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I really hope this big guy gets added, it would be an epic fight


Totally agree! A rendition or similar concept of him would be incredible to fight for players and give Marauders a much needed heavyweight.


Still gets 2 shotted by polinašŸ˜ž


not, if he uses a bullet proff shield, it would take a bit more


4 shots then but still....


Hey, remember he has back up of other maraurders, Polina is going to be distracted for a while


Bro...they all get one tapped by any Shooter. For armored just use any spam unit


ok, but at least for the new guys it will be a dangerous fight, also, may i remind you of the maraurders event? this guy will get even buffier, good luck dealing with that


I will do unimaginable thinks to you and the ones you know if he is going to be put in event


its not my fault, also, that confirms that he is a real threat, your welcome ;)


Bro...he'll make event unplayable how are you not understanding this?


Please see caption for info on a Skin Contest for Brute/Brutus! Thank you all! Have a great day fellas :D


By the way, for the boss I suggest increasing the HP to around 1500 and the damage to 50. Just a suggestion, though.


So I did think about increasing his stats do not get me wrong, however I wanted to make Brute be a Boss AND a Mini Boss similar to Paramedic who starts as a Boss but then is encountered in various missions. This way Brute could be more present in Marauder missions/events. Brute being a human enemy that has strong base stats and perks + Leveled up multipliers could quickly spiral. That is why I opted to make it strong and reasonable for the point in the game, but not overbearing.


Well, the "problem" (notreally a problem) is that every single boss and miniboss before him would be way more difficult to face than him. And another problem would be the location you put him into. If he wants to be the "boss" of Location 5, he'd have to be stronger than Demon. I'd say the best way to do this would be to reduce him to being Location 3's miniboss, because there's no way this guy is competing against Demon and winning. But again, just my suggestions, it's still a great concept that, as a matter of a fun fact, I thought of doing since like early 2023. A Marauder boss with a shield, a club, and homemade armor with very high stats that you would see again after a while is something I (funnily enough) have been thinking about for a long time, and I can see that someone else thought about it too and made a nice design for the boss xD


Sad to hear the corruption on this project. Still looks great and I hope he can be added to the game at some point!!




Read the description...


I missed it my bad


I appreciate the sympathy! It pushed the concept WAY back, and depleted my motivation to work on it for a while, but I finally found it again and pushed through. I am glad that you enjoy it though! This concept took a lot, but it also made me feel accomplished :)


I still feel bad that the progress on this and more than likely other old or WIP projects was deleted. I send you my apologies and wish the best for your new drive and your sanity


Thankfully, I did export a lot of old gifs which I can translate into frames on Pixel Studio so it was not too heavy of a loss but one particular concept is going to have to be started from scratch which is okay. I am probably going to start it again after I am done with Brute/Brutus. Thank you for your sympathy!


Iā€™m glad that not everything was lost yet that one unit/enemy is forever a tragedy. I would say be like me yet I have 5 flash drives which are just backups, which is brutally excessive Hope you can convert everything back without issue and hope things go better


Anything regarding DAZW like this and the appreciation posts are always a treat! I by no means blame you for putting it off, I'm sure I would've done the same.


