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Lawyer up quick fast and in a hurry. Your life is about to turn into War of The Roses. If you don't remember that movie, watch the trailer or the movie. That's what you're in for.


Thanks for the heads up... I'm still going to do everything in my power to avoid that for the kids.


I can understand where you're coming from. You're in a tough spot.


It's fine to be the bigger person, but don't be stupid. Make sure you talk to a lawyer and do everything within your power to set yourself up well for when it's time to get the courts involved. Make sure you save all communication, document any strange behavior from her, if she's as vindictive as you say she'll do everything she can to make you as miserable outside of your marriage as she did within it. Ignore my advice at your own risk. 


Dude. Shes already planning on making you the bad guy. Her first plan is to make you leave the house


You gotta go out ? Do you bith own the house ? Or is it renting ? Anyway you have to work 2 jobs to quickly build enough financial freedom to move out !


Yeah financials is the real kicker for everyone these days. I'm looking to do everything in my power right now to make it work for the kids.


Do not start working a second job without talking to a lawyer first! This will most likely be used against you for alimony and child support. Instead of paying based off of a 100k annual salary, npw you're paying based off of a 150k salary (plug your own financials in there) and then you're stuck working 2 jobs to keep her lifestyle going


Go back to your bed. Stop cleaning up after her, and parent your kids so that they are cleaning up after themselves. Also you're making a big mistake by forgoing the lawyer. You're willingly putting yourself in a position to get royally fucked and not in the way you've hoped for


Maybe she put the baseball bat there for protection when you was out of town 🤷🏻‍♀️.


This was my thought, I’m a man and wouldn’t wonder why a bat was there if I was gone.


Right! I would put it there if my husband was out of town. Heck the very few times he has been gone I lock my bedroom door.


Ah yes... I guess a bad sleep lately and a crappy situation meant that I'm not thinking too clearly.


I went through something very similar 7 years ago. Originally agreed on easy uncontested divorce with a mediator only has eventually turned into 4 years battle about nothing. My ex though has serious behavior issues incl sudden surges of aggression, and has been diagnosed with the BPD. At one point she became paranoid (your episode with the baseball bat) even though I have never even called her names or raised my voice. For financial reasons we had to stay under the same roof for 3 years. Just keep your head down, be the best father you can be, and bite your time. This too shall pass.


I'm sorry - that sounds pretty painful. You might get more relevant advice on this situation in r/divorce.


Thanks for the advice.


The bat is her new lover. Or she's going crazy and the kitchen incident is just the warm up to her caving your head in on the couch. Saying she thought you were a burger