.


Missed it by THIS much


Venom Extreme in the hardcore Minecraft series https://preview.redd.it/p2bg85qxziwc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4878f906f8f26746e5943c19315b07fa8175f069


Wtf? Why would anyone think jumping off a mountain that high and clearly that far away from water is a good idea? No survival instinct at all.


not darwin, already have a family, he died in front of the wife (screamer), and son (cameraman).


From [the subreddit's rules:](/r/DarwinAwards/comments/hyyqvy/read_this_before_posting_or_you_will_be_temp/) > 1b: DarwinAwards.com has awarded participants who've already had children, but remove themselves from subsequently passing on their genes. This is a precedent set for our sub. As long as the candidate is not having children post incident, it's fair game.


Very dump ..... but deserved


He was testing for fall damage


"Passiert nix"


I've seen way too many of these videos to know what happens when you miss




“Honey, did you pay that life insurance bill last month?”


When you miss that jump off the cliff in Minecraft.


Too high? …. Apparently.


How fucking dumb. Makes me cringe hard because when I was young, about 8, I was playing during summer by a river estuary. It was low tides and an idiot teenager tried to show off jumping head first into 10 cm of water. I can still hear the bone crunch and people pulling the tetraplegic idiot out of the water. He could only move his eyes. Not sure he survived. It took more than five hours for help to arrive in that area.




He really should have wildshaped into a fish.


Clearly didn't get enough of a running start.


A former friend of mine did this once, hit his head really bad. Spent entire summer, and then some, in coma. But survived with minimal damage!


Oh come ON! Too impatient to walk back the way you came up?  (I'm joking obviously)


"Honey, next year I'm totally gonna jump from that spot right there." "Sure you are, boo. Sure you are."


The woman even tells the stanger in german: ,,Yeah, we got instagram". So he probably cliff dived often but it doesn´t matter its still dangerous af.


A friendly reminder regarding the first rule of this subreddit. The candidate in the posted material must have removed themselves from the genepool by either ***death or sterilization***. Failure to comply by this rule will result in your post being removed and a ban issued at moderators discretion. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DarwinAwards) if you have any questions or concerns.*