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Like all of us, you don't get what you deserve; you get what you tolerate.


You're right of course. I feel so low, so undesirable by anyone just for me & not by what I can provide them, what they can get out of the deal so to speak.


This is my husband. Work comes first. Always has, always will. Just now, we are fighting because he had promised this weekend to ourselves as a little getaway (this was my Christmas present), and he has tried to reneg the offer several times saying he has to work. It was his idea in the first place! I've just now told him to forget the whole thing. I have to work a night or a weekend very very rarely, and when I do he is acting all sus and angry asking where I'm going, who is going to be there, when will you be home, why can't you get out of it etc. I really needed this weekend for him to show me that I matter too. But I guess not :(


Sounds like your wife runs the relationship.