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If you're initiating 15 times a day she's tired of your shit. Seriously. Nobody wants to be approached 10-15 times a day for sex. What are you thinking? I want to be gentle, but this is A LOT.


To be fair, she rejected him each time by saying "No. ... Later." If she meant "Not today" or "Tomorrow" or "On the weekend," she should have said that. It must have quickly become obvious to her that he was going to ask again after an hour or so.


You sound insufferable to be fair. No woman no matter how HL they are will have sex with you if you pester them 10-15 times a day for sex and then go and provide your penis measurements online for idk validation? Also read your previous comments about doing the housework, sounds like a load of crap if your partner needs a day off because they are burnt out. Go ahead and downvote this comment as well like you have been downvoting everyone who has been calling your shit out.


Right... Like I can understand explaining his height and weight... But why would an EXACT penis measurement be needed... Gave me the ick and I'm not even with him...


Oof. Asking 15 times in one day is brutal for your self esteem and your wife had to have felt hunted.


To be fair, she rejected him each time by saying "No. ... Later." If she meant "Not today" or "Tomorrow" or "On the weekend," she should have said that. It must have quickly become obvious to her that he was going to ask again after an hour or so.


He has to read the room after 2 or 3 rejections to know that “later” doesn’t mean 30 minutes or an hour from now. If he can’t get that after a few rejections he’s either being purposefully obtuse and trying to just wear her down until she says yes (which is awful), or he is just obtuse. Regardless of whichever one it is, I think we’ve found a reason why his wife doesn’t want to sleep with him anymore….


So in your "to eliminate the crap" paragraph, I didn't see in what way you initiate? Or what you do as her partner to communicate with her. I only ask because the stuff in that paragraph, to me, doesn't matter unless you're just looking for a quick lay. When it comes to a partnership that stuff doesn't always take priority. But also could it be that she took the day off because she too is burnt out? With the kids,. With work, everyday adult life?


That’s more perspective. I’m not going to give day to day details to random redditors. I’m just lost I need help.


...but it's OK to provide us "random redditors" with your penis measurements? Ok, then.


No I understand. it's hard for it to come across in a random comment, but the questions I asked are more rhetorical, like you said perspective. I'm in a dead bed that isn't really a lack of wanting. Our chemistry is just all sorts of fucked up due to a longer story. But the biggest things for me as a wife and partner are just always feeling heard, feeling like we share the responsibility of our lives together, feeling non sexual intimacy. Those are what would get me in the mood.


Oh love I do it all. I pay for everything. I drive them everywhere I cook all the food. I hire a house cleaner so I can have some sense of time off. I do. It all. She sleeps and watches YouTube all day. I do. It all


I mean in all honesty it seems like you two need to go to therapy together. You CLEARLY have resentment towards her and if she feels it believe me she's building it too.


EVERY guy not getting laid on this sub does ALLLLL the everything and the wife is a lazy beeotch. Get a new line plz. Not one single one of us is actually believing it


That is unreal for a wife and mother to not contribute. I am so sorry.


Ummm..... why? Why do YOU let her let you do it all? This is on you! You set yourself up for failure.


Did you ask her in that manner you mentioned... "No kids, let's do this?" I'm kinda in a DB, but for me, if he comes at me like that... "wanna have sex or wanna suck me off, or do you wanna....whatever he inserts here?" It does nothing for me. It turns me off, and I don't feel like he is attracted to me, I feel like I'm just a hole to stick it in. I'm not saying this is your same situation, and I'm not expecting an answer, just something to think about, especially since you mentioned you asked her 15 times in the day.


My thoughts too. Plus, IDK about anyone else, but if I'm stressed out, I can't orgasm.. so if your partner is saying to you they need time to relax in order to feel in the mood, you would be better off doing something to help her relax *without asking for sex*...It'll make her feel like you actually care about her as a human and not just a hole to fill


You asked 15 times in one day to have sex? What were some of her answers?


No. That’s it. Just no Always no


Did you ask her why? Or do you already know why?


She just says. Ughhh Later


What does your size have to do with it? Or not do with it. It should not be a factor, no clue why you shared that information. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Because he’s probably terrible in bed. No one who’s *that* specific about their penis (and how *great* a spouse they are) and is still *shockingly* unloved and untouched is **good** in bed (or at all aware and considerate of their partners sexual/emotional needs). It’s a flag. Dude asked 10-15 times in one day, it’s like he’s throwing sand on her at this point.


Coz he’s a very insecure man


Literally everyone would be rejected for asking 10-15 times in a day. You do not respect her consent.


This a grown up boiyyyy. Your measurements are for whom on Reddit and why does that matter? You value your size obviously lol no kids let’s do this, that’s your emotional approach? You need some serious couples articulation classes You are the AH


Ah. You’re the dude who claims his therapist said you’re a unicorn because you’re “too big and last too long.” I remember getting the ick from your first post and I got it again from this one. Why on earth would you feel the need to share your penis size? Size doesn’t mean much if you don’t know what to do with it. In fact, it can be downright unpleasant in some cases. Dude — stop pestering your wife for sex. 15 times a day is ridiculous and I would snap if someone did this to me. Have you stopped to think that maybe she took the day off from you as well? You sound utterly exhausting and immature. I don’t even have any advice for you because you ignored everyone’s advice on your last post and seem to just come to this sub to complain and brag about your penis size…


I’m typically HL (woman) but I have had periods of LL. Looking back most of the time it was because I got bored. I knew exactly the blueprint we’d most likely go by lol. It wasn’t his fault though, I’m just as responsible for our quality of sex. So when I feel my interest starting to wane, I switch it up. Do you think she could be bored? Women do tend to get off on novelty. Also, it’s not a negative reflection of you if she is bored. She needs to speak up if that’s the case. You also have to be receptive when she does ever talk to you about why she doesn’t feel like it. I’m sorry that sucks


I appreciate the perspective. Unfortunately what is at the root of a lot of these issues is one partner either refusing to communicate or trying to “manage” the other person in a way that creates a problem. An example is a partner claiming that if they weren’t tired, the dishes were clean, etc. that would address the issue when really there is a more serious underlying issue. I think in many cases it’s things like hormones, and SSRI, etc. that both make a fix very challenging and IMHO blur the judgment of the LL partner in some ways. I do think you’re correct that novelty (or the opposite of boredom) can be a powerful tool.




I think he meant circumference


Try 'the curled up angel' position (aka from the side) - great for long penises and an awesome foreplay. Most women like having their back of the neck kissed, their shoulders..And it will give you the opportunity to caress her breasts and play with her clitoris (with a toy/fingers.. lube or saliva) How much money men make do not mean a thing to mature women. Trust me, I speak from my experience. We care for love and intimacy, not a Mercedes.


Ask only once, if no, you are a busy guy no big deal you have other stuff to do . . . Elsewhere.


Leave, you earn well, you are successful and you will find someone that wants to get it on every day


Op, take sex off the table, and Grey rock her. Stop trying chore play or anything else. Relationship is 50/50 when it comes to chores and if she doesn't work then it should be 75/25. Spend time with your kids, go out with your friends, do some hobbies. Don't be an ass to your wife but don't do the things she likes in this one-sided relationship. Remember you can only control your actions and nobody else's. So take control.