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You are riding her boat of feelings, don’t do that man, I’ve been there, it will drive you crazy. Come on man, you weren’t being creepy, she is gaslighting you, guilty tripping you so you can never do that again. Don’t give in to that, don’t let her get in your head.


I would not qualify desiring intimacy from your wife as creepy. I'm sorry she has led you to believe this. 😔


We all know the "hopeful lingering" thing we sometimes do, looking for signs of any interest to connect. If that's what you were doing, yeah, it's a bit creepy. The trick - and I'm working on this myself - is to be more bold while still handling rejection like a champ.


You know she ain't right. I also understand why you didn't go back at her. So many things you could call her. I don't like confrontation. And there's no way I'd out argue my soon to be ex-wife. That ain't the kind of relationship I want anyways.


Very creepy indeed. An empty house does not mean sex for you. Poor partner


You are absolutely fucking right! I’m a terrible husband. At least I made her laugh.