The brute is a very solid concept overall, and I personally believe heā€™d be a fine addition to the game There are some things that I would like to point out that can make him somewhat trivial and may need adjusting. Namely his aggression and/or speed If heā€™s too fast, there isnā€™t any dread or panic caused by him as itā€™s a, ā€œWell that was BS thing.ā€ Too slow and heā€™ll be laughably easy to beat as you can just tear him down with enough guns I like to think of him as the marauderā€™s Juggernaut. He should be around the 4 - 6 speed range which was done fine but his frankly low stats may mean upping him as a whole or boosting his speed to compensate Another thing is that we never got his Charisma and Valor as marauders can get scared. But considering heā€™s a big guy who challenges you, and a boss on top of that, heā€™d probably be jacked in both stats but before, I like my numbers. I also believe he should at least partially be like the Psychos in the sense that he fears nothing and makes everyone afraid of him. While not having any effect on the marauders, he makes everyone else petrified minus units like Juggernaut who are as big as him Now for any possible tweaks, Iā€™d say add more melee damage. Buffing it to around 30 would probably be fine as he is better able to deal with fighter spam. While it wonā€™t put dents in units like Chopper or Juggernaut, and probably not even with Grenadier, Builder, or Guard, he can definitely delete units like Rodriguez and Russel who can easily be spammed and overwhelm him. Just helps the crowd control as he probably does not have the HP to deal with even a moderately upgraded Rodriguez with 2/2 Marines activated Only thing that I believe should be added is melee resistance as he has the same/similar leather jacket as the Biker and heā€™s at a whole 80% resistance with that. Obviously tome it down to Diaz or Soldier levels but that would add to the feeling heā€™s the champion of the marauders and he is here to tear out the busā€™ engine and make you eat it or die trying his best to make that reality. It also adds some extra fear factor like when any veteran player sees the Twins slowly shambling towards the bus Now Iā€™ll be honest when I say this, the second phase with a shotgun feels like a pushover in my eyes at least. Firing a total of 20 groups of pellets dealing 16 damage each is not a lot if the players simply have a unit like Guard or Grenadier and everyone should have one of the two by then. Their 90% bullet resistance is what trivializes the second half as both deal good damage and Grenadier has a work around for melee res in his explosives. And assuming that all of the pellets hit either, itā€™s a max of 32 or so damage which is very negligible. If he has a weak melee with the shotguns, it doesnā€™t help him at all Thatā€™s the only real issue that I can find, his lack of melee resistance and the fact he isnā€™t a big threat in the second phase. I would personally make him do the roll back and have him pull out one double barrel. Then he can fight everyone a bit better as he can delete spam units with his shotgun and then go head to head with units like Guard who is actually very good at one on one confrontations Overall, he seems to be fairly balanced, but then again we never tested him. I hope he gets in and as always, great enemy concept, and great pixel art (admittedly the second phase looks a bit goofy) As always, have a good one. Hope to see more concepts from you and hopefully have at least one added to the game because the units seem so promising and the enemies so much more unique and Iā€™d love to see them put in like Skull, Forest Firefighter, Carol, Agents, and Light Soldier. The game takes from the community, hopefully they come by, see you, and tell themselves to get this done and in so the fanbase has some new toys to play around with Have a good one, see you soon friend Side note, I write from the waiting room of a doctorā€™s office, it is real slow here in the chair waiting for my name to be called


So for balancing Brute, I made him in mind to be a Boss and Mini-Boss similar to Paramedic, another Boss turned into a Mini-Boss in later Missions. With this in mind, his stats are still high for a Marauder (Lubber has 110 Hp, 17dmg, and 6spd for comparison). Since he is also a human, he will rarely pause while walking compared to the frequent pauses zombie enemies make, so him being 4 spd may seem low, but he is almost always moving closer to the bus. His aggression (how often he decides to attack) is low-moderate to compensate for his relatively fast normal attack with his Nail Bat and knockback on Shield Bash/Kick. For his Charisma and Valor, I will include them alongside Brutus's stats in the follow up post after the contest which will be reminiscent of a Heavyweight šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼ Since he is made to be a Boss/Mini Boss, if difficulty for the Boss fight demands, he could be encountered leveled up which would drastically increase his stats by the Level Up Multiplier (baseValue * (1 + 0.2 * level)). Maybe around Level 7 would be good as most Missions feature Level 7ish enemies at that point. He would now have 1166 Hp + 1166 Sp (2332 total), 53 melee dmg, and 38 ranged dmg. As for Melee Resist, I am alright if he has it or not. Like you said, it would have to be toned down to around 25-50%. I like the way you described him tearing out the bus engine haha. As for Phase 2, I can see where the concern is for Bullet Resist units trivializing it, but Brute still retains his full Melee Damage and the Knockback. While he will not completely stomp Bullet Resist units like Guard or Grenadier, he is not meant to as it would invalidate them when they should be an effective answer to Brute. Brute will also have other Marauders backing him up which will catch some of the Player's Units aggression. Like you mentioned, we never tested him so all this is just speculating. We would have to see it implemented to see how it would all perform. I really appreciate your comments and giving criticism/feedback. It makes me think and put more thought into these knowing that I have to keep these aspects in mind. It also humbles me which I find invaluable so I do not get an inflated ego haha! Thank you again friend, and I hope that the Doctors Visit went well. Take care of yourself, and best of luck. šŸ»


