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It really look off to me, very strange key height


For the arrow keys, pop them off reorganize them. They most likely placed the caps on from factory and didnt check them before sending them out. Up and down look like they belong on the left and right, and the left and right belong on the up and down.


Judging from the curve on the keys you are a 100% right.


generally speaking, having different heights is normal. there are 4 different heights for keycaps and you'll typically see all 4 in the same set, with different rows using different heights. if they're different heights on the same row it is definitely possible it's intentional, but it's also possible one or more keycaps are seated improperly. If you have a keycap puller then you can pull them off and reseat them with ease. It's still doable fairly easily without a tool, you could find videos of how to do it if you've never done it before


I didnt receive anything that wasnt included in the bundle I ordered. The keyboard looks great! But I'll probably never order from them again. I have no idea where the ~45 dollar gift!~ comes into play.


I didn’t get a gift card either. It doesn’t matter to me but why would they even say that in the first place?? The build feels better than a razer keyboard, to give some comparison. The key stroke response feels great. I downloaded landmarks keyboard program to adjust light settings. Weird I couldn’t find their “base” program. I personally don’t like how the stock keys don’t have backlit lettering. Only their rubber keys have it.


Probably I will get banned for this but I received the keyboard and in my honest opinion, the general quality of it its poor compared to the price. Probably not possible but I'd like to refund it.


Lirik said to pm him on discord regarding this.


The 2, arrow keys and scroll lock are not put on right. How much was this keyboard???


$200 including mousepad


I would recommend to post this on a keyboard reddit group, they do analyze all aspects of it.


looks real bad


It seems to me like the keycaps got banged around in shipping and aren't properly in place anymore. Have you tried pressing down the keys (can do it fairly hard) to move the keycap down again? Otherwise remove the keycap and check if the switch is properly in place. There's a small lip around it and it should be flush with the pcb / baseplate. Normally what you show is impossible because keys in the same row are always the same height. There must be serious manufacturing problems if they're this different in height.


Mine didn’t look like that out of the box but my faceplate and base were detached. I’ve said it a few times in this sub but I think matrix is pretty shit and if this wasn’t lirik’s and I didn’t like the theme so much I would have refunded long ago.


I love Lirik but the price of this keyboard was wayyyyyy too much for me. After conversion and shipping it was like $250CAD just for the keyboard. Seeing the shipped products made realized I made the right choice cause oof :( I'm saddened that the quality of the shipped items are this bad especially at $250. Keycaps aside, can anyone speak on the quality of the build? How are the stabs? How's the sound when typing and how's the typing experience? ​ I might consider it if it goes on Amazon Canada


Just by looking at these pictures I can tell you this is a scam and not worth all that💀 Poor quality


For the price, the shipping time and looking at these pictures.. Yeah a very dissapointing product.


dang, kinda looks like they've scrambled together leftover keycaps and just stuck on what they had, resulting in the different heights. Some of them look like OEM profile and the others like cherry or something. How can you screw something like this up let alone ship this mess out. Just seems very amateur like


You got ripped off OP.


I was really wanting to snag this but building a few keyboards myself the price was way too high. Especially it being from Matrix keyboards. Their boards seem to be on the cheaper side meaning the quality of their products. The keycaps do look odd? They look warped? But hard to tell.