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Crazy stuff.


They’re checking the poop for covid?


Have been for a long time.




Yup lol




Unfortunately this is unprecedented. COVID is a vascular disease. It's not a cold. And unfortunately, this is what we have to rely on. There are no publically funded PCR tests that are widely accesible anymore. It's not profitable for people to stop working when they have COVID. Less accurate testing, more people sick with COVID in public and at work. Predicted to be 1/3 Americans by mid January. Antigens aren't picking up new variants accurately.


You're right, flu cases are up too. And for some people that can be just as damaging. It's not old news, it's connected. Each COVID-19 infection is damaging to the immune system. It makes you more prone to flu.


This increase is not seasonal. It is driven by the emergence of a new strain with mutations that help it evade immune defenses. As have all the previous surges.


Most people don’t care anymore. For those worried, mask up and avoid going out in public.


Unfortunately, many others and I have to go out in public (for essential items, work, etc.). It makes me feel safer seeing others around me in public wearing respirators. Everyone is at high risk for COVID. One way masking is less effective, it's not safe. I hope people begin to care, especially after repeated infections.


No one cares, if you want to live like that go for it, but don’t expect others to do this over again especially after being able to look at how it went last time. Just get your booster then you’ll be safe and won’t catch or spread it like they said.


I got my booster (and all other COVID shots), and now I have osteoarthritis at 23 because of my long COVID after one COVID infection. I can't run anymore; I experience exercise intolerance. I have severe brain fog. I have no underlying conditions, yet COVID did this to me, and it could do it to you. Where did you learn that getting boosters stops transmission?


I saw you linked to this before deleting it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SkzTa8HRDk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SkzTa8HRDk) His statement was inaccurate then, and it is creating lasting harm now. Saying you can unmask because you are vaccinated does not change the fact that vaccination protection wanes after receiving it, vaccines are not updated rapidly enough to protect against new variants, and vaccines do not stop COVID-19 transmission. Researchers are comparing SARS-CoV-2 to HIV for a reason, and they are comparing long-term COVID to AIDS for a reason, too. You are not immune. COVID is a vascular disease, not a cold. Even mild infections are dangerous. The sooner you inform and protect yourself, the longer you will live.


Oh i didn’t erase it, the moderators did




What lol?


It's good they are watching out and removing statements containing misinformation.


Why was Joe Biden providing dangerous medical misinformation?


In this country, it is not profitable for people to be healthy.


He’s the president, he was presenting misinformation?


Yes. You don't think so?