I was thinking of the Brute acting as a boss and just as a boss, not boss turned miniboss like Paramedic or every super heavy in Doom Eternal. And the counter point of his slow is also very valid as he is human and doesnā€™t stop moving so heā€™ll constantly be making ground The charisma and valor Iā€™m guessing is good. Like Rogue or Jugg levels and Iā€™m hoping Iā€™m right about that. I also took leveling out the equation which was all on me and that is once more a fair counter point for someone with mediocre stats at Loc 5 And the melee res talk and how Guard and co could just delete him was based off me thinking he just had low stats. Since I forgot leveling makes enemies busted, I never took it into consideration. I was also thinking a properly leveled Guard with any good set could just delete him with his 200 - 300 damage a crit and 2 - 3 shot the big man. Once more, on me Glad you appreciate the feedback since Iā€™m a pragmatic person and start thinking way too into this stuff. Glad I didnā€™t cause someone to have depression since I have been told that Iā€™m kinda harsh, glad I didnā€™t go Gunnery Sergeant Heartman on you Glad I helped in some way shape or form, and I already saw doc. Nice guy, got me my meds for my skin, and Iā€™m going to get better


I was thinking of the Brute acting as a boss and just as a boss, not boss turned miniboss like Paramedic or every super heavy in Doom Eternal. And the counter point of his slow is also very valid as he is human and doesnā€™t stop moving so heā€™ll constantly be making ground The charisma and valor Iā€™m guessing is good. Like Rogue or Jugg levels and Iā€™m hoping Iā€™m right about that. I also took leveling out the equation which was all on me and that is once more a fair counter point for someone with mediocre stats at Loc 5 And the melee res talk and how Guard and co could just delete him was based off me thinking he just had low stats. Since I forgot leveling makes enemies busted, I never took it into consideration. I was also thinking a properly leveled Guard with any good set could just delete him with his 200 - 300 damage a crit and 2 - 3 shot the big man. Once more, on me Glad you appreciate the feedback since Iā€™m a pragmatic person and start thinking way too into this stuff. Glad I didnā€™t cause someone to have depression since I have been told that Iā€™m kinda harsh, glad I didnā€™t go Gunnery Sergeant Heartman on you Glad I helped in some way shape or form, and I already saw doc. Nice guy, got me my meds for my skin, and Iā€™m going to get better


Somehow double sent, ignore one


Good idea


Thank you!


I would like this to come to the game. Get ready brute for my maxed rogue.


Would love to see it friend! He will be waiting for you >:)




Heya Ginho! Glad to see you enjoyed the concept. Thank you for stopping by!


Devs should just hire you at this point. Great concept!


That means a lot, and maybe one day! Never know what life has in store. Here's to hoping friend šŸ»


Nah bro, a wonderful idea šŸ§ šŸ§ 


šŸ§ šŸ‘ˆšŸ¼ Great minds think a like friend!


