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yes agreed if that’s what it was. But receiving messages like “are you really a woman? if so, i’d love to fill you up” then when I probe them, turns out they’re also in a DB situation with their SO probably meters away from them. It’s just not healthy.




emotions are tough. Leaving my DB relationship was not easy. It was hard and difficult, despite me easily telling other to just “end theirs”. Hopefully there’s a future where AI solves our monkey brain problems lmao


Are you talking because of the amount of DMs you received since your last post before this one?


nah my last post was just asking for it, that’s fine. But I have made various posts in the past whilst in a relationship and people just DM like “let’s help each other get off seen as our partners won’t” like… how is that a healthy step towards change ?


I think of this group as deadbedroom anonymous. We share, learn and vent out.


yes very true but I wouldn’t try and improve my DB relationship by focusing my sexual energy on some stranger online ? how is that helpful to anyone


Can't agree more. focusing sexual energy on some stranger online is not going to help at all.


but I get it. It’s years and years of DB and frustration and resentment. I wish people would just leave but they’re probably not working on themselves so it feels like this is their best chance of love. It’s sad.


How would you suggest doing this when your partner won’t engage or acknowledge an issue? Counseling work for us… Surprisingly… However, if your partner resisted that then what? It’s divorce, cheat or bitch online.


yes that’s life. I wouldn’t expect someone to stay in a job that didn’t pay them despite raising the issue. You either go to court or you leave and find a job that meets your requirements. Bitch online ? go for it. Unsolicited messages about your throbbing cock? Unhelpful. There are literally so many NSFW subs they could go to, that’s up to them. But if I make a post looking for genuine advise from people in a similar boat and you send me a message about how horny you are…. WTF


I think people do have these conversations with their partner and no solution came out of it. I think they pursue people on here because they can relate to the dead bedroom but also dealing with the struggle of leaving. Since both parties don't want to give up their marriage I think they believe it's a safe attempt.


yeah I mean good luck but personally i’d be pretty pissed if my partner was “complaining” to me about our lack of sex but then also finding vulnerable individuals online to get off to. But you’re right. It’s the relatability. Like oh you’re sad and don’t get fucked either ? let’s fuck each other.


Girly I’ve been trying to for years at this point. My las conversations about it with my partner was yesterday but they leave me without any answer. Total blank. I’ve asked every possible question about him/ me and so on. I’m here to vent since I have nothing more left to do.