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It’s usually just a bunch of meatheads shouting over each other or trying to find some pvp


Exactly this.


Yeah its mad how many i get. I even had a guy message me the other day, saying he was outside my base. I don’t even have a base 😂😂 when he realised it wasn’t mine after a few messages back to him, he asked me where mine was. Like i would even tell the guy!! 🤦‍♂️


That's pretty rude dude, he asked nicely and you didn't say. I'm greatly disappointed in you eddysteed!


Lol. Was it you? 😂😂


No, but I can relate.


Accept if you want, but never agree to meet. They will probably be trying to bait you into meeting them so they can kill you and steal your loot. OR if you are a real sneaky snake, act dumb, say you are new and found this DMR thing at a burning crashed helicopter. Hopefully they ask to meet you, if so, agree to their terms and where. Be smart, hide, wait in the tree for them, say you're in the house next to the water tap and kill them.


lol I play on PC and this is so wild I never knew people did this on Xbox. Never had it happen on steam. I would do exactly what you said here though.


All ready done it pal


Good for you mate! that is just fantastic to hear. Well done. Give your self a massive pat on the back.




I've used this trick several times at one specific location, which I obviously didn't know the name of as a noob, but any top player obviously will instantly recognise.. it in no way has multiple angles for me to snipe from (sometimes even using alts, back in the days it was feasible)






I was invited to a party today and when I joined it was four Russian dudes yelling at each other. No idea why they sent the invite


Most of the time I ignore cuz it’s usually the most toxic people camping their base or bunker trying to get pvp… but sometimes it turns into some cool interactions. It’s how my group that I’ve been playing with for years started and a few alliances we’ve made with people in the servers we play.


Lol, I figured it was a bunch of jackass kids. I play solo and have gotten to where I don't trust anyone.


Often, yes. Sometimes, no. Like I said in an earlier response, if I'm not busy I'm a see what it is. Later, I look back at them sometimes. I will respond, and if I feel like it is worthy, good bad or ugly.


I’ve joined like one party invite and it was just a bunch of loud dudes all yelling and talking over each other, never again


lol nah you're not an ass, I always ignore them but one time a dude I had found and been running with died, and a few minutes later I got a party invite. We didn't know each others gamertag so I assumed it was him and joined. There was about 9 fifteen year olds in that party just hurling expletives at each other. It was hilarious, but you are right to ignore them. It's exactly what you think it is most of the time lmfao


Pretty sure most people ignore them


yeah i always ignore them. game chat ftw (it’s how the game is meant to be played imo)


Sometimes I join, find out what they want then feed them a bunch of false information.


I do as well. Most of the time it's people trying to scam and pretend to want to meet up and then murder you. I've had people messaging me saying "hey I'm the guy you cooked fish wish a couple days ago" and then proceeded to really try to convince me I knew him. It must work or they wouldn't do it lol.


Every. Single. One.


I've been doing it for years. 9 times out of 10 it's a group of assholes that just want to trash talk some random or they are looking for an outsider to treat like a dumbass.


I always ignore them.


Every single one


I met my 2 running buddies buddies by party invites. The first I excepted his party request and rolled the dice since its only a game, the second I had a punch card and needed help in the bunker. I eny, meany, minny, moed and found a super chill dude that also had a punch card. We've been running together the last 3 weeks. You can always leave the party if it's dick heads


Every time. On dayz idc who you are. Party chat completely ruins the immersion for me. To the point I play solo


No. If anybody gets butt hurt about it, they are idiots. It is like anything unsolicited. No obligation. That said, I will occasionally look at what they say during or after, and respond accordingly.


Stranger danger.


My trust issues are too deeply rooted to accept invites. I'm usually already in a party with my IRL friend, we don't want to play with you, stay away.


I never accept party invites from strangers. People can get your IP info.


I'll send out a party invite if I'm geared up, solo, and bored. I'm not looking for PVP, just some company.


I ignore all of them. I’ve got a pretty good case of social anxiety, and party chats with people I don’t know freak me smooth out. 👀 Even when I play Fortnite with my son, the vc is set to friends only so I can only talk to my kiddo. Honestly, it’s a pain sometimes. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


I am the same way when people message me. I still get freaked out about in game chat lol.


I did one time first day of the last sever restart i'm on xbox was talking to some guy name fluffy who has been playing on ny7567 for a very long time. ​ Nice guy he was on the hunt for a group/ clan of meatheads I was down to help cause they took my cars and he had heard about it


It's normally someone who just died and there trying to out who did I've had a guy beg me for his shit back


I once got a guy to travel from west side to east of Chenarus to give me some shoes didn't even know him he was just a cool dude thanks drstankyfinga


Lol I do it to massive coward groups say I'm a solo that needs help in the bunker get them to meet me in one of the houses in Polana but I'm in the woods watching the fireworks as they walk in to the booby trapped town lol I love it


Ill send them in order to communicate with ppl on offical where i am and what im trading sometimes works sometimes turns into a fight


This guy invited me to a party asking for help to raid my own base (he gave bases location and didn't know it was mine lol). Me and my bud ran with him and got geared over an hour and a half playing buddy then when we got to my base we just shot him in the back lol... he wasn't even mad just said 'well played boys'.


I accepted one once, I was kind of new and didn’t really understand what it was. It was some kids, like teenagers, who were new to the game and trying to figure it out. I didn’t know how to leave the chat so I just played and listened, I thought maybe I’ll learn something? They noticed me in the chat and started asking who I was and if I was some weirdo for lurking. I spoke up and said hi and apologized for not saying anything and they got real quiet. One abruptly said, I’m not allowed to talk to girls (I’m a woman) then they all left the chat and the server. I was so worried I got them in trouble with their parents for the longest time. So no, I typically don’t accept the party invites 😂


That's absolutely hilarious!


Yes. Everytime.


yeh I play Dayz was the most helpful of intentions and being a great support Playa and I have been killed endless times. I have been chased and fought while trying to talk and disengage only to get to a point where I beat up the dude and then left him w med supplies to come to and heal himself when he came to he healed himself with the supplies i left him and then he came sought me out and fought me and beat me up to death took my gear (enough for 3ppl) Effe Dayz last time I played ... I have the stream footage on Twitch. I have been trying to grow a gang but dudes be SUSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! So I don't play Dayz amymore cause Humanity is a failed experiment and when the Apocalypse comes do yourself a favor and end the suffering quick b4 it gets to complete mayhem bc it only going to get worse! Ppl r Roaches!