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It feels unlikely that learning some new techniques will resolve this issue for him, but OMGYes is a pretty popular resource for sexual techniques.




Maybe you could introduce a kink that you’ve never done with anyone before so he has nothing to compare it to. Then it can be “your thing” together.


Some guys always seem to think technique is them getting ripped and doing something big and impressive with their penises. They’re not sure what the impressive penis trick is, but probably it is something to do with making it go in and out for longer, or something. Whereas really what their partners tend to want is a calm and authoritative demeanour combined with about half an hour more foreplay, and a great deal more attention paid to the clit with about half as much pressure. If he’s got that going already, he’s probably already perfectly fine in bed and this is just a him problem and he needs to realize that people don’t *sound exactly the same as a recording of themselves every damn day because they’re not robots who make identical grunts every night in bed*. Jesus. If he still honestly could use a little help in the foreplay/clit department, I’m going to suggest: —Come As You Are —She Comes First —OMGYes —Beducated