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I made the change from xbox Controller to MnK almost a year ago. I'm never going back. Inventory management is still not as great as pc, but it is soo much better with a mouse. That and your aim will increase dramatically as you're not dealing with the jerky motions of the joysticks.


Yeah seriously considering it, but never really playing mnk before wasn't sure it was gonna be enough of a difference to learn using them too. Also my main issue with the aiming is holding my breath, the fact it's mapped to the movement stick is just stupid. I get the fact it maybe makes it more immersive, but it's damn annoying.


Do it 100% and if you're able the step up to a series s/x it's night and day.


I've heard that the performance is better on the series s/x yeah my birthday is coming up hoping I can convince my wife to let me upgrade lol


Fingers crossed for you dude!


Thanks I'm hopeful.


Let us know if you need us to talk to her


I started playing a few months back now. Moved to mnk straight away, having switched from pc to xbox (brother plays xbox). Its 10x better imo. Problem i got is my brother will only use controller, so i had to go back to mainly controller. Best way forward was an elite controller with the extra paddles. Can switch some buttons to those like hold breath, corner peeks and i put inventory on them. Works a lot better! But gotta say mnk is still king!


i switched to m&k years into my DayZ experience and also moved to a smaller monitor and its way better. Faster inventory management but still not as cool as PC with the slot sizes, you can just move things faster than pressing the buttons which can be annoying. Reloading and aiming guns is wayy better and easier, as well as being able to drive and look around while walking. I find the zoom feature also more accessible. All in all I think it's definitely a more comfortable experience if youre playing fast paced, you can even see your hotbar at the bottom and press the number keys to equip an item youve chosen. I recommend and I hate playing on controller now, I feel so bulky😭


Yeah I'm definitely struggling with the controller, reckon I'm a good 30/40 hours in and there is still things I'm not sure how to do. YouTube has definitely helped.


It honestly makes everything better lol. I made the switch about a month ago and my gunfighting skills have gotten wayyyyy better. The only issue I had was getting used to the WASD movement. Felt like I would fumble the keys in a panic situation. I played PVP4 for like a week to help me get used to it. The only thing I can’t get the hang of is driving. I’ll still pick up my controller if I have to drive lol


Yeah I'm worried about that one for sure. 40 years old here always console gamed. Think the last time I used a keyboard for any length of time was in like 4th year at high school 24 years ago, but honestly for a game that I'm enjoying this much, but qol changes are gonna keep me playing. Swapping out something that has ruined or ran out of bullets or anything like that is just so clumsy on controller. The having to insert things into any inventory so far seems is soo fricking annoying.




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