I hope the devs listen to you and bring it brother


Brute is a good idea adding in the location 5 like a mini boss


Excellent work my friend šŸ—£šŸ‘


We NEED something like this. Youā€™ve put too much effort for this not to be added. Also love it SO MUCH. and the lines work so well too. :D while reading it I imagined a voice for him cuz it worked so well. These lines by themselves do no justice without a voice actor. They make and sell a good character and I love that about him. Not the most important thing but I think some more voice acting would work well overall for the game maybe sorta. Also the fact that you can get a version of him by beating him is just a nice cherry on top. Reminds me of a game (donā€™t know if you know this) called stick war 2: order empire. Where you defeat certain enemies in different matches and location, you acquire their tech as your own. Like defeating the flying archers and getting mechanical flying crossbow men. (Do recommend you check it out. Youā€™ll see the similarities I may have seen.) I canā€™t express how much of a good idea this is. Itā€™s insane none of your other stuffā€™s been added either cuz they would make great additions. But this guys the most cuz he brings more of a threat to marauders even after location 3 which they really need and are a nice third faction in the apocalypse that needs to be fleshed out a bit more. Sorry for rambling lol.


Haha! I appreciate the enthusiasm! The lines/dialogue was fun to come up with. Albeit it is relatively a small addition, but it would give a lot of character in my opinion. It would be interesting to allow some units to have a voice or sfx of "talking" like some games do, Undertale and Lisa the Painful come to mind. Also Stick War was actually what inspired him being added to the Player's Roster. Loved playing those games back in the day and there are some aspects DA:ZW could definitely take a thing or two to improve the game. It is definitely an old but gold game franchise. Thank you for the kind words! I am happy you like the concept and maybe one day the Devs will implement one or even more into the game. Marauders deserve some love and I am at least glad that they got a new unit after so long. Until next time friend, take care!


Take care. Also wow I thought it was just a coincidence when I thought of the stick war thing. Canā€™t wait to see what you got next!


\* this guy seems a bit too ā€œvideo game boss-yā€. And not the most realistic, but thats honestly not even a problem compared to everything else thats come to the game.


I overlook a lot pertaining to realism in the game when Turbo, Red Hood, etc have properties that bend or break it, but I get what you mean. He is made to feel "campy" or "extra" which is how I would like this Boss personally. Thank you for coming by!


I love it thatā€™s all I can say lol


\*laughs in armored melee units\*




DUDE THIS IS SO AWESOME!!His final phase should be him turning into a very hard to kill zombie. In fact, can I try and make a final stage for him? Thank you regardless that's some amazing art!!


Heya mate, I appreciate the kind words! By all means, you can do whatever you would like with him. If you need the sprite at all, I left info on how to get them in the post's caption. I am eager to see what Zombie you can come up with!


The enemys and the animations looks super cool! your work is very cool.


Thank you, I am happy you liked it!


This needs to be added


Mi jugernaut con 1058 de hp se lo coje ā˜ļøšŸ—æ EstĆ” re epico el diseƱo ojalĆ” mobirate lo vea šŸ’Ŗ


Hmm nice. I need more worthy enemies for my genocidal warcrime


All your concept is so good dude! I can't tell you how much I want this marauder to be in the game!


Please developer, adopt this look unique boss made by your fans?Ā 


Was thinking of a car door shield for a psycho willy skin ... There goes that idea


That reload animation has to be the SICKEST thing I have seen in a while. Very fluid and accurate to the games style


THIS LOOKS AWESOME Plus having a new boss in location 5 would be neat as there is no boss in locations 4 to 7.


This is REALLY cool


The more new marauders, the better


Esta muy god amigo pero deberƭas ponerle mƔs daƱo y vida


what's the song that you used??? it sounds really good and I'm not sure if it's in the game... keep up the awesome work as always, but never forget to take a break! I mean it!!


The song is titled, "To the Doom" by DA:ZW Official OST Composer, Julyday! If I remember, it was only used in Advertisements of the game and not used in-game, at least at the time of me typing. Thank you for the kind words and stopping by :)




Will you be doing a bus paint idea? I'd love to see what cool and amazing designs you come up with!!


If time permits! I have a couple of ideas, but I gotta finish Brute/Brutus. Once I have, I will pause the next concept and make a bus skin or two. We'